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Posts posted by kingpapawawa

  1. 1 hour ago, Thug said:

    once i look at body this below goes on and on and on repeating itself

    Error in expression <
    if (_isMan && {!_isAlive} && {!_isAnimal} && {player distance _cursorTa>
      Error position: <_isAnimal} && {player distance _cursorTa>
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _isanimal
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 946

    Thug you have missed something, probablt merging the fn_selfActions.
    mine has _isanimal in the private section at the top of the file and this 

       _isAnimal = _cursorTarget isKindOf "Animal";

    just above the lines you referenced

  2. Changes for master key work fine, thanks @orionjade

    Have an error. It stores vehicle but does not take coins... probably this is an old call to single currency.. SC_fnc_removeCoins

    Error in expression <hen {
    _added = [player, Pricegear] call SC_fnc_removeCoins;
    } else {_added = tru>
      Error position: <SC_fnc_removeCoins;
    } else {_added = tru>
      Error Undefined variable in expression: sc_fnc_removecoins
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\scripts\garage\player_storeVehicle.sqf, line 39
    Error in expression <{_added = true;};
    Pricegear = nil;

    if(!_added) exitWith {cutText ["You don't ha>
      Error position: <_added) exitWith {cutText ["You don't ha>
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _added
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\scripts\garage\player_storeVehicle.sqf, line 43

  3. 1 hour ago, salival said:

    The only thing I can think of is I did push some changes to github the other day to remove the currencmodifier variable and the 1.0.6 currency display dependency, I'm wondering if I broke something there.


    @Casual_Jeff and @_Lance_ are you running the latest version on github?

    Mine was working. just downloaded the latest from your github and tested. Still working. but i'm gonna need to make it cost more to rearm these hydras... 10,000 a bit low =)

  4. Last night I got some help on my server from one of the mods here.  I was thinking about how my life on Arma2/Epoch has changed from the time i was just a player to now running a server.  I compare being here on this forum to the experience of playing on a server with active admins.  Even though you might not need an admin its nice to know one is there. And always exciting when one TP's to you and gives you gifts.

    Last night I felt like a bambi getting a build box from an admin for the first time ever. Wow look at all these amazing things i get to build with!  We all remember that feeling.

    I wont name names because then 20 people might msg him asking for help... so I say thanks to all of you working hard on Epoch development.

    And to those of you who answer questions here on this forum... no matter how stupid or complex the questions are... Thanks.



  5. i havent looked at your logs im on lunch from work... but the latest instructions for infistar have you put the call at the bottom, this is correct and it works. but the infistar folder needs to be in the server root... mine for example is in c/arma2/cherno/a2_infistar  because thats what the latest instructions called for.

    so the  a2_infistar  folder is in the same dir with mpmissions keys @epoch etc

  6. Do you think that would be the cause of random times a player dies and does not lose his gear. can go to body and double up. seen this 2x now but the server was really busy. its first stress test.

    DZE_DeathMsgChat = "none"; and it was still showing the messages. ive just made the changes you suggested and need to go die =)

    two areas in AH.sqf have spawn player_death NOT followed by setHit/setDamage so based off your post i didnt change them...

    player addEventHandler ['Respawn', {_id = [] spawn player_death}]; and
    player addEventHandler ['Killed', {if(isNil 'LASTDAMAGESOURCE')then{LASTDAMAGESOURCE = player;} else {if(isNull LASTDAMAGESOURCE)then{LASTDAMAGESOURCE = player;};};_id = [LASTDAMAGESOURCE,'shotheavy'] spawn player_death}];

    Always so nice to know that the error isn't something i did wrong because you guys are excellent with instructions for the mods.



  7. Is there a better place to report issues that i didn't see?

    if a player dies and has 2 weapon  he can only remove 1 from his body. not counting pistol. edit; this is random, not affecting admin.

    if i kill someone from 5m away death msg says 29000m

  8. 17 hours ago, theduke said:
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    DDOS Heli Guard - If you disconnect accidently, your heli will find a safe place to land. Does not work 100%. Buts its a nice little script.

    Did you actually get this to work? ive tried 5 times it always crashes.. the chopper not the game. no errors


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