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Posts posted by TheStainlessSteelRat

  1. We are out there just harder to find cos we don't grief trader safe zones, mouth off in side chat every time we take a shit (or do anything), use stealth to avoid confrontation if possible and when it comes to it we die hard and silently!

  2. Hey everyone, so ive been hitting my head on my desk trying to figure out how to install the mods onto my server, I have put the @HLC AR15 Pack into my root directory along with @asdg_jointrails and @HLC Core, and then I changed my parameters to call them, but when I start up my server, it wont start and my RTP says "22:32:17 Warning Message: Addon 'hlcweapons_ar15' requires addon 'asdg_jointrails'" but I added that so what am I missing and how do I do it?

    Tradewell seriously you have to take your problem to the Exile forums which is a separate mod made by a different group. You have already been informed of this and had one posting locked.

  3. There are some great new pieces due thanks to SteamPunkGears and the team, been watching most of them be created on his Twitch channel. With new blood aboard I have every confidence that Epoch will be as excellent as its early promise has held out to be.

  4. Hey everyone, so this is probably gonna be a stupid question, but I am trying to put mods in my server like the "HLC AR15 Pack" and such. I am running an exile server from GTX gaming as well not sure if that changes anything, but i put the @‌HLCAR15Pack folder into the root directory and changed the parameters and i also have the @‌asdg_jointrails in there too, but when i fire up my server it wont start, it shows 0/0 players instead of 0/30 and when i check my FTP it says:

    Allocator: C:\TCAFiles\Users\AustinT1\13948\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll


    22:32:08 Error when creating WIC imaging factory:

    Error: 0x80040154

    22:32:08 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

    22:32:08 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

    22:32:08 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

    22:32:08 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

    22:32:08 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

    22:32:08 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

    22:32:08 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

    22:32:16 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

    22:32:17 Warning Message: Addon 'hlcweapons_ar15' requires addon 'asdg_jointrails'


    so im not entirely sure what im doing wrong, but obviously im missing something... i put the addon that it is saying it requires in there so i am baffled at what i need to do, so if someone could give me some insight on what i need to do that would be great! thanks.

    Could I just ask why you are not asking this question in Exile forums?

  5. So if we take CCG Chernarus 5 which was favourited in your screenshot.

    Open Arma 3 and in the launcher go to mods.

    There is a folder and + icon click on that and add all the mods to your launcher @Epoch, @allinarmaterrainpack etc. Include the @emod and @Epoch with number at end too as well as Rhs mods. That way they are there for future use.

    So you should now have a list of all mods selected.

    Deselect everything but the following to get on the above server @epoch0320, @emod031, @allinarmaterrainpack. You can now save that as preset launch option in top right hand corner say CCG Cherno5.

    Once done click to launch.

    If any errors this time please post screenshot again and we'll take it from there

  6. I believe if you are trying to join a CCG server you will need @emod as well as the correct @Epoch0320 which they number; you are using @Epoch which is the official download and is not numbered. Also if again it is just CCG servers you are using why not just use A3 Launcher or their own CCG Launcher to join, they I believe should tell you if your are missing something for a specific server before joining.

    Personally I use Arma 3's own launcher and save presets to join the servers, you go to mods page of launcher and select the mods required save preset and launch no need for parameters. 

  7. Are your headset drivers up to date?

    Teamspeak or TS is an audio server utility that allows communication between groups of players in same channel. You cannot communicate with anyone in game not in that channel using voice. It is a good alternative to group chat in game and most server hosts also provide a TS server alongside their game server.


    I have found the TS set up wizard useful in checking out my headset functionality outside of windows.

    Hope some of this helps?


  8. There are server hosts who have longer lock times on vehicles, but they do unlock eventually, also just choosing where to play on that one criteria may not suit.

    So my other suggestion is to look for indestructible bases as a server feature. This way you can loot to order so you can build at least a small base which is secured by a jammer. Maybe with 4 of you you could build a garage first to then put vehicle in and expand your base around that.

    If you utilise an existing world structure to occupy remember it is only the epoch built parts that are indestructible, the world building will come down with a satchel charge, so always line it with epoch built walls etc.

