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Posts posted by kingpapawawa

  1. salival helped me to edit the AT.sqf to show owners name on plot poles.

    this is the section that needs changed...  look for "adminPlotPole =" and replace with the following.


    adminPlotPole =
    		if !(('ItemGPS' in items player) || ('ItemMap' in items player))then
    			_config = ['ItemGPS'];
    			_isOK = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    		adminPlotPoles =
    			while{markadPlotPole == 1}do
    				ADMIN_PlotPole_LIST = [] + (allMissionObjects 'Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ');
    				if(markadPlotPole == 0)exitWith {};
    				for '_i' from 0 to (count ADMIN_PlotPole_LIST)-1 do
    					if(markadPlotPole == 0)exitWith {};
    					deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str _i));
    					_selected = ADMIN_PlotPole_LIST select _i;
    					_vm = createMarkerLocal [('adminPlotPoles' + (str _i)), getPos _selected];
    					_vm setMarkerAlphaLocal 0.8;
    					_vm setMarkerBrushLocal 'Grid';
    					if(isNil 'DZE_PlotPole')then{DZE_PlotPole = [30,45];};
    					_vm setMarkerSizeLocal [DZE_PlotPole select 0,DZE_PlotPole select 0];
    					_vm setMarkerShapeLocal 'ELLIPSE';
    					_vm setMarkerColorLocal 'ColorGreen';
    					_k = _i + 4000;
    					deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str _k));
    					_vm = createMarkerLocal [('adminPlotPoles' + (str _k)), getPos _selected];
    					_vm setMarkerTypeLocal 'mil_start';
    					_vm setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
    					_friends = _selected getVariable ["plotfriends",[]];
                        _vm setMarkerTextLocal format [" %1",toString ((_friends select 0) select 1)];
    					_vm setMarkerColorLocal 'ColorBlack';
    					if(markadPlotPole == 0)exitWith {};
    				if(markadPlotPole == 0)exitWith {};
    				uiSleep 15;
    			for '_i' from 0 to 8888 do {deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str _i));deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str (_i+4000)));};
    		if(isNil 'markadPlotPole')then{markadPlotPole = 0;};
    		if(markadPlotPole == 0)then
    			markadPlotPole = 1;
    			hint '2D Map PlotPoleMarker Activated';
    			[] spawn adminPlotPoles;
    			_sl = format['%1 PlotPoleMarker Activated',name player];
    			PVAH_WriteLogReq = [player,toArray _sl];
    			publicVariableServer 'PVAH_WriteLogReq';
    			markadPlotPole = 0;
    			hint '2D Map PlotPoleMarker Disabled';
    			for '_i' from 0 to 8888 do {deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str _i));deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str (_i+4000)));};
    			_sl = format['%1 PlotPoleMarker Disabled',name player];
    			PVAH_WriteLogReq = [player,toArray _sl];
    			publicVariableServer 'PVAH_WriteLogReq';


  2. On 5/6/2017 at 11:41 PM, BigEgg said:

    Get Battlemetrics Rcon.... I cannot stress this enough. Create a trigger that kicks all players on vpns and those accounts that are younger than 30 days old.

    I had battlemetrics and did not have these auto kicks setup.  Also added a kick if users have more than 1 VAC ban and its within the last 90 days.  This alone has kicked 6 users in the past week and the VPN kick has booted 9.  Great advice. Thank you!

  3. 7 minutes ago, friendlyfire said:

    pretty pointless having a list of hackers seeing as a2 goes on sale and its quite cheap to get a copy from other websites. 

    if you report them on steam and they lose their account they lose access to a lot more than arma2

  4. 8 minutes ago, Shawn said:

    What I do is find public menu's that are around, such as this:


    And then filter for specific stuff in them. I set it to log instead of kick so i can get chunks of code that these guys use. 

    Most of the guys that go around deleting all the bases on servers are using the same menu..

    someone will ask so might as well be me... how to block this? 

  5. yea i backup every 15 minutes too and they still cry.  I had 2 rollbacks last night due to the same issue. TP everyone and blow up bases.  Its easier to roll back then to try and fight the very confusing battleye configuration.

    personally i think of the hackers as North Korea. never know when they might do something shitty like delete all bases. Its a feature not a bug!

    just to compare notes, was it these idiots?

    76561198385493429 (Steam ID, 17 hours ago)
    882edfd4d0528954da2ecaee37c9f809 (BattlEye GUID, 17 hours ago)

    f8f11e760dbb4e2457207b7b6f70ecfd (BattlEye GUID, 16 hours ago)
    76561198047135962 (Steam ID, 16 hours ago)

    e9c1b4fcf6ba68073a4f0a5aa943cd10 (BattlEye GUID, 12 hours ago)
    76561198074925233 (Steam ID, 12 hours ago)

    882edfd4d0528954da2ecaee37c9f809 (BattlEye GUID, 17 hours ago)
    76561198385493429 (Steam ID, 17 hours ago)

    abd60ed9cc54f330817fab9412404fff (BattlEye GUID, 3 days ago)
    76561198384250901 (Steam ID, 3 days ago)

  6. 37 minutes ago, oldmatechoc said:

    Unless you have a slimmed down version you should already have these defined I thought.

    i have the default file with some edits but the call is here.. defined in an if statement that must not be getting met.  adding it your way works so far..

    if (!isNull _cursorTarget && !_inVehicle && !_isPZombie && (player distance _cursorTarget < _allowedDistance) && _canDo) then {
    //Has some kind of target
        _typeOfCursorTarget = typeOf _cursorTarget;


  7. 12 hours ago, Hooty said:

    This is what i do for weapons on vehicles make a file called VehicleAmmo.sqf in your system, compile, and "garage folder if you have one" all server side.

     Does not work with admin spawn in vehicles. 

    Is there any reason you cant make 1 copy and include it with the full path?

    So admin spawn a vehicle and in and out of the garage will add weapons?

    looking forward to trying this

  8. I keep having some garages and heli pads disappear.  Do i need to adjust default sql routines to leave them alone?  some are placed by me and not on a plot pole. 

    Maybe i just need a routine that updates the timestamp on the classname i use for a garage and heli pad?  I use a different classname for users and only allow them to place only on their plot pole,  i added those classnames so they can be maintained.  Maybe i answered my own question but feedback how you do this would be nice.


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