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  1. Like
    raymix got a reaction from B4ND1T in Pay2Win   
  2. Like
    raymix got a reaction from KPABATOK in H1Z1   
    Actually they said it will have micro transactions and payments from day one h1z1 was announced. They even kept reminding people almost every stream that game will be free to play on release, pay to play in alpha stage and micro transactions/cash shop will be used to earn some money. SOE said they need to make money somehow, at first they wanted to do cosmetics only, at that point I stopped following development announcements.
    However what enraged fans was the mistake of adding loot crates containing weapons and meds, that is pay to win in its purest form. But this is now fixed in latest patch and loot crates containts bullshit.
    The game was never intended to be free... as in free-free. It's a corporation we are talking about, that's not how any of this works for them. They might end up using similar idea to what PS2 uses, minus the weapons, plus BR tickets, where you can obtain same stuff by just playing the game, or boost using station cash. We'll see...
  3. Like
    raymix reacted to se7en in [Release] 1.0 Custom Skin Textures   
    For anyone that use AdminEpochTools - to add custom option to menu:
    First Edit: Epoch\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\admintools\AdminToolsMain.sqf

    ["Admin Skin",[],"", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"adminskin.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], somewhere u want this menu to appear.
    Create adminskin.sqf in Epoch\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\admintools\tools\ folder and Paste this in:

