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  1. Like
    raymix reacted to juandayz in I want to share the apocalypse with this guy :O   
    almost i can live in the forest with this genius if zeds comes :)
  2. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Hooty in InfiSTAR Idea (Limit Admin Abuse Claims)   
    My server has a BEC badwords.txt with "Admin abuse" in it, people gets kicked instantly when they say that. It's also part of rules and can get you perma banned. Haven't had a problem since, don't care about whiney squeakers leaving server... real men only (our admins do not abuse, but mistakes happen)
  3. Like
    raymix reacted to vbawol in Dead by Armalight   
    Came across a cool looking  gamemode that also uses Epoch mod and figured I would share it here.
    Read more and downloads: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/197400-mp-dead-by-armalight/

  4. Like
    raymix reacted to juandayz in Guide To Install most common mods (   
    This is a Guide to install the most common mods. (Without Plot4life...but with persisten plot after player die using plotmanagement and a very usefull script to add you as owner the plot automatically).
    This is NOT a support for any mod just a guide that i use to install all this mods in a fresh server.. thers some "fixes" for mods when his steps become a lil confuse.
    And if u respect the order to install each mods can be most easy and quick.
     Mods to install:
    Follow this guide to get a epoch fresh server.
    few tips before start:
    1-Single Currency 3.0.
    2-Before proceed... we need  make some changes:
    3-Now is time to make some customs files (fn_selfactions.sqf/compiles.sqf/variables.sqf).
    4-Making the calls for this 3 new files: (fn_selfactions.sqf/compiles.sqf/variables.sqf).
    5-We already have SingleCurrency installed.. its time to
    Install Advanced Trading:
    6-ADMIN TOOLS (skip if u gonna use infistar or other adm mod).
    TIME TO TEST ALL THIS NEW MODS: go with traders, try to buy and sell using advanced trading menu, test money storage , restart your server
    and see if the money still are into the storages.
    9-Time to make some configs:
    This is for prevent players stuck on loading screen:
    10-INSTALL deploy anything 2.8.1
    12:INSTALL ESSV2 (Spawn slection)
    15-MAKE A SAFEZONE.sqf
    18-Restrict Buildings Near Defined Areas ( i forgot this great complement..remember this when BiggEgg give the "like" sory! ).
    Others Servers Packages: (already installed).
    Tnks to:
    and hope you make all of this work :)
    Here you got some others greats mods that you can use and try to install using the originals guides.
  5. Like
    raymix got a reaction from He-Man in Updating to Epoch 0.4   
    Don't need clean install, it's just a number.
    However, we develop strictly vanilla mod, so any custom modifications (especially BE filters) you have will need to be merged into the changes (ie diffmerge stuff).
    And goes without saying - backup, always backup before you do anything.
    Back when I had a server I would normally keep 2 servers - one live and one local for updates, mods etc. I would then do changes locally and only upload to live server when happy enough. Plus local server costs you nothing.
  6. Like
    raymix got a reaction from EagerBeaver in Can you add things to epoch from armaholic ?   
    Absolutely, yes.
    But your server and clients will have to run these mods in right order and you will need to adjust BE filters. If its private ( passworded etc) as you say, might as well remove filters to and antihack to avoid greaf.
  7. Like
    raymix reacted to juandayz in CONGRATS Juandayz for his new title!   
    well many tnks!! @thedukeand @Richie  
      I wasnt know I had this new title until duke told me :D tnks guys!  
