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Posts posted by kingpapawawa

  1. heres mine works fine

        ["Binocular_Vector","3000 Meters","setViewDistance 3000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 3000');","true"],
        ["Binocular_Vector","2500 Meters","setViewDistance 2500; systemChat('ViewDistance: 2500');","true"],
        ["Binocular_Vector","2000 Meters","setViewDistance 2000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 2000');","true"],
        ["Binocular_Vector","1500 Meters","setViewDistance 1500; systemChat('ViewDistance: 1500');","true"],
        ["Binocular_Vector","1000 Meters","setViewDistance 1000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 1000');","true"],
        ["Binocular_Vector","750 Meters","setViewDistance 750; systemChat('ViewDistance: 750');","true"],
        ["Binocular_Vector","500 Meters","setViewDistance 500; systemChat('ViewDistance: 500');","true"]


  2. going to assume you are using WAI so look in the /wai/config.sqf for         

    wai_hero_limit                = 4;                                // define how many hero missions can run at once
    wai_bandit_limit            = 0;                                // define how many bandit missions can run at once

    hero missions are actually missions FOR heros. not missions with hero ai.

  3. Rather than adding uid to an array in my base protection script i was wondering how i could use the plotpole to manage who can enter my base..

    this is the default plotGetFriends.sqf

    private ["_name","_plots","_friendlies","_thePlot"];
    lbClear 7002;
    _plots = nearestObjects [[player] call FNC_getPos, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"],15];	
    _thePlot = _plots select 0;
    _friendlies =  _thePlot getVariable ["plotfriends", []];
    	_name = _x select 1;
    	lbAdd [7002, if (typeName _name == "ARRAY") then {toString _name} else {_name}];
    } forEach _friendlies;

    then i have a dome.sqf

    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["0","0"]) then {
    titleText ["Hello Sir.  Welcome home.", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
    } else {
    titleText ["This base belongs to ***, leave now.", "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    sleep 3;
    titleText ["go away, you arent welcome here", "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    sleep 3;
    player setPos [(getPos player select 0) +100, (getPos player select 1) +100, (getPos player select 2) +100];
    //player setDamage 1;

    I tried the following but does not work and no errors.. yes i know i'm a hack and don't know wtf i'm doing lol. It does display the "got this far" text but nothing else happens.

    private ["_plots","_friendlies","_thePlot"];
    _plots = nearestObjects [[player] call FNC_getPos, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"],15];	
    _thePlot = _plots select 0;
    _friendlies =  _thePlot getVariable ["plotfriends", []];
    titleText ["got this far", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in _friendlies) then {
    titleText ["Hello Sir.  Welcome home.", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
    } else {
    titleText ["This base belongs to ***, leave now.", "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    sleep 3;
    titleText ["go away, you arent welcome here", "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    sleep 3;
    player setPos [(getPos player select 0) +100, (getPos player select 1) +100, (getPos player select 2) +100];
    //player setDamage 1;


  4. sorry i dont know if this is the main issue or not... also, is this a clean install or have you tried to update an old version?  I followed this guide and it worked perfectly the first time

    https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server Files/Readme.md

    15:03:17 Warning Message: No challenge value was received from the master server.
    15:03:17 GameSpy QR2 error: 5, No challenge value was received from the master server.


  5. if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["0","0"]) then {
    titleText ["Hello Sir.  Welcome home.", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
    } else {
    titleText ["This base belongs to ****, if you do not leave you will die.", "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    sleep 5;
    titleText ["You have 45 seconds to get out", "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    sleep 10;
    titleText ["30 secs left, run Forrest run", "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    sleep 10;
    titleText ["You don't listen very well. We aren't kidding!", "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    sleep 10;
    titleText ["10 seconds left!", "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    sleep 10;
    titleText ["Bye Falicia", "PLAIN DOWN", 2];
    sleep 5;
    player setPos [getPos player select 0, getPos player select 1, (getPos player select 2) +1000]; //this puts them 1000ft in the air
    //player setDamage 1; //otherwise this to killthem and comment out or delete line above, or do both and kill them in the air for lolz

    put that in an sqf, i have it in custom/dome.sqf

    then in mission file inside the array for class sensors add the following and also adjust the "items=#;" line to account for the new item.

            class Item6
                expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;";
                expActiv="adminbase = [] execVM ""custom\dome.sqf"";";
                expDesactiv="terminate adminbase; titleText [""Bye, have a good time!"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
                class Effects
                    titleEffect="PLAIN DOWN";
                    title="You are entering a restricted zone.";


  6. 45 minutes ago, salival said:
    _vehicle_613 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["KORD_high_TK_EP1", [4118.1001, 7245.6196, 9.1946907], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_613 = _this;
      _this setDir 186.50471;
      _this setPos [4118.1001, 7245.6196, 9.1946907];
      dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_this];

    This should fix it.

