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increase spawn chance of Lootable objects ?



hi guys,


I'm looking for way to increase spawn chance of lootable objects(loot container) like furnitures, gun box, etc..


I've tried LSapwner. It works but there are lots items spawned on floor without container. I don't wanna this.


I'm satisfied with amount of Items in container, and tatal amount of spawned. with default of Epoch


but some of users want to "meet more Contatiners".


so, I've serched for options in A3_Server_Settings.pbo but failed.


Loot.h file has no options for spawn chance of Containers i think.. (If I'm worng plz let me know)


is anyone know about this? Any option or way to increase it?



(sorry for mu bad english)

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Halv I tested last night what you said and as I mentioned it doesn't do what you say! It only increases the number if objects in the same building that already was spawning loot. So now instead of 25% it now has 100%. It doesn't spawn loot in more buildings. Period.

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Halv I tested last night what you said and as I mentioned it doesn't do what you say! It only increases the number if objects in the same building that already was spawning loot. So now instead of 25% it now has 100%. It doesn't spawn loot in more buildings. Period.


idk how this can be so hard to comprehend ...


when each house spawns in more (or all) of the available loot objects positions, then obviusly more houses will then have loot in them.

this is pretty basic stuff.


if it dosnt work for you, then the most likely cause will be that either you have your custom script running and its messing up stuff or you did not edit CfgBuildingLootPos correctly.


Adding to EPOCH_LootedBlds stops it spawning on top of each other. Else what stops epoch by default doing the same thing.


obviusly yes, but nothing is stopping your script from producing massive amount of loot objects in the same positions.

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I've tested Happydayz's way on my test server. it works. : 1st way -> https://github.com/happydayz-enigma/Enigma_EPOCH_Lootspawner


and tested Halv mentioned. and Happydayz posted before. it works too. : 2nd way -> https://github.com/happydayz-enigma/Enigma_EPOCH_CfgBuildingLootPos

(i've changed lootBiasPos of "class default" 25 to 100 for test. and it spawned max amount of building have.)



I think there's not much different reslut between two ways.


If some building have lootable containers spawned. it will be spawn all amount of defined position that building have. (becuase i set "lootBiasPos" to 100% in second way)


so, i think both of way will increase chances below lined. but sadly there's no way to seperate those,


C1. chance of buildings have some lootable containers.

C2. amount of lootable containers in the building


but there are little diffrent exist.


2nd way have more Chance of  "C1" than 1st way. and C2 is almost same (or littlebit more)



and both ways have little FPS drop in client. but 1st way have more FPS drop Slightly. (I Know it will be abjust change sleep time for each loop, Happydayz commented it in his script)



as a result, I think 2nd way is more compact and efficient. and It can abjust to amout of spawn easily than 1st way. (both of whole and specific buildings)


(I had to read more Topic what Happydayz posted before. )


so. I'll add cfcbuildinglootpos.hpp to my server and abjust lootbiaspos.



I'm very very thanks to Happaydayz and Halv. . :)

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you could always reduce the amount of positions per building, but to be able to control it further i think you need to ask awol to change lootBiasPos into max amounts instead, that would get you your desired result i think.


ideally it would be nice if it was changed to be like it is in CfgMainTable with lootMin and LootMax.

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for now, some building have lots of lootable object, and others have nothing. the ratio is looks like 1:3 (have:not have) when i tested it. 


its also not a bad resault for me.


users can see lootable objects through over the windows or terrace. so they do not have to seach erver building one by one.


I can abjust amount of items within Containers with Lootmultiper, located in epochconfig. then there's no inflation of items.



config changed to u guys mentioned way, that's good too.


but users have to search every buildings (it wolud be good for someone but bad for someone :) )

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