  8. Like
    raymix got a reaction from juandayz in [Release] 2.1 Plot Management - UPDATED Object Counter   
    Modular build is actually same old player_build, except it was split into 10 separate files due to its huge size and too many people modifying it... hence modular
    The files you want all start with player_build_*.sqf
    The file you are most likely after is called player_build_plotCheck.sqf
  9. Like
    raymix got a reaction from EagerBeaver in [Release] 2.1 Plot Management - UPDATED Object Counter   
    Modular build is actually same old player_build, except it was split into 10 separate files due to its huge size and too many people modifying it... hence modular
    The files you want all start with player_build_*.sqf
    The file you are most likely after is called player_build_plotCheck.sqf
  10. Like
    raymix reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.4 Release Changelog   
    [New] Dynamic and extensible inventory sub menu system for item interaction and crafting options. (Double click item in your inventory)
    [Added] Vehicle immunity when a vehicle is left locked inside a player owned base (within jammer range) at server startup. Thanks to @morgoth0 for the feedback!
    [Added] Stamina loss when a player jumps.
    [Added] Option to pour out gas to get an empty Jerry can and a "Drink" option to poison yourself.
    [Added] Option to pour out honey and get an empty jar instead of eating it.
    [Changed] Inventory Armor stats feature now dynamic and no longer forced via config.
    [Changed] Group menu and group requests options are now found options on the self-action menu. (SPACE BAR)
    [Changed] Wardrobe mirror now works in single player.
    [Changed] Jetski and Electric Motorcycle motorcycle in-vehicle HUD now functions in singleplayer or editor.
    [Changed] Updated Tanoa trade city layout and added ATM's. Thanks to @morgoth0 (aka Grahame on EpochMod.com Forum)
    [Changed] Players now start with only 30% Hunger and Thirst instead of 100%.
    [Fixed] Increased mass of "Hotwire Kit" (ItemHotwire) magazine item from 2 to 50 to address balance issues. Thanks to PR from @Ignatz-HeMan
    [Fixed] Disposal of Snakes and other animals when inside a protection zone.
    [Fixed] Shark bite attack and effect can now target all players.
    [Fixed] Female ghillie suit transparency issue since Arma update 1.62.
    [Fixed] Fireplace position incorrectly shifted down after lighting the fireplace. Thanks for the report by @Ignatz-HeMan #592
    [Fixed] Increased anti-teleport range that should hopefully allow for proper HALO spawning.
    [Fixed] Typos in Battleye script.txt that caused the filter not to function properly.
    [Fixed] Trailing commas in mission addons array. Thanks to a RP from @SPKcoding (aka $p4rky on EpochMod.com Forum)
    [Fixed] No longer possible to unlock Doors / Gates while using a UAV. Thanks to PR from @Ignatz-HeMan
    Server Side Only:
    [New] EpochServer.dll/so is now statically linked to pcre3 and hredis. On Windows this means that the pcre3.dll file in the arma 3 root can now be removed. On Linux we no longer depend on libhredis and libpcre to be installed.
    [Added] Example mission file epoch_RyanZed.Tanoa that includes "RyanZombies" in the required addons array.
    [Fixed] Database logging now trims log entries via the LogLimit setting  provided in EpochServer.ini. The default is 1000 log records per list.
    Known Issues:
    Jetski and Electric Motorcycle motorcycle in-vehicle HUD will not initialize if player is spawned inside vehicle, as display getin EH did not fire.
  11. Like
    raymix got a reaction from THEbookie in [Terrain] Dystopia   
    Hi folks
    I've decided to finally publish preview of my terrain on forum. It has been roughly 1.5 years since I started on it. Terrain has gone through many major changes - from size to textures to complete redesign. Current shape has been revamped 3 times already, so this is where I'm settled at.
    270 sqkm - 16.4km x 16.4km
    Heightmap - 4096x4096 (can't get 8192 to work)
    Sat/mask/normal maps - 16384x16384
    World Machine - procedural terrain, satmap and normalmap
    Grome - carving roads into terrain
    Photoshop - mask editing
    Current progress: Terrain, carved roads and textures only
    I wanted a decently sized snow map in Arma but with a hint of green - best of both worlds. So it's not completely white making it too easy for me and it's not yet another summer map either, we have enough of those already.
    Originally map was designed for Dominion Mod - started by Rimblock and myself about a year ago, idea is not gone as the map will be used to create Epoch Dominion Mode using Epoch as a framework instead.
