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Need help with infiSTAR



I purchased the latest infiSTAR and installed it, but I had to remove all the BattlEye filters in order to be able to join the server without being kicked (Public Variable Restriction). So now that I can get into the server, I get grey-screened (white sometimes) and so does every other player.


Anyone able to help? Waste of £25 really lol

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Everything is configured, I've installed the latest filters, I'm still getting Public Variable Restrictions. I can join when I remove the filters, but I sometimes get a grey screen, and so do the other players/admins. And what do you mean server specs? We're hosting on a high speed dedi, a few custom scripts installed but nothing massive, only deploy bike, self bloodbag and suicide. I have the latest version right? AH0330d, only purchased it earlier. Can any of you just give me working filters? 

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Concept is simple - the # in kick message represents a line inside publicvariable.txt or any other filters.

Lets look at how filters work:


1 = Log to .log file only
2 = Log to console/RCON only
3 = Log to both
4 = Silent kick
5 = Kick and log to .log file
6 = Kick and log to console
7 = Kick and log to both


First example will not kick anyone, but will log anyone that uses public variables:

1 ""

In second example, this will kick anyone that uses any public variable instantly:

5 ""

Get it? No? ok look at next example then.

In third example we will kick anyone that uses any variable, EXCEPT variables that start with PVDZE_:

5 "" !"PVDZE_"

In second and third examples players will get kicked with #0 Publicvariable restriction, because our filters, even if they are in second line in file, inside engine its a line 0


Lets take another example that would have different digit instead. Bandaging uses "usec" prefix for public variable, lets kick anyone that uses bandage on server, but let them use morphine:

5 "" !"PVDZE_"
5 "usec" !="usecMorphine"

As you can see, we only whitelisted morphine (is usec and is NOT usecMorphine), so anyone using public variable "usedBandage" will get kicked with PublicVariable restriction #1, since it's a second line. Get it?


For final example lets take createVehicle filter (most popular). We will log some lootpiles (weapon holders) and kick anyone that spawns a foodbox. Hackers loves spawning boxes of weapons, right? Lets kick them.

1 "" !"WeaponHolder"
5 "box" !="ItemMatchbox" !="ItemToolbox"

In this final example we will be logging all loot spawned on server and dropped by players using line #0 (second line). So inside createVehicle.log we will see hundreds of lines reporting loot back to you.

In third line or line #1 we will kick and log anyone that creates (spawns) a box, except matchbox and toolbox.


Hope this helps you actually understand how basics of filters works and give you ability to fix any future problems with filters, as well as whitelist your own custom code.

Best of luck

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Concept is simple - the # in kick message represents a line inside publicvariable.txt or any other filters.

Lets look at how filters work:


1 = Log to .log file only

2 = Log to console/RCON only

3 = Log to both

4 = Silent kick

5 = Kick and log to .log file

6 = Kick and log to console

7 = Kick and log to both


First example will not kick anyone, but will log anyone that uses public variables:

1 ""

In second example, this will kick anyone that uses any public variable instantly:

5 ""

Get it? No? ok look at next example then.

In third example we will kick anyone that uses any variable, EXCEPT variables that start with PVDZE_:

5 "" !"PVDZE_"

In second and third examples players will get kicked with #0 Publicvariable restriction, because our filters, even if they are in second line in file, inside engine its a line 0


Lets take another example that would have different digit instead. Bandaging uses "usec" prefix for public variable, lets kick anyone that uses bandage on server, but let them use morphine:

5 "" !"PVDZE_"
5 "usec" !="usecMorphine"

As you can see, we only whitelisted morphine (is usec and is NOT usecMorphine), so anyone using public variable "usedBandage" will get kicked with PublicVariable restriction #1, since it's a second line. Get it?


For final example lets take createVehicle filter (most popular). We will log some lootpiles (weapon holders) and kick anyone that spawns a foodbox. Hackers loves spawning boxes of weapons, right? Lets kick them.

1 "" !"WeaponHolder"
5 "box" !="ItemMatchbox" !="ItemToolbox"

In this final example we will be logging all loot spawned on server and dropped by players using line #0 (second line). So inside createVehicle.log we will see hundreds of lines reporting loot back to you.

In third line or line #1 we will kick and log anyone that creates (spawns) a box, except matchbox and toolbox.


Hope this helps you actually understand how basics of filters works and give you ability to fix any future problems with filters, as well as whitelist your own custom code.

Best of luck

In addition to this fine post, Take into account anything commented out



for instance:  

line1: //new
line2: 5 "" !"PVDZE_"
line3: 5 "usec" !="usecMorphine"

if the kick message says for #2

then the effected line is actually line3


due to the commented out line



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If you mean other servers, nope. I've installed a few scripts, but they're only basic ones like Deploy Bike, Self-bloodbag, Suicide, Tow & Refuel, Anti-theft at traders, DZMS etc. Nothing massive really. Is there no way I can just remove all these filters and still let players connect?

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