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Epoch 1.0.7 Release

Airwaves Man

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This is the official Epoch 1.0.7 Release. Thanks to everbody who took part on this especially helion4.


Changelog: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/Release_1.0.7/CHANGE LOG 1.0.7.txt

Report bugs: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/issues/2123

Download via Google Drive at the moment: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z94OU_-yz8SGz14Se2txNbcIYu8sEV-p

The password for the Server Files is: 123456


Edit: Epoch 1.0.7 is now in the DayZ Launcher. Unfortunately Epoch got completely removed. Server Admins have to update to Epoch 1.0.7 now.

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Yeah he usually does that unless you work it out with him to keep both.

At least this update won't cause anyone to wipe their databases if they don't know what to do with the database. So far so good, fps is much better than 106.


Thanks for the work on this release. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome work. I see you already implemented nearly all fixes I had from 1.0.4. But I have one question - why did you remove database traders? Some servers needs this feature, also I tried to implement it back with advanced trading interface on 1.0.6. I realy want players can buy only what was sold before. Not unlimited ammo clips and food, just limited amount what looters sold. If you want some special ammo, just go loot or use another weapon. Scripted traders killing this game, when you can have everything you want. So please, implement database traders back. :) Thanks a lot, guys.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Buenas noches, espero puedas ayudarme, descargue esta versión de Epoch y al colocarla en mi carpeta del juego va bien, el problema es cuando entro al juego porque no me aparece como para activarla, me aparece solo la vieja que yo tengo que es la 1.0 .6.4, e estado toda la tarde tratando de ver porque es pero no encontré que pueda ser, espero que puedas ayudarme gracias!

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  • 1 month later...

SOLVED: @Epoch pbo's downloaded in the wrong file :/

I'm back and needing help once again with Epoch update if anyone would not mind. I have a test server to mess around on and have downloaded the update files off dzlauncher. Now the problem I'm having is the server host I'm using have not updated so I went in and had to manually update everything removing the old @Epoch in the root and replacing it with the updated one also updated the dayz_server.pbo, Batteye filters and the Mpmission files. I'm getting a error saying some of the mods are not signed or missing keys even though I replaced all bikey with the new ones. I know it is most likely a easy fix but I can not figure it out? 


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  On 5/23/2021 at 12:03 AM, marcechelito said:

Buenas noches, espero puedas ayudarme, descargue esta versión de Epoch y al colocarla en mi carpeta del juego va bien, el problema es cuando entro al juego porque no me aparece como para activarla, me aparece solo la vieja que yo tengo que es la 1.0 .6.4, e estado toda la tarde tratando de ver porque es pero no encontré que pueda ser, espero que puedas ayudarme gracias!

También tengo el mismo problema con el mío. ¿Qué servidor de host estás usando? 
Compruebe y vea si se actualizarán a 1.0.7. Creo que esto es todo lo que podemos hacer ahora.


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In configVariables.sqf change line

DZE_GemWorthArray = [["ItemTopaz",15000], ["ItemObsidian",20000], ["ItemSapphire",25000], ["ItemAmethyst",30000], ["ItemEmerald",35000], ["ItemCitrine",40000], ["ItemRuby",45000]];


Set DZE_GemWorthArray=[]; to disable return change in gems.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Has anyone else heard that since the windows 11 update or something, it has broken most if not all Arma 2 Servers? Is this true? I remember they had to release a patch for Windows 10 support back when, how doubtful is it going to be for windows 11 if this is the case? I had been playing on a decent server for about a month then all of a sudden every server i try to join lately its just "waits for host" like the servers arent running proper.

Thanks anyone. Nostalgia lives with this damn game lol.

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  On 11/19/2021 at 7:32 PM, Darkfred said:

Will be released this year or next?


It will be next year.

  On 11/21/2021 at 12:41 AM, White_Horse said:

Has anyone else heard that since the windows 11 update or something, it has broken most if not all Arma 2 Servers? Is this true? I remember they had to release a patch for Windows 10 support back when, how doubtful is it going to be for windows 11 if this is the case? I had been playing on a decent server for about a month then all of a sudden every server i try to join lately its just "waits for host" like the servers arent running proper.

Thanks anyone. Nostalgia lives with this damn game lol.


As far as I know it is/was a battleye problem. Dwaren from Bohemia fixed it I think.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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