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    cen reacted to fr1nk in Server Issue Authentication Timeout   
    It's one of those rare times I can actually correct you on something, so I was all over it  :lol:
  2. Like
    cen reacted to MGT in Better MYSQL Program   
    Firedaemon or serviceex
  3. Like
    cen got a reaction from MGT in Broken Legs kill you?   
    This was a bug with infistar AH. I believe it's been fixed in the latest version.
  4. Like
    cen reacted to kylebeed in [PROJECT] Gold Coin based Single Currency & Banking System   
    its really not that hard. I thought it was hard at first but CEN help me alot with it.
    and i guess now is the time to switch when you get the files handed to you and the coin system :D
  5. Like
    cen got a reaction from kylebeed in [PROJECT] Gold Coin based Single Currency & Banking System   
    New idea. Everyone posts the amount they are willing to donate, we set a start date, and for every day that passes money is taken off of each total donation.
    Example: I'm willing to donate $75. Start date is 8/1, every day after 8/1 my donation loses $1 until working code is released.
    Thoughts? :D
  6. Like
    cen got a reaction from Chriski in [PROJECT] Gold Coin based Single Currency & Banking System   
    New idea. Everyone posts the amount they are willing to donate, we set a start date, and for every day that passes money is taken off of each total donation.
    Example: I'm willing to donate $75. Start date is 8/1, every day after 8/1 my donation loses $1 until working code is released.
    Thoughts? :D
  7. Like
    cen reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Dayz Commander updated for Steam patch   
    Even the latest update still doesn't fix the issue where you have to refresh all servers in order for your favorites to display properly.
  8. Like
    cen got a reaction from MGT in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    Search by name and click the star :D
  9. Like
    cen reacted to Flosstradamus in BattlEye message   
    I'll believe it when i see it.
  10. Like
    cen reacted to DangerRuss in Why are there still some servers on DAYZ Commander   
    FIFY ;)
  11. Like
    cen got a reaction from DangerRuss in Why are there still some servers on DAYZ Commander   
  12. Like
    cen got a reaction from Flosstradamus in Why are there still some servers on DAYZ Commander   
  13. Like
    cen got a reaction from Outlaw in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    Everybody chose to trust DotJosh with commander. 
    What if he updates for steam and there's CCG branding on it :D
  14. Like
    cen got a reaction from insertcoins in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    Everybody chose to trust DotJosh with commander. 
    What if he updates for steam and there's CCG branding on it :D
  15. Like
    cen got a reaction from TayTayTheKiller in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    Everybody chose to trust DotJosh with commander. 
    What if he updates for steam and there's CCG branding on it :D
  16. Like
    cen got a reaction from Flosstradamus in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    Just so you guys know, DotJosh has dayz.st's best interest in mind with DZC. So don't play that whole "Maca is a server hoster" bullcrap anymore :)
  17. Like
    cen got a reaction from ReDBaroN in [Release]Higher Currency at Traders.   
    if((random 100) <= 4) then {
    That would mean they have a 4% chance to spawn
  18. Like
    cen reacted to Goober in [WIP] Epoch Headless Client EHC v1.1 RC   
    I am making progress on a rewrite of this for vanilla 1.8.1 (which hopefully will translate to epoch just fine).  It is premature to share the code yet, partly because I am having a lot of trouble with Steam's stupid operations getting in the way of running multiple clients from one account ... and also because ... well ... it just doesn't do anything yet.
    I have gotten to the point that I have reviewed the zed generation chain and decided that because of the complicated mess that wild zombies + server-side loot + spawn rules (line of sight etc...) has created, the entry point for patching into the spawn chain will be moved to zombie_generate.sqf.
    The decision to choose where to spawn a zed or loot and spawning loot will happen on the player clients (or server ... for loot).  The actual zed creation and control will stay with the HC with fallback to player client if HC disconnects or burps.
    I am also "de-spaghetti-ing" the code as I go along.  (Try reviewing zombie_generate.sqf.  It is a redundant mess. I could have put some sauce on it and had dinner).
  19. Like
    cen got a reaction from Anarior in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    Just so you guys know, DotJosh has dayz.st's best interest in mind with DZC. So don't play that whole "Maca is a server hoster" bullcrap anymore :)
  20. Like
    cen got a reaction from hambeast in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    I think ham is on the payroll!!!
  21. Like
    cen got a reaction from Anarior in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    Lol you guys are so dumb. Go grab the tin foil hats!

