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Posts posted by TheStainlessSteelRat

  1. So i tried this again this morning and managed to put an empty tactical back pack into my carryall back pack. The back pack was from a loot container and not on a body. I know there are issues with taking wearable items from body and putting straight into inventory. So seems in certain circumstances i.e. empty and not off a body you can in fact pick up smaller back pack and insert into inventory of larger back pack.

  2. It used to be that smaller back packs could be put in larger ones, but after 6 months away and many updates missed i notice I can no longer do this. Previously you had to have clicked on the carryall back pack in your inventory UI and then drag the smaller one into the back pack. 

    This no longer seems to be allowed. Which seems odd as previously we could not sell back packs but could put one inside another. Now we can sell back packs but not from inside the inventory of a larger back pack.

  3. 57 minutes ago, egnbv said:

    thanks i changed this! : )

    Do you know how to change tax for a item? For instance Goldbar10oz.

    Apologies but I am not a server admin myself. Do you mean the trader tax? The difference between selling and buying price? Not sure but there might be a file that can be configured to change that but someone else might be able to point you in the right direction.

  4. My experience of raids was to lose everything ie remove or destroy all parts. Depends on raiders, many seem to want to stop others playing by taking destroying everything; old school bandits used to steal gear, vehicles etc and then allow you to build  your self up for retaliation, knowing that pvp is a two way interaction Don't see many of that type nowadays!

    Most i encounter will only raid whilst player is absent from server and then sit in their base buffing their small fragile egos by bragging about how they 'own' the server.

    Rant over!

  5. I am really enjoying this server.

    It is much more how Epoch was when i first started playing, tough.

    I use DayZ launcher for Arma 2 download it from here. This little utility will tell you what you need to launch in way of mods and maps and then prompt you to download them once you have them you can launch straight into game.

    Hope this helps, enjoy playing.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Flybynight said:

    Thanks very much guys.  Now to build I have to have jammer first, and of course would want to secure that...right?  So start small with secure jammer in an area where I can go bigger?  Is that right?

    Yes this is pretty much what i would do. I also only build what i need, i.e. if i am alone, enough for just me and a car and if i am lucky a heli. I try to pick a place though that can be expanded on if i get to play with others, (often find someone of like mind to share with).

    Best of luck building!

  7. 2 hours ago, Flybynight said:

    The only time I had success building a base....about 6 months ago....was pretty much due to an admin helping me.  Can you share some general ideas on the best way to get one up and running in a realistic way?  I'm not sure how you possibly store enough mats to get a good start, knowing they will be unsafe until the base is fully enclosed.  Yet it seems to take so many mats that you could never get it done.

    Any thoughts?

    If the server allows you to use map buildings to build in and around, this can often be a quick way to start a base. It will require materials for a jammer and some doors with locks initially; (caveat: map structures are easily blown up with explosives found in Arma3 so beware).

    This will  allow you a place to stockpile and store further materials with some relative safety and  security.

    If you wish to stay in that initial place you must endeavour to reinforce that building with epoch buildables to ensure that safety and security of your base; as epoch buildables are much more resilient to explosive devices and in some servers will be indestructible.

    Lock boxes and now safes offer the best secure storage,but are rare loot spawns, the trader missions often gave lock boxes as a reward, or again the server may add them to the traders inventory.

    Do not rely on vehicles for long term storage of much needed supplies.

    These are some of the basic principles i follow when building and i often play alone. Hope some of this helps I am sure there will be other replies offering even better advice.

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