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Posts posted by kingpapawawa

  1. Im having a database issue moving from 106 to 1061.  

    setup 106 on a fresh database and merged all my changes in the files. server starts and works.
    export 106 database and import to 1061 database
    run the 1061 patch even tho it seems it only adds some trader info and im using cfgtrader
    launch server and most of the object_data is missing.

    epoch 106 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server_monitor.sqf finished streaming 1994 objects in 27.807 seconds (unscheduled)" 

    epoch 1061 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server_monitor.sqf finished streaming 629 objects in 20.429 seconds (unscheduled)"

    I have exported the database a couple of times and it seems to copy over and import correctly.  I've copied just the table over.  The table is 1.6mb and after starting and then connecting it drops to 1.3mb

    Seems like mostly floors and walls. sheds and safes remain. vehicles remain.  Should note i have 3 maps hived using object_data_1 and worldspace1 for this instance.

    edit. on a side note that has improved FPS =)
    Also its all items with storage remain. without go byebye

  2. Guys, trying to create an array to change the position of a loot box in a WAI mission.    I also tried putting each item in quotes.

        _loot_pos = [
    [[(_position select 0) + 9, (_position select 1) + 2.3, -0.012]],
    [[(_position select 0) - 8.5, (_position select 1) - 21, -0.012]],
    [[(_position select 0) - 4.3, (_position select 1) - 39, -0.012]]
        _location         = _loot_pos call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
        //Setup the crate
        _crate_type     = crates_medium call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
        _crate             = createVehicle [_crate_type, _location,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];

    I appreciate any help

  3. Thank you so much.
    Dont know if you noticed this or not but mission spawned vehicles delete also. even if you fill them with loot and are flying to trader they delete with you in mid air =) much fun haha.

    I resolved this by removing _vehicle from the cleanup array         [_vehicle,_baserunover],         // cleanup objects 

    but i don't know if there is a better way...  

  4. On 2/21/2017 at 11:08 PM, salival said:

    What do you have these 2 lines set to in your config.sqf in the WAI folder? (these are my values)

    	ai_clean_dead 				= true;			// clear bodies after certain amount of time
    	ai_cleanup_time 			= 45*60;		// time to clear bodies in seconds


    @salival since you were the only one to answer so far.. can you confirm or not if buildings clean up for you? not AI but buildings (_baserunover).

    I have tried on unedited 106 with ebays unedited wai. cleared mayors mansion went 2000m away and waited for 3 hours, returned, building still there.

    set clean time to 5 minutes. set the player nearby distance in mission_winorfail to 100m. no cleanup ever happens.  Is it just me?

  5. 20 hours ago, salival said:

    What do you have these 2 lines set to in your config.sqf in the WAI folder? (these are my values)

    	ai_clean_dead 				= true;			// clear bodies after certain amount of time
    	ai_cleanup_time 			= 45*60;		// time to clear bodies in seconds


    Ai are cleaned up but not buildings. Can you confirm if your buildings are deleting after the set time?

    wai_clean_mission            = true;                                // clean all mission buildings after a certain period
    wai_clean_mission_time        = 1200;   

  6. I was pondering on how to deal with this... still some work to do but maybe someone else has ideas to add and maybe @salival knows if changing the actual server time will screw with the server timesync. if the last sync it was 1:00am and the next sync its 15 mins later and suddenly its 1:15pm...

    The theory is to call a batch file with /vote day /vote night in game that gets the current server time then adjusts the server date time by 12 hours +/- depending on the vote and resync with windows time later.  If its 8pm and vote day the server time changes to 8am.  This (in theory) would allow BEC to continue with scheduled restarts. mine are 10 2 and 6pm/am

    set hour=%time:~0,2%
    set min=%time:~3,2%
    set sec=%time:~6,2%
    if %hour% lss 12 set fixhour=09 // havent sorted this part yet
    if %hour% gtr 12 set fixhour=22 // havent sorted this part yet
    echo %time%
    echo %hour%
    echo %fixhour%
    time %fixhour%:%min%:%sec%

    w32tm /resync //prob requires run as administrator 


    so far just speculation.

  7. ai_clean_dead and ai_cleanup_time are not the problem. The ai are removed. The problem is this...

    wai_clean_mission            = true;                                // clean all mission buildings after a certain period
    wai_clean_mission_time        = 1200;                                // time after a mission is complete to clean mission buildings

    Mission buildings never get deleted.

  8. Im using the forked version by @ebaydayz from https://github.com/ebayShopper/WICKED-AI and i am just realizing that missions never clean up.  I was using some modded configs and additional missions so i reinstalled the original and have the same issue.  I have commented out the loading of every other script except the latest version of infistar simply for the ease of going to and clearing missions for testing. Ive done everything except install a blank virgin epoch 106 and add nothing but WAI and test.

    Anyone else having this issue? 

  9. On 1/31/2017 at 1:03 PM, salival said:

    I'm currently rewriting this script to support briefcases, gems and single currency (like how I did service points), there's also a bug in how it tries to use sleep (you can't because it's unscheduled).

    I also converted it to use the vehicle upgrade procedure which works a lot better and is a lot smaller in footprint

    @salival any update on this? looking forward to this change. Thanks for all of your efforts!

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