    Newsflash it takes up to 15 min to query a new steam server. Go ask Dave.

    Motives or not, the launcher is allowed on the forums so quit trashing it with your "theories"
  22. Like
    cen got a reaction from CartoonrBOY in Epoch Server: Without Vendors, without "Deploy Bike" etc.   
    I think you'll often find that server owners like myself who run multiple servers actually enjoying playing on servers like yours :)
  23. Like
    cen reacted to PryMary in [W.I.P] Working Taser's For OverPoch   
    Hey all,
    First off I would like to thank PetuniaEpoch for starting this and giving me a clue how to make it work.
    OK so here we go... First I am going to assume you have a OverPoch Server up and running already and that you have done all the custom variables and compiles etc...
    First open up your init.sqf and find:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf"; //Compile trader configs Directly underneath it add: (Put the file "fnc_server.sqf" in the .zip into your custom folder)
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fnc_server.sqf"; Then find:
    "filmic" setToneMappingParams [0.153, 0.357, 0.231, 0.1573, 0.011, 3.750, 6, 4]; setToneMapping "Filmic"; directly under it add:
    [] execVM "\ddopp_taserpack\scripts\init_taser.sqf"; // Set effects control to player player setVariable ["isTazed", false, true]; player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{_this call DDOPP_taser_handleHit}]; Extract from the Epoch dayz_code.pbo the following file: fn_damageHandler.sqf and put it into your "custom" folder and then open it. At the very bottom add:
    if ((_this select 4) in DDOPP_taser_arrBullet) then { [(_this select 0), (_this select 3), DDOPP_taser_koTime] spawn DDOPP_taser_victimFx; }; also copy the file: dayz_code\init\zombie_init.sqf and put into your "custom" folder. (Note: this file is also included in the .zip)   Open it and make it like so and save and close:   private ["_unit","_id"]; _unit = _this select 0; _id = _unit addeventhandler ["HandleDamage",{_this call local_zombieDamage;_this call DDOPP_taser_handleHit;}]; _id = _unit addeventhandler ["Killed",{[_this,"zombieKills"] call local_eventKill}]; Next onto the compiles.sqf:
    Add the following line:
    zombie_initialize = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\zombie_init.sqf"; Above:
    // object_vehicleKilled = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_vehicleKilled.sqf"; //Event handler run on damage   Find:   fnc_usec_damageHandler = And change that line to point to your custom file (example below):
    fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fn_damageHandler.sqf"; //Event handler run on damage Included is a zip file with all the required files incase you cant be bothered to go hunting through the dayz_code.pbo :)
    tasers.zip  <--- File updated to include the fn_damageHandler.sqf (Sorry missed it when packing it yesterday - my bad)
    In the zip file you will see a folder named "userconfig" this folder MUST go at the same level as your @DayZ_Epoch / @DayZ_Epoch_Server folders.
    See image below for where it is meant to be:

    Open: publicvariable.txt and at the end of the first line add: (Thanks to Calamity & Marshy)
    !"DDOPP_pvSay" !"DDOPP_pvAnim" !"DDOPP_pvSpawn" !"DDOPP_pvChat" Once again it was PetuniaEpoch that did all the hard work I just sat there for a few hours working out how to finish it off... There are a few bugs one of which doesn't show the "you have been tased" but the effect works and players do get knocked out now - so they kinda work but need a bit of polishing of by someone who is more experienced than I
    Kind Regards,
  24. Like
    cen got a reaction from insertcoins in Epoch Server: Without Vendors, without "Deploy Bike" etc.   
    I think you'll often find that server owners like myself who run multiple servers actually enjoying playing on servers like yours :)
  25. Like
    cen reacted to CartoonrBOY in Epoch Server: Without Vendors, without "Deploy Bike" etc.   
    You wouldn't, that's fine. Some like marmite, some don't. I think your position is that: if the server is empty we should give up? I'm sorry but I disagree.
    I have huge respect for people like you whom have many servers and serve them well, I'm sure. But sometimes people simply want to play their way; whether that's popular or not is irrelevant.
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