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Posts posted by kingpapawawa

  1. 47 minutes ago, titus said:

    The host is a actual host its not off a pc

    everyone that plays on the server has a client side rpt file.  

    /your username/AppData/Local/Arma2 OA/ArmA2OA.RPT

    AppData folder is hidden by default and you may need to enable "show hidden files and folders" in windows.

  2. the fn_selfactions error is probably in your client side rpt.

    @extdb goes into the root folder where @dayz_server folder is.   There ARE instructions on the github how to install the extdb.. this is where the vehicles are stored so its definately needed

  3. 41 minutes ago, samnotts said:

    Mate I got attitude and I have said load of time that we can not access the garage through the plot pole we have followed the instructions to the very last one and we have all the files that we need and it is not even going in to the trader so it can be accessed frommtheri and to top it all of it mess up the traders all together 


    57 minutes ago, samnotts said:

    They ain't going to help us mate if they wanted to help us the would have done it hours ago when we  first asked in stead they just sent sarcastic messages make 

    @salival asked you to post your client and server side rpt and you didn't do it.  No matter how much we would love to help you we can't do it without that.  You claim to have followed the instructions but I promise you I am a NOVICE at this and following the instructions on the github I got it to work the first time.

    As Salival has said the issue is likely in your fn_selfactions.sqf located in your mission file /dayz_code/ folder. and the error is probably in your server side .rpt file.

  4. in your mission pbo in the scripts folder

    its step 1 on the instructions

    Mission folder install:

    1. Copy the dayz_code and scripts folder to your mission folder preserving the directory structure.

  5. /*
    	By: j0k3r5 / www.j0k3r5.com
    	If modified and released give credits where due, thank you.
    fnc_bridgeA2 = {
            private ["_start","_obj"];
            _start = createVehicle [_this select 2,_this select 0,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
            _start setVectorUp [0,0,1];
            _start setDir (_this select 1);
            _start setPosATL (_this select 0);
            for "_i" from 1 to (_this select 3) do {
                    _obj = createVehicle [_this select 2,_this select 0,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
                    _obj attachTo [_start, [_i*(_this select 4),_i*(_this select 5),_i*(_this select 6)]];
    [[15259.6,16511.8,0.00181246], 54.0763,,"Land_nav_pier_m_2",39,40,0,0] call fnc_bridgeA2;

    save this as bridge.sqf in dayz_server/buildings/ (or wherever you want, change path i used below if you change this location)

    in server_functions add this at the bottom

    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\bridge.sqf";

    This bridge starts behind AWOLS and goes to the island. 1400+m away (well it should) 

  6. 2 hours ago, Robert261171 said:

    Thats very nice but does any of the bridges go to suhrenfeld array island? 

    if you use the function above "fnc_bridgeA2" then all you have to do is pick a starting location for the bridge and then...

    [[starting,coords,here], direction here,"Land_nav_pier_m_2",number of these to string together,40,0,0] call fnc_bridgeA2;

    it will look like this
    [[13640.5,3862.64,-1], 105,"Land_nav_pier_m_2",17,40,0,0] call fnc_bridgeA2;

    this code says... "start at 13640.5,3862.64 and aim in the direction 105.  use Land_nav_pier_m_2 and use 17 of them.. each one 40m apart" because each of these is 40m long.  It will string them all together perfectly in a straight line from starting point to 17x40m away. no gaps, no bumps, all perfect.

    not clear?

