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Server failing on startup



Hi all, 

I have tried to install epoch on to one of my Ubuntu Server systems, I have been able to get to the lobby but upon mission start the server falls over, and starts to restart itself  endlessly, I am launching using the startup script included in the server install files directory.

I have validated that the redis server is active and I can connect to it from another machine on the network.

I have searched the FAQ and a number of threads for a solution but can't seem to crack it.

Here are some excerpts of the logs where it seems to fall over each time.

The server is running under a user called arma, which I believe has all the appropriate permissions setup etc.

14:57:04 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
14:57:04 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
Arma 3 Console version1.68.141205 x86 : port 2302
14:57:04 Mission Epoch Mod read from bank.
14:57:04 Roles assigned.
14:57:04 Reading mission ...
14:57:04 Starting mission:
14:57:04  Mission file: epoch (__cur_mp)
14:57:04  Mission world: Altis
14:57:04  Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\
14:57:13 Strange convex component145 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
14:57:13 Strange convex component149 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
14:57:14 Strange convex component65 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallh.p3d:geometryFire
14:57:15 Strange convex component05 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_spike.p3d:geometryFire
14:57:15 Strange convex component74 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_spike.p3d:geometryFire
14:57:15 Strange convex component202 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_spike.p3d:geometryFire
14:57:15 Strange convex component391 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_spike.p3d:geometryFire
14:57:17 Strange convex component06 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
14:57:17 Strange convex component18 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
14:57:17 Strange convex component30 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
14:57:21 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
14:57:21 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
14:57:24 "CfgEpochCoreServerFunctions"
14:57:24 "Loading Functions: CfgServerFunctions"
14:57:24 Mission read.
14:57:24 Connected to Steam servers
WATCHDOG (11493): [Sun May 14 14:57:24 UTC 2017] Server died, waiting to restart...
WATCHDOG (11493): [Sun May 14 14:57:29 UTC 2017] Starting server (port 2302)...
14:57:29 Could not enable linux core dumps. Error 1 -
14:57:29 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features won't be accessible!
14:57:29 Source set
14:57:29 Initializing stats manager.
14:57:29 Stats config disabled.


Here is my EpochServer.ini

BattlEyePath = /home/arma/arma3/sc/battleye
InstanceID = NA123
LogAbuse = 1
LogLimit = 999
IP =
Port = 2306
Password = killme

IP =
Port = 6379
DB = 0
Password = test

Logging = 0
Key =
VACBanned = 0
VACMinimumNumberOfBans = 0
VACMaximumDaysSinceLastBan = 0
PlayerAllowOlderThan = 0


and finally my server.cfg


hostname        	= "myepoch";
password         	= "";
passwordAdmin      	= "test";
serverCommandPassword = "test";
logFile            	= "A3Master.log";
verifySignatures   	= 2;
BattlEye            = 1;
requiredBuild = 136470;

allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {:};
allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"sqf"};
allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"html"};

disconnectTimeout = 10; // default 90

// WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
// It can be several lines, separated by comma
// Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval

motd[] = {
	"Welcome to ArmA3 Epoch!",
	"Server hosted by YourHost"
motdInterval = 5;               // Time interval (in seconds) between each message

maxPlayers = 50;		// Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.

voteMissionPlayers	= 200;    // Prevents Votes.
voteThreshold		= 2; // Prevents Votes.
// DISALLOW VOTING since 1.39
allowedVoteCmds[] = {};
allowedVotedAdminCmds[] = {};

disableVoN	= 0;        	// If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
vonCodecQuality = 30;       // Quality from 1 to 30
forceRotorLibSimulation = 0; // Enforces the Advanced Flight Model on the server. Default = 0 (up to the player). 1 - forced AFM, 2 - forced SFM.
persistent	= 1;        	// If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected.

// MISSIONS CYCLE (see below) (epoch.Altis, epoch.Stratis, epoch.Chernarus, epoch.Bornholm)
class Missions
	class Epoch {
		template = epoch.Altis; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS, IT WILL BREAK YOUR SERVER
		difficulty = "custom";    // difficulty settings: Recruit, Regular Veteran, Custom

kickDuplicate = 1;
equalModRequired = 0;
requiredSecureId = 2;
timeStampFormat = "short";

onUserConnected = "";
onUserDisconnected = "";
doubleIdDetected = "";

onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";	// unsigned data detected
onHackedData = 	"kick (_this select 0)";	//"ban (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected
onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)";


Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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