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    Georgie reacted to ElDubya in Offering Server Scripting Help   
    You should also add that you aren't offering this "service" free of charge. 
  2. Like
    Georgie got a reaction from lippy89 in Custom Traders Not Working?   
    I would strongly recommend using config based traders and not on the database. Much better performance and MUCH Easier to work with.
  3. Like
    Georgie reacted to JonasF in Help from scripter   
    Dont know where to look for this really but atm it would be nice to come in contact with a good scripter to help out.
    Have a dedicated server and atm 2 servers running on it, im still learning about scripiting and got help from a guy that has more experience.
    Now got quite good knowledge how stuff works, but bugs and so are still showing up and we want to expand and give our
    players an even more lag free and bug free experience.
    Soo... can I ask here for any scripter that want to join in on helping out with a quite popular community that actually is just waiting 
    to grow.. ?
  4. Like
    Georgie got a reaction from BigEgg in [Tutorial] How to install an Overpoch Server   
    Nice man!
  5. Like
    Georgie reacted to lowrey in Dedicated Box for Overpoch   
    Dayz Overpoch? first of all you'll want to post in the correct place ;)
    Next use YouTube. There are so many good video guides there to help you get started.
  6. Like
    Georgie reacted to Monk in Suggestions for Features and Items for Epoch   
    I thought I'd share a mish mash of some of the ideas of features and items I have had that I think would be worthwhile additions to Epoch.

    Environmental Dangers:
    Inspired by the much loved anomalies from S.T.A.L.K.E.R
    Environmental dangers (radiation being an easy example) that can be found throughout the map these could be static or ideally move around the map like a miasma over a long period of time.
    Assuming the miasma was 300m x 300m it might only move 80m over a restart but taken over the lifetime of a server could end up causing a player exodus from a particular part of the map as it becomes unsafe.
    The static environmental hazards could even generate special loot and depending on how long it has been left undisturbed could pay a better reward
    giving players a decision to protect a spot to have better loot, or decide to loot early if the situation dictates.

    Other "Key" Items:
    Imagine the player has to pick between their beloved GPS or a Geiger counter?
    There would need to be some kind of sensor the player can carry that can detect the direction and strength of the environmental dangers and importantly using the same slots as other key items will hopefully force players to think a bit more about their loadout.

    Protected Oxygen Supply:
    A couple of hours, maybe. We'll start to feel it, and then we won't feel nothing at all.
    Using the rebreather as a base to then craft a makeshift respiration system allowing players to enter the danger zones at the cost of energy to keep the rebreather working, The rebreather provides the players oxygen supply, so running out of power won't be pleasant.
    The player would still gain toxicity as they are not wearing protective clothing sacrificing the vest storage + armour from the slot.

    A Drone of my Own:
    But you'll be in control of Skynet, right?
    Player controlled UGV, Player crafted and unarmed. Used to recover "special loot" from very dangerous areas, too dangerous even for makeshift rebreather.
    Player controller UAV, Allow the player to craft a Darter drone. Great for reconnaissance, and rigging it to be able to drop a couple of grenades could prove interesting.

    Ground Storage:
    Booby-trapped. Touch those tanks and boom!
    Allow the player to bury a small cache of supplies, the storage will be crafted (some metal + some metal + keypad + electronic components) and can be booby-trapped (grenade) will explode if wrong code entered. Requires shovel or similar to bury can be buried by hand at the cost of some HP/Stamina/other. Limit of 1-2 caches per player ID. covers the niche that tents covered in DayZ. Lets the player feel like they own something without the efforts of owning a base


    Want to own something more than some junk in a hole in the ground? Then upgrade to knapsack today!
    This craftable object/kit holds specific packable items to make a basic camp. Teepee/Tent - Fire starting kit (this could have limited charges) - First Aid/Food/Drink. I would see this as being an item taking up the launcher slot on the inventory and would certainly be visible on the player. This has many applications outside of being a players portable home (think setting up ambushes). This would provide a basic structure the player could own and could be secured with a combination lock, much like the ground stash.
    It will also bring about a lower tier of base ownership, and work well alongside my next suggestion as well as allowing conventional base building to viewed as a progression. And most importantly, it will facilitate (to some degree) keeping players poor but not destitute.