  7. works in 1061 with no errors - if my memory is correct the error happens if there is no 0000 safe

    17:55:06 "RUNNING EVENT: 0000safe on [2017,7,18,12,55]"
    17:55:06 "Checking vaults..."
    17:55:06 "Total open vaults on server: 17"
    17:55:06 "Location of randomly picked 0000 vault = [8864.98,15135.8,0.000671387]"
    17:55:06 "Loot event setup, waiting for 900 seconds"


    // Abandoned player safe mission by Cramps (zfclan.org/forum)
    // Needs an SQL event set up to turn abandoned vault codes to 0000

    private ["_rndvault","_curvaultcode","_curvault","_vaultarray","_numvaults","_allvaults","_spawnChance", "_spawnMarker", "_spawnRadius", "_markerRadius", "_item", "_debug", "_start_time", "_loot", "_loot_amount", "_loot_box", "_wait_time", "_spawnRoll", "_position", "_event_marker"];

    // First chack if there is a vault available, no point running if not

    diag_log ("Checking vaults...");

    _allvaults = (allmissionobjects "VaultStorageLocked");
    _numvaults = (count _allvaults);
    _vaultarray = [];
    _curvault = 0;
    _curvaultcode = (_x getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]);
        if (_curvaultcode == "0000" ) then {
            _vaultarray = _vaultarray + [_x];
    } forEach (allmissionobjects "VaultStorageLocked");

    _numvaults = (count _vaultarray);
    diag_log ("Total open vaults on server: " + str(_numvaults));

    // Exit if no safes
    if (_numvaults == 0) exitWith {};

    _rndvault = _vaultarray select (floor (random (count _vaultarray)));
    _position = getPos _rndvault;
    diag_log ("Location of randomly picked 0000 vault = " + str(_position));

    // Main epoch mission stuff

    _spawnChance =  0.50; // Percentage chance of event happening
    _markerRadius = 150; // Radius the loot can spawn and used for the marker
    _wait_time = 900; 
    _start_time = time;
    _debug = true; // Ignores the random chance and runs every time.

    if (isNil "EPOCH_EVENT_RUNNING") then {
    // Check for another event running
    if (EPOCH_EVENT_RUNNING) exitWith {
    diag_log("Event already running");
    // Random chance of event happening
    _spawnRoll = random 1;
    if (_spawnRoll > _spawnChance and !_debug) exitWith {};

    // Draw markers & tell players
    _event_marker = createMarker [ format ["loot_event_marker_%1", _start_time], _position];
    _event_marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    _event_marker setMarkerColor "ColorKhaki";
    _event_marker setMarkerSize [(_markerRadius + 100), (_markerRadius + 100)];

    _event_marker2 = createMarker [ format ["loot_event_marker_%2", _start_time], _position];
    _event_marker2 setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _event_marker2 setMarkerType "mil_dot";
    _event_marker2 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
    _event_marker2 setMarkerText "Abandoned Safe";

    if (_debug) then {
    _debug_marker = createMarker [ format ["loot_event_debug_marker_%1", _start_time], _position];
    _debug_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _debug_marker setMarkerType "mil_dot";
    _debug_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
    _debug_marker setMarkerAlpha 1;

    RemoteMessage = ["radio","There is a safe with 0000 as it's code. Check your map!"];
    publicVariable "RemoteMessage";

    diag_log(format["Loot event setup, waiting for %1 seconds", _wait_time]);

    // Wait
    sleep _wait_time;
    // Clean up
    deleteMarker _event_marker;
    deleteMarker _event_marker2;


  8. 19 minutes ago, azzdayz said:

    Hey Salival, when you get some time I am hoping you can verify something for me. When I go to put the 350z_Mod into the garage it doesn't write. It does it to select 350z's. I haven't had a chance to test them all or a lot of other vehicles, but I know for a fact the 350z_Mod is not writing. It does not save in the database and it does not show any errors in the RTP's, client or server side.

    Would you or someone else try putting a 350z_Mod in their garage and let me know if it is just me or if maybe we have found a little bug? Thanks :)

    I tried all of them. _mod and _ruben do not work

     0:36:15 "GARAGE: kpw (*****) stored 350z_mod @062075 [6253.35,7831.5,0.00152588]"
     0:37:30 "GARAGE: kpw (*****) stored 350z_ruben @062075 [6274.04,7847.73,0.00143433]"

  9. need to add the vehicles/weapons to DZE_safeVehicle to prevent the killing a hacker - if you get an error after doing this or the server does not load you formatted the test wrong. past the variable you added here. should look like... DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC","AH64D_EP1","DSHKM_Ins"];

    DZE_MoneyStorageClasses is a variable from salivals coin script. you have to define it in your variable file.  check the install for zsc you have missed a step.