    Idea is similar to wasteland - 3 teams fighting for territories, as simple as that.
    The map is heavily inspired by Namalsk and STALKER game and will keep their aesthetics as much as possible.
    I'll keep editing this post if I come up with anything else to add, at work atm lol
  12. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Bricktop in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    I'm afraid that has nothing to do with this mod, sounds like you are using modified version - vectors, created by a different dude, I hear people has a lot of issues with it and dev is gone.
  13. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Pmba79 in [Terrain] Dystopia   
    Hi folks
    I've decided to finally publish preview of my terrain on forum. It has been roughly 1.5 years since I started on it. Terrain has gone through many major changes - from size to textures to complete redesign. Current shape has been revamped 3 times already, so this is where I'm settled at.
    270 sqkm - 16.4km x 16.4km
    Heightmap - 4096x4096 (can't get 8192 to work)
    Sat/mask/normal maps - 16384x16384
    World Machine - procedural terrain, satmap and normalmap
    Grome - carving roads into terrain
    Photoshop - mask editing
    Current progress: Terrain, carved roads and textures only
    I wanted a decently sized snow map in Arma but with a hint of green - best of both worlds. So it's not completely white making it too easy for me and it's not yet another summer map either, we have enough of those already.
    Originally map was designed for Dominion Mod - started by Rimblock and myself about a year ago, idea is not gone as the map will be used to create Epoch Dominion Mode using Epoch as a framework instead.
    Idea is similar to wasteland - 3 teams fighting for territories, as simple as that.
    The map is heavily inspired by Namalsk and STALKER game and will keep their aesthetics as much as possible.
    I'll keep editing this post if I come up with anything else to add, at work atm lol
  14. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in Trader menu suggestions   
    Hey guys, yup there's a ton of categories added (and more can be added/edited by admins) via config. Traders are given array of categories they are allowed to sell for example: ["Consumables", "Medical", "Air2", "Explosives"]; //etc

    Selling categories working per trader (fake array while developing) and listbox is populated accordingly.
    Colour scheme is taken from player's configs btw (ESC > Game Options > Colors). So for some it'll be orange for some blue, you get the idea.
    Here are some more screenshots of progress: http://imgur.com/a/MF3Pb
  15. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in Trader menu suggestions   
    Just want to thank all suggestions both on github and forum (@TheStainlessSteelRat)
    I've pretty much summed up all feature requests and am working on a new Trader menu. From this point on major feature requests could be considered, but will most likely be ignored. Any other suggestions about current state are welcome ofc.
    The menu will support searching, sorting (alphabet and price) and categories as well as display full info about items and buy/sell prices. One of major features will be selling nearby items (thrown on a ground) and selling stuff from your vehicle (unlocked).
    Left mouse = select
    Right mouse = put single item in transaction log
    Double click = opens quantity slider/editor to set quantity of items to buy/sell.
    Transaction log (bottom left LB) is a log of trade actions and can be edited (double click to set new quantity and right click to remove log entry).
    Pressing trade button will make menu go through transaction log and proceed with trade sequence.
    Menu and log will be constantly updated if nearby player also purchases item from the same trader.
    CfgPricing has been reworked, keep this in mind if you run custom prices. It now supports few hardcoded major categories and unlimited subcategories (like consumables, crafting, medical, etc). Server admins and community mods can create their own categories fully localised in their own language and custom pictures.
    Some items will also show positive and negative effects (like alcohol adding stamina, but increasing drunk effect).
    Traders will be revamped slightly and players will be able to sell items even when stock reaches maximum (at severely lowered prices). Traders will also have an extra array set server side to indicate what categories this trader deals with (similar to dayz epoch). Althought this part is still being discussed, so it's subject to change.
    Screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/Vc6mU
    Screenshot#2: http://imgur.com/a/T2t82
    The menu itself has some animations, but in terms of colors it's just a prototype with a lot of placeholders.
