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  1. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from salival in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    That was written in 2015 @Thug There was a lot going on back in 2015 that caused some of the attitude you saw in that post.
    I think most people in the community today are very, very sharing. I personally have learned many things from others here and received a lot of help on fixing problems and adding functionality.
  2. Like
    Grahame reacted to Thug in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    @Grahame Iknow.  I did say "It is the place to come and share."  Was just having a bad day. When I saw that I just lashed out.  I'm better now   
  3. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Thug in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    That was written in 2015 @Thug There was a lot going on back in 2015 that caused some of the attitude you saw in that post.
    I think most people in the community today are very, very sharing. I personally have learned many things from others here and received a lot of help on fixing problems and adding functionality.
  4. Like
    Grahame reacted to natoed in Dayz style heli crash sites   
    soz for the late reply
    try mine if ya want,
    note: setup for altis , change loots to suit your need also using rvg?! & TheStainlessSteelRat rewrite
  5. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in Dayz style heli crash sites   
    The second message is unrelated to the first btw and can be ignored. As far as the heli crash script goes, I agree with @natoed, I updated to the script he's linked too. Works great!
  6. Like
    Grahame reacted to natoed in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    A3 epoch is a niche mod now-days, more than happy to share with everyone, sing out if you need anything.
  7. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    That was written in 2015 @Thug There was a lot going on back in 2015 that caused some of the attitude you saw in that post.
    I think most people in the community today are very, very sharing. I personally have learned many things from others here and received a lot of help on fixing problems and adding functionality.
  8. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from blueman in Epoch 0.5 / static weather   
    Works for me on Altis with:
    WeatherStaticForecast[] = {75.5,0,{0,0,0},0.4,{1,1},0}; // Default: {75.5,0,{0,0,0},0,{1,1}}; // Clear day; {19,1,{1,1,40},1,{5,5}}; // Cold Foggy Rainy Overcast Windy; Format: {temp <scalar>,rain <scalar>,fog <array>,overcast <scalar>,wind <array>} events[] = { //{ 3600, "CarnivalSpawner", 0 , 1}, // SECOND <scalar>, EVENT <string>, INIT <scalar> 1 = run script at startup, 0 normal delay, PREPOSTFIX <scalar> 1 = use pre/postfix path (inside epoch settings pbo) 0 = use full file path // { 1800, "PaydayEvent", 0, 1}, // { 1200, "MessageServer", 0, 1}, { 2700, "AirDrop", 0 , 1}, { 2400, "EarthQuake", 0 , 1}, //{ 900, "ChangeWeather", 1 , 1}, { 1200, "ContainerSpawner", 0 , 1}, { 300, "PlantSpawner", 0 , 1} //No comma on last Entry };  
  9. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in A3EAI - Roaming/Vehicle AI Patrols - Discontinued   
    @natoedI've seen that. When it's happened a soft log usually fixes.
  10. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Sneer in nightstalker rangefinders range not working   
    Jets DLC changed the behaviour of rangefinders. You need to laze now. Check your control config for what key it is for you
  11. Like
    Grahame reacted to He-Man in Respawn at Base   
    You are correct. I can reproduce it from the scripts.
    Will try to fix it...
  12. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in Sell all at once   
    @natoedPlaying ARMA destroyed my mouse scroll wheel button (seriously)... There may possibly be news on this functionality this month (I will let you know first @natoed)
  13. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from DirtySanchez in Open Chernarus Project(Beta) - Plug N Play - Dynamic Simulation compatible   
    Not a problem at all, looking forward to using this. I saw the guy's comment who said he was going to work on them too which is why I'd subsequently guessed the answer to my question ;)
    BTW, thanks a lot for the Vector Building mate, my players love you! Finally they can easily build garage doors that an M1A2 TUSK can fit through!
  14. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from BetterDeadThanZed in EpochZ: Bandit Country   
    Travel back to where it all began...
    When the Pacific Flu hit Chernarus the country was recovering from the disastrous civil war that had wracked the country for years. Luckily, Russian, CDF, Red Star, NAPA and CFOR units were already in place, forgot their former rivalries and immediately jumped in to help... It wasn't long before they too had succumbed to the plague!
    Visit the EpochZ Community Forum or contact us on Discord.
    Required Mods
    Ryan's Zombies and Demons. Zombies can infect you. Watch out because if you die from the virus then your body may not be where you left it when you return...
    CBA_A3, CUP Weapons, CUP Units, CUP Vehicles: it's 2025 with 2025 weapons and vehicles. I've completely overhauled loots.h for CUP but not increased the loot spawn chances.
