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    PetuniaEpoch reacted to salival in [Release] Salivals Mod Pack [Updated for 1.0.7]   
    Hello, you don't copy anything to the overwatch directory at all, you just reference it in your startup path and change your mission.sqm to include the overwatch mods.
    The error you mention is normally because your clients are loading epoch before overwatch. Overwatch needs to be called on the command line first
    I'm on my phone so this could be a terrible explanation, long story short it's not the modpack causing this
  2. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to knights†emplar in Epoch lacking what it was :(   
    and sometimes nothing is born out of nothing!
  3. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to vbawol in Increase vehicle lock time beyond reboots?   
    The idea was that if it was like we did in A2, eventually most vehicles you find would be locked and nothing sucks more than running 2k for a vehicle that is locked. That said we could add a feature to allow the locking mechanism to last for longer than a restart and potentially for days if set that way. How many of you are interested in that?
  4. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from TheVampire in Mission Question General   
    Pretty sure traders are resistance, but I may be wrong...

    Check: \@Epoch\Addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\EPOCH_SpawnTraderMiltia.sqf (_grp = createGroup RESISTANCE)

    Pretty sure that's the trader spawn and that they are resistance.

    Also, for AI form the copter (EPOCH_supportCopter.sqf, in the same folder as above -  _grp = createGroup RESISTANCE)

    So seems both AI and traders are indeed on RESISTANCE... which... seems odd :S
  5. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to Defent in Mission Question General   
    I'm setting relations because I think the preset relations are neutral. I have seen no issues between AI and traders as of yet and yes the traders are spawned in as RESISTANCE. I can't really say much more I suppose. Check the files and see what you can figure out. 
  6. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to TheVampire in Mission Question General   
    Are you setting hostile relations or do they already exist?
    If the traders are on the hostile side, I would think it would cause issues. If you could double check their side for me I would appreciate it.
  7. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from ZENITHOVMAN in Working Missions System   
    Hey :) hiw about, for vehicles client side without repeats, wrapping the spawn script in an:

    if (isServer) then {

    // spawn code or execVM here Drsubo :)


    Command? This should work i think, allowing to do stuff client side in mission pbo but only run on server so no dupes for clients ;) (i used similar in arma2 - for a bus route script - worth checking tho as not used it in arma 3 yet i don't think and I'm not 100% syntax is correct as am using iphone so can't check, lol!)

    I've checked out your files too btw! I'm also working on a small mission system too on localhost ;) will share when polished and give credits if i use any of your stuff for sure :)

  8. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to vbawol in Legal question for mods about encrypting files   
    If you read further into the license you will see that it is to prevent others from placing these types of restrictions on our files.

    It has only been one day since we released the server files. We will be opening things up more as we progress and possibly even change the license. Look at it this way we could have just kept the server files 100% private till 1.0. However, I made the choice to release now so we can get more feedback, testers and bugs fixed and to let the community in on testing. Once you do get your hands in our code it will be much more polished, stable and solid and documented. 
    That said, most of the changes people want to make will be config options. For example increasing the antagonist spawn rates or disabling them will be added as a feature. Most everything else can be done as a separate server side mod or mission file changes.
    If we do not control the current code base early on it will be much harder for us to fix bugs as they are found instead of server admins fixing it themselves and then not reporting the bugs to us.
  9. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from hambeast in Legal question for mods about encrypting files   
    Just a question is all.
    Epoch mod is released, I'm told, under the 
    'Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International' Creative Commons license.
    As such, distributing edits is NOT allowed, but editing IS allowed - Someone correct me if I'm wrong with that, but that's how I read it.
    The license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) also states: 

    Technological measures is then further defined here:

    A key part being this:

    My question then, is if the above license grants the right to edit so long as those edits are NOT distributed, does this encryption not prevent people from exercising that right (see 'all rights' in the quote above).