    PVOZ_adminSkin  =  [player , "gui\admin.jpg" ]; // (or color , "#(argb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,1)" ) publicVariable "PVOZ_adminSkin"; player setObjectTexture [0, "gui\admin.jpg"]; // (to also see it yourself) player setVariable["adminated",1,true]; Dont forget to change "gui\admin.jpg" to point location of ur Admin Texture.
  4. Like
    raymix reacted to 0verHeaT in [Release] DC Dupe Fix [experimental]   
    Since a special method for duplicting his own gear on Arms 2 Epoch has become quite popular the last month, I though about a possible way to stop this. The so-called DC dupe allows any player to dupe their entire gear at any storage unit. I don't think I have to explain this more clearer cause the most of you guys know how it works.   How would you stop the player from duping?   My solution:   Whenever a player opens his gear menu infront of any storage unit, he sets temporary variable (boolean) to the storage unit.  After closing the gear dialog the variable is set through publicVariables to false. That means, if a player has lost his connection the variable can't be set to false and this will be reported to the server logs. Additionally the server checks if a player has lost the connection after closing the gear dialog (with 'isPlayer' command). If the 'isPlayer' command does not return a player, we know that he is trying to dupe and we can delete the duped gear.   Theoretically this sounds quite convincing, but keep in mind that this is only experimental at the moment. Thus this script is recommended for advanced server owners only, because it can cause huge errors if it is not installed correctly! If you find any bugs or errors, please report them here!   My Github: https://github.com/0verHeaT/DCDupeFix
  5. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Tricks in Really happy with the new gun additions coming wondering about the marksman DLC   
    nah you are not, it does feel like they are going BF route, however we still have ability to create mods ourselves. Problem is with mod devs and servers running and thus supporting those DLCs, which kind of forces people to buy them. This is pay to win (pay to play) in its purest form.
  6. Like
    raymix got a reaction from madnuss in H1Z1   
    Richie, I left my opinion on that dude's video... wow how did he even get 27k subs...
    Maybe you should look up an actual gameplay or a fun streamer to see what the game is actually about. That review is just pathetic drama coming from a guy who has zero technical knowledge about game development and bureaucracy behind big corps.
    Is the game worth the money atm? Definitely not. SOE consists of group of very experienced people, they uses hype and clever marketing to milk people, can't blame them tho.
    Don't forget it's Sony we are talking about, this game will definitely shape up pretty close to what it claims it will be, give it some time.
    But for now, this alpha is just a tool to cash in for youtubers and streamers as well as developers. 
  7. Like
    raymix reacted to Zupa in Most Popular Map to host?   
    A scripter or admin doesnt play anyways on a good server : ) it's a job almost
  8. Like
    raymix got a reaction from DaMuTz_R32 in Adding more than 2 admin   
    A bit bored at work so thought I'd contribute to this topic a bit. Maybe it will help someone else in future.
    What you just encountered is what's called "nested arrays". It's quite simple and effective programming concept, frankly a bit hard to read if you don't have trained eye. Programmers can easily read trough brackets while scrolling, but they are just human beings and still make mistakes, typos, misses brackets etc... which is normal... and part of fun!
    I will start by going one step backwards - a variable.
    A variable can be anything - a defined string, code block or simple decimal digit... for example:
    a = 1;
    a is a variable with value of 1
    a = "apple";
    a is a variable with string value of "apple"
    a = {b=1;};
    a is a function (code block) that defines variable b when called.
    a = [1,2,3];
    a is a variable of multiple values. Each value can be accessed, changed or more values added/removed. But this is where the fun starts...
    a = [1,2,3];
    b = [x,y,z];
    a and b are independent arrays and have nothing to do with each other.
    a = [[b,c,d],[1,2,3]];
    over here we just nested 2 arrays within one large array
    a = [[["valueception"]]];
    although this makes no sense, it's still legit nested array (select 0 select 0 select 0). A string within array within array within array.
    a = [["a","b","c"],[[1,2,3],[x,y,z]]];
    I will end with this one - nested array within nested array. 123 and xyz are 2 arrays nested together under larger array, which in return is nested within even larger array also containing abc strings
    As you can see, it's all about position of brackets.
    Alright back to work for me now...
  9. Like
    raymix got a reaction from wrt12345 in Adding more than 2 admin   
    A bit bored at work so thought I'd contribute to this topic a bit. Maybe it will help someone else in future.
    What you just encountered is what's called "nested arrays". It's quite simple and effective programming concept, frankly a bit hard to read if you don't have trained eye. Programmers can easily read trough brackets while scrolling, but they are just human beings and still make mistakes, typos, misses brackets etc... which is normal... and part of fun!
    I will start by going one step backwards - a variable.
    A variable can be anything - a defined string, code block or simple decimal digit... for example:
    a = 1;
    a is a variable with value of 1
    a = "apple";
    a is a variable with string value of "apple"
    a = {b=1;};
    a is a function (code block) that defines variable b when called.
    a = [1,2,3];
    a is a variable of multiple values. Each value can be accessed, changed or more values added/removed. But this is where the fun starts...
    a = [1,2,3];
    b = [x,y,z];
    a and b are independent arrays and have nothing to do with each other.
    a = [[b,c,d],[1,2,3]];
    over here we just nested 2 arrays within one large array
    a = [[["valueception"]]];
    although this makes no sense, it's still legit nested array (select 0 select 0 select 0). A string within array within array within array.
    a = [["a","b","c"],[[1,2,3],[x,y,z]]];
    I will end with this one - nested array within nested array. 123 and xyz are 2 arrays nested together under larger array, which in return is nested within even larger array also containing abc strings
    As you can see, it's all about position of brackets.
    Alright back to work for me now...
  10. Like
    raymix got a reaction from nedfox in Adding more than 2 admin   
    A bit bored at work so thought I'd contribute to this topic a bit. Maybe it will help someone else in future.
