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it's pretty easy, create a file somewhere in the Fmission directory call something like 'ai_unit_killed.sqf'.

private ["_victim","_killer","_humanity","_banditKills"];

_victim = _this select 0;
_killer = _this select 1;
_humanity = _killer getVariable ["humanity",0];
_banditKills = _killer getVariable ["banditKills",0];
_killer setVariable ["humanity",_humanity + 25,true];
_killer setVariable ["banditKills",_banditKills + 1,true];

put that code inside of it and save it. you can change the 25 to however much humanity you want to gain.


next, in wherever it is that creates the AI, for each AI unit use this line of code.

_unit addEventHandler ["killed",{_this ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\fmission\directory\ai_unit_killed.sqf"}];

and now you have a humanity gain for each bandit killed and your bandit kill count goes up too :)

of course, replace the _unit variable with whatever variable Fmission uses for each unit.



Have tried to do this but cant get it to work.


this is what one of my missions looks like yet it does not work. what have i done wrong? (file location is correct and no errors in rpt)

_aiunit1 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Bandit",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
_aiunit1 addEventHandler ["killed",{_this ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Unit_killed.sqf"}];

_aiunit2 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Sniper",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
_aiunit2 addEventHandler ["killed",{_this ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Unit_killed.sqf"}];

_aiunit3 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Medic",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
_aiunit3 addEventHandler ["killed",{_this ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Unit_killed.sqf"}];

_aiunit4 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Bandit",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
_aiunit4 addEventHandler ["killed",{_this ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Unit_killed.sqf"}];

_aiunit5 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Bandit",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
_aiunit5 addEventHandler ["killed",{_this ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Unit_killed.sqf"}];
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Hi, I've been using it for a while and I can't say anything but Thanks for this great job.


I have just one question:

What if I want the AI to have RPGs?


I tried to modify the Floot file to add the rpg classname (M136) to their inventory, and although some of them spawn with RPG, they dont use it. They just carry it on their backs and that's it... they dont even attack at all..


How can I do it?



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I like Fmissions way of loot distro - -


this way I can customize it to fit how I wish it to be, verses having 6 random objects that appear in the lootbox - IE: then you have 6 chainsaws or DMRs in the loot.


Everyone has a preference, you can add in the loot_pull from DZMS and put it in Fmissions if you want.  I've taken BIS_Random feature and randomized vehicles from an array so the missions may say, "medical" and you don't the same 2 or 4 vehicles over and over.  


Fmission is a brilliant flexible system, it takes a lot of time to setup your own mission but IMO very well worth the time put in.


Yes, I know about that. My question was: "would it be possible to pull the contents of the boxes from the server's loot tables, rather than having a fixed list of items that will be in there?"


DZMS does it. Perhaps it could be integrated. A random loadout is better than 5 or 6 lists of things that will always spawn.

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Hi, I've been using it for a while and I can't say anything but Thanks for this great job.


I have just one question:

What if I want the AI to have RPGs?


I tried to modify the Floot file to add the rpg classname (M136) to their inventory, and although some of them spawn with RPG, they dont use it. They just carry it on their backs and that's it... they dont even attack at all..

Did you give them ammo, too? RPG7V / PG7V should work, for M136 I don't know the ammo classname.

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I still lurk guys, I am just very busy coding for a Top Altis Life server. We are about to release the project I have been working on for the last month or so. Word is the community I am now part owner of might be doing an Epoch server as well after we get the new Altis Life version out.


That means I will probably update FMission a bit around that time as well. I still have a few missions that weren't released yet so I will also most likely finish the first mission pack and fill it out with the other missions, I think in total there are 6 or 7 missions.


Don't forget I updated the main post with a tutorial video on how to make missions with FMission.


If you guys are curious where I am at here is the link to our community.


Any ETA on those final missions you plan on releasing???

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Hello All,

I'm getting the following errors spamming my RPT:


18:43:34   Error Undefined variable in expression: epoch_mission1_running
18:43:34 File z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf, line 178
18:43:34 Error in expression <ion_type == "M1") then
18:43:34   Error position: <EPOCH_MISSION1_RUNNING)
This is from a fresh install from vanilla downloaded files from foamy's site.
Any help would be gratefully accepted.
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Hello All,

Just a quick question is the "M1" correct if this is an M3 Mission?


_aiunit1 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Bandit",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
_aiunit2 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Bandit",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
_aiunit3 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Sniper",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
_aiunit4 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Medic",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
_aiunit5 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Sniper",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
_aiunit6 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Bandit",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
_aiunit7 = [_aiunit_spawn_pos,50,4,"Bandit",_loot_pos,"M1"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf";
Thnx in advance for any guidance with this issue.
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Hello All,

Just new to this mission system and trying a few things.

Would anyone know how to add composites into the code.

I just watched Foamy's Utube tutorial on the mission system and would like to add 2-3 train carriages  as props  for the mission theme.


// Add a base?
_base = createVehicle ["Land_wagon_box",_loot_pos,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_base setPos _loot_pos;


_base1 = createVehicle ["Land_wagon_box",_loot_pos,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

_base1 setPos _loot_pos;


_base2 = createVehicle ["Land_wagon_box",_loot_pos,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

_base2 setPos _loot_pos;


would this work? ^^


but how would I add multiple? say 2-3 of these.I will test and report findings.

I am also interested as to what others have made with this mission system.


I am running an Overpoch Server and just curious as to what skins & weapons work for the AI from OW.

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ok peeps I read this over and over again I'm so new to this stuff but where in the world does this go?

_null = [_position,loot_pos,_markerRadius,_markcolor,false]  execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FMarker\FMarker.sqf


sorry for being a noob :( this was on the easy install.




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can you please help, can you make it so that some missions spawn bandit ai and some missions spawn survivor ai, so when people kill bandit ai they gain humanity and when they kil survivor ai they lose humanity, so both bandits and survivors can attempt the missions. and the missions spawn only bandits or survivors so they arent mixed together and they have different uniforms.

someone already told me how to do it for WAI mission

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