  10. took a lot of trial and error, i think mostly because you have defined things that already exist in zsc and i didnt see where you instructed me to remove any current defines.

    my current master.hpp

    #include "Defines\Basic_defines.sqf"
    //#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\Configs\RscDisplay\ZSCdefines.hpp"
    #include "Defines\PlayerGUI\RscPlayerUIdefines.hpp"
    #include "Defines\PaintVehicles\defines.hpp"
    //#include "RscDisplay\PlayerGUI\RscPlayerUI.hpp" // @important: here is your RscTitles class (wm_disp - watermark is included)
    #include "extra_rc.hpp" // @important: move your extra_rc code here
    //#include "RscDisplay\Money\zscATMdialogs.hpp"
    //#include "RscDisplay\Money\zscdialogs.hpp"
    #include "RscDisplay\PaintVehicles\dialog.hpp"


  11. 13 hours ago, salival said:


    VKC is weird, I can't reproduce the dupe problem but I know it's there,I changed it to use the epoch vehicle upgrade script to spawn (so you would expect that this would also dupe if it was a serverside problem) instead of the way the original script was doing it, dupe was present in the original, too.

    the script uses an arma function called showCommandingMenu, I have a feeling that this is what's causing it, when I have been able to make it dupe, it seemed like it ran the client side script twice which tells me it's client side.

    I have toyed with the idea of making a simple UI for it just to see if it was the problem and moving away from showCommandingMenu.

    Personally.. I think you should have to point the 2 vehicles at each other like those learning remotes.. just right click the key and 'boom' lightning crackles, screen colors go crazy like some wacky weed script, your blood drops by half, maybe your legs break.. and both vehicles go on that key you right clicked.  No menu needed. 

  12. 11 hours ago, salival said:

    In testing I am using heliH with deploy anything, I also noticed I can't get an option to pack/remove it. It would be easy to add a check that if there is a helipad nearby to give you the option to remove it, I'll check to see if any other helipad classnames can be removed.

    Does your deploy anything persist correctly after restart/only the person who placed it can pack on other items? mine had issues

    I'll reply to the VKC part in the thread for VKC since I actually want to talk about this and get it resolved.

    none of the heli pads can be removed with deploy anything because they cant be cursortarget (same situation trying to point at them to admin delete with infistar).  have to f4 and set center/radius delete.

    deploy anything DOES persist after restart with some edits from the original (not your version - i tried to merge the two with poor results)... fix found in link below - but it has limitations.  If you deploy a vehicle for example you need to claim it for it to stay.  

    Also FWIW your install instructions for heli and garage should include what changes need to be made to default cleanup/maintain scripts to deal with the two items or you'll get as load of messages about them magically disappearing =) 


  13. On 6/19/2017 at 1:30 AM, salival said:

    Hi guys,

    I'm currently reworking this script to fix issues, tidy it up and add some features.

    Here's a list of suggestions that admins have given me of things they want in it, I've checked off a few that I have finished, feel free to suggest anything else.


    Proposed changes sound good.

    An easy way to deploy and, if needed, remove the heli pad and garage.  I do this with deploy anything but cant remove the helih with this method.   Maybe an option at the garage if its on your plot pole to remove any helih within range.

    masterkey as you know randomly dupes or explodes a vehicle.  so random its been difficult to debug and, i have added your latest and have at least 1-2 explosions or dupes still - at least reports of them from players.  What about a button within the virtual garage menu to set all vehicles in garage to a key in your gear.  Can you write the key to the database without actually spawning the vehicle into game?

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