    What you just encountered is what's called "nested arrays". It's quite simple and effective programming concept, frankly a bit hard to read if you don't have trained eye. Programmers can easily read trough brackets while scrolling, but they are just human beings and still make mistakes, typos, misses brackets etc... which is normal... and part of fun!
    I will start by going one step backwards - a variable.
    A variable can be anything - a defined string, code block or simple decimal digit... for example:
    a = 1;
    a is a variable with value of 1
    a = "apple";
    a is a variable with string value of "apple"
    a = {b=1;};
    a is a function (code block) that defines variable b when called.
    a = [1,2,3];
    a is a variable of multiple values. Each value can be accessed, changed or more values added/removed. But this is where the fun starts...
    a = [1,2,3];
    b = [x,y,z];
    a and b are independent arrays and have nothing to do with each other.
    a = [[b,c,d],[1,2,3]];
    over here we just nested 2 arrays within one large array
    a = [[["valueception"]]];
    although this makes no sense, it's still legit nested array (select 0 select 0 select 0). A string within array within array within array.
    a = [["a","b","c"],[[1,2,3],[x,y,z]]];
    I will end with this one - nested array within nested array. 123 and xyz are 2 arrays nested together under larger array, which in return is nested within even larger array also containing abc strings
    As you can see, it's all about position of brackets.
    Alright back to work for me now...
  11. Like
    raymix got a reaction from NovusB in Having issues with 'Snap pro builder'   
    I've noticed your second topic with irrelevant error, too. You should probably install one script at a time and test it out before moving ahead, if you are new to this. TBH, you are installing very incompatible scripts (on their own), that only works together by merging files properly (sometimes modded files are provided by script authors, but as soon as one of scripts gets an update, rest of them breaks).
    I understand it's frustrating to do such testing one script at a time, but it helps in a long run, especially when chasing bugs... since as mentioned earlier, despite title of this topic, all these issues has nothing to do with Snap pro :)
  12. Like
    raymix got a reaction from 31_D!4b10 in addaction without external script   
    quite an annoying one, spent too much time on this...
    KK demonstrating it on A3 and even Arma wiki stating that:
    Yet it does not work, even with example provided down below in wiki:
    player addAction ["Hint Hello!", { hint format ["Hello %1!", _this select 3] }, name player]; I did notice it states code since TKOH, does that mean only Arma 2.5 and 3 supports this?
    To give you an example, this does not work:
    _test = player addAction ["Test", {hint"TEST"}]; //nop _test = player addAction ["Test", {hint"TEST"},""]; //nop _test = player addAction ["Test",""]; //works All I want to do is simply change a bool trough addaction without creating a new file just for a single damn line of code, lol
    Kinda like this:
    _test = player addAction ["Test",{_check = true}]; Any clues?
  13. Like
    raymix reacted to TheVampire in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    - What is VEMF? -
    VEMF is the Spiritual Successor to DZMS.
    VEMF Stands for Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework.
    VEMF is going to be a mission system designed specifically for Arma 3: Epoch.
    - How is VEMF different from DZMS? -
    VEMF is being designed to be a Mission Framework.
    VEMF will be more modular than DZMS allowing anyone to easily create an "Addon" for it.
    VEMF will not be a "fetch the box" mission system, it will be much much broader;
    A-B, Multiple Ending, Vehicle Convoys, Vehicle Capture, Manhunts, Investigation/Exploration, and more!
    VEMF will run entirely on the server side, in a server-side PBO.
    - When Will it be Done? -
    VEMF is still a work in progress.
    The current version is WIP.
    - Example Videos -
    - Github -
  14. Like
    raymix got a reaction from RC_Robio in help   
    Hi there,
    1) delete these DLLs:
    C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\ArmA 2\BattlEye
    C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye
    C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\ArmA 3\BattlEye
    2) Exit your steam
    3) Launch steam as an administrator
    4) Launch all 3 games from your library once and quit. (You need to launch A2, too to be able to play on Cherno servers)
    This should by default install latest BE dlls for you, if not, while running as admin, launch your game and join a random server from MP lobby to force BE install. The problem sometimes can be lack of admin rights, since an application is trying to update files in protected folders.
  15. Like
    raymix reacted to L3G0 in SQF Maze Generator   
    On 23th December one on my Admins told me about the Idea to create an Event, where we create a Maze with bots and a safe.
    After i answered great Idea he wanted to start mapping, but i said no, why do it by hand if the can automatize it?
    This is how it look like In game: 1 2 3 4 5
    Yesterday i wrote the first working Version of this Event and now i want to share the core, the Maze Generator with you.
    These are two example outputs of this Maze Generator:
    [[1,0],[6,8],[9,0,9,1,1,1,1,1,1,11,8,1,9,0,9,1,1,1,0,10,9,8,0,9,8,9,9,1,1,2,8,1,1,8,0,8,8,1,1,10,8,9,1,8,1,8,0,9,1,2,8,8,8,1,0,9,1,0,9,2,8,8,1,9,1,0,9,1,8,3,8,9,0,8,9,1,0,1,1,10,8,8,1,8,8,1,9,1,8,2,12,5,4,4,13,4,5,4,5,7]] [[0,6],[0,9],[9,1,1,9,1,9,1,1,9,3,9,0,8,0,8,1,8,8,0,10,8,9,1,1,1,0,8,9,1,2,8,8,9,1,9,1,1,0,9,10,8,8,0,8,8,9,0,9,0,2,8,1,1,8,1,0,9,0,9,3,1,9,0,9,1,1,8,9,0,10,8,0,9,8,1,8,8,1,1,10,9,1,0,9,0,8,1,1,8,2,12,12,5,4,5,12,5,5,5,6]] The first Number in the Array is a Random Startpoint somewhere at the outer wall, the second is the end of the longest path where you could place the Vault and the third array describes how each chamber is configured using binary interpretation.
    The Walls are Interpreted like the following schema:
    1 --- 8 | | 2 --- 4 This should be enough explanation if you want to write the ingame parser and wall spawner yourself. I don't public my event script at the moment because i don't want to let the noob admins, that are not able to code one line, take this work for their pay to win servers...
    My Maze Generator is based on the Depth-first search algorithm and implemented as recursive backtracker like descripted here:
    http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/algrithm.htm or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maze_generation_algorithm#Recursive_backtracker
    My first Idea was to write the prototype as callExtension but then i decided to instantly rewrite it in sqf, just for the fun :)
    Here is my test code in C (don't complain about some strange design decisions, i wanted it to be easy convertible to sqf)

