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[TUTORIAL] How to install Linux Server Epoch v1.0.3


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1. Copy the whole "ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead" directory from Windows to server Linux-directory.
ArmA2 directory should contain subdirectories "Addons", "Dta", "Expansion", etc.
Example: pack with PKZIP (WinZip, PowerArchiver, etc.) on Windows and unpack with "unzip" on Linux.
DO NOT use upper case letters in the ArmA2 directory name (or in any files that the server uses like missions or mods):
GOOD: "/home/bob/arma2arrowhead"
BAD: "/home/bob/ArmA2ArrowHead"


2. Download and install DayZ Epoch Mod 1.0.3  (http://goo.gl/eS96xa).

3. Run ./install
Watch the messages - they might inform you whether your installation failed. Double check that all directories were renamed to lower case. Remove any .dll files you might still find (in battleye, expansion and expansion/battleye directories). When adding mission .pbo's or mods remember to run ./tolower again or manually change the filenames to lowercase. ANY uppercase letter in a filename will crash the server!
$ for x in *; do mv $x `echo $x | tr [A-Z] [a-z]`; done

4. Create database "epoch" (login: "dayz", password: "dayz") and load "database.sql" into Mysql. 

Load v1.0.3 db update "v103update.sql" into Mysql.
$ chmod +x install server *.sh *.pl
$ sudo apt-get install libjson-xs-perl
For 64-bit only:
$ sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6

5. Run ./epoch.sh for test
Watch the messages - they might inform you whether your installation failed.

6. Run ./restarter.pl
$ screen -r

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

These installation instructions really need to be refined.


There is quite a bit of information missing that is left up to the user to guess or discover through trial and error.


For example : 

1. you start talking about upper and lower case in step one when it really doesn't matter here, since you provide a `tolower` program that recursively makes all folder and filenames lowercase.


2. Despite providing an `./install` shell script that runs `./tolower` you confuse the situation by inserting a one liner shell command (without explaining why it's there


3. Not your fault, but slightly related : The offical documentation talks about editing a "hive.ini" or something... what it doesn't say is where that file is or where it should go...

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I also had some issues and it took me 2 weeks until understood how that works. But I never had a windows server before to know how the file structure needs to be (which files from arma2/oa goes where). But in some posts here devd explained it. The most difficult part for me in the beginning was to understand that the linux version cannot use HIVE (which is obvious as this is provided by a dll which has not been compiled to a .so for linux). So I left out restarter.pl and writer.pl as I normally don't execute script I do not know what they are doing. ;) So the most important stuff has been missing for me.


1.: if you add/change something additionally whatever that is, devd pointed out to execute tolower again. E.g a mission file.

2.: if you donÄt know what these 4 or 5 commands mean, don't execute them !

3.: as mentioned above that was also a problem for me. So you do NOT need any hive.ini or something as hive is not used or executed here.


If you have a look into the installation posts where it is explained which files need to go where everything runs quite well.

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Yes...but due to devd's idea to get around the need to have hive it's also possible this way ;)

Don't know yet what happens if I have X+ people on the server but basically it works great.

This is a workaround so to say which simulates using a hive.dll and parses the CHILD:xxx:-calls written to the log file in the shell at the time they show up there.

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  • 3 months later...

i attempted to run this with windows server files i confirmed worked, it runs with no output and no errors, just 


[root@server1 dayz_epoc]# ./epoch.sh
[root@server1 dayz_epoc]#
the process is not running...
centos 6 and debian tried
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i was just testing, i attempted running it as a dayz user with the same result

Make sure you have all the properties (permissions) set correctly, and check if there's anything in the dump.log file that might tell us more.

It's hard to say without seeing everything, but I guess you could try to just run the epoch file directly by doing ./epoch and see if there's anything that comes up there

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