    CUP Terrains Core
    DS Houses: Opening up lots of previously unopened buildings. Custom loot spawner to generate ground loot in these and other buildings
    Chernarus Redux: Opening up more vehicles and a map with a distinctly post-apocalyptic feel
    RDS Civilian Pack for all the missing DayZ/Epoch vehicles including the bicycles, Thomas the Tractor and the unsurpassed Yamaha TT650!
    Tryk's Multi-Player Uniforms: lots more uniforms for the uniform junkies out there. This is the one that you want if you are downloading via Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=779520435
    Enhanced Movement so you can climb over walls and onto buildings to escape the infected
    LordRampantHumps Items Pack for apples and pears that can be harvested from apple and pear trees
    Massi's WW2 Units adding some extra weapons, including the Mosin, Kar98, a few SMGs and pistols
    Kurt's Survival System (KSS) for and host of Slavic food and drink, including vodka and beer
    @EpochZ_Cows for Cows!!!
    @EpochZMod which provides new models for certain base building structures, adds new equipment and base building options and modifies infected skins and behaviour so that they have animal, not human AI intelligence
    A3EAI: with vehicle and helicopter patrols. AI patrols and spawns replace the default Epoch antagonists (apart from the Epoch UAVs and subsequent militia if you don;t shoot them down). The AI will interact with the Zs and vice versa.
    SEM, BlackEagl's and WAI Missions: all with weapons, equipment and loot customized for CUP and including SEM Convoy missions. And yes, there is the WAI Nuke mission. If no one's dealt with that before the timer expires run like hell 
    DayZ style Helicopter Crash Sites: with reduced CUP-based loot and infected "defending" them.
    C-130 Supply Drops, guarded by AI and with CUP-based loot.
    Black Market Traders in the three trader cities (Stary, Bash and Klen) and elsewhere.
    HALO/Ground Spawns and you can select limited Starting Gear
    Rewrite of LootSpawner to spawn zombies on buildings rather than in an area. The Zs (which are reskined to match the map - including military Zs - are also dumber than in standard Ryan's Zombies with animal intelligence and thus easier to sneak past and evade). There are generally lower amounts of loot than normal on EpochZ servers though to fit the feel of the server
    "New" Wicked AI Missions, including several more ported from ARMA2/Epoch including the slaughter house, abandoned trader, drone pilot and Old MacDonald's farm. More to come soon!
    New items include Hunting Knifes, gas masks, laptops and PC Parts for looting and lots of new food and drink (fruits together with the Russian food and drink from KSS Mod, including vodka)
    New Buildables: Sleeping Bags (green, blue and brown) - can be made spawn points, a Large Workbench - required for crafting more complex base kits, Storage Crates and a Portable Generator. Also have provided new models for certain building parts to better fit into Chernarus Redux including the Plot Pole (you'll recognise this from somewhere...), Outhouse, Well and Deer Stand
    Cows! kill them and take and cook the steaks. Note, to gut animals you now need a hunting knife or hatchet
    Can opener, knife or hatchet required to eat from canned food. You get less or more hunger back depending on which you use
    Harvest apples and pears from their trees (and sunflowers for their seeds too!)
    New Points of Interest designed by @BetterDeadThanZed including new trader camp layouts at Bash and Stary
    All uniforms are unlocked for all players
    Deploy a bicycle (with vehicle repair parts) or a Mozzie (with vic repair parts, an engine block, fuel tank, rotor and duct tape) via the action (scrollwheel) menu
    A complete rework of the hunger and thirst values from food and drink
    New spawns now have energy so that they can build campsites
    Halv's Repair and Reammo Script, rearm and repair your vehicles at the kiosks at gas stations.
    Extended Safe Zones with Vehicle Protection!
    Advanced Towing and Advanced Rappelling
    And lots, lots more...
    All players are BLUFOR, roaming, dynamic and mission AI are OPFOR, infected are RESISTANCE allowing the interaction between the Ai and infected - they will fight each other when spawned together. DayZ Trader cities at Stary, Bash and Klen Dynamic vehicle wrecks on the roads make driving a more interesting experience... No building restrictions, build where ever you want 75m Jammer range 7-day base maintenance 48-hour vehicle locks 4 hour restarts, day/night cycle PvP, but attacking other players in or around the trader cities is prohibited and will result in a ban!  
  15. Like
    Grahame reacted to Hux in Changing aircraft for Epoch Airdrop   
    Grahame was kind enough to share some info on how to change the Ghost Hawk for the Epoch Airdrop to a different air vehicle (In this case a C130). So I thought it would be nice to share the info.
