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how to change loot found in road side trash?


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I'm looking to find a way to change what loot you get "after" you brake down dynamic debris (road side trash). I have a custom loot table in stalled, but the only dynamic debris cover in that is for dayz where loot spawn around the trash. So it don't work for Epoch, need to change or add to the random loot table for dynamic debris.


I'm running Epoch please don't question my choices, and leave me hanging like the other guy did. Any help will be grateful.

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Sweet thanks, I was just thinking about adding other class names to this list. Like this _refundpart = ["PartEngine","PartGeneric","PartFueltank","PartWheel","PartGlass","ItemJerrycan","FoodCanBakedBeans","FoodCanSardines","FoodCanFrankBeans","FoodCanPasta",]


just to give it a less of a chance of finding parts, do you think it may work?

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please don't question my choices, and leave me hanging like the other guy did. Any help will be grateful.


I didn't "leave you hanging" as you put it. I have never set up a server using and as such, thought it better to butt out and let someone who ACTUALLY knew answer you rather than give you bogus information. So, you're welcome :)

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No i'm looking into Zed killer how to make a custom compiles files.


never done a custom compiles file before.


So if I add a file called fixes, then copy the remove.sqf file to it and edit it, then add this line to my init file


call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\remove.sqf"; right below the call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf"; line


nope this didn't work

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I been reading that, still only car parts. Sorry for getting your nick wrong BetterDeadThanZed.


this is what I did so far made a file called Fixes with 2 files in it compiles.sqf and remove.sqf.

then I edited the remove.sqf file by adding more stuff to the list. in the compiles.sqf I added this line     player_removeObject = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\remove.sqf";

Then I edited the init file with this line    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\compiles.sqf";  //Compile custom compiles.


No the "custom loot table" for road side trash is for reg Dayz where you have loot spawn "around" the trash, or were you refering to loot tables in the server files.

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in the compiles.sqf I added this line     player_removeObject = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\remove.sqf";


that part is wrong, there should be already a path to the dayzcode remove. sqf

that one must be altered, or better: delete the on refering to the dayzcode, as you put your line in it already.

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I also found this in the variables.sqf file


//Hunting Variables
dayZ_partClasses = [
 //"PartGeneric", //No need to add, it is default for everything


do you think this might have something to do with it, cause there only one place I know that only spawn car parts for loot, its road side trash.


Seelenapparat, I'm lost on your last post delet it in the fixes file or dayz code file and which part.

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open your compiles file (dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf)

look for that line:

player_removeObject =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\remove.sqf";


set it to your new compiles path in your mission file.

player_removeObject =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\remove.sqf";


also change the path of the compiles.sqf in the init.sqf file:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\system\compiles.sqf";


copy both files into the fixes folder.



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Ok this is what I did so far,


1. in the mpmission file 11.cherno I made a folder called fixes


2. I copy compiles.sqf & remove.sqf files to fixes folder.


3. I edited compiles.sqf line 34 to player_removeObject =   compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\remove.sqf";


4. I edited remove.sqf line 189 to _refundpart = ["PartEngine","PartGeneric","PartFueltank","PartWheel","PartGlass","ItemJerrycan","ItemDocument","ItemBriefcaseEmpty","ItemWaterbottleUnfilled","ItemHotwireKit","ItemComboLock","ItemWire","PartVRotor","ItemGPS","ItemSledge"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;


5. I edited my init.sqf file line 69 to call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\compiles.sqf";    //Compile regular functions

Tryed "fixes\system\compiles.sqf"; it gave me errors till I took \system out of the line.


now I'm still only getting car parts, I'm wondering if there is another file, that needs to be edited.

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ok, found another occurence of the remove file:


in fn_selfactions.sqf:


    if(_player_deleteBuild) then {
        if (s_player_deleteBuild < 0) then {
            s_player_deleteBuild = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_delete",_text], "fixes\remove.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_deleteBuild;
        s_player_deleteBuild = -1;


you have to change the path to the fn_selfactions.sqf accordingly. :)

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I'll have to bring up my test server for this one, I didn't know how many files that had to be edited. I'll redo each steps on my test server with backups. Incase something goes wrong. I can't keep my players down to much longer.


the good thing is most of my players they work on the oil rigs, so I got about a week before they return home.

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