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  1. Haha
    Clark reacted to Hooty in "New Hack"   
    Warning! The crash sever fools have  new hacks https://plays.tv/video/5a10c85e004cfe9b91/funny-shit   They just hit me with this one "banner at bottom screen".
  2. Thanks
    Clark reacted to salival in [Release] Garage Door Opener [Updated for 1.0.7]   
    Garage Door Opener is part of Epoch now.
    Hi guys,
    Here's an in vehicle garage door opener I wrote a while ago, Original idea was from Sanbird.
    It will scan while you're inside a vehicle for either a locked cinder or a locked wooden door, providing you have access to it, it will allow you to open/close it from inside the car.
    **** For Epoch only **** >> Download <<
    Visit this link: https://github.com/oiad/garageDoorOpener/tree/garageDoorOpener-Epoch-
  3. Haha
    Clark reacted to Yarpii™ in New Admin   
    i can be you new badmin im very good at it :)
    I will promise i will behave in being a badmin :)
  4. Like
    Clark reacted to juandayz in [UPDATE 1.6.+] Walk Amongst The Dead   
    At the very very  very very very  very very very very very  very very very  very very very very very  very very very  very very very very very  very very very  very very very very very  very very very  very very very very very  very very very  very very very end
    after this line:
    endLoadingScreen; }; paste:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "zedutility\walkamongstthedead\config.sqf";  
    2-description.ext  after this lines:
    aiKills = 1; diagRadio = 1; diagHit = 1; paste:
    now  delete this  whole line: (in description.ext)
    #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\description.hpp" 3-custom fn_selfactions.sqf  ( HERE YOU NEED MADE A CUSTOM FN_SELFACTIONS.sqf and to make it, you also need made  a custom compiles.sqf)
    so before proceed made this:
    3-Once you have your new custom compiles.sqf and fn_Selfactions.. proceed with step 3. Open your new fn_selfactions (in custom folder)
    4-Here you need made a custom variables.sqf (same as you did with selfactuions and compiles.sqf)
    So go to  ...\@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code\init\  and copy  variables.sqf
    Now paste variables.sqf in "custom" folder
    Open your init.sqf  find this line
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; replace by:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\variables.sqf"; 4-Now in this new variables.sqf (the one into custom folder)
    5-Download from here:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/9d74axmfym1tz16/zedutility.rar
    and place the "zedutility" folder into ...\Mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\
    6- Open the config.sqf located in \zedutility\walkamongstthedead\  to add more or less time to your cammo before he wash automatically
    DZ_ZCAMO_USE_TIME = 30;//30 seconds for default. for example
    DZ_ZCAMO_USE_TIME = 120;//for 2 minutes
  5. Like
    Clark reacted to BigEgg in [HOW-TO] DankHax Prevention   
    Hey everyone,
    I just figured I would drop a line and save everyone some head-aches for a while at least.
    Step 1:
    Remove infistars trash scripts.txt
    Step 2:
    Create a new scripts.txt and add the following to it:
    //new2 4 dedicatedServerInterface 4 openDSInterface !="a _lbindex;\n};\n\nif (_lbselected == \"DSInterface\") then {openDSInterface;};\nif (isMultiplayer) then {player createDiarySubject [\"" 5 reRunCheck  
    This will prevent people from using the server control panel in game, and will block the dankhax injector entirely.
    This variable could obviously be changed by them, so to be even safer, you could also filter for execVM.
    Hope it helps :)
  6. Like
    Clark got a reaction from JakeQue in [RELEASE] Custom GUI / Menu UPDATED for 1061   
    the problem i was having  with this was the deploy_bike scripts
    after i copy your deploy_bike.sqf 3 times and change the vehicles id to the ones i wanted   every time i open the menu and went to click on the vehicle i wanted to spawn in it was spawning in the wrong one 
    i fixed this by using my old files and adding them into yours ... i did not make any of the .sqf
    but this is what i done
    in the menu folder i open up menu.HPP  went to line 300 , 348 and 413 and replace  onButtonClick = "call deployable1script;";  with this
    then i added the old SQF files in my new menu/scripts folder and for the people like me who dont no what you are doing i have marked the vehicle id and items what are needed to make the vehicles in bold
    the pack.sqf is not letting me pack the vehicles in game but just wanted to add it in this as well
    and the last problem i was having was the vehicles exploding but Juandayz help me out with this and told me to add this to my variables under
    call dayz_resetSelfActions;
    hope this helps out any one who was having problems with the deploy_bike script
  7. Like
    Clark reacted to DerpEZ in SERVER HACKED PLEASE HELP   
    Yeah mate, it's literally the same GUID, they're doing it on loads of servers all in act of pure spite hoping to actually get paid in return. Guess they have a lot of time on their hands, guess they couldn't find a well paid job that might actually get them money legitimately buddy.