    Now the SQF Version of this Generator:

    The following benchmark Numbers got created with the following Code:
    mazeGlobalVisitArray = []; mazeGlobalChamberArray = []; mazeGlobalDistance = 0; mazeGlobalMaxDistance = 0; mazeGlobalMaxEndPoint = []; _mazeWidth = 20; _mazeHeight = 20; _t1 = diag_tickTime; _maze = [_mazeWidth,_mazeHeight] call generateMaze; diag_log format["creating Maze of size %1 x %2 took %3 seconds", _mazeWidth, _mazeHeight, (diag_tickTime - _t1)]; _mazeStart = _maze select 0; _mazeEnd = _maze select 1; _mazeWalls = _maze select 2; diag_log format["%1", _maze]; The tests where run in the ArmA 2 Editor without any other concurrent scripts:
    10 x 10 took 0.186523 seconds 20 x 20 took 1.2207 seconds 30 x 30 took 4.67871 seconds 40 x 40 took 15.7334 seconds 50 x 50 took 25.251 seconds 60 x 60 took 58.6504 seconds 60 x 100 took 217.323 seconds 60 x 200 took 654.614 seconds As comparison, the 60x200 Maze took 0.01 seconds with the c implementation (including all printf). If you want to test it with 60 x 200 in the c code, comment out the "serialize_maze();".
    Well Now the Task lets start a Tiny Competition:
    My code can be improved a lot, its just a solution hacked down in one Day. Maybe you want write this or another Algorithm and compete to my Solution :)
  16. Like
    raymix reacted to Nic in [deleted]   
    Bring back the Lee Enfield!
  17. Like
    raymix got a reaction from arafinar in help   
    Hi there,
    1) delete these DLLs:
    C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\ArmA 2\BattlEye
    C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye
    C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\ArmA 3\BattlEye
    2) Exit your steam
    3) Launch steam as an administrator
    4) Launch all 3 games from your library once and quit. (You need to launch A2, too to be able to play on Cherno servers)
    This should by default install latest BE dlls for you, if not, while running as admin, launch your game and join a random server from MP lobby to force BE install. The problem sometimes can be lack of admin rights, since an application is trying to update files in protected folders.
  18. Like
    raymix reacted to Richie in Any way to view your threads that are waiting to be approved?   
    Nobody really reads them anyway, it's players that attract other players.
  19. Like
    raymix reacted to Saltzman in Rc_Robio   
    To who cares,
    I want to thank Rc_Robio. He came in to my TS last night on Christmas Eve and personally worked on getting my server back up and running after the update completely broke it. Not only did he fix my server, but he also worked into the wee hours of Christmas morning. I want to say what you did was very selfless and just amazing of you to do. He represented the Epoch Devs very well too and made sure to only talk shit about Axle. LOL JK!!!
    Rc_Robio consider us at BIAGAMING your friends, and if you ever need something in return, please do not hesitate to ask. Merry Christmas!  :) ;)
    Your friends @ BIAGAMING
  20. Like
    raymix got a reaction from 31_D!4b10 in [Tutorial] Overpoch - Custom traders, all weapons/ammo/vehicles in menus   
    This Video Tutorial covers:
    Add custom Traders anywhere on map
    Find positions on map (also covering safezones/sensors a little bit)
    Add your own custom Menus to traders
    Add all Overwatch weapons, ammo and vehicles to your menus
    Use notepad++ to convert Loot CFG (or literary ANY) file into SQL query that you can to insert items faster into database.
    Notepad++ tricks:
    I will show you some cool tricks how to clean out junk data from files, filter out only stuff you need and convert it into a different code that can be used elsewhere.
    In this video I will be using Macros, TextFX and Find&Replace options to show you awesome stuff you can do with notepad++ to affect thousands of lines automatically!
    You will need TextFX plugin.
    I am using Heidi SQL to edit my databases. Any other tool is very well capable of doing the same job well. I just love filtering on heidi. It's also free.
    This is by no means targeted towards advanced users, beginners only. If you are advanced user and dislike the method, please share your method instead for all of us to learn from.
    I am not sharing actual SQL code because database names differs for different hosts, also I think notepad++ tricks are awesome thing to know, might be handy in future.
    In fact If database structure ever changes, you can reuse tricks learned here instead to update it quickly.
    Overwatch vehicles used in video:

