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Posts posted by oldmatechoc

  1. @nova try


    if (_ReadytoDestroy) then {
    	call fn_bombexp;	 
    	_Message = format ["%1 (%2) BROKE INTO A BASE @ %3 Owner: %4",dayz_playerName,dayz_playerUID, (mapGridPosition getPos player),_ownerID];
    	["BaseRaid_Log",_Message,true] call fnc_log;
    	PVDZ_obj_Destroy = [_objectID,_objectUID,player];
    	publicVariableServer "PVDZ_obj_Destroy";
    	_Object setDamage 1;
    	deleteVehicle _Object;
    	[format["<t size='1.2' color='#00EEFF'>Object Destroyed!!</t>"],0,0,2,2] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;	


    replace with

    if (_ReadytoDestroy) then {
    	call fn_bombexp;	 
    	_Message = format ["%1 (%2) BROKE INTO A BASE @ %3 Owner: %4",dayz_playerName,dayz_playerUID, (mapGridPosition getPos player),_ownerID];
    	["BaseRaid_Log",_Message,true] call fnc_log;
    	if (_Object isKindof DZE_DoorsLocked) then {	
    			//  locked doors will respawn on restart
    	} else {
    	PVDZ_obj_Destroy = [_objectID,_objectUID,player];
    	publicVariableServer "PVDZ_obj_Destroy";
    	_Object setDamage 1;
    	deleteVehicle _Object;
    	[format["<t size='1.2' color='#00EEFF'>Object Destroyed!!</t>"],0,0,2,2] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;	



    ** untested!

  2. If your using the mission files from the github you may run into some errors, i was playing with them last night and got a few errors when loading in. @Th3-Hunter333

    from what i could tell all files for wasteland are in the mission folder (default) im sure you could change this with some time and patience. the only that files that were not in the mission was half of the persistent database.

  3. Got bored decided to have a play with this, figured I'd share :D

    Easy Config Options.
    Humanity Based.
    Notify player of their current and next reward level.
    Players in safe-zones will not receive the reward.




    // Auzgamer Pattoh Salival Choc Loyalty Reward System   
    private ["_mply","_i","_reward","_hmnty","_servername","_coinsreward","_msg","_nxtlvl","_currency","_timer"];
    diag_log("Survivor Rewards Log: Started!");
    _hmnty = player getVariable ["humanity",0];
    _servername = "Your Server Name Here";		// Server Name
    _currency = "Coins!";												// Currency Name
    _coinsreward = 2500;											// Reward Amount
    _timer = 1800;															// Reward Timer in Seconds
    switch (true) do {
        case (_hmnty >= -5000 && _hmnty <= 5000): {_mply = 1.0};			// Bambie
    	case (_hmnty >= 5000):			{_mply = 1.2};												// Hero
    	case (_hmnty >= 15000):		{_mply = 1.4};												//
    	case (_hmnty >= 25000): 		{_mply = 1.6};												//
    	case (_hmnty >= 45000):		{_mply = 1.7};												//
    	case (_hmnty >= 85000):		{_mply = 1.8};												//
    	case (_hmnty >= 100000):	{_mply = 2};													// Super Hero								
    	case (_hmnty <= -5000):		{_mply = 1.0};												// Bandit
    	case (_hmnty <= -10000):		{_mply = 1.2};												//
    	case (_hmnty <= -25000):		{_mply = 1.4};												//
    	case (_hmnty <= -45000):		{_mply = 1.6};												//
    	case (_hmnty <= -85000):		{_mply = 1.8};												//
    	case (_hmnty <= -100000):	{_mply = 1.9};												// Super Bandit
    	if  (_hmnty >= -5000 &&	 _hmnty <= 5000) then {_nxtlvl = "2.5k/-5k" };	// Bambie
    	if  (_hmnty >= 5000) then		{_nxtlvl = "15000"};										// Hero
    	if  (_hmnty >= 15000) then		{_nxtlvl = "25000"};									//
    	if  (_hmnty >= 25000) then 		{_nxtlvl = "45000"};									//
    	if  (_hmnty >= 45000) then		{_nxtlvl = "85000"};									//
    	if  (_hmnty >= 85000) then		{_nxtlvl = "100000"};								//
    	if  (_hmnty >= 100000) then		{_nxtlvl = "100%"};									// Super Hero								
    	if  (_hmnty <= -5000) then			{_nxtlvl = "-10000"};									// Bandit
    	if  (_hmnty <= -10000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-25000"};									//
    	if  (_hmnty <= -25000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-45000"};									//
    	if  (_hmnty <= -45000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-85000"};									//
    	if  (_hmnty <= -85000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-100000"};								//
    	if  (_hmnty <= -100000) then		{_nxtlvl = "100%"};									// Super Bandit
    while {_i < 7} do	{
    	if ( _i == 1) then 	{
            if (isInTraderCity) then {
                format ["Survivor Rewards! %1 But you missed out! Payments are not given to those in traders! ",name player] call dayz_rollingMessages;
            } else {
    			_reward = (_coinsreward * _mply);
    			_msg = parseText format ["
    			<t align='center' color='#D9FF00' shadow='2' size='1.5'>Survival Rewards!</t><br/><br/>
    			<t align='left' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#A23DFF'>Humanity: </t><t align='right' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#FFFFFF'>%3</t><br/>
    			<t align='left' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#A23DFF'>Next level: </t><t align='right' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#FFFFFF'>%6</t>
    			<t size='1' font='Zeppelin33' align='center' color='#CCCCCC'> ------------------------------ </t><br/>
    			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#8CFA16'>Humanity Bonus<t/><br/>
    			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.3' color='#FFFFFF'>%4 x %2</t>
    			<t size='1' font='Zeppelin33' align='center' color='#CCCCCC'> ------------------------------ </t>
    			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.45' color='#D0F000'>%1 %7</t><br/>
    			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.1' color='#FFFFFF'>Thanks for playing</t><br/>
    			<t align='center' color='#CCCCCC' shadow='2' size='1'>%5</t><br/>
    			_reward,				//	1
    			_mply,					//	2
    			_hmnty,					//	3
    			_coinsreward,		//	4
    			_servername,		//	5
    			_nxtlvl,					//	6
    			_currency				//	7
    			hint _msg;
    			diag_log format ["Survivor Rewards Log: Reward: %1 Multiplier: %2",_reward,_mply];
    	        player setVariable [Z_moneyVariable,((player getVariable [Z_moneyVariable, 0]) + _reward),true];
            _i = 0;
    	uisleep _timer;
    	_i = _i + 1;



  4. 11 minutes ago, Ghostman said:

    when spawning bike from infistar still can glitch wall

    Vehicles spawned in with infistar don't work the same as server spawned vehicles (random spawn vehicles and trader vehicles)

    Infistar spawned vehicles will give different results than a "normal" spawned vehicle.


  5. 8 hours ago, DAmNRelentless said:


    Lol, this animation though! I love it because it looks so damn awkward :D

    hahaha bit awkward looking.
    it looks okay when the dead body does the correct animation.

    Like this :D


    To give the corpes that animation just use

    		_dragee switchMove "AinjPfalMstpSnonWrflDnon_carried_Up";


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