    Wide Radius Jammer:
    This jammer would be used for laying claim to an area of land, however there would be limited item types can be built on the jammer. I imagine these building objects would be close to the HESCO barriers and other fortification materials and by design would be largely recoverable. This would hopefully foster the idea of player villages with small bases/buildings (using the regular jammer and a small radius) safely inside the HESCO-esque walls.

    Expansion on current features:
    More things and information (even if it's just our own scribbles on the map) to sync to [tinfoil hat] wherever it really is that all these clones seem to be transferring this supposed currency "Krypto", which I might add is only used by these supposed "traders" [/tinfoil hat]

    Disclaimer - I have no real idea as to the viability of my suggestions, perhaps they're relatively simple or I could be asking the devs to move the heaven and earth.

    Either way, any and all feedback is appreciated.
    Oh! and suggestions for a better thread title, this one seems a bit meh.
  7. Like
    Georgie reacted to Zupa in Scripting For Noobs   
    I hope u aren't asking money for this ^^
  8. Like
    Georgie reacted to vbawol in Epoch Released   
    Epoch Mod Client Files have been released on Steam Workshop and the rest of the download links on epochmod.com will be updated soon.
    Server files released on github.com/EpochModTeam
    Change logs - Also see what server files have changed here.
    Report bugs
  9. Like
    Georgie reacted to Gr8 in [RELEASE] Really Random Loadouts   
    Also why did you choose to make another function if you can use BIS_fnc_selectRandom
    Like So :
    _primary = ["M16A2","M16A4","M4A1","Sa58P_EP1","Sa58V_EP1","AKS_74_U","AK_47_M","AK_74","FN_FAL","Winchester1866","MR43","M1014","LeeEnfield","Saiga12K","huntingrifle"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _possibleMags = getArray (configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _primary >> "magazines"); _ammo = _possibleMags select 0;
  10. Like
    Georgie reacted to ElDubya in Epoch 1.0.6   
    More default maps than just Cherno, Napf and Sauerlands.
    Add some different buildables to what we already have, if the Epoch team were working on some for a later release :)
  11. Like
    Georgie reacted to seelenapparat in Determine what skin a player is wearing   
    I think what Zupa means is that the waituntil in the while loop will not work.
  12. Like
    Georgie reacted to Richie in Player Crypto ban?   
    You can change from the default 25k, edit security_checks.h