    Alternative list of all Overwatch weapons/ammo/vehicles (Test out your new Notepad++ skill and convert it into SQL!)
    PROTIP: if using alternative list - to filter out ammo from weapons Write Ammo Type: in search, leave search window open. Then create macro:
    [Home] > [F3] > [shift]+[END] > [DEL] > [Down] > [Home]
    This will delete last part on all rows that says ammo and leave weapons only. Apply similar method to delete weapons instead.
    Credits and [How to] Install server: infiSTAR for awesome AH/Admin tool

    00:00 - 20:00 Adding traders 20:00 - 35:05 Notepad++ filtering out the junk 35:05 - 36:40 Notepad++ TextFX deleting duplicate rows 36:40 - 41:55 Notepad++ Seperating ammo from weapons using macros 41:55 - 57:42 Converting classnames into SQL query (adding stuff to traders in database) 57:42 - Final in-game test
  21. Like
    raymix reacted to Fallen in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Still not getting the Snap: ON option i think it is becuase snap_build is in the worng place in my compiles?  I have it placed under //Actions  at the very bottem like

    player_antiWall =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_antiWall.sqf"; player_deathBoard =  compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\list_playerDeathsAlt.sqf"; snap_build =               compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\snap_pro\snap_build.sqf";   EDIT I fixed it don't worry i just went slowly through and redid my custom compiles
  22. Like
    raymix reacted to cen in This is a disgrace.   
  23. Like
    raymix reacted to Sandbird in Epochmod Banned infiSTAR i want a full Refund this is BS   
    They better not delete Release pages that mention what exceptions to put in the config file for your mod to work....I will be extremely pissed off if i see my Releases deleted just because i mention how to make it work if you have the antihack.
  24. Like
    raymix got a reaction from RiMMON in [Extras] Full list of paintable vehicles for Paint Vehicles script   
    First of all huge thanks to script (and everyone else credited), amazing work.
    Another credit goes to Chris for making Infistar AH, it's an invaluable tool and time saver when developing scripts. 
    And finally credit also goes to Gaia for releasing Debug Console
    To install debug console, simply copy/paste PBO into your Arma2OA\expansion\addons folder
    Launch your game in SP or in MP (set verifySignatures to 0 in your config)
    Press ESC > Enter ... to open console.. as simple as that



    Full saved broadcast (1 hour, until deleted soon): http://www.twitch.tv/raymich/b/575312724
    Highlight (15min): Also yes, you can paint uniforms, too :)

  25. Like
    raymix got a reaction from GaspArt in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Q & A
    Q: Is there a tutorial video showing how to install the addon?
    A: Yes, a youtuber Dayz Playground have uploaded a nice and clean video showing how to install this addon, it is aimed towards GTX gaming servers, but the installation is actually the same everywhere.

    Q: Can I add my own snap points or change some of yours and how do I do that?
    A: Yes! Yes you can and here's how:

    Q: Will this work with #n version?
    A: I don't know, tested with 1.62.103718 / only. (Help me update this one).
    flakvest: "I can confirm this is working on 1.63 Overpoch"
    Kixbike: "works perfectly on Epoch , 1.63.112555 "
    Anarior: "We're running Overpoch on 1.63.125548 and no issues at all."
    Logan: "Working perfect Overpoch 112555"
    Q: Will this work with Overpoch?
    A: Yes, it was designed in Epoch and video was shot in Overpoch.
    Q: Wait you removed commanding menus? I liked them!
    A: Not entirely. To reduce compatibility issues I had to separate addon into 2 different repos. If you still prefer commanding menus, please use SnapProCMD repo.
    Q: Anyone else notices fps drop or desync?
    A: Please refer to
    Q: My action menus are dissapearing / My select action menus are being deleted / My infistar AH is broken!!
    A: Make sure to follow AH part very carefully on Installation page, it is important that you understand the changes you make there, don't blindly follow the guide. Variables goes on top, array goes on bottom part. A single typo will break the whole antihack!
    Q: Will this work with "X" script?
    A: If it uses custom player_build then no, but you can merge differences of my code with yours to get it to work, as I did not do much editing on original player_build.sqf file intentionally. It should be easy to port.
    Watch this video, it explains in detail how code works (snap_build code part is a bit outdated, but it does cover full basics and shows How's and Why's, it also covers how player_build works)
    Q: Can you fix my "Y" script? Can you make it work with "Z" script?
    A: Probably no, as I've things to do, please stay on topic, if it's help on code you are seeking, post it away, but don't raise expectations, maybe  I will help, maybe someone else will, as I've much work to do with other bigger sorry.
    Q:  I can turn snap on but when I hit "F" nothing happens despite 2 matching green dots.
    A: Something is overwriting your dayz_spaceinterrupt.sqf file, check all your custom compiles and read
    Q: Will this work with ""?
    A: Maybe, check out for a code. EDIT: RimBlock is ?p=101271 of the issue, expect an update soon.
    Q: Will this work with Admin Fast Build?
    A: Yes. KamikazeXeX released guide how to make it compatible:
    Q: It says object limit reached (or something along these lines), but I can still build without snap enabled?
    A: You will need to either increase object limit inside of your init.sqf file OR you can exclude spheres from nearestObjects check in player_build.sqf
    Q: I am getting BE: Script restriction #17 kicks
    A: You are using latest BE filters by Infistar, remove line #19 (double check readme file on github)
    Q: Have you encountered a problem when placing plotpole it spawns, and seems to put the entire radius of the plotpole where the plotpole is placed, MASS desync then ensues
    A: Yes, it was related to Infistar AH, Chris is aware of an issue, see if new update fixes it and report back please.
    Q: players on my server build very large bases with hundreds of objects. They reported me about massive fps-drops while using the snap function. So some players can't use it because of older hardware etc.  Any Idea how to reduce the amount of objects or improve the performance
    A: Yeah, download the version 1.3 (or up). It lets you adjust ranges, negative values will reduce detection range effectively reducing snap point amount and giving more performance, add/adjust this to your init.sqf:
    DZE_snapExtraRange = 0; Q:  I had issues with not being able to return to the players lobby by pressing ESC after installing Snap Pro.
    A: You are probably running, comment out
    Positive/Negative Feedback from live servers:
    STENCHOVDETH: "I've had this working on all my servers for about a week now and the players just go nuts for it."
    Tricks: "This is very true, have it on my server and my players love it!"
    Anarior: "Other than a few issues with people finding it quite complex to start with, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from users."
    MatthewK: "Had this on my server for the past 24 hours and my players are spending so much time building stuff, they aren't even bothering to kill each other any more."
    |Changelog----------------------------------|Date---------------|Version----| |Rare bug fix  -----------------------------|30/08/2014---------|1.4.1------| |ASL based player/snap_build, fixes, extras |21/08/2014---------|1.4--------| |Full support for water bases --------------|09/08/2014---------|1.3.1------| |Fixed defines, adjustable snap ranges -----|09/08/2014---------|1.3--------| |Anti-grief temporarily removed ------------|23/07/2014---------|1.2.1------| |CMD menus removed and pushed to a new repo-|21/07/2014---------|1.2.0------| |Snap point radius is now config based------|18/07/2014---------|1.1.6------| |Build range and anti-grief fix-------------|16/07/2014---------|1.1.5------| |Missing stairs with support in config------|14/07/2014---------|1.1.4------| |Code optimization, vault points added------|12/07/2014---------|1.1.3------| |Ghost fix for metal floor (GenCamoUGL)-----|10/07/2014---------|1.1.2------| |CMD/Action menu toggle---------------------|09/07/2014---------|1.1.1------| |CMD menu added (mudzerelli)----------------|09/07/2014---------|1.1.0------| |Missing objects added----------------------|07/07/2014---------|1.0.1------| |SBP release--------------------------------|06/07/2014---------|1.0.0------|
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