  16. Like
    raymix reacted to Hoplox in New GUI - Designed by myself.   
    Hey, would just like to ask everyone on their opinions on a custom GUI i designed by myself for my server!
    Bottom Left.
    The crosshair represents combat status and flashes when in combat.
    Blood and broken leg are off screen for now. :/
    Let me know of your opinions! Feel free to like!
  17. Like
    raymix got a reaction from vbawol in RIP Junior   
    RIP doge
  18. Like
    raymix reacted to Aggro in [Terrain] Dystopia   
    Great job man! this is exactly what arma need, it would be awesome if it was to include overgrown feel and sound effects similar to namalsk , we are all tired of the pretty looking maps :D 
    + watching this !!! 
  19. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Aggro in [Terrain] Dystopia   
    Hi folks
    I've decided to finally publish preview of my terrain on forum. It has been roughly 1.5 years since I started on it. Terrain has gone through many major changes - from size to textures to complete redesign. Current shape has been revamped 3 times already, so this is where I'm settled at.
    270 sqkm - 16.4km x 16.4km
    Heightmap - 4096x4096 (can't get 8192 to work)
    Sat/mask/normal maps - 16384x16384
    World Machine - procedural terrain, satmap and normalmap
    Grome - carving roads into terrain
    Photoshop - mask editing
    Current progress: Terrain, carved roads and textures only
    I wanted a decently sized snow map in Arma but with a hint of green - best of both worlds. So it's not completely white making it too easy for me and it's not yet another summer map either, we have enough of those already.
    Originally map was designed for Dominion Mod - started by Rimblock and myself about a year ago, idea is not gone as the map will be used to create Epoch Dominion Mode using Epoch as a framework instead.
    Idea is similar to wasteland - 3 teams fighting for territories, as simple as that.
    The map is heavily inspired by Namalsk and STALKER game and will keep their aesthetics as much as possible.
    I'll keep editing this post if I come up with anything else to add, at work atm lol
  20. Like
    raymix got a reaction from KPABATOK in Option for Gender Selection   
    Gender selection at spawn only happens once per lifetime of your character and only takes 1 click. How often are you dying for this to annoy you? In a survival game! :)
     It's a choice given to players not admins. Implementing suggested feature is possible, but that's something for community devs to make. The spawning room will probably see some updates in future that will make more sense.
  21. Like
    raymix got a reaction from KPABATOK in Trader menu suggestions   
    Sorry I'm not familiar with how other mods do things, this is why I ask you guys what you want.... can barely find free time to develop mod, nevermind actually playing it or any other mods lol.
    I suppose no harm borrowing an idea or 2 from Exile since they borrowed snapping idea from SBP and hundreds of players called it unique lol.
  22. Like
    raymix got a reaction from waynewr in Trader menu suggestions   
    Just want to thank all suggestions both on github and forum (@TheStainlessSteelRat)
    I've pretty much summed up all feature requests and am working on a new Trader menu. From this point on major feature requests could be considered, but will most likely be ignored. Any other suggestions about current state are welcome ofc.
    The menu will support searching, sorting (alphabet and price) and categories as well as display full info about items and buy/sell prices. One of major features will be selling nearby items (thrown on a ground) and selling stuff from your vehicle (unlocked).
    Left mouse = select
    Right mouse = put single item in transaction log
    Double click = opens quantity slider/editor to set quantity of items to buy/sell.
    Transaction log (bottom left LB) is a log of trade actions and can be edited (double click to set new quantity and right click to remove log entry).
    Pressing trade button will make menu go through transaction log and proceed with trade sequence.
    Menu and log will be constantly updated if nearby player also purchases item from the same trader.
    CfgPricing has been reworked, keep this in mind if you run custom prices. It now supports few hardcoded major categories and unlimited subcategories (like consumables, crafting, medical, etc). Server admins and community mods can create their own categories fully localised in their own language and custom pictures.
