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OK, so I fixed my problem completely. It ended up being a Nuke mission that did camera effects. As soon as the mission started and the nuke went off regardless where I was on the map it would cause me to start glitching and going minecraft style. Once I disabled it, no issue at all.


The mission had no issue with 1.46 so I guess they have changed something with 1.48 that was affecting it. So if you are running any scripts that can shake, do a color filter, or manipulate the display somehow that may be doing it.

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OK I think we have found a common denominator .. Video GPU Brands.. seems as only Nvidia users are seeing the bulk of the issues ,and not AMD GPU users .. sapper are all off and still  had the issue when a AI spawned in .. on Altis.. and yes the video drivers are current


I have 3 Titans with 0 errors and great FPS.


The issues for my players are mixed when it come to GPUs. Nvidia/AMD old new the issues are random.

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OK I think we have found a common denominator .. Video GPU Brands.. seems as only Nvidia users are seeing the bulk of the issues ,and not AMD GPU users .. sapper are all off and still  had the issue when a AI spawned in .. on Altis.. and yes the video drivers are current


As I said earlier.. I had the issue running AMD with Crossfire so unless you are having near identical symptoms but a different problem I doubt it's the GPU as long as they have the most recent drivers.

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My issue with my game freezing on AiA maps, I believe, was because there's an AiA fix that I didn't have loaded.  Once I loaded this... well, it hasn't frozen yet.  Just fyi for anyone who was experiencing the same thing.  I had the fix sitting around from playing tactical battlefield.



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I've not much Epoch experience prior to this patch but I recall no issues, this patch is causing me a problem that seems to relate to this topic.


The game starts fine, runs quite well at 40-50+ FPS but appears to slowly degrade over time.


... and then a Sapper spawns near me. The game will freeze for about 10 seconds and then drop to 6 FPS, my character model textures start glitching and other textures, buildings for example, struggle to load, flashing it and out.


I've been able to reproduce this reliably to the point where I don't even have to look for the sapper, I know it's there, I run for the hills and sure enough, a sapper pursues me. The only fix is to log out and back in. My first attempt to stand my ground and shoot the sapper at 6 FPS did not end well.


Even with it dead, the framerate still tanks, log out is the only fix I can find.



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So is the general consensus that I shouldn't update my server to Should I hold out for a hot fix or maybe even 


I don't see any reason not to. I completely got rid of the issue once I pulled out one script that was doing something that didn't agree with the ArmA patch. You may be waiting a long time if you are holding out for BIS to update the update.

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while reading through some issues on the arma bug tracker i came accross someone who had reported issues and he added a line to steams arma 3 launch parameters, i decided had nothing to lose and gave it a try and since added ive had no graphical issues or memory crashes. still see missing smoke shell white error but doesnt render my game unplayable


i added "-malloc=system" without quotes to arma 3 properties in steam, im not 100% sure this has sorted my errors completely or ive just been lucky in last 8hours or so of gameplay

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while reading through some issues on the arma bug tracker i came accross someone who had reported issues and he added a line to steams arma 3 launch parameters, i decided had nothing to lose and gave it a try and since added ive had no graphical issues or memory crashes. still see missing smoke shell white error but doesnt render my game unplayable

i added "-malloc=system" without quotes to arma 3 properties in steam, im not 100% sure this has sorted my errors completely or ive just been lucky in last 8hours or so of gameplay

Uses system ram rather than vid card mem no?
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Went back to Arma3 -1.46  with epoch 0304 for the last 24hrs no problems , while the test-server at 1.48 and either epoch 303 or 304 gives FPS drops glitches and more new issues

And if Bis makes a new update we might see this all over again .

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I don't see any reason not to. I completely got rid of the issue once I pulled out one script that was doing something that didn't agree with the ArmA patch. You may be waiting a long time if you are holding out for BIS to update the update.


what was the script doing that arma didn't like? I would like to look through my scripts for similar functions.

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Little update about this issue.

Thanks Awol, the latest rc 1.48.131645 has improved performance for some but the problems are still there.

have seen one memory crash on my test client but not yet on my main client.

Pop is low so I don't have a wide range of people to test and report but none of my current regulars are seeing any problems and are reporting an increase of 10 to 15 client FPS

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