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Posts posted by TheStainlessSteelRat

  1. Is this the main approach for every Epoch player? 


    My game session consists of running around for, approximately 1 - 2 hours, depends on how lucky I am with gear etc.

    And when I get decent enough gear, I start looking for vehicles/items to build a home base.


    But then, I run into a random player, with my guns down or in my backpack and try to be nice. And all I get in return is led to the face, this has happened now 21 times today (actually counting).

    This is one of two scenarios when meeting another player. The other thing I'm thinking about is these Snipers that are laying way up in the mountain somewhere, just waiting for a non geared player to enter there sight... I mean, come on. I know there's a thrill when it comes to sniping from a far. But my god, this seems to be every players agenda.


    I am not on a furious rant, I just had to get it out.


    Is there anyone out there who is playing, perhaps alone and want to group up, not killing every non AI you see..

    I also am a solo player and this too is my experience. I will say that i have had much less KOS SOS incidents since the mod opened up to unofficial servers. When it was whitelist only i was lucky to survive a hour without being killed! Never found a hatchet or a vehicle. 

    It is only lately that i have started to have time to get geared and try crafting and building, (although i still have not got the knack of the latter ).


    As to your last request yes am open to teaming with someone who wishes to explore the mod and test features and learn what it has to offer.

  2. I am also having trouble building, even after watching some of Mendeck's great videos.

    Is it because my character is a woman? (half joke/half serious inquiry).

    I am charged with energy yet cannot build tipi kit nor shelf kit.

    Also have no idea how to get foundations as yet to attempt to build a flat floor.

    I am on White Trash Hick's server #3 if anyone reads this and wishes to help i play most mornings GMT, but would come on any time and go to any server to learn from a master builder!

    Sorry to hijack your post fixatedspace but saw no point making another post.

  3. Yeah, this has happened to me twice as well.  I was on the balcony of a building and I just fell over dead.  It looked like I got stuck in the door jam at first, like it was some kind of glitch.  Ran back to my body and saw there was a dog downstairs in building.  It wasn't moving, so I went upstairs to my body and I fell over dead again.

    Glad it is not just me...

  4. Also should dogs be able to injure and kill players on first floor of building whilst they are on the ground?

    Died a couple of times to that and 'escaped' with just broken legs a couple of times after realizing i was being bitten through the floor and shot the offending animal.

  5. I traded with a player one can of orange sherbet and can of sardines. On rechecking my inventory all my drinks and cans of food had gone.

    For the rest of my time playing on the server in that session any food and drink items in my clothing inventory would disappear after a minute.

    This was on GPDE02 server on Saturday 20/09/2014.

    Hope this report is something useful to you.



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