    Yup, that's because he's probably realised that he has a life to live, time for you to start realising too.
    @Shawn @TallahassZ Remington
    Jesus christ it's like playing a game in the playground back in primary school, nobody gives a fuck who's the better hacker, the point of this post is to find a solution so that people can play the game rather than it be ruined by cunts like y'all so unless you've got something to post that might outcome a bit of successful progress, don't fucking reply hahah.
    The servers you are attacking have done NOTHING, let me emphasise... NOTHING towards you folks so why the fuck attack it pointlessly? Oh yeah because you have literally nothing else to do within your life other than do so, when you guys joined the TS I asked you why you are attacking the server and if you had any genuine reasons, the only thing you could actually come back with after avoiding the question multiple times is that "Jake has a big mouth" - whereas you folks didn't even know Jake untill he started acting against you hacking the server like any in-the-right server owner would do in defense for his community.
    Childish and useless fucks if I'm honest, grow up and move on to something  more useful with your lives rather than spending literally 100's of hours a week purposely targeting multiple servers constantly.
    You've spent about 150+ hours hacking servers on an 18 year old game and still haven't gained any money from it, next time maybe spend 150 hours freshening up and getting a bit of puss in your lives.
  8. Like
    Clark got a reaction from JakeQue in SERVER HACKED PLEASE HELP   
    You found my post Jake and wicked :-) 
  9. Like
    Clark reacted to th3c0re in Server Owner Sending Out Hackers ?   
    wtf ur the most retarded person to allow them test script to fuck up other servers... wtf is wrong u suppose to help other server and be a good guy not a crazy person...

    Good to know u allow it.....
    I think it's kinda weird u say u allow them to use and then they go to other server to fuck and cheat what a good exemple is your server....

    We as server owner suppose to stop them and help this community to STOP this kinda behavior not support.....
    And btw i don't see u post any filter to help the other servers to stop this......

  10. Like
    Clark reacted to LunatikCH in Server Owner Sending Out Hackers ?   
    And gain some new players by the time when they use it to bash other servers C:
  11. Like
    Clark reacted to juandayz in 1.6 [ Remake of Hotwire Safes/Lockboxes]   
    1-You need a custom fn_selfactions.sqf
    2-In a custom variables.sqf
    3-Create forcevault.sqf (  drop into mpmissions\yourinstance\scripts\ )
    and its done. Remember you need have a itemhotwire in your inventory.
  12. Like
    Clark reacted to Shawn in 1.6 [ Remake of Hotwire Safes/Lockboxes]   
    I was able to replicate the dupe, all I needed was the hot wire on me, and then quickly place it inside my backpack or drop it. It would give me the hot wire vault option for a millisecond, but once i hit it, I was able to hot wire the safe. To fix this, do exactly what @A Man said, just add a check to see if the player has a hot wire in their inventory.
    if !("ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player) exitwith { cutText [format["No hotwire in inventory."],"PLAIN DOWN"]; }; also, at the very end, add this:
    dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; _vault spawn player_unlockVault; DZE_ActionInProgress = false; and remove:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_unlock.sqf"; so here's the fixed version:
    private ["_vault","_isunlockable","_open","_SetChanceToFail"]; _vault = _this select 3; _isunlockable = (((typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked")); _open= round(random 10); _SetChanceToFail = 9;//Value*10 for percentage chance of failure player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; if !("ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player) exitwith { _msg = "No hotwire in inventory."; systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg); }; dayz_actionInProgress = true; player removeMagazine "ItemHotwireKit"; if (_isunlockable) then { if (_open < _SetChanceToFail) exitWith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; _msg = "Bad Luck, i could not open it and broke the Hotwire Kit."; systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg); }; _msg = "Done! I have opened the vault."; systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg); dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; _vault spawn player_unlockVault; DZE_ActionInProgress = false; };  
  13. Like
    Clark reacted to Relentless in BEC: scheduler.xml 2 hour   
    The scheduler structure from old versions to newer ones didn't change because this is not related to ArmA. It's from BEC so you can use this tool without a problem. It will work in :)
  14. Like
    Clark reacted to salival in linux epoch   
    The hive dll has not been updated for Linux support. @icomradehas mentioned he needs someone with python experience to get it working.