    Some items will also show positive and negative effects (like alcohol adding stamina, but increasing drunk effect).
    Traders will be revamped slightly and players will be able to sell items even when stock reaches maximum (at severely lowered prices). Traders will also have an extra array set server side to indicate what categories this trader deals with (similar to dayz epoch). Althought this part is still being discussed, so it's subject to change.
    Screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/Vc6mU
    Screenshot#2: http://imgur.com/a/T2t82
    The menu itself has some animations, but in terms of colors it's just a prototype with a lot of placeholders.
  23. Like
    raymix got a reaction from waynewr in Trader menu suggestions   
    Hey folks
    I'm currently working on 3 other smaller-ish projects, but before I get to the new trader menu revamp, which is quite large project, I'd like to hear what you guys actually want in it. Any idea is worth considering.
    Please tell me about the stuff you like or dislike in current system, too.
    Thank you
  24. Like
    raymix got a reaction from TheVampire in [Terrain] Dystopia   
    Hi folks
    I've decided to finally publish preview of my terrain on forum. It has been roughly 1.5 years since I started on it. Terrain has gone through many major changes - from size to textures to complete redesign. Current shape has been revamped 3 times already, so this is where I'm settled at.
    270 sqkm - 16.4km x 16.4km
    Heightmap - 4096x4096 (can't get 8192 to work)
    Sat/mask/normal maps - 16384x16384
    World Machine - procedural terrain, satmap and normalmap
    Grome - carving roads into terrain
    Photoshop - mask editing
    Current progress: Terrain, carved roads and textures only
    I wanted a decently sized snow map in Arma but with a hint of green - best of both worlds. So it's not completely white making it too easy for me and it's not yet another summer map either, we have enough of those already.
    Originally map was designed for Dominion Mod - started by Rimblock and myself about a year ago, idea is not gone as the map will be used to create Epoch Dominion Mode using Epoch as a framework instead.
    Idea is similar to wasteland - 3 teams fighting for territories, as simple as that.
    The map is heavily inspired by Namalsk and STALKER game and will keep their aesthetics as much as possible.
    I'll keep editing this post if I come up with anything else to add, at work atm lol
  25. Like
    raymix got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in Trader menu suggestions   
    Just want to thank all suggestions both on github and forum (@TheStainlessSteelRat)
    I've pretty much summed up all feature requests and am working on a new Trader menu. From this point on major feature requests could be considered, but will most likely be ignored. Any other suggestions about current state are welcome ofc.
    The menu will support searching, sorting (alphabet and price) and categories as well as display full info about items and buy/sell prices. One of major features will be selling nearby items (thrown on a ground) and selling stuff from your vehicle (unlocked).
    Left mouse = select
    Right mouse = put single item in transaction log
    Double click = opens quantity slider/editor to set quantity of items to buy/sell.
    Transaction log (bottom left LB) is a log of trade actions and can be edited (double click to set new quantity and right click to remove log entry).
    Pressing trade button will make menu go through transaction log and proceed with trade sequence.
    Menu and log will be constantly updated if nearby player also purchases item from the same trader.
    CfgPricing has been reworked, keep this in mind if you run custom prices. It now supports few hardcoded major categories and unlimited subcategories (like consumables, crafting, medical, etc). Server admins and community mods can create their own categories fully localised in their own language and custom pictures.
    Some items will also show positive and negative effects (like alcohol adding stamina, but increasing drunk effect).
    Traders will be revamped slightly and players will be able to sell items even when stock reaches maximum (at severely lowered prices). Traders will also have an extra array set server side to indicate what categories this trader deals with (similar to dayz epoch). Althought this part is still being discussed, so it's subject to change.
    Screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/Vc6mU
    Screenshot#2: http://imgur.com/a/T2t82
    The menu itself has some animations, but in terms of colors it's just a prototype with a lot of placeholders.
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