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    raymix reacted to Monk in What's happening?   
    This! 90 hours so far... I think I may have a problem...
  2. Like
    raymix got a reaction from vbawol in What's happening?   
    Fallout 4 is happening for me... and a full time job.
    But then again, getting burned out on modding is not a good idea, it's nice to step away for a while, get some fresh ideas and relax a bit. But I am only speaking of myself :)
  3. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Chainsaw Squirrel in Hello everyone, my English is very bad, thank EPOCH brings joy.   
    I am having mixed feelings about this, lol.
  4. Like
    raymix got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in What's happening?   
    Fallout 4 is happening for me... and a full time job.
    But then again, getting burned out on modding is not a good idea, it's nice to step away for a while, get some fresh ideas and relax a bit. But I am only speaking of myself :)
  5. Like
    raymix got a reaction from SadBoy1981 in Hello everyone, my English is very bad, thank EPOCH brings joy.   
    I am having mixed feelings about this, lol.
  6. Like
    raymix got a reaction from KPABATOK in Hello everyone, my English is very bad, thank EPOCH brings joy.   
    What is love?
  7. Like
    raymix got a reaction from KPABATOK in Hello everyone, my English is very bad, thank EPOCH brings joy.   
    I am having mixed feelings about this, lol.
  8. Like
    raymix reacted to RC_Robio in Happy Birthday AWOL!!!!   
    Have a Great Birthday!!!!
  9. Like
    raymix reacted to vbawol in Happy Birthday AWOL!!!!   
    Thanks Guys!!
  10. Like
    raymix reacted to SadBoy1981 in Happy Birthday AWOL!!!!   
    From me too!

  11. Like
    raymix got a reaction from vbawol in Happy Birthday AWOL!!!!   
    Happy Birthday, Awol :)
  12. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in [Tutorial] Editing cfgCrafting.hpp (Epoch Crafting V2)   
    Video tutorial that covers editing new crafting menu configs in an upcoming patch. Please note that any current custom cfgCrafting edits you have for old system will break the server and requires to be updated.
    Hoping to see some cool releases from you guys!
  13. Like
    raymix reacted to Sundowner in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Raymix, many thanks for your great contributions to a great game!
    Just a side note on showing/hiding the Snap Pro Tutorial:
    If you DO want the Tutorial to be shown, you should NOT put
    snapTutorial = true;
    in your init.sqf as it will disable the tutorial. The test is for NIL, not true or false.
    (See snap_build.sqf around line 182: if (isNil "snapTutorial") then { ...
  14. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Donnovan in Why go to Lobby after die?   
    Going back to lobby deletes all variables and loops and pretty much the whole mission namespace, then fresh cycle starts by loading new loops and initializing FSMs
    You are against quite a tough task my friend. Either way, as far as I remember it is the FSMs that initializes loadscreen, so start there.
  15. Like
    raymix reacted to vbawol in Arma 3 Feedback Tracker Issues that need your support   
    Please vote up these issues: 
    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23677 < Stepover glitch through doors, Hescos etc.
    UI related:
    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=26433 < Request for new feature to rotate dialog controls.
  16. Like
    raymix reacted to Thug in COIN WITH BANKING DISPLAY   
    I shall call you Professor RayMix from now on.... thanks this really cleared it up for me. I would have pulled all my hair out before i got that. 
  17. Like
    raymix got a reaction from bFe in COIN WITH BANKING DISPLAY   
    Yes, as far as I remember they were running a structured text with new lines. I'd have to see the script again, can't remember.
    But the idea is the same for positioning, work your math off of percentages to fit all screens and simply remove new lines added (most likely by <br> or newline if composeText was used)
  18. Like
    raymix reacted to Donnovan in Andre Organized Spawn Vehicles   
    Run it on the server, at the end of the server file init\server_functions.sqf.
    Play with the configurations.
    It will spawn temporary vehicles all over the map, acordingly to your configuration.
    Any doubt, please ask.
    Thankyou, and sory for no more info, there is nothing else can i say, but if you want to know something, please ask.
    //========================= // By Donnovan/Rubycon //========================= // Spawn Temporary Vehicles //========================= //CONFIGURATION 1 _mapSize = 15360; //SIZE OF THE MAP (DEFAULT IS CHERNARUS SIZE) _useVehAntiGlitch = true; //AVOID USE OF VEHICLES TO INVADE BASES _useTempVehMsg = true; //SEND MESSAGE ALERTING ABOUT TEMPORARY VEHICLE mtdr_runningMod = 0; //0 FOR EPOCH, 1 FOR DAYZ MOD AND 2 FOR OTHERS //CONFIGURATION 2 //VEHICLES TO SPAWN _vehClassAll = [ [//CARS (WEAK,NORMAL,STRONG) ["Tractor","car_sedan","SkodaRed","SkodaBlue","SkodaGreen","Lada1","Lada2"], ["UAZ_CDF","UralCivil","hilux1_civil_1_open","Baf_Offroad_W"], ["HMMWV_DZ","Offroad_DSHKM_INS","M113_PMC","landRover_CZ_EP1","SUV_TK_CIV_EP1"] ], [//HELI (WEAK,NORMAL,STRONG) ["MH6J_DZ","AH6X_DZ"], ["UH1H_DZ"], ["Mi17_DZ"] ] ]; //NUMBER OF EACH VEHICLES _vehClassQttAll = [ [//CARS QTT (WEAK,NORMAL,STRONG): TOTAL 70* 40, 20, 10 ], [//HELI QTT (WEAK,NORMAL,STRONG): TOTAL 15** 5, 5, 5 ] ]; //LOCATIONS TO SPAWN _locationTypesAll = [ [//CAR SPAWN LOCATION (VILLAGE/CITY/CAPITAL) //A LOT OF PLACES ["NameVillage"], //BEREZINO, KRASNOSTAV, SOLNICHNTY, ELEKTROZAVODSK, ETC ["NameCity"], //CHERNOGORSK, BALOTA AIRPORT AND NORTHWEST AIRPORT ["NameCityCapital","Airport"] ], [//HELI SPAWN LOCATION (VILLAGE/CITY/CAPITAL) //A LOT OF PLACES ["NameVillage"], //BEREZINO, KRASNOSTAV, SOLNICHNTY, ELEKTROZAVODSK, ETC ["NameCity"], //CHERNOGORSK, BALOTA AIRPORT AND NORTHWEST AIRPORT ["NameCityCapital","Airport"] ] ]; //NUMBER OF VEHICLES IN EACH LOCATION _locationTypesQttAll = [ [//CAR QTT IN LOCATION (VILLAGE/CITY/CAPITAL): TOTAL 70* (MUST MATCH TOTAL OF CARS) 40, 24, 6 ], [//HELI QTT IN LOCATION (VILLAGE/CITY/CAPITAL): TOTAL 15** (MUST MATCH TOTAL OF HELIS) 2, 5, 8 ] ]; //LOCATIONS SPAWN RAD _locationTypesRadAll = [ [//LOCATION RAD FOR CAR (VILLAGE/CITY/CAPITAL) 100, 200, 300 ], [//LOCATION RAD FOR HELI (VILLAGE/CITY/CAPITAL) 200, 400, 600 ] ]; //TENDENCIE MATRIX: //TRY THE MOST TO MARRY VILLAGE / CITY / CAPITAL PLACES WITH WEAK / NORMAL / STRONG VEHICLES, //RESPECTVELY, WITHOUT CHANGING THE TOTALS IN _vehClassQttAll AND _locationTypesQttAll _vehTendenciesUse = true; _vehTendencies = [ [ [ 0.02,-0.01,-0.01], [-0.01, 0.02,-0.01], [-0.01,-0.01, 0.02] ], [ [ 0.01, 0.00,-0.01], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [-0.01, 0.00, 0.01] ], [ [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.01,-0.01], [ 0.00,-0.01, 0.01] ], [ [ 0.01,-0.01, 0.00], [-0.01, 0.01, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] ] ]; //CLASSES OF THE VEHICLES TO BE SPAWNED TO FIX ROUND ERRORS _basketVehClass = ["UAZ_CDF","UralCivil","hilux1_civil_1_open","MH6J_DZ","AH6X_DZ","UH1H_DZ"]; //END OF CONFIGURATION //SCRIPT _countVeh = []; {_countVeh = _countVeh + [0];} forEach _vehClassAll; { //SET VARS _vehSet = _forEachIndex; _vehClass = _vehClassAll select _vehSet; _vehClassQtt = _vehClassQttAll select _vehSet; _locationTypes = _locationTypesAll select _vehSet; _locationTypesQtt = _locationTypesQttAll select _vehSet; _locationTypesRad = _locationTypesRadAll select _vehSet; //TOTAL VEHICLES _vehQtt = 0; {_vehQtt = _vehQtt + _x;} forEach _vehClassQtt; //QTT MATRIX CALCULATION _vehLocQtt = [ [(_vehClassQtt select 0)*(_locationTypesQtt select 0),(_vehClassQtt select 0)*(_locationTypesQtt select 1),(_vehClassQtt select 0)*(_locationTypesQtt select 2)], [(_vehClassQtt select 1)*(_locationTypesQtt select 0),(_vehClassQtt select 1)*(_locationTypesQtt select 1),(_vehClassQtt select 1)*(_locationTypesQtt select 2)], [(_vehClassQtt select 2)*(_locationTypesQtt select 0),(_vehClassQtt select 2)*(_locationTypesQtt select 1),(_vehClassQtt select 2)*(_locationTypesQtt select 2)] ]; _vehLocQtt = [ [(_vehLocQtt select 0 select 0)/_vehQtt,(_vehLocQtt select 0 select 1)/_vehQtt,(_vehLocQtt select 0 select 2)/_vehQtt], [(_vehLocQtt select 1 select 0)/_vehQtt,(_vehLocQtt select 1 select 1)/_vehQtt,(_vehLocQtt select 1 select 2)/_vehQtt], [(_vehLocQtt select 2 select 0)/_vehQtt,(_vehLocQtt select 2 select 1)/_vehQtt,(_vehLocQtt select 2 select 2)/_vehQtt] ]; //APLYES TENDENCIES if (_vehTendenciesUse) then { { _vehTendencie = _x; _lastMatrix = +_vehLocQtt; _stop = false; while {true} do { _newMatrix = []; { _line = _x; _lineI = _forEachIndex; _newLine = []; { _colI = _forEachIndex; _tend = _vehTendencie select _lineI select _colI; _newValor = _x + _tend; if (_newValor < 0) exitWith {_stop = true;}; _newLine = _newLine + [_newValor]; } forEach _line; if (_stop) exitWith {}; _newMatrix = _newMatrix + [_newLine]; } forEach _lastMatrix; if (_stop) exitWith {_vehLocQtt = +_lastMatrix;}; _lastMatrix = +_newMatrix; }; } forEach _vehTendencies; }; //ROUND VALUES _villBasket = 0; _cityBasket = 0; _captBasket = 0; _vehLocQttRnd = []; { _vill = (_x select 0); _city = (_x select 1); _capt = (_x select 2); _villR = round _vill; _cityR = round _city; _captR = round _capt; _villBasket = _vill - _villR; _cityBasket = _city - _cityR; _captBasket = _capt - _captR; _vehLocQttRnd = _vehLocQttRnd + [[_villR,_cityR,_captR]]; } forEach _vehLocQtt; //CORRECT ERROR GENERATED BY ROUND _vehLocQttRnd = _vehLocQttRnd + [[round _villBasket,round _cityBasket,round _captBasket]]; _vehClass = _vehClass + [_basketVehClass]; //FIND PLACES _places = []; _mapCenter = [_mapSize/2,_mapSize/2,0]; { _subPlaces = []; {_subPlaces = _subPlaces + nearestLocations [_mapCenter,[_x],15000];} forEach _x; _places = _places + [_subPlaces]; } forEach _locationTypes; //ANTI GLITCH FOR EXIT VEHICLE mtdr_getOut = { private ["_player","_veh","_builds"]; _veh = _this select 0; _player = _this select 2; if (mtdr_runningMod == 0) then { _builds = count (_veh nearObjects ["ModularItems",5]); _builds = _builds + count (_veh nearObjects ["Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked_Base",5]); _builds = _builds + count (_veh nearObjects ["CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ_Base",5]); }; if (mtdr_runningMod == 1) then { _builds = count (_veh nearObjects ["DZ_buildables",5]); }; if (_builds > 0 && _veh isKindOf "LandVehicle") then { _bBox = boundingBox _veh; _h = abs((_bBox select 0 select 2) - (_bBox select 1 select 2)); _pos = getPosATL _veh; _pos = [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,_h]; _player setPosATL _pos; [nil,_player,"loc",rTITLETEXT,"You can''t exit vehicle too close to buildables objects.","PLAIN DOWN",5] call RE; }; }; //SEND MESSAGE ABOUT TEMPORARY VEHICLE mtdr_message = { private ["_player","_veh"]; _veh = _this select 0; _player = _this select 2; [nil,_player,"loc",rTITLETEXT,"\nThis is a temporary vehicle!","PLAIN DOWN",2] call RE; }; //SPAWN VEHICLES _failed = 0; _placeIndex = 0; waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos" && !isNil "PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor"}; //NEW LINE! { _line = _x; _vehicles = _vehClass select _forEachIndex; { for "_c" from 1 to _x do { _placesSub = _places select _forEachIndex; _place = _placesSub select (_placeIndex mod (count _placesSub)); _placeIndex = _placeIndex + 1; _placePos = locationPosition _place; _placeRad = _locationTypesRad select _forEachIndex; _vehicle = _vehicles call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _vehicleSize = (sizeOf _vehicle)/2; _pos = [_placePos,0,_placeRad,_vehicleSize,0,20,0,[],[_placePos,[0,0,0]]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; if !