    Hope this helps you out?


    And what is this "it's only 30% completed with new content coming weekly." you speak of.. ?



    If you subscribe and download Experimental Epoch from Steam Workshop and join in testing new features on a dev server you will see content coming weekly in added pieces or bug fixes or content being tried out. Also you could follow some of the devs as they stream:




    I have learnt a lot about what to expect and I am hugely excited for lots of new buildables coming up very soon in particular. Personally I will play Arma 2 DayZ Epoch if i want that experience, I love to play Arma 3 Epoch exactly because it is not a rehash of what came before and am excited to see how it continues to develop.

    Comparisons to DayZ Standalone are unfair as this is a mod done in spare time, whilst DayZ SA is a release by a games studio supposedly professionals working full time; yes both are in Alpha but Epoch i believe has more stable content and is eminently more playable than the continuing fiasco that is SA.

    NedG totally understand where you are coming from but I hope that some of what you read and see here in forums or watch on streams or find in game by joining a dev server will encourage you to stay the course and see what Arma 3 Epoch becomes. See you out there.

  10. I am without my gaming rig so cannot play anything myself, but this has allowed me to inform myself a little, by reading forums and watching streams, particularly new dev SteamPunkGears.

    If you catch him you will more than likely see models for new build assets come to life and he talks about what is next in his project list. So teases the viewer. Highly recommend watching what is coming from him and the devs.

    Whilst not having played Exile I see nothing  in it to excite me personally and their supposed openness to community ideas seems to be if you want something, script it or put an add on in.  Nice framework but where is the painting?  

  11. Arma 3 Epoch cannot be the same game as DayZ Epoch, because Bohemia strictly prohibits DayZ code/assets being used in Arma 3. So the dev team has obviously sat down and thought out a new vision, with new antagonists and assets to provide a mod for the new engine. Creating something new obviously excited the team rather than treading tired old ground, they could have continued pushing updates in Arma 2 if they wanted that.

    The guns everywhere argument I do not understand as most DayZ Epoch servers turned to Overpoch where you tripped over assault rifles at spawn. Guns everywhere seems to be the norm not unusual or anything to do with play progression. Look at how many A3 Epoch servers add in massi or rhs weapons packs!

    Gun sway is Bohemia not mod specific need to talk to those devs.

    If servers wish to switch off in game antagonists and fill server with scripted AI missions good they can, but personally I like a server with them turned on as they are a real threat and can catch me unaware. If i wanted the other i would go play Wasteland.

    There is a lot of choice out there and people are going to exercise choice, I do not see that as a death knell for Epoch but a clarion call to the devs to stick with their vision and see it through, the good stuff always survives and thrives.

    The mod is in Alpha development not even half way through, I have seen so much change since closed Alpha, and am eager to see what else is to come, but I also exercise patience and restraint as i do not code, model or build terrains, and  have no idea how long these things take from concept to execution, I sit back and observe and get excited by what i see happening. I follow Axles, Axeman and SteamPunkGears on Twitch to help keep up to date as well as remain active in the forums, here and in gaming communities I play with.

  12. From what you say I gathered this 'flocking' behaviour could be added to any AI?

    If it is specifically the UAV that is flocking I imagine some electronic signal occurring in the world would 'cause' this behaviour drawing the AI to an area, hopefully also players, where there is maybe a FOB with numerous AI soldiers and loot!

    Or possibly it could be linked to a decaying players base, where the jammer is no longer maintained and the swarm of UAVs alerts other players to the location.

    If this is the case the UAVs would have their usual detection mission disabled, allowing players to follow the swarm?

    I know you have been working on sapper migrations, is this part of that work or separate?

  13. If you want zombies try this 


    Or as you say stay with Arma2 DayZ Epoch Mod, but under no circumstances will you be able to have those DayZ style zombies available in Arma 3, as Bohemia will not allow those assets to be ported.


    As Glenn calmly and cogently said this mod is far from finished. I too am excited for what else is coming, and will reserve judgement till such time as it is more fully formed.

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