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    TheVampire got a reaction from t3fa in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    You removed the wrong bracket, even though It won't error, here is the correct one.
    And here's your next error to find.
    0:15:06 "RUNNING EVENT: supply_drop on [2014,7,6,13,15]" 0:15:06 "_iClass isNil, exiting loot spawn!" 0:15:06 Error in expression < 1 to _num do { _index1 = floor(random _cntWeights); _index2 = _weights select > 0:15:06 Error position: <_cntWeights); _index2 = _weights select > 0:15:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _cntweights 0:15:06 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\supply_drop.sqf, line 54
  2. Like
    TheVampire reacted to MGT in Congratulations Dave [MGT]   
    Thanks Richie, just helping out with stuff, mostly the spammers advertising movie links etc.
    I run my servers for fun, not for profit so am willing to share anything B)
  3. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Richie in Congratulations Dave [MGT]   
    I just noticed that Dave [MGT] is now a moderator, job well done and i'm sure you'll be an asset to the community :)
    Unlike many other server admins, Dave has no problem sharing his scripts/tweaks/ban lists and anything else that will come in handy for server admins.
    He's also patient and knowledgeable of Epoch and how things work and he always helps others, even the really dumb ones most would give up on :lol:
  4. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Markokil321 in Dayz standalone moving to a new engine   
    "We realized we rushed making a game on an engine that we had no time to specialize it for, and now want to specialize it"
    Or there is always
    "We took an engine that runs ENTIRELY on scripting, and it allowed people to script, so now we are changing the engine"
  5. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from RC_Robio in Who do I have to beg?   
    Here's a show to my dedication. :lol:
    I managed to get the Arma 2 Guitar addon to work on Arma 3, and took all day putting together this to help my plea. I also retextured the guitar a bit.
    All addon credit goes to USSR Sniper of course.
    Imagine walking through the threatening world to come across this.

    The song list is "He was a Good Stalker" followed by an Unnamed guitar track from Metro 2033.
    10 points for the person who recognizes the line written on the Guitar. ;)
  6. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Nakama Mind in Config based trader set up   
    You add DZE_ConfigTrader = true; to your init.sqf
    #include "\dayz_epoch_b\CfgServerTrader\cfgServerTrader.hpp"
    to your Description.ext.
    What it is essentially is the entire traders_data table from the database in a Cfg file instead. This is faster than the server needing to connect to the database to ask what the trader is selling, and if there is any left.
    If you did want to switch to this though, and you have custom items in your Traders_data you need to pull a copy of cfgServerTrader.hpp from dayz_epoch_b.pbo in your @DayZ_Epoch folder, add it to your mission.pbo, and then modify it to point to the custom config based on what you are adding.

    There's a config file for each trader_tids entry in your database from the looks of it.

    And the contents of these files look something like this:
    class Category_577 { class 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD { type = "trade_items"; buy[] = {4,"ItemSilverBar10oz"}; sell[] = {2,"ItemSilverBar10oz"}; }; class 5Rnd_86x70_L115A1 { type = "trade_items"; buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"}; sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"}; }; class 100Rnd_762x51_M240 { type = "trade_items"; buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"}; sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar"}; }; class 20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL { type = "trade_items"; buy[] = {4,"ItemSilverBar10oz"}; sell[] = {2,"ItemSilverBar10oz"}; }; class 20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR { type = "trade_items"; buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar"}; sell[] = {5,"ItemSilverBar10oz"}; }; }; Which looks like its the same as the database. The class Catagory_### probably points to a trader TID.
  7. Like
    TheVampire reacted to vbawol in Epoch Mod Information Update   
    We are going for the long haul here guys. The A3 Epoch project will likely take a few years before we are at at 100% finished state. Alpha status will last until 1.0 at which point we will enter the beta phase.
    Beta phase will be mostly feature complete with a slower/larger update cycles. Closed alpha is likely to last up to version 0.5 and hosting will be done by our own developers and will only allow whitelisted players to join.
    Open alpha will likely start sometime after 0.5 (50% complete) and at this time we will start to welcome some server hosts to join in the testing. During open alpha we are going to only allow server hosting via an application process with acceptance of specific terms. For GSP's that want to host during the alpha we will ask that customers ability to access server files is limited from making any modifications to our files.
    All of this is so that we can get proper feedback on our own work and fix any issues that are from the mod and hopefully make the game we all want to play.
    Discussion here: 