(_pos select 0 == _placePos select 0 && _pos select 1 == _placePos select 1) then { _pos = [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,1]; _veh = createVehicle [_vehicle,_pos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor = PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor + [_veh]; //NEW LINE! if (_useVehAntiGlitch && mtdr_runningMod < 2) then { _veh addEventHandler ["GetOut",{_this call mtdr_getOut;}]; }; if (_useTempVehMsg) then { _veh addEventHandler ["GetIn",{_this call mtdr_message;}]; }; _veh setDir random 360; _veh setVelocity [0,0,0.5]; _countVeh set [_vehSet,(_countVeh select _vehSet) + 1]; sleep (1/50); } else { _failed = _failed + 1; diag_log ("[SPAWN VEHICLE FAILED] fails = " + str _failed); }; }; } forEach _line; } forEach _vehLocQttRnd; diag_log ("[VEHICLES SPAWNED ON THE MAP] = " + str _countVeh); } forEach _vehClassAll;  
  19. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Donnovan in Why go to Lobby after die?   
    its just how character creation was designed for dayz, not entirely sure why we are still doing it in A3, but I was also curious about this actually, just never bothered to ask, lol
    I'd say there's a good reason for this, but I can't see why normal respawn shouldn't be possible in both games with a bit of elbow grease.
  20. Like
    raymix got a reaction from kelso000 in createVehicle on top of building   
    _object = createVehicle [_vehicle,position player,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; //or [0,0,0] _object setPosATL (player modelToWorld [0,3,0]);  
  21. Like
    raymix reacted to IT07 in Making a new HUD for Epoch :D   
    Hi Peeps,
    A short little video showing what I am working on: A new HUD for Epoch (Or ArmA 3 in general)
  22. Like
    raymix reacted to Nemaconz in Sapper-Free Bases   
    The bloodsucker lives! (well by lives I mean he is now moving around and performing his animations correctly)

    Still got a lot of kinks to work out, this thing was poorly designed and I'm just not talented enough to rebuild the entire thing from scratch but it'll do the job there is no doubt about that. When the time comes, I'm gonna need to work with a more experienced scripter than myself, that sound issue is going to be the death of me but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. More updates to come.
  23. Like
    raymix got a reaction from KPABATOK in patch crafting issues (stops working randomly)   
    I'm not blaming you for having server mods (which I support 100%), its just that I can't confirm or deny that the issue is with mod.
    Normally I would jump on my dev server (unmodded) and try to reproduce the problem, but it's all working fine for me. Anyway, this seems like a popular issue that was already reported and will is fixed in next update.
  24. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Richie in Plot Management 2.1 infinite menu spam   
    RTFM issue.
    Read the guide again, you've missed the part where you are supposed to remove actions inside fn_selfActions.sqf, bruh
  25. Like
    raymix got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in Epoch Safe   
    Not at all, that's a great question. It's the engine thing because how proxy is handled, but that's about to change and will work as fast as vehicle locking does.
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