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Posts posted by kingpapawawa

  1. Heres what i have been doing...

    	private 		["_complete","_crate_type","_mission","_position","_crate","_baserunover","_baserunover1","_baserunover2","_spawn_pos"];
    	// Get mission number, important we do this early
    	_mission 		= count wai_mission_data -1;
    	_spawn_pos = [
    			[13698.3,2939.31,0], //skalisti
    			[2656.87,14167.4,0], //lysina
    			[15415.7,15227.3,0], //northeast
    			[0,0,0] //no comma after last one
    	_position 		= _spawn_pos call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

    This pics one of the locations to spawn.  I will increase the list soon but i'm busy next few days on life...  I was thinking maybe @salival would come up with a way to...

     _spawn_pos = [[0,0,0],[1,1,0]]

    _position		= [30,1000] call find_position some_other_crap_here; //find a safe position within 1000m of _spawn_pos  

    Because basically i am an idea guy with little skill and he knows how to do it... lol

    Also Salival, Petite is a cool Canadian  you should harass her on TS sometime.

  2. 2 hours ago, Petite said:


      Hide contents

            wai_hero_limit    = 5;    // define how many hero missions can run at once
            wai_bandit_limit    = 1;    // define how many bandit missions can run at once

            wai_hero_missions    = [     // ["mission filename",% chance of picking this mission],Make sure the chances add up to 100,or it will not be accurate percentages
            wai_bandit_missions    = [


    These sections, the numbers have to add up to 100
    wai_bandit_limit    = 0; // do this for no bandit missions
    wai_hero_missions    = [     // 100 total here

  3. Getting about average 10 more FPS on 3 servers.

    I believe @BigEgg gets the credit for figuring out this one. @ndavalos wrote the code below to temp fix it and @icomrade patched it for the next update.... but unless you follow the github issues, (and you should)  you may have missed this one as its buried in a post i made several weeks ago.

    this code goes at the bottom of your init.

    see this for more info https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/issues/1926

    edit:  this code will need to be removed when comes out.

    Posting this because ive spoken with 2 other server owners who hadn't seen this info.

    if (hasInterface) then {
    dayz_rollingMessages = {
    	private "_showText";
    	_showText = {
    		private "_textLine";
    		15 cutRsc ["RSC_DZ_Messages","plain"];
    		_textLine = (uiNamespace getVariable "DZ_Messages") displayCtrl 4099998;
    		_textLine ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText _this);
    		_textLine ctrlCommit 0;
    	if (typeName _this == "ARRAY") exitWith {(_this select 0) call _showText}; //Special or multi-line message
    	if ((diag_ticktime - Message_1_time) < 5) then {
    		if ((time - Message_2_time) < 5) then {
    			Message_3 = Message_2;
    			Message_3_time = Message_2_time;
    		} else {
    			Message_3 = "";
    		Message_2 = Message_1;
    		Message_2_time = Message_1_time;
    	} else {
    		Message_2 = "";
    		Message_3 = "";
    	Message_1 = _this;
    	Message_1_time = diag_ticktime;
    	(format ["%1<br></br>%2<br></br>%3", Message_1, Message_2, Message_3]) call _showText;
  4. 19 hours ago, OMGitzSteveo said:

    Does anyone have a config for more bankers on Tavi map? The only one is in byelov and its a mission to keep going there and back. Any plans to add a couple bankers into traders @salival


    A noob like me is struggling to do it xD

    According to the tavi.sqf there are 6 bank traders..

    ] call server_spawnTraders;


  5. hello Petite good to see you around again.  I just added ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE1 ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE2 ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE3 ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE4 and have no issues buying or selling any of them.

        class ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE4 {
            type = "trade_any_vehicle";
            buy[] = {500000,"worth"};
            sell[] = {50000,"worth"};


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