  8. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Buck0 in Scary Forest - how to?   
    He can create if via script just fine.
    Your error OP is in your formatting of the CfgSounds, it doesn't look like it has a closing bracket.
  9. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Poncho in Development path? A message for the Devs.   
    The problem he was touching with that was, if you have custom file edits, whenever a new version comes out the only real option you have is to redo those file edits. This can take some server admins days to do.
  10. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Halvhjearne in Help cleaning up parachutes from HALO spawns with new beta version. ..   
    I set it to 60 seconds, but it's up to you how long you want it to wait.
    The parachutes disappear locally to the person who was using it, but not to all the other clients connected, so unless you see another person who just got done parachuting, the player shouldn't notice it as long as the script is running at least once a minute.
  11. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from hogscraper in DayZ Epoch missing   
    Use DayZ Commander.
  12. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Defent in MISSIONS ALL SPAWNING IN SAME SPOTS (CHERNARUS)   
    Go ahead
  13. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Defent in MISSIONS ALL SPAWNING IN SAME SPOTS (CHERNARUS)   
    You should be able to copy over the position finding from DZMSFunctions, and then just make sure there is the blacklist and static positions added to the DZMSConfig.
  14. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from DY357LX in What's the correct way to use if statements in ArmA 2 scripts? (ExtraRC specific)   
    I don't believe you can do it from the .hpp.
    You would do it at the beginning of the script you are trying to add.
    hpp files are Config files and need a certain formatting, or else they will fail. They aren't the same as SQF files.
  15. Like
    TheVampire reacted to freakystyle in Working Safezone Script?   
    Hey i use infiSTAR SafeZone
  16. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from MattL in Radiation Zone HELP   
    It has to be added to the Mission.sqm, not the description.ext
  17. Like
    TheVampire reacted to insertcoins in Anyone who says antihack isn't needed   
    2014-06-22 01:44:40 infiSTAR HackLog | Ash (6874690) | BadFile: epoch\epochMain.sqf - #line 1 "epoch\epochMain.sqf" #line 1 "epoch\config.sqf" epochMessage = 'YOU WILL NEVER FIND ME?'; 2014-06-22 01:45:00 infiSTAR HackLog | Ash (6874690) | is BANNED |Instance: 15| Yep, found you.
  18. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Mercules in How should Admins... Admin ?.   
    I have personally watched admins spawn in tanks and blow up a bunch of barracks. I called them out on it and the response I got was, "So what... they will be back after the restart." Except, I was a new player who had specifically made my way to that area with the idea of picking up some much needed gear like a solid gun, NVGs, GPS, Range Finder, Larger Backpack, and such. I had picked up enough food and drink and a enfield to just get there hoping to find at least one of the above especially a Backpack. Restart was 3 hours away.

    So my options were now, make my way to one of the other places military loot spawns which would take an hour or more, sit around for 3 hours, log out for the night, or wander around looting residential stuff for the night of play. I chose the other option I didn't mention, never logging into that server again.

    On another server an admin had an M110 with a TWS. He decided to help me while I was playing by teleporting to me and starting to shoot the zeds around. I had been carefully making my way around the city and had somewhat fixed up a Fuel tanker I was going to sell when I reached a trader. Well, he missed on of the zeds and shot the tanker which blew up. Then he wanted to give me the gun he was using and some briefcases when I started complaining about him basically ruining my game(drew down all the spawned zeds in the area on us as well).

    He didn't understand I didn't WANT free stuff or help. I wanted to play the game. He got all irate when I refused his stuff and finally I logged out and never went back there.

    So what you want in Admins are people who are going to be available but NOT SCREW WITH THINGS. Don't help out people who don't ask for it. Don't get bored and blow stuff up for fun because someone else might be wanting those building whole. Don't use gear other players can't even loot/purchase.
  19. Like
    TheVampire reacted to hogscraper in Who do I have to beg?   
    The Crow! Moody, dark atmosphere cranked to 11.
  20. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Richie in DayZ closes itself   
    That's infiSTAR checking for those files and not finding them.
  21. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Mr. Snatchit in How should Admins... Admin ?.   
    We have both on our server.
    We have an admin who does no PVP. He will hang out with players, help them do missions, help them build, and take care of in game administration such as death by glitches, and admin ran events. He of course also has access to RCon, and the in-game admin tools.
    I on the other hand am the Developer, and even though I do all the coding, I don't give myself access to the in game tools, only RCon. I don't want to be called a cheater when I play on the server to have fun by PVP. I also have access to the database of course, but there is hardly a need to modify anything in there other than traders.
    Although I do agree with Mr. Snatchit, I had a player get killed by roaming AI, call admin abuse (even though no admins were on), and quit the server. There are always some people who can never have fun unless they are in the lead.
  22. Like
    TheVampire reacted to vbawol in Unified Epoch Project   
    We have always welcomed commits to the gitHub for Dayz Epoch ever since it was released at the end of 2012. I encourage anyone that has made something for DayZ Epoch or using our code to at least attempt to make a commit. You wont know if you don't try.
    I don't know how many times I must say this but 1.0.5 will not be our last patch. We have plans to take DayZ Epoch to 1.1 and beyond provided that the community actually keeps committing fixes and features and I will keep assisting in getting them tested and ready for release. Long term I will likely get back into developing for A2 DayZ Epoch when things calm down related to A3 Epoch Mod.
  23. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Fuchs in Dayz standalone moving to a new engine   
    I've said it before, but other than the network bubble, redone zeds, and the new visuals, DayZ Standalone could have been completely done in Arma 2: OA or Arma 3.
    Toying with any sort of new engine to improve gameplay at this point is a waste of time in my opinion, at least until they actually do somewhat revolutionary that couldn't have been done with scripting and custom models.
    Even Altis Life had a thirst and hunger system exactly like Standalone.
    The DayZ Mod recently got certain items that decay over use.
    You want decaying items when shooting a player? That can all be done.
    Have anything unique yet? Doesn't seem so.
  24. Like
    TheVampire reacted to clemontine36 in errors after update   
    Very sorry for wasting your time Vampire, reuploaded fix for new patch, server runs fine. Must of done something wrong the first time.
    Thanks alot
  25. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Chris9183 in Stretched resolution, even though it's set correctly?   
    I found the problem. Arma 2 recognized the new resolution, but not the new aspect ratio. You have to delete your config files and then run Arma 2 again for it to recognize a new aspect ratio. Config files are located in Documents/Arma 2 folder.
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