    Just a little confused. I mean I understand the need to keep EPOCH clean, especially as it's in early stages, but when it was mentioned people would be able to make their own mods for EPOCH, just not mess with EPOCH's core, I (and I think also others) didn't imaging this would extend to locking the PBOs so that any extra mods cannot be added (without requiring clients to download and add a launch parameter extra).

    I had no intention of messing with the EPOCH files, but did want to add things to the PBO (so an execvm would be the extent of my edits to EPOCH core).

    What I find sad about this, is that EPOCH got popular for one reason - people modding it. In fact, a few of the modifications done by the community were not at first that much welcomed by EPOCH devs (indestructible bases - I remember a whole on-going argument about that, with vbAWOL saying over and again he wouldn't implement it, despite the vast majority of people on the forum wanting it!)

    So the community made tweaks to put in the functionality people wanted - some were indeed liked by devs and welcomed - and thus EPOCH grew. With things like the bases argument - if the situation back then was as it is now, with no ability to make add-on mods, a whole chunk of EPOCH's core functionality would be missing!

    Now all the folks who've dutifully waited for server files to be released, holding off on making any mods and refrained from using the hacked scripts from 'the forum that won't be named' have been locked out of making pretty much any tweaks - not only to core files, but also by including any extra functionality without requiring extra add-ons.

    This is sad because although I understand your request NOT to mess with the epoch core files, what you've done by blocking the ability to edit the pbos, is stifle a hell of a lot of creativity that the EPOCH community has. A creativity that helped EPOCH get to where it is in the first place. Shame.

    Anyway </rant> - Back to the license question, as it appears that the encryption is preventing people for carrying out their legal rights (to edit, under the terms of the creative commons license, without distributing).

    I may of course be wrong - open to others take on these rules. Please do read the links above carefully though :)