    All that needs to be done is change the class names for the aircraft & pilot. Also, in this example the "side" is changed to west if you don't want the aircraft to act hostile.
    Changing the pilot and "side" is optional.
    The changes need to be made in the epoch_server\compile\epoch_missions\EPOCH_Server_create_AirDrop.sqf
    Here is the example (provided by Grahame):
    /* Author: Andrew Gregory - EpochMod.com Contributors: Aaron Clark Description: Creates helicopter air drop Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_missions/EPOCH_Server_createAirDrop.sqf */ private ["_playerOwner","_objType","_obj","_grp","_unitPos","_driver","_unit"]; params ["_player",["_token","",[""]],"_pos"]; if (!isNil "axenotSent" && {axenotSent}) exitWith { diag_log format ["DEBUG: airdrop script already running %1",_this]; }; if !([_player,_token]call EPOCH_server_getPToken)exitWith{}; _pos set[2, 2400]; if !((nearestObjects[_pos, ["CUP_B_C130J_USMC"], 1000]) isEqualTo[]) exitWith{ diag_log "DEBUG: prevented air drop, too many in area." }; _playerOwner = owner _player; _objType = "CUP_B_C130J_USMC"; diag_log format["Epoch: Creating %1 for %3 (Owner ID: %4) at %2",_objType, _pos, name _player, owner _player]; _obj = createVehicle [_objType, _pos, [], 0, "FLY"]; _obj call EPOCH_server_setVToken; addToRemainsCollector[_obj]; _obj disableTIEquipment true; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _obj; clearItemCargoGlobal _obj; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _obj; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _obj; _obj allowdamage false; _obj setPosATL _pos; _obj setFuel 1; _obj flyInHeight 120; _grp = createGroup [WEST, true]; _unitPos = _pos; _driver = _grp createUnit["B_helipilot_F", _unitPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _driver assignAsDriver _obj; _driver moveInDriver _obj; _unitPos = _pos findEmptyPosition [1,75,"I_helipilot_F"]; _unit = _grp createUnit["B_helicrew_F", _unitPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit assignAsGunner _obj; _unit moveInGunner _obj; _grp setCombatMode "BLUE"; (driver _obj) action ["engineOn", _obj]; _obj setVehicleLock "LOCKEDPLAYER"; [_obj,_driver,_player] spawn { axenotSent = true; params ["_obj","_driver","_player"]; while {axenotSent} do { if (isNull _obj || isNull _driver ||isNull _player) exitWith {axenotSent = false}; _drvOwner = owner _driver; _playerOwner = owner _player; if(_drvOwner == _playerOwner) exitWith { // send airdrop to player _obj remoteExec ['EPOCH_mission_returnObj',_player]; // since we found an owner, add cleanup if ownership reverts to server. This can also be used to change ownership instead later. _obj call EPOCH_localCleanup; diag_log format["DEBUG: Transferred ownership of %1 to %2, new owner ID is %3",_driver, name _player, owner _driver]; axenotSent = false; }; (group _driver) setGroupOwner _playerOwner; uiSleep 1; }; }; Hope this is helpful to others.
    Thank you Grahame.
  16. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    I want to second this! My players and I are delighted with this mission system now, it knocks all the others out of the park. AI are responsive and much more of a challenge and everything about the system seems to have just got better. Now all we need are for us to provide more custom missions to give BlackEagl's the same breadth of missions as SEM or WAI.
  17. Like
    Grahame reacted to 82ndAB_Bravo17 in Dynamic Debris markers (experimental)   
    Its not the debris itself I was commenting on, but the green crosses that appear all over the map marking where they are. I agree, the items themselves are a great addition.
  18. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from RC_Robio in Dynamic Debris markers (experimental)   
    I took the code and installed them on one of my servers and they do add more of a post-apocalyptic feel and harken back to DayZ dynamic wrecks. They also make players a little more careful those few times they drive on roads. 
    Probably should be configurable via the events variable in the server's EpochConfig.hpp though, for people who don't want thwm
  19. Like
    Grahame reacted to DirtySanchez in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Its been a long week of work and the holiday is right around the corner here in the U.S.
    However @He-Man has done some more tweaks to the system to remove a few pesky issues.

    Not sure of exact date but more changes are coming to the github soon.

    Thanks for the thanks guys!
