Well, a while back while playing dayz, I had a vehicle with items in that got destroyed. Not that anything really important was destroyed, but the idea of having the loot spawn around the destroyed vehicle like the heli crashes crossed my mind. Since then, it was always on my mind until today, when I finally decided to create it, for arma 3, or course.
The Gist:
When the vehicle is destroyed, it takes the inventory of the vehicle and scatters it on the ground
Check if locked - for obvious reasons, we don't want to incline people to destroy every vehicle
Update every 4 seconds - from the server side, the vehicles are updated with their latest information
Happens for every vehicle - every vehicle that is in Arma 3 can have this attached automatically
This script would just reside on the server side.
Once again, if any devs want it, let me know.
Thanks! :)
EDIT: I have finished my crash loot script to some extent. I have not added destroyed chance for the item as I don't know how the dev's would want to handle it. I have the basic handle when killed and 10 second refresh on the gear variables. Works like a charm and I have not seen it fail yet. If the dev's would like the scripts, just message me. For some reason if(locked _unit) does not work in arma 3, I have no idea why. So you might have to handle lock in a variable. Just stick the script files in the mission folder and you are all set to go!
Hello Epoch Community,
It's me again with another idea worked out, ishh...
I have always had this idea in my head for a while, just a little promo before I explain
Well, a while back while playing dayz, I had a vehicle with items in that got destroyed. Not that anything really important was destroyed, but the idea of having the loot spawn around the destroyed vehicle like the heli crashes crossed my mind. Since then, it was always on my mind until today, when I finally decided to create it, for arma 3, or course.
The Gist:
When the vehicle is destroyed, it takes the inventory of the vehicle and scatters it on the ground
Check if locked - for obvious reasons, we don't want to incline people to destroy every vehicle
Update every 4 seconds - from the server side, the vehicles are updated with their latest information
Happens for every vehicle - every vehicle that is in Arma 3 can have this attached automatically
This script would just reside on the server side.
Once again, if any devs want it, let me know.
Thanks! :)
EDIT: I have finished my crash loot script to some extent. I have not added destroyed chance for the item as I don't know how the dev's would want to handle it. I have the basic handle when killed and 10 second refresh on the gear variables. Works like a charm and I have not seen it fail yet. If the dev's would like the scripts, just message me. For some reason if(locked _unit) does not work in arma 3, I have no idea why. So you might have to handle lock in a variable. Just stick the script files in the mission folder and you are all set to go!
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