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Need help with infiSTAR



I purchased the latest infiSTAR and installed it, but I had to remove all the BattlEye filters in order to be able to join the server without being kicked (Public Variable Restriction). So now that I can get into the server, I get grey-screened (white sometimes) and so does every other player.


Anyone able to help? Waste of £25 really lol

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Thing is, I NEED to remove them. I'm simply not allowed to have these filters or I get kicked for everything possible. The filters just break everything, yet so does removing them. When I remove them, I can play, but non-admins can't. I really wasn't expecting this much hassle

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It's only kicking because you've either got something on your server causing it or you used the wrong filters or have edited the antihack or config file incorrectly. If it's setup correctly it works perfectly. Do you have a rented server or dedicated server?

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I didn't add anything, but I found these here

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Yeah the admin panel works now, but the BattlEye filters included with the antihack aren't working :/ All sorts of variable kicks, and when I add exceptions, more errors pop up about variable restrictions. I can't even get into the server

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