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Posts posted by TheStainlessSteelRat

  1. UKGZ ran two servers for most of this year. 

    Altis server had all the features bemoaned about here.

    Napf and latterly Tanoa would have been exactly what OP was looking for.

    First server was always populated 30-50; second was just us admins and close supporters playing, so 6 at most.

    It seems there are not enough serious survivalists wanting to play to pop a  server.

    I would say also that the arrival of other supposed survival mod who put guns on ground in every house, set the tone for how Epoch server hosts had to manage and config their servers to compete for players.

  2. On 9/18/2016 at 9:37 PM, EthosEvolved said:

    Hello all, I'm totally new to ArmA games and the DayZ Mods.  I played DayZ for a while and loved it but was dissapointed that it was so limited and wasnt getting enough attention in the form of fixes update etc.. I found Frankieonpc youtube videos and really want to play this. 

    Do I just need to buy Arma3 or do i need to buy the other Arma content as well?

    For the 'Frankie' experience you will definitely have to have the base game plus all dlc and the Expansion.

    On top of that as Kpabatok says you will require many community made mods to add to the official content, these are mostly freely available to all in the Arma community. You will find it extremely difficult to ever get on that one server due to how it is run; it is locked by a password that is given to only a 'favoured' few in the hosts community. 

    Frankie's videos are showcases for that community's current pet projects and are nothing to do with how most servers run or play, they are also exercises in storytelling in Frankie's own small way, so the staging and cinematic cuts add to the story but detract from 'real game play'.

    Enjoy Frankie's videos and look for a community run server that suits your needs, this will mean joining several different ones and testing them out for what you like. Hope you enjoy your Arma 3 journey!

  3. On 9/16/2016 at 11:15 PM, Kixo said:

    What do you guys do when its night time

    With no access to nvg and no base yet it can be daunting to venture far, in Epoch at night. Not sure if EpochZ has the 'Cultist' enabled, but they still give me nightmares! 

    Try hitting a couple of military areas in the hope of looting nvg and always check traders you come across you never know what some other survivor sold.

    With a fixed night time on server a base helps to feel some safety. Build a fireplace and go over your inventory to plan for next day, what to trade and what you need to find to extend base or just stay alive another day.

    Remember fear of the dark is rational when you know there are antagonists lurking in it!

  4. This is joining a server you have previously played? If so maybe worth deleting the following :

    C:\Users\Your PC Name\AppData\Local\Arma3\MPMissionsCache 

    This will allow you to acquire a fresh download of the mission file from server.

    You should of course also verify integrity of Arma 3 in Steam.

    Some people also like to try a new profile to help solve similar issues.

    Assuming you are using the Arma 3 in built Launcher, ensure no other mods than those required by server are loaded in error. If this is the case rather than joining via server list try joining direct using the server ip.

    Hope some of this helps you.

  5. Have seen the first animation glitch whereby the melee/launcher slot holster is played before drawing or holstering the handgun.

    I thought the loop animation was only happening whilst moving, crouching and trying to use holster function altogether, and why Epoch implemented a Holster whilst stationary only function in last update.

  6. For sure the extensive command lists and key binds is probably the most frustrating part of Arma 3 experience for some.

    Fortunately I had no preconceived ideas of what is better practice for key binds so have learnt to make default bindings work for me with a few exceptions, i have bound all talking channels except side to their own separate key binds, that way i can never accidentally use voice in side chat.

    Best of luck in exploring Arma and welcome to Epoch.

  7. 16 hours ago, Kixo said:

    Cool! Thanks for the info. Ik best way of getting to know game/mod is to try it yourself but i wanted to hype up even more because i absolutely love it. I played DayZ Standalone but lack of updates there just makes it dull.

    Just one more question, there is no difference buying on steam/g2a? I can put epoch on whichever site i buy Arma from?


    Obviously money always makes a difference in making a purchase but be aware that by buying from re-sellers like g2a can mean you are lining the pockets of scammers who use fraudulent purchases from legitimate sites to make money on sites like g2a. They use stolen credit cards to purchase keys and then get hard cash by selling it on. You could also end up with a key that becomes invalid if the publisher wishes to chase down such fraudulent activity.

    Buy from steam or BI direct and know where your money is going and end up with a trouble free genuine purchase.

  8. There are many areas on Tanoa where there are graphical glitches eg background objects disappearing behind mesh grates, slatted windows not rendering, player disappearing at certain angles of view. It could be that objects placed are also being similarly affected? 

  9. Personally like the option as it is the only chance in the Arma3verse not to play as a male character but as female. In 2035 apparently there are no women in Greek Islands or Pacific Islands, no civilian, police or military women...what happened...I sure hope BI and Arma devs are not prescient in this :tongue: 

    Gender selection is a USP Epoch should be rightly proud of, please do not change it!

  10. I just selected standard Arma 3 controls under the preset tab on controls window; which puts weapons swap back on scroll wheel where i am used to it and negates having to rebind keys. If you prefer the apex option i would consider putting building controls back to epoch standard and rebinding weapons swap to your num pad, or 4, 5, 6 on top instead; as epoch controls have been known not to like being changed in the past.

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