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Vehicles exploding at server start and when hopping in them.


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1. Vehicles exploding on server load in. From what we can tell is caused by the server loading all vehicles in pointing North then rotating them into position (as reported by a few others on this forum). Potential fix is to turn all damage handling off before the server loads the vehicles directon from the database, so load it separately. wait a few seconds until it's definitely rotated then enable damage handling again.


2. Vehicles exploding when people get in them. I can only assume this is related to the file that loads the vehicles on the server, where near the bottom enableVehicleSimulation is set to false. So the vehicle is loaded in by the server floating, often you can see it drop a little when you approach it showing that simulation has been enabled but sometimes it doesn't do it. So you get into a vehicle that's obviously been damaged at the loading of the server but simulation doesn't happen until you get in, then it explodes. Enabling vehicle simulation at server load coupled with the above rotating damage handling fix should see these issues completely resolved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im having the same issue. Jets always, helis and land vehicles sometimes. Drones either dissapear once deployed or blow up. If they are designated by way point the seem less prone to exploding.


What game are you talking about? I'm pretty sure A3 Epoch doesn't have jets, nor does it have deployable drones.

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sorry I host wasteland aswell. seems to be happening across different mods


äääähhhmmm, yes, because it is a arma bug, and not a epoch bug. the epoch devs can not completely repair arma. dont park near a wall or on a wooden floor and your vehicles are safe.

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I've experienced them both...



However. Number 2 I've had happen when I got out of a vehicle parked in perfect condition (both ground and air vehicles) and when I returned and got back in it just blew up.



I'm getting into a mode where I'm starting to question if A3 is going to be a good platform for Epoch when looking at longevity.


But I guess once they get the mod done and all the work-arounds to fix the shabby work of BI maybe it'll be ok.

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It'll be here I'm thinking, in a3_epoch_server.pbo > compile > epoch_vehicle > EPOCH_load_vehicles.sqf



_vehicle call EPOCH_server_setVToken; 
_vehicle setposATL _location; 
_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp[_vdir,_vup]; 
_vehicle setDamage EP_damage; 
_actualHitpoints=_vehicle call EPOCH_getHitpoints; 
if((count _actualHitpoints)==(count EP_hitpoints))then{{_vehicle setHitPointDamage[_x,(EP_hitpoints select _forEachIndex)]; 
}forEach _actualHitpoints; 
_vehicle setFuel EP_fuel; 
_vehicle call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit; 
_config=configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> EP_class >> "availableColors"; 
_textureSelectionIndex=configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> EP_class >> "textureSelectionIndex"; 
_count=(count _colors)-1; 
{_textures=_colors select 0; 
if(_count >=_forEachIndex)then{_textures=_colors select _forEachIndex; 
_vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal[_x,(_textures  select EP_color)]; 
}forEach _selections; 
_vehicle setVariable["VEHICLE_TEXTURE",EP_color]; 
clearWeaponCargoGlobal    _vehicle; 
clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _vehicle; 
clearBackpackCargoGlobal  _vehicle; 
clearItemCargoGlobal      _vehicle; 
_vehicle disableTIEquipment true; 
_vehicle lock true; 
_vehicle setVariable["VEHICLE_SLOT",str(_i),true]; 
diag_log format["FILLING: _vehicle %1 pos: %2",_vehicle,(getPosATL _vehicle)]; