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Posts posted by TheStainlessSteelRat

  1. It's coming with so when Awol is ready, Esseker will also be included and if testers jump on Sahrani and find any bugs that will also be included.

    Never played on Sahrani before and have to say I already like it. Please if any of you wish to help test and bug hunt you will need to subscribe to Epoch Experimental, have All In Arma terrain pack and SMD Sahrahi A3 map, save it as a preset on your Arma3 launcher and keep note of ip

    Already sent some feedback to Richie, but the more testers there are the quicker this map can also be added.

  2. Cloning? Lol! So that made giant rock monsters and running and exploding dildos? You know who else has a extremely small team? The ark survivor evolved ones and there killing it! That game has more content and fun upon release then epoch, dayZ stand alone, Rust, and others have in over a year plus of development.

    Epoch is SO boring and updates happen only every few months and quite frankly that's not good enough and using the small team excuse just doesn't cut it anymore. I urge everyone to move over to ark. Especially all the modders!

    Marvin when was the last time you had a brain scan? Too many hits to the old noggin has left you obviously confused :wacko:  and angry :angry: . Leave your bile and baiting somewhere else and let us more cogent contributors debate sensibly!

  3. They are being worked on in order of community preference according to the votes. Australia and Esseker will be the first two ready and supported maps with the next Epoch patch. It takes a lot of work and testing to get them ready to use in Epoch and this post was only made six days ago! All participants in getting them done do so in spare time and voluntarily, please be patient. 

  4. OK, latest you can no longer loot treasure underwater? 


    It seems they changed the way loot works in 'containers' when you search they now fall to the floor. this is fine above water but means you can NO LONGER pick up loot UNDERWATER! Please fix this soon or tell me what I'm doing wrong (in this instance .. smarties!) :)

    ARMA 3 put a great deal into the 'water game play', it's now quite pointless.



    That is an Epoch dev temp fix for an Arma3 issue:

    Need Arma3 devs to fix not Epoch devs.

  5. Isn't isles of Scilly like really small? I need to load all these up again.

    Anyone check out Everon? Any opinions on that one?

    Had never heard of it, but map from Operation Flash Point, watched a fly over on youtube. Only initial thought was too little urban areas for loot spawning, but if it has been beefed up with added A3 buildings that maybe it could work.


    IRL Scilly Isles are small and main island has one road, most inhabitants use bikes to get around.

  6. Australia need more Tree´s and Buildings, the City+s are to small for the Map atm

    It is eminently playable in its current state and the dev is aware and working on much more for the Australia map, so i would not be worried on that score! Highly recommend anyone wishing to check it out as a map to download the experimental build of epoch and jump on the official server listed: 

  7. Isn't the map part of the expansion pack, (like Arma2 Operation Arrowhead), so expect to pay for expansion pack, whether map will be a usuable asset outside of expansion pack well...

  8. I get a window that says my connection is being checked before i join the forum. Was denied access for at least an hour before getting to the forum page. Could get to main page, but could not even navigate from there. Nor from my bookmark. Strange.

  9. Just read a good article on the motivation and experience of playing a 'violent' military based video game.

    Would love to know other players opinions on this?

    Why did you choose Arma2/3 Dayz/Epoch mods?

    What do you get from it? (Besides the obvious enjoyment)!


    Below is the article I read taken from today's on line edition of the UK newspaper The Guardian.



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