    <start the flaming>
  10. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to vbawol in Commercial hosts win, communities lose, how come ?   
    We are trying to work out some issues before the files go public, we may not be able to fix them all in time for today's release but the files will be released today.
  11. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to MGT in will the A3 Epoch Server Files feature a Mysql Database?   
    Nothing to do with profile, that's what the users of the leaked files thought it was, the system it uses is Redis.
    Awol is developing a tool to access the database, but if you're confident you can use Redis Manager.
  12. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from DoberMan Pin-Sure in Discussion: Official Server Files Release Date!   
    The CC license does seem to allow, as pointed out above, edits so long as you don't distribute those changes 
    Of course if you mod the mission.pbo then technically you WILL be distributing that in a way, as it's downloaded to client machines ;) Server pbo, not. Not sure if mission.pbo would be classed as distributing?
    That said, now vbawol has explained the reasons for their request and how they want EPOCH to develop into a framework, I quite like the challenge of making mods for EPOCH, without changing their files (except of course calls to the mods from the init file or server side :D).
    I for one will be sticking to their request irrespective of what the CC license says - I'll just plan ways to make interesting additions that are like stand-alone mods, as I can see why the EPOCH devs request that instead, makes sense! :) 
    Love the idea that the devs will be giving some guidance on how to make mods for EPOCH too :D
  13. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to vbawol in Discussion: Official Server Files Release Date!   
    If you posted there I do appreciate you showing interest as that did influence my decision to push for the server files to be released sooner. However, we will not be adding additional official hosts at this time as there are simply too many to try to sort though and my time is better spent right now working to get the public release ready.
  14. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from Tech_Support in Confused! vbawol say's don't give gear for donations, then teams with someone that 'sells' in-game gear???   
    Indeed. However that is just referring to DONOR LOADOUTS... Gear, other than donor loadouts are not acceptable according to VBAWOL's post, and it doesn't appear that what is being sold on that page is a loadouts as such (as in - gear you spawn with when dying). Or maybe I got that wrong?
    Also, VBAWOL says no epoch items - Hmmm, where's the money from thats part of their offering? That not Epoch? 
    [EDIT: Ahhh I see - Epoch ones don't have the money! MMMmmkay.]
    So, selling gear like the sponsors do is fine - but not any other way? I don't get the reason for this. And, why is it okay to give a reward of stuff from any other mod, but not Epoch?
    I just want to understand the reasoning behind it is all! Not trying to be a dick! I like the fact Epoch gets sponsorship now! They deserve it! But then so do server owners who spend countless hours sorting out their servers, reporting bugs, fixing stuff for players etc!
    Just seems a bit odd to me. Condemning server hosts for giving perks for donations, but then taking sponsorship from, and ADVERTISING a server host that does just that!
    Why can't it be the same rule for all? We're all just trying to improve our games/servers anyway! 
    I guess I'll shut up now, before I annoy anyone! I just don't get why its okay to reward with dayz/arma stuff, but not Epoch stuff! 
    Last point tho - Don't take any of this the wrong way VBAWOL - I love epoch, and you do a great job!
  15. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from Tech_Support in Confused! vbawol say's don't give gear for donations, then teams with someone that 'sells' in-game gear???   
    I want to add...
    I actually think it's cool Epoch gets a sponsor. Helps to get the dev queue down, helps Epoch get even better - all good! And I have no issue with the sponsorship coming from a company that's making some of their money selling in-game gear and perks either!
    I just wish that vbawol realised that us small server owners are just trying to do the same thing! Get a few $ per month so that we can grow our servers, upgrade hardware, and generally develop as we grow! And one mechanism we do that (some of us) is indeed through rewards for donations - just like Epoch now benefits from :)
  16. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from Tech_Support in Confused! vbawol say's don't give gear for donations, then teams with someone that 'sells' in-game gear???   
    Vbawol, I'd like some clarification please.
    As a server owner, we do accept donations, and we do reward people for those donations.
    Here, you appear to condemn server owners offering gear for donations: http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3488-donations-are-supposed-to-be-given-without-return-consideration/ - THEN lock the thread so that nobody can discuss...
    YET HERE you state that EPOCH itself is accepting sponsorship from a DayZ server host that HAS A SHOP for SELLING GEAR! - http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3535-new-development-server-sponsored-by-bmrf/
    It's not like they offer small things either! up to $50 donations, and 'in-game gear' like:
     WEAPON Golden AKS & revolver /w 3 mags    SPECIAL $500 on spawn, carry 2 primaries    MEDICAL 2x medkit    ITEMS 1x rangefinders, 3x can of food, 3x water bottle, 1x (full) jerrycan, skin pack So which is it?
    Are you really saying that us small guys that are trying to get donations to keep our servers going don't meet with your approval, whilst accepting sponsorship from a dayz server host that has a shop for in-game gear???
    I REALLY like Epoch, seriously! best dayz mod there is, and you guys do a GREAT job! but I don't like server hosts being condemned for something that your sponsors also do, and that you then benefit from too!