  20. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from He-Man in ESVP - Extended Safezones with Vehicle Protection   
    (1) There is a vehicle permissioning system to allow others to access your vehicle and,
    (2) Yes, newly bought and spawned vehicles can be stolen. Personally I just ban the people who do so though... it's not like the idea of what's allowed in safe zones is new or anything...
  21. Like
    Grahame reacted to natoed in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    WOW Ghostrider-DbD- fuck'en wow, I honestly haven't looked at the revisited version til now, as I was no real fan of the old mission system.
    What revisited version has to offer in amazing, this is going on my little server with out a doubt.
    Thank you for this rewrite, again wow.
  22. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in Epoch "Ryan" Zombie Feedback   
    There is a percentage chance per hit on you that you will be infected. If you are you start coughing... then puking, you get the effects of alcohol abuse in the game and then you die (and in the core mod, you resurrect as a zombie - don't think that happens in Epoch though even using what I do). It's actually pretty cool Anti-virus pills hold off the infection for 10 minutes, the injectors cure you from that hit.
    You would simply have to add the configuration code from Ryan's Zombies to the mission.sqm, not the spawns. As you know I use COS for most of my spawns and the infection works fine so long as Ryan's Zombies config entries are in the mission class defs. The ant-virus pills and injectors work (but are double-clicked obviously).
    For example, this:
    and this:
    Not sure whether you'd need the base Ryan's Zombie's logic module too... I do, but I don't know whether you do for what you are utilizing them for.
  23. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    One minor "bug" seems to have been introduced, though this may be intentional. Players often will start clearing loot from AI bodies before popping the mission crate. On my servers they will probably use the captured mission vehicles to store this loot. In previous versions (definitely in v.53) this was not a problem. Now in v.57 when the mission crate is popped the cargo of the mission vehicles is cleared, removing all the captured loot.
    Given that the mission vics do not generally contain any cargo anyway, is this behaviour necessary? In the interim I believe I should just be able to remove line 36 in GMS_fnc_vehicleMonitor.sqf
    [_v] call blck_fnc_emptyObject; Does that sound right? It's weird because this line was in the old code anyway...
  24. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in [Release] AutoLockPicker (Unlock script for vehicles and locked doors)   
    Your version removes the lock-picking of doors though. To add storage in addition to doors you can do the following:
    (1) Add a new file fn_storageunlock.sqf to the ALP PBO with:
    (2) Add the following line to the start of fn_alpinit.sqf:
    [] ExecVM "\a3_epoch_autolockpicker\fn_storageunlock.sqf"; (3) Re-PBO the ALP PBO and upload to @epochhive.
    (4) Replace AutoLockPicker.sqf in your mission file with the following and change the variables as you need them:
    (5) RePBO your mission file and upload,
    (6) Add !="ALPSTORAGEUNLOCK" to publicvariable.txt BattlEye filter.
    (7) Enjoy!
  25. Like
    Grahame reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.5 Release Changelog   
    On stable branch now:
    0.5 b757: [Added] "MeleeRod" (Fishing Rod) to Crafting Menu (1x Rope,1x Stick,1x Metal Scraps) @Ignatz-HeMan [Added] Vehicle and Loot tables can be set via epochconfig settings (forcedVehicleSpawnTable, forcedLootSpawnTable) to force specific vehicle or loot tables. [Changed] Removed "Alpha" text from debug monitor. [Changed] Add flag to enable database unit test. enableUnitTestOnStart = 1 in epochconfig.hpp to enable [Changed] Delete rest of unused clientside Airdrop Event code. @Ignatz-HeMan [Changed] further optimized db call for weather script. [Updated] redis-server.exe to latest version: 3.2.100 from: https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases [Fixed] some missing semicolons in CfgPricing. @SPKcoding [Fixed] Joining and leaving a group and optimize with added usage of params. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Group invites from the same Group where not possible until relog. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Heal not working when using SafeZones with VehicleGodmode and only HitPoint is damaged. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] fix deleteVehicle BE kick with sharks [Fixed] CBA related Battleye kicks with current CBA version. [Fixed] Static weather settings not working. @82ndab-Bravo17 [Fixed] Battleye kicks for CUP weapon and attachment BE kicks. [Fixed] Battleye kicks for towing tractor from CUP. [Fixed] Fixed / updated and added Trader Missions and ported to run it on Events instead fsm. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Several minor fixes, cleanup, and private array updates. [Fixed] Fix for Weaponholder disappearing while adding loot. @Ignatz-HeMan [Info] SQF parser analyzer: https://www.reddit.com/r/armadev/comments/681236/released_static_analyzer_for_sqf_and_integration/ Thanks to @LordGolias
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