  15. Like
    Clark reacted to Shawn in Hacks   
    What I do is find public menu's that are around, such as this:
    And then filter for specific stuff in them. I set it to log instead of kick so i can get chunks of code that these guys use. 
    Most of the guys that go around deleting all the bases on servers are using the same menu..
  16. Like
    Clark reacted to juandayz in [UPDATE 1.6.+] Walk Amongst The Dead   
    ALL CREDITS FOR @Sandbird
    Walk Amongst The Dead - (Hide from zombies like "The Walking Dead")
    original post
    *Allow players to walk through zeds and they dsnt been detected.
    *The diference with the old walk amongst is that you get the cammo directly from zeds, not using itemzombiepart.
    *Also i remove the rain wash (sory sandbird) (this was awesome but burn my brain ) but i added an option to wash the cammo in  lakes.
    *Another diference is when you shoot a weapon the cammo go away inmediatly, and the icon is diferent.
    2- Description.ext  (ONLY IF URE USING COINS)
    3-custom fn_selfactions.sqf
    4-custom Variables.sqf
    5-Download from here:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/9d74axmfym1tz16/zedutility.rar
    and place the "zedutility" folder into mpmissions\the instance that youreusing\scripts\
    6- Open the config.sqf located in \zedutility\walkamongstthedead\  to add more or less time to your cammo before he wash automatically
    DZ_ZCAMO_USE_TIME = 30;//30 seconds for default.  
  17. Like
    Clark reacted to BigEgg in Hacks   
    Having good BattlEye filters is essential. Infistar doesn't really do much for antihack, it is more an admin tool now. Most of the stuff in it is useless. Use the Epoch scripts.txt, the devs put a nice selection of variables in it to filter.
  18. Like
    Clark reacted to Relentless in Hacks   
    In the infistar provided files the filters are almost useless.
  19. Like
    Clark reacted to salival in Hacks   
    I would be checking your are running your scripts.txt filters correctly. The infistar ones seem to not catch much compared to the epoch ones
  20. Like
    Clark reacted to lwbuk in base decay   
    This is for my 1.0.6 server, and is how I do it. You can use the default sql events that come in the server files.
    In the Mysql event to set damage to allow maintain, this adds 11% damage every 3 days, it isnt culmative, so damage will never be more than 11%.
    UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Damage`=0.11 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') OR (`Classname` IN ('Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked','CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ','Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ')) ) Then in init.sqf
    DZE_DamageBeforeMaint = 0.09; // Min damage built items must have before they can be maintained then another MySQL event to remove old objects
    DELETE FROM `Object_DATA` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 14 DAY) This deletes objects that have been built for more than 14 days but havent been updated in 7 days.
    When you maintain, it updates, so anything maintained within the last 7 days wont be deleted.
    If running, you can also change cleanup placed after days to -1 in the hiveext.ini to stop the database removing objects of a certain age.
  21. Like
    Clark reacted to lwbuk in base decay   
    Doesn't matter, it's the same on 1061. Can't help you with MySQL much, that's something you need to learn yourself.  Kinda important to know when running a server as that's what runs the bulk of it.  If on a game host you'll likely connect to it through phpadmin, or you can download something like navicat on your pc and connect that way. 
    You might find the data base doesn't have event scheduling enabled, so you'll also need to run a query to enable it before any of the cleanup events will work.  If you have access to my.ini you can also enable it there. 
  22. Like
    Clark reacted to Relentless in Deploy Scripts for Custom GUI / Menu 1061 // HELP   
    Here you go. One of the most simple you can find on the forum. If you want anything else to deploy with it, just change the id name in the scripts.
    Make sure to add the id also to the safe_vehicles array in the variables.sqf to prevent being killed from it.
  23. Like
    Clark got a reaction from gernika in 1.6 Safezone   
    juandayz pm me asking for my teamview and with in minutes he fix the problem i was having   loads of respect for going out of his way to help a newbie like me... thanks again
  24. Like
    Clark got a reaction from juandayz in [Release] Trader Kill Notification - 1.0.6   
    player_death.sqf  (this one works)
  25. Like
    Clark reacted to juandayz in 1.6 Safezone   
    well for other peoples, the clark issue was a bad call of his custom veh_handleDam.sqf  ( he was calling it into !isDedicated  section of compiles.sqf  and must be called out of here.)  and the safezone.sqf also was called into !isDedicated section  of init.sqf.   must be in the very very bottom.
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