    class limits {         playerCrypto = 25000;     };
  13. Like
    Georgie reacted to RipSaw in Looking for pro scripter that can help with adding banking   
    PM me and I can help you out :)
  14. Like
    Georgie reacted to IT07 in So tired of all the disrespect towards community scripters   
    Hi everyone, this time I am posting a totally different topic.
    It is about the disrespect towards community scripters that is very well and alive in this huge community.
    What I mean with this is that there are TONS of people/admins/players in this community that just grab whatever script they can find and trash it into their server (Most of them do not even know how)
    and then EXPECT US (by us I mean the scripters) to FIX IT FOR THEM.... I mean like, where does that come from? Does the community think we are some sort of charity scripters?
    I am so tired of all that crap. Of course I am not scripting for money, but even the amount of thanks/credits/respect is to CRY ABOUT.
    At the moment of writing this, my continued version of VEMF has about 5000(!) views. And guess what? Only about 6(!!!!) different people replied by either saying thanks or some other respectful message.
    Think about that again! ONLY SIX OUT OF FIVE THOUSAND were respectful enough to say thanks or something else....
    To make it even worse; among those people that reply are usually people that reply with only: "uugghh It does not work" or "I have an error" or "Change that because it does not work on my server". Everytime I receive a message like that I get soooo pissed because it basically says: (excuse my French) "**** you and your script I do not care about all of that time you put into this I am just a selfish bastard that only cares about having the best scripts on my server and I give 0 ***** about the effort and time put into it. And if I have an issue I just post without even saying one word: THANKS."
    And that is what I mean by the disrespect towards community scripters. Pfeww that is out now. I feel much better already.
    The real reason why I am posting this though is that I want raise awareness of the fact that this is happening everyday and it is ruining all of the potential that can be achieved with EPOCH and ArmA.
    Feel free to reply.
    Best regards,
  15. Like
    Georgie reacted to Zupa in Arma scripting / coding editors ( IDE )   
    I would like to hear which editors you guys use. 
    I started out with Notepad++ when i started coding for arma related stuff. Mainly because of the SQF highlight syntax of a community member.
    Later i switched to Sublime Text 2 because it was on the hype train. Better design than Notepad++. SQF syntax highlighting by a community member. ( Sublime 3 is payed, so future doesn't look bright for free edition.)
    Today i switched to Atom. It looks very promissing. You can download my Arma syntax package in the Settings section. Looks very customisable since it's open code.
    For me git integration is really important. And that is where sublime fails for me. Atom is going in good direction with that. So i'm voting for Atom.



  16. Like
    Georgie reacted to Richie in Developer Looking for work!   
    Nothing to be sorry for :)
  17. Like
    Georgie reacted to rentiger1112 in Developer Looking for work!   
    lol haha
  18. Like
    Georgie reacted to TuBz in Tanoa   
    Very Lingor, and that's not a bad thing! loved the forest screechings:).. def looking forward to this one! at last no dessert!
  19. Like
    Georgie got a reaction from Gr8 in Loading screen problem w/PlotForLife   
    Gr8, you sir, are... Gr8! :D
  20. Like
    Georgie reacted to Gr8 in Loading screen problem w/PlotForLife   
    Open your Compiles.sqf
    Search for :
    if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith { diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; }; Replace with :
    if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith {                 endLoadingScreen;                 diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; };
  21. Like
    Georgie got a reaction from Gr8 in Traders - Only Sell   
    Brilliant! haha
  22. Like
    Georgie reacted to iCEtIMed in TheGreenRooms Custom Mine   
    "Adigo Ad Mortem Mine"
    I had a bit of time today so decided that I would make a mine for Chernarus.  This is LARGE and has trees inside it. I know some of you wont like that but I find it can make it claustrophobic, so great for battles with AI of PVP.
    There are plenty of Gold, Silver and Iron Veins in the mine and also a crate with a few essentials.
    I have added a zombie trigger, but you could easily enough switch them out for AI if you wanted or use WAI missions to place them.
    If it is of use to you, enjoy! :)
    1) Add the MIne.sqf and MineCrate.sqf as you would any other custom map addon.(Either server side or client - personally I use server.)
    2) Edit your Mission.sqm file to add the sensor and marker. (Remember you will need to edit the classitems accordingly and also the address in the sensor script, directing it to where you have the MineZombieSpawn.sqf.)
    Images and Location

    Mine SQF

    Mine Crate

    If you guys would like Zombies to spawn then use this Sensor.(Remember to change your class item numbers)

    The sensor will trigger this;
    Mine Zombie Spawn SQF

    And if you would like to have a marker add this.(Remember again to edit the Class Items numbers.)

    If you have any issues or would like a more detailed installation then let me know ~ iCEtIMed
  23. Like
    Georgie reacted to Gr8 in Traders - Only Sell   
    Is that why you posted 2 times, lol
  24. Like
    Georgie reacted to vbawol in Steam workshop collections   
    Curated steam collections of Epoch + Maps and supported mods
    Epoch + Esseker - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=548552635
    Epoch + Australia - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459408027
    Epoch + Bornholm - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=429485398
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