    Have I got something wrong here?
    My own personal views are that I don't mind Donor slots as long as they allow plenty of free space on the server (WE use them! our 30 slot server is 30 + 5 donor slots, and if we get more donations we can upgrade hardware, and increase both free, and donor slots - to keep it fair).
    I also don't mind donor loadouts, or BASIC goods being available via a real world store, so long as its not game changing
    So I have no issue with what the new sponsors do!
    I just have issue with EPOCH saying this shouldn't be done by us server hosts, and then accepting sponsorship from someone - meaning they are likely benefiting from something that they tell us shouldn't be done!
  17. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from Thatch in [Release] The Trainyard (Trader City west of Kamenka)   
    Looks great! VERY nice work :)
    I'll be adding this sometime this weekend, nice job man!
  18. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to fr1nk in Where can i turn of overburden   
    DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = false;
  19. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to fr1nk in [INFO] DZE Configs & Variables / Init   
    Godmode itself doesn't prevent your ability to maintain, but you need to make sure the setDamageonAge event is scheduled:   https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server%20Files/SQL/add_recommended_mysql_events.sql#L90 -- ---------------------------- -- Event structure for setDamageOnAge -- ---------------------------- DROP EVENT IF EXISTS `setDamageOnAge`; DELIMITER ;; CREATE EVENT `setDamageOnAge` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY COMMENT 'This sets damage on a wall so that it can be maintained' DO UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Damage`=0.1 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') ) ;; DELIMITER ; This will "damage" walls, floors, etc every day so they can be maintained.
  20. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to fr1nk in Epoch ??? GTX has it?   
    They probably got overzealous and updated their site in anticipation of the old September release date for, and never bothered to change it back.
  21. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to axeman in Dog Brain   
    Updated Today:
    Dog now has 60/40 chance of going straight into attack mode, is he an antagonist or is he your friend ? There are ways to tell and ways to tame, maybe, sometimes :)
    Vehicle bug fixed - Dogs still don't like vehicles though.
    Dispose range increased - Player can go on loot runs, even in a vehicle, up to 1km before dog will be disposed of.
    Dog Killer Updated - Currently removed as we have a chance at spawn for dog to be an antagonist and issues with killing other dogs when you have a friendly dog. Will be re-introduced..
    Hunger - Dog hunger level introduced - To be used to ensure dogs loyalty and change behaviour, starve your pouch and he may turn on you (WIP).
  22. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to vbawol in Dog Brain   
    From Axeman:
    Dog is currently a little less aggressive, I couldn't get the player damage working. Sounds are local, I guess as not using pubvar (both to be updated)
    Track / Wander - New spawn will track the player, keeping a distance, barking and wandering randomly.
    Hide (Not fully tested) - Dogs don't like vehicles.
    Look At - Dog will edge towards a crouched player whining (dog cry) randomly.
    See / Eat Food - Dog will eat food that it likes if on the floor.
    Taming - Once a dog eats food you have tamed it.
    Follow - Dog will follow his master (player who tamed it).
    Play / Kill Prey - Dog will play with animals (rabbit, chicken, snake currently) it will then kill them and create a weaponholder with the normal outcome from killing an animal. eg. Rabbit = carcass and pelt
    Mourn - Dog will sit at the site of it's dead master crying.
    Dispose - Dog will be disposed once player is out of range (500m)
    Alert - Dog may bark and point towards other players if in the vicinity.
    Dog Killer - If you kill a dog you are marked and dogs will always go into attack mode. Small chance of forgiveness and is possible to break the cycle with taming attempts.
    Needs work: The weapon holder is invisible unless you are in range and crouching, It is currently just similar to a Ground Weapon Holder so items move with the dog along the floor when you are in range (3m).
    Potential for the dog to become a mobile backpack, other players may be able to 'steal' your dog by taming him.
  23. Like
    PetuniaEpoch got a reaction from hogscraper in [How To] Add Epochs Building Scripts to Right-Click Options (by Petunia)   
    Man, sorry for the CRAZY delay in replying to you!
    OF COURSE it's okay to use what I did! Mostly I just modded other files anyway so, as long as you give creds all good (to epoch devs really, not too bothered for myself as they did the real work!). :D
  24. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to Sequisha in Lewis sneaks in a little early.   
    As it should be.  It's in an infantile state at the moment, simply a proof of concept.  It fits into the larger scheme of how it will all congeal together when it is fully implemented with all of the right pieces.

    You'll see ;)
  25. Like
    PetuniaEpoch reacted to elec in Groundfog! It has to be in the mod!!!   
    please please please, you have to put that fog in the game, its not a extra mod, its directly in the game! that will increase the atmosphere dramatically!! watch that video, its freaking easy to use
    And i whatched the PsiSyndicate Epoch preview video today and i was thinking "hopefully they remember to put off the normal streetlights and every other electrical thing on the map" except cars and things the'll run with a generator.
    thank you guys... im so happy about that many features that i have seen in the psisyn video... verry verry cool stuff!!!
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