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Posts posted by TheStainlessSteelRat

  1. Hey Lonewolf123 welcome.

    Did you try joining just one server or several different servers and get the same result?

    Do you have to close Arma 3 via task manger because it is not responding? Or just press escape and try again? If the former does Arma3 give option to save a report?

    Have you tried joining another modded server eg BattleRoyale and does this black screen happen then?

    Answering these may help narrow down issue.

    You can in mean time verify the Arma 3 files in steam, making sure to launch game in vanilla first, before loading mods. You can in Arma 3's own launcher verify the epoch mod files too.

    You can try deleting your profile documents and your MPMissionsCache folder too. All before trying to launch an Epoch server.

    Hope some of this helps?





  2. My point was, is it only happening on joining one particular server using Epoch, or any Epoch server you try to join? The 'try' referred to launching the game not playing a server!

    I also asked because i was having a similar issue and hoped we could work out a solution together. I now can join servers again but only after re installing Arma 3 on a brand new ssd that i had been meaning to install, since Christmas.

    I had tried re installing Arma 3 several times on old hard drive, verifying game cache in steam, defragmenting hard drive, removing MP Missions Cache folder and removing my profile folders all done repeatedly and with no success.

    BI's response to my bug tracker ticket was that there were corrupted animation configs in Epoch that was causing the game not to load and that fixes would come in future patches. My Epoch bug tracker has not been responded to nor my post in forums here, so it is obvious that Epoch devs are either unable or unwilling to help.

    I hope something here can help you get in game. If you want further assistance i will try talking you through options if you are unsure of what to try.

  3. On 4/27/2016 at 10:25 PM, TheStainlessSteelRat said:

    When trying to help rvg UKGZ's server dev, yesterday i turned to Epoch wiki to help only to find the information needed to be incomplete or not there. So i signed up and started to edit certain information where there were obvious gaps, but not changing any one else's work.

    Now I see that there are parts that also need serious updating or changing, which would require altering the work of previous contributors, what is the etiquette in making such changes where i am overwriting what has gone before?

    Should i make separate addition which could leave seemingly contradictory and therefore confusing info?


    Simply correct passages and allow some one else to edit again if i am wrong?

    Anyone else have thoughts on best practice?

    So i had posted some updated weapons tables, in the same format that had already been presented, adding in class names and missing classes, again keeping the existing format. I went again to use that resource to find a class name to find that all i had added had been removed. No notification or reason given for this removal, just gone. I find this a disappointing attitude to someone freely giving of their time to better the resources available to all in the community, it is churlish and certainly less than conducive to further participation.

    I appreciate that a wiki has to be moderated, but would hope that it could be done in a constructive manner where by I could learn and then contribute further. Not smacked in the face and left wondering why I made the effort!

  4. Also need a better way of managing Trader inventory. Epoch traders need some form of unlimited stock function for items sold to them as often players are left abandoning items scavenged as the trader is fully stocked.

    This should not mean that traders should have unlimited selling stock. The cap of 100 say could stay for that and as people buy it can decrease, but as others sell back to trader the limit may show 100 but the player is not barred from selling to trader, but takes a price cut to sell on this item.

    I hope that this would stop the proliferation of 'Black Market Traders' that server providers often feel the need to add to compensate for this weakness in the Epoch economy.

    So the more a trader has of something the less he pays for it, and of course the less he sells it for as it is overstocked. This would also mean that traders would pay more for an item out of stock and charge more for an item in low stock. This fits a more supply and demand model of economics than simple bartering, but bartering could still be done between players.


  5. This refer's to Axeman's dev server only:

    At present unable to put crafted maul into hands to use. (This cannot be done even if you have another weapon available to swap with).

    As you warned unable to get any of the trader missions to work.

    No map markers at all as yet so finding another trader would be luck rather than judgement.

    So also not sure if epoch spawn events, (fairgrounds, plants and containers), are as yet viable as they again can only be happened upon by chance, because there are no markers.

    On a side note be aware hatchbacks do not like make shift bridges, much like the sandy surfaces of Altis they get stuck!

    P.S. Any chance of having daylight on the server in the 5 times i have been on it is always dusk to night and never daylight? 

  6. Overpoch is Epoch with added vehicles and weapons from the Overwatch mod. Do you want your server to be more survival oriented or more pvp only; if the latter then Overpoch is way to go.  Add-on scripts and missions etc would work on both. You might find more useful answers if you post in the Arma 2 DayZ Epoch section of forum. Also reading there may help you make the decision.


  7. Distinct and clear categories. Rifles; pistols; lmg; snipers and their corresponding ammo are clear distinct filters in trade menu. Of course this should be same for food and drink; being separate from building materials and crafted building items; with ore and metals and gems also being discrete filters as well.

    The design of the UI in my opinion works, it is the functionality of it that needs major overhaul with a clearer filter system as discussed above, but know that with the work you have already done in overhauling other parts of UI that it will be an improvement.

  8. Maybe Zombies could form together and move like the 2005 film Land of the Dead converging on settlements (Bases), pushing clones to seek defensive places to fight them off. This would require them to be able to deal damage to epoch base parts, as well as Arma buildings and vehicles. In that film it was shown that one zombie maintained some spark of former sentience, which directed this push to finish humanity, rather than just directionless rage and savagery, these would surely be interesting concepts to play with.

  9. Ok, can you download Epoch experimental from workshop and try to join that instead, not so many servers to choose from but i want to see if issue is same as mine.

    Had you previously been able to join Epoch? If yes could you approximately say when this started to happen?

    I do not believe your pc is the issue.

  10. Does the game become non-responsive during loading, or whilst playing?

    I gather it does not happen in Vanilla Arma 3 only with Epoch Mod loaded; but does the server you are trying to join require any other mods eg maps, ryan's zombies or weapons and vehicle packs?

    On becoming non-responsive and closing game does Arma 3 ask you to save an error report?

    Finally if you think settings are an issue then some stats on your pc specs may illuminate.




  11. Since the Arma 3 1.60 update i have been unable to join any Epoch server running 0.3.8. I can see servers and can join their lobby and download mission file but the game will then freeze on loading screen with the progress bar stuck about 1.5 inches from end. I have on my own re installed Arma 3 and unsubscribed to epoch and re installed, wiped mpmissioncache file and wiped saved profile files, then defragmented my hard drive. On trying to join i continue to have the freezing issue. Only way of being able to get out of frozen screen was via Windows Task Manager.

    I can join other game modes in multiplayer some requiring no mods some like Epoch just one. I cannot join Epoch 0.3.8. and i also found i could not join Wasteland servers without game freezing.

    I open a ticket with BI on their feed back tracker and was initially told it was faulty files in Arma 3 and to ensure after fresh re intall i verify the game cache integrity before trying to first play the game in Vanilla and then re adding mods, which should have also unsubscribed from workshop and then re installed. In addition I also wiped my C drive of any other Arma 3 and Epoch files it could find. I also at this stage chose to take my Epoch files from this website's download pages to see if i could get a different result than with workshop files.

    Unfortunately this game freezing continues to be an issue with Epoch but not anything else including Epoch Experimental.

    I cannot play in 0.3.8 and more importantly cannot help administer my community's Epoch server since 1.60.

    After further prodding this week Bi now say the issue is with bad animation configs in the mod and that they have fix in works for next Arma update. I personally cannot verify their statement about this but hope that providing you with same rpt. files you can see if this is true and maybe let me know if there is an interim fix to continue to play and help my local Epoch community.

    I know I am not alone in having this issue: 


  12. So got a response from Bi as to what is cause of my issue:


    so a fix on our side is being worked on and should be available in the next update.

    Unfortunately it seems that this issue was caused by bad animation configuration in the mod. To get the game going, you would need to uninstall the mods, verify the integrity or reinstall it completely and not install the mods again until update is released with the fix. Another way would be that mod creators fix the bad animation configs.

    I am sorry if this is not of much help, but options for the fix on our side are currently very limited so there is not much advise that I can offer.

    Please try to reinstall the game to have only vanilla, do not install the mods at all and should the game freeze again, please send me the rpt files.
    It is possible that getting it freeze without mods running we might be able to find something that was hiding behind the mod errors.


    So I have to wait until either Epoch fixes 'bad animation config' or for next Arma update to be able to play! I have asked them if possible to provide what animation configs are causing issue.

  13. Is there the possibility of taming/recruiting/using sappers (and now zombies), much in the way The White Walkers use the dead In Game Of Thrones or maybe as a warding talisman like Mishonne in Walking Dead?

    I think of this because of the trader mission where player lures sapper to trader to be caught, it would seem the next step to offer those captured souls to survivor clones as militia or guards!

    Too late in the evening for me to be thinking i'll be back tomorrow if i think of more...

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