    Yes! thank you. been pulling my hair out.

  7. ["z\addons\dayz_server\system\scheduler\sched_safetyVehicle.sqf","KILLING A HACKER","kpw"," IN ","KORD_high_TK_EP1"]

    in my custom variables i have 

    DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC","KORD_high_TK_EP1"];


    loading the KORD in via .sqf in the server pbo

    _vehicle_613 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["KORD_high_TK_EP1", [4118.1001, 7245.6196, 9.1946907], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_613 = _this;
      _this setDir 186.50471;
      _this setPos [4118.1001, 7245.6196, 9.1946907];


    Any ideas?


  8. I don't know what im doing and ill be the first to admit that!

    I've tried to edit Zupa's Vehicle God Mode to change the variables that were modified between 1051 and 106.  With limited success.  also tried adding in the _totalDmg changes made between 1051 and 106 in the default vehicle_handleDamage


    heres vehicle_handleDmage.sqf

    //***Zupa Config ****//
    _godmodeVechilesEverywhere = true; // Godmode on all locked vehicles
    _onlyLockedVehicles = true; //Plotarea: Godmode for Only locked vehicles (true) or locked and unlocked(false)
    _onlyVehicleWithoutGear = false; // Only godmode on vehicles that hold no gear.
    _safeZoneGodVehicle = true; // Godmode vehicles in safezones. (or specific zone's)
    _donatorsPlots = false; // True = only godmode vehicles for donaters in the list, False = godmode for every guy.
    _plotDonators = ["0"]; // PUID's of poeple who donated for plotpole
    // Chernarus safezone area's - change these to other coordinates for other maps. ( You can also add specific locations on the map.
    _safezones = [ 
        [[6315.88,7791.3],100,"Stary"] // [[x,y],distance,"just name"]
    //***END Config ****//
    _unit = _this select 0;
    _selection = _this select 1;
    _total = _this select 2;
    _state = true;
    _HPBefore = -1;
    if (_selection != "") then {
    _strH = "hit_" + _selection;
    _HPBefore = [_unit,_strH] call object_getHit; 
    	_totalDmg = false;
    } else {
    _strH = "totalDmg";
    _totalDmg = true;
    _HPBefore = getDammage _unit;
    if(_total > _HPBefore)then{
    if((locked _unit && _godmodeVechilesEverywhere  && (count (crew _unit)) < 1))then{_state = false;
    if(_safeZoneGodVehicle )then{
    {if ((_unit distance (_x select 0)) < (_x select 1)) then {_state = false;
    };} forEach _safezones;
    _gearCount = 0;
    _plots = nearestObjects [_unit, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], DZE_PlotPole select 0];	
    if((count(_plots) > 0))then{		
    	_thePlot = _plots select 0;
    	_plotOwner = _thePlot getVariable ["ownerPUID",0];
    if ( (_gearCount == 0) &&(locked _unit || !(_onlyLockedVehicles) ) && (count (crew _unit)) < 1 && (  !(_donatorsPlots) || (_plotOwner in _plotDonators))) then {_state = false;
    }; //fix
    if (_total >= 0.98) then {
            _total = 1.0;
    if (local _unit) then {
    if (_total > 0) then {
    		if (!_totalDmg) then {
    _unit setVariable [_strH, _total, true];
    _unit setHit [_selection, _total];
    		PVDZ_veh_Save = [_unit,"damage",false,_totalDmg];
    if (isServer) then {
    			publicVariableServer "PVDZ_veh_Save";
    } else {
    PVDZ_veh_Save call server_updateObject;
    } else {
    // vehicle is not local to this client, ask the client which vehicle is local to set damage
    /* PVS/PVC - Skaronator */
    PVDZ_send = [_unit,"VehHandleDam",_this];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZ_send";
    _total = _HPBefore;
    // all "HandleDamage event" functions should return the effective damage that the engine will record for that part

    and heres fn_damageHandlerVehicle.sqf

    scriptName "Functions\misc\fn_damageHandler.sqf";
    	- Function
    	- [unit, selectionName, damage, source, projectile] call fnc_usec_damageHandler;
    private ["_unit","_hit","_damage","_total"];
    _unit = _this select 0;
    _hit = _this select 1;
    _damage = _this select 2;
    //_source = _this select 3;
    //_ammo = _this select 4;
    _total = _damage;
    _state = true;
    //***Zupa Config ****//
    _godmodeVechilesEverywhere = true; // Godmode on all locked vehicles
    _onlyLockedVehicles = true; //Plotarea: Godmode for Only locked vehicles (true) or locked and unlocked(false)
    _onlyVehicleWithoutGear = false; // Only godmode on vehicles that hold no gear.
    _safeZoneGodVehicle = true; // Godmode vehicles in safezones. (or specific zone's)
    // donator plotpole only works with PLOT FOR LIFE, set FALSE if you dont have it.
    _donatorsPlots = false; // True = only godmode vehicles for donaters in the list, False = godmode for every guy.
    _plotDonators = ["0"]; // PUID's of poeple who donated for plotpole
    // Chernarus safezone area's - change these to other coordinates for other maps. ( You can also add specific locations on the map.
    _safezones = [ 
        [[6315.88,7791.3],100,"Stary"] // [[x,y],distance,"just name"]
    //***END Config ****//
    systemChat "checks";
    if((locked _unit && _godmodeVechilesEverywhere  && (count (crew _unit)) < 1))then{_state = false;
    if(_safeZoneGodVehicle )then{
    {if ((_unit distance (_x select 0)) <  (_x select 1)) then {_state = false;
    };} forEach _safezones;
    _gearCount = 0;
    //_weaps = count(getWeaponCargo _unit);
    //_mags = count(getMagazineCargo _unit);
    //_backs = count(getBackpackCargo _unit);
    //_gearCount = _gearCount + _weaps + _mags + _backs;
    _plots = nearestObjects [_unit, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], DZE_PlotPole select 0];	
    if((count(_plots) > 0))then{		
    	_thePlot = _plots select 0;
    	_plotOwner = _thePlot getVariable ["ownerPUID",0];
    if ( (_gearCount == 0) &&(locked _unit || !(_onlyLockedVehicles) ) && (count (crew _unit)) < 1 && (  !(_donatorsPlots) || (_plotOwner in _plotDonators))) then {_state = false;
    //diag_log ("DAMAGE VEH: " + typeof(_unit) + " / " + str(_hit) + " / " + str(_damage) + " / " + str(getDammage _unit));
    if (local _unit && _state) then {
    	_total = [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_setHitServer;

    at the end of custom compiles calling
    fnc_usec_damageVehicle =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "zupa\fn_damageHandlerVehicle.sqf";        
    fnc_veh_handleDam =          compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "zupa\vehicle_handleDamage.sqf";


    I get god mode at plot pole until i get into the drivers seat then its not working when i exit the vehicle. if i log out and log back in its back in god mode. if i just get in passenger seat and out it works still.

    tried with both "if (isServer) then {" and with "if (!isServer) then {" in vehicle_handleDmage.sqf because i noticed this was changed between 1051 and 106 in the source file. This didn't change anything.

    anyone want to take a crack at it?

    @Zupa - thanks for everything you have done for the epoch community

    @ebaydayz maybe you have an idea or two i can try? saw several posts of yours on 1051 related to this topic.

  9. you said you cant do anything with gems? what do you mean? Gems are just a combined briefcase in my mind. 1 Ruby is 4 1/2 briefs.  If you make an ah64d for sale at 30 briefs it happily accepts a few Rubies as payment. Advanced trader will calculate the cost. 


    2 hours ago, quintin said:


    the script works for me but have one problem when the menu comes up to select a key the menu close to quick.

    is there a place where you can change the delay on the menu.

    /*  Close Dialogs ?       */ _CUD = false;   
    /*  Check CMDMenus ?      */ _CCM = true;  
    /*  BLOCK ALL CMDMenus    */ _BCM =  false;   


    _cMenu = add the following..


  11. its in @dayz_epoch/addons/dayz_code.pbo in the configs folder. and this needs to be changed client side also (dayz_code.pbo on your connecting pc). then in config.cfg set verifySignatures=0; so that it does not complain that you have a modified client file.

    if you arent comfortable with this change ill try it in a bit... after the kids have dinner and go to bed!

  12. so a dzai  M1126_ICV_M2_EP1  just drove down the road and shot at me. without any of the changes to ai skills or anything discussed here. only difference is the server went to night? anyhow he didnt kill me (god mode) and he drove off rather than keep shooting.

    find the armored suv... shoot the gunner out. driver starts the engine and moves the suv,  does not drive around but moves. as soon as the gunner is dead he starts.

    using infistar "show locked vehicles" the lav appears as ["Error: No unit"] in LAV "Error: No unit" "Error: No unit" "Error: No unit" "Error: No unit"] in LAV however it appears as there are 2 errors overlapping each other. cant seem to screengrab this window to show you what i mean.



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