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    cen got a reaction from insertcoins in 'Arma2OA.exe stopped working." When I respawn.   
    This was posted by one of my admins on our forums:
    Quite a few people over the last few weeks have been asking for help with their game crashing on startup / at random moments in the game. So i thought i'd share what worked for me :) I hope these steps work as good for you as they do for me, but i can't guarantee this will work for you! So basically for those of you that have problems with your game crashing on joining / starting up the game, try adding the following line in your startup parameters on dayz commander under settings: -malloc=system For those of you that crash ingame at random moments, go to your Battleye folder and manually delete all files in there and "verify game cache" on steam which then should *renew* your battleye files and sort the problem (only works for those of you who have steam). For me, my Battleye folder is under: E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\BattlEye If all that doesn't work, you may want to do a fresh install of Arma 2 and Epoch and repeat the steps above. In case any of you reading this have other useful tips, please share! :D Hope this helped and good luck!
  2. Like
    cen got a reaction from Chewy in [HowTo] add Chernarus-Spawnselection   
    Having an issue when users select the random spawn (in the middle) they are getting blank worldspace coords, so they get stuck on requesting character data.
    Any fix?
  3. Like
    cen got a reaction from Turtle in Show us your loadScreen!   
    Got a mispelling
    ...Block Hight Loot-Points
  4. Like
    cen got a reaction from Turtle in Self Bloodbag Script   
    no, you never change dayz_code.pbo otherwise it won't be signed and nobody will be able to join your server.
  5. Like
    cen got a reaction from Dactyl in What is it you want/dont want your servers to have?   
    hiveext.ini cleanup placed objects should be -1
  6. Like
    cen got a reaction from Buck0 in [Release] Deploy Bike Extendet   
    This is a much better method for pack.sqf:
    if (false) then { // player is in combat and cant pack his bike cutText [format["You are in combat and cannot re-pack your bike."], "PLAIN DOWN"]; } else { if (typeOf cursorTarget == "Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1" || typeOf cursorTarget == "Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1") then { // player is looking at a bike and the target has a bike classname // delete it first to avoid player changing to another target deletevehicle cursorTarget; player removeAction s_player_deploybike2; player playActionNow "Medic"; r_interrupt = false; player addWeapon "ItemToolbox"; _dis=10; _sfx = "repair"; [player,_sfx,0,false,_dis] call dayz_zombieSpeak; [player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies; sleep 6; cutText [format["You have packed your bike and been given back your toolbox"], "PLAIN DOWN"]; r_interrupt = false; player switchMove ""; player playActionNow "stop"; } else { // player is not looking at a bike, or target does not have a bike classname cutText [format["You have to be facing your bike to re-pack it!"], "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; };
  7. Like
    cen got a reaction from Turtle in [Release] Deploy Bike Extendet   
    For one, you did not create this.
    The original script for this came from Player2 on opendayz.net.
    Secondly, your pack.sqf is badly written and will delete any object that the user is looking at including buildings and built objects.
  8. Like
    cen got a reaction from Fuz in [Release] Deploy Bike Extendet   
    For one, you did not create this.
    The original script for this came from Player2 on opendayz.net.
    Secondly, your pack.sqf is badly written and will delete any object that the user is looking at including buildings and built objects.
  9. Like
    cen got a reaction from williamjbrown in [Release] Deploy Bike Extendet   
    For one, you did not create this.
    The original script for this came from Player2 on opendayz.net.
    Secondly, your pack.sqf is badly written and will delete any object that the user is looking at including buildings and built objects.
  10. Like
    cen got a reaction from Uro in [Release] Deploy Bike Extendet   
    For one, you did not create this.
    The original script for this came from Player2 on opendayz.net.
    Secondly, your pack.sqf is badly written and will delete any object that the user is looking at including buildings and built objects.
  11. Like
    cen got a reaction from Garett1169 in [RELEASE] Build Snapping - Extended v1.6 (Updated 02/20/2014)   
    +1 make this standard for 1.0.5.
  12. Like
    cen got a reaction from adg in [Tutorial] Clickable self-bloodbag with configurable limitations (Updated 02/21/2014)   
    You are missing some };
    Should be:
    class ExtraRc { class ItemToolbox { class BikeDeploy { text = "Construct bike"; script = "execVM 'deploys\bike\deploy.sqf'"; }; }; class ItemBloodbag { class Use { text = "Use Bloodbag"; script = "execVM 'custom\bloodbag\SelfBB.sqf'"; }; }; };
  13. Like
    cen reacted to Seriousjoker in Please add the gun pack from Overwatch into 1.0.5   
    Having the same old guns are getn a lil boring...Think its about time to spice it up a lil? Id like to see the guns in overwatch added to epoch..NOW THAT WOULD BE EPOCH!
  14. Like
    cen reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in DZMS mission spawn points for Napf   
    This is for the DZMS and the Napf map: 
    If you use DZMS on Napf, you know that most of the missions are spawning in the south side of the map, in the mountains. The best way to fix this is with static spawn points for the missions. I opened the map in the editor and went around the map, placing units any place that it seemed to make sense for a mission to spawn. Any place that was steep, or very inaccessible by ground, I did not place a unit. I did place a unit on some of the islands.
    So, to use these new spawn points, change the DZMSStaticPlc to True:
  15. Like
    cen reacted to gopostal in Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System   
    I have an entire missions package built for WAI but it will only work on Napf as many of the positions and quests are coded for things in that map. For instance I built a "UFO Crash" mission that spawns in the dish array. It's just a Ka137, but it's a blast watching the players work it out when they see it for the first time. Most have never played wasteland so it's new to them. There's a beachhead invasion with patrol boats and air support, missions with waves of attackers spawned by the players as they clear the first group, a mission that seemingly is quite easy until they get cut off and surrounded, stuff like that. WAI has simple parameters but you can craft some interesting scenarios with a little effort.
    My servers are themed out as "Legion owns Napf" so the missions all reflect this. The AI share a common uniform, the in-game messaging is written to reflect this, it's all tied together in a nice package and not disjointed. Makes for a good experience.
    I sent Vampire my missions for inclusion into his projects if he wanted and I'd be happy to show you guys how to customize your missions if you want. I don't want to post mine as they are though because I've put a lot of work and testing in them but I'd damn sure spend some time with you in TS and explain for you how to customize yours. As a way to help you guys by example here is a custom mission I run:
    private ["_playerPresent","_cleanmission","_currenttime","_starttime","_missiontimeout","_vehname","_veh","_position","_vehclass","_vehdir","_objPosition"]; _vehclass = "CH_47F_EP1_DZE"; _vehname = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehclass >> "displayName"); _position = [18419,5880.08,0.002]; diag_log format["WAI: Mission Death Valley Started At %1",_position]; _veh = createVehicle [_vehclass,_position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehdir = round(random 360); _veh setDir _vehdir; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _veh; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _veh; _veh setVariable ["ObjectID","1",true]; PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor set [count PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor,_veh]; diag_log format["WAI: Mission Death Valley spawned a %1",_vehname]; _objPosition = getPosATL _veh; _rndnum = round (random 3) + 4; [[18438.7, 5819.19, 0], //position _rndnum, //Number Of units 1, //Skill level 0-1. Has no effect if using custom skills "Random", //Primary gun set number. "Random" for random weapon set. 4, //Number of magazines "", //Backpack "" for random or classname here. "CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ", //Skin "" for random or classname here. "Random", //Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set. true ] call spawn_group; [[18479.8, 5834.96, 0], //position 8, //Number Of units 1, //Skill level 0-1. Has no effect if using custom skills "Random", //Primary gun set number. "Random" for random weapon set. 4, //Number of magazines "", //Backpack "" for random or classname here. "CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ", //Skin "" for random or classname here. "Random", //Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set. true ] call spawn_group; [[[18470.8, 5799.16, 0],[18460.5, 5830.6, 0],[18467.1, 5819.52, 0]], //position(s) (can be multiple). "M2StaticMG", //Classname of turret 0.5, //Skill level 0-1. Has no effect if using custom skills "CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ", //Skin "" for random or classname here. 0, //Primary gun set number. "Random" for random weapon set. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False) 2, //Number of magazines. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False) "", //Backpack "" for random or classname here. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False) "Random", //Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False) true ] call spawn_static; [[18438.7, 5819.19, 0], //Position to patrol [18438.7, 5819.19, 0], // Position to spawn chopper at 300, //Radius of patrol 6, //Number of waypoints to give "UH1H_DZ", //Classname of vehicle (make sure it has driver and two gunners) 0 //Skill level of units ] spawn heli_patrol; [[18438.7, 5819.19, 0], //Position that units will be dropped by [0,0,0], //Starting position of the heli 600, //Radius from drop position a player has to be to spawn chopper "UH1H_DZ", //Classname of chopper (Make sure it has 2 gunner seats!) 7, //Number of units to be para dropped 1, //Skill level 0-1 or skill array number if using custom skills "Random" for random Skill array. "Random", //Primary gun set number. "Random" for random weapon set. 4, //Number of magazines "", //Backpack "" for random or classname here. "CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ", //Skin "" for random or classname here. "Random", //Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set. False //True: Heli will stay at position and fight. False: Heli will leave if not under fire. ] spawn heli_para; [_position,"Death Valley"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\compile\markers.sqf"; _hint = parseText format["<t align=center' color='#ff0000' shadow='2' size='1.75'>DEATH VALLEY!</t><br/><t align='center' color='#ffffff'>Legion is gathering forces in a valley, team up and go wipe out them out! </t&gt]; customRemoteMessage = ['hint', _hint]; publicVariable "customRemoteMessage"; _missiontimeout = true; _cleanmission = false; _playerPresent = false; _starttime = floor(time); while {_missiontimeout} do { sleep 5; _currenttime = floor(time); {if((isPlayer _x) AND (_x distance _position <= 150)) then {_playerPresent = true};}forEach playableUnits; if (_currenttime - _starttime >= wai_mission_timeout) then {_cleanmission = true;}; if ((_playerPresent) OR (_cleanmission)) then {_missiontimeout = false;}; }; if (_playerPresent) then { [_veh,[_vehdir,_objPosition],_vehclass,true,"0"] call custom_publish; waitUntil { sleep 5; _playerPresent = false; {if((isPlayer _x) AND (_x distance _position <= 30)) then {_playerPresent = true};}forEach playableUnits; (_playerPresent) }; diag_log format["WAI: Mission Death Valley Ended At %1",_position]; _hint = parseText format["<t align=center' color='#00FF11' shadow='2' size='1.75'>SUCCESS!</t><br/><t align='center' color='#ffffff'>Survivors have taken Death Valley!</t&gt]; customRemoteMessage = ['hint', _hint]; publicVariable "customRemoteMessage"; } else { clean_running_mission = True; deleteVehicle _veh; {_cleanunits = _x getVariable "missionclean"; if (!isNil "_cleanunits") then { switch (_cleanunits) do { case "ground" : {ai_ground_units = (ai_ground_units -1);}; case "air" : {ai_air_units = (ai_air_units -1);}; case "vehicle" : {ai_vehicle_units = (ai_vehicle_units -1);}; case "static" : {ai_emplacement_units = (ai_emplacement_units -1);}; }; deleteVehicle _x; sleep 0.05; }; } forEach allUnits; diag_log format["WAI: Mission Death Valley Timed Out At %1",_position]; _hint = parseText format["<t align=center' color='#ff1133' shadow='2' size='1.75'>FAILED</t><br/><t align='center' color='#ffffff'>Survivors did not secure Death Valley!</t&gt]; customRemoteMessage = ['hint', _hint]; publicVariable "customRemoteMessage"; }; missionrunning = false; This spawns a pretty hard mission located in a valley in the SE part of Napf. Players think it's easy as they have the high ground, but there are a couple of suprises as they work the mission. This has nice pop-ups for mission spawn, success or failure, and is pretty easy to edit for other places/missions. I'd appreciate admins respecting my "Legion" idea but I'm happy to share and help you make your own missions.
    BTW, as a bit of advice it's a good idea to spend time speccing your players run your custom stuff. They are very good at finding things you hadn't thought of and it also lets you reinforce parts of the mission that are too easy or tone down things that are too hard. My missions go through several rewrites as they are played on-server to account for my guys figuring them out or finding them too hard. It's a process and doing it right requires some effort on your part as the mission designer. It works too, as we are considering whitelisting because the player base is getting larger than I want to manage.
  16. Like
    cen reacted to MGT in Are all epoch servers suffering right now?   
    Sure fire way to kill a community - Divide it, we get asked daily to open a 2nd Chernarus server but we've seen what it does.
  17. Like
    cen got a reaction from Uro in Bully problems   
    trolls get banned.
  18. Like
    cen got a reaction from Richie in New member ranks.   
    That cuts pretty deep man :(
  19. Like
    cen got a reaction from TheVampire in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Working great!
  20. Like
    cen got a reaction from BetterDeadThanZed in Adding vehicles to the map that players can't use   
    This is how Vampire does it for the mission vehicle:
    //And lets keep people out _wreck setHit ["motor", 1]; _wreck setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",true,true]; _wreck setVariable ["BTC_Cannot_Lift",true,true]; _wreck removeAllEventHandlers "Killed"; _wreck removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; _wreck setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _wreck removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn"; _wreck addEventHandler ["GetIn",{ if (isPlayer (_this select 2)) then { (_this select 2) action ["getOut",(_this select 0)]; (_this select 0) setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; (_this select 0) removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn"; }; }];
  21. Like
    cen got a reaction from insertcoins in Reliable Epoch Server Hosts?   
    Dedicated server. Then you can only blame yourself :D
  22. Like
    cen got a reaction from TheVampire in Adding vehicles to the map that players can't use   
    This is how Vampire does it for the mission vehicle:
    //And lets keep people out _wreck setHit ["motor", 1]; _wreck setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",true,true]; _wreck setVariable ["BTC_Cannot_Lift",true,true]; _wreck removeAllEventHandlers "Killed"; _wreck removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; _wreck setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _wreck removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn"; _wreck addEventHandler ["GetIn",{ if (isPlayer (_this select 2)) then { (_this select 2) action ["getOut",(_this select 0)]; (_this select 0) setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; (_this select 0) removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn"; }; }];
  23. Like
    cen got a reaction from MGT in Epoch Panthera eta?   
    Yup, we've updated but left our server name as until the install is renamed properly.
    This caused a lot of issues yesterday where players would "repair" their install and then not be able to join since they were using updated files.
  24. Like
    cen got a reaction from Nekuan in [RELEASE] Build Snapping - Extended v1.6 (Updated 02/20/2014)   
    This player_build.sqf should work: http://pastebin.com/uT3EQRvi
  25. Like
    cen got a reaction from MGT in Epoch Panthera eta?   
    AWOL, looks like the update went through but it's still labeled as that's why my players are having key issues, they can't downgrade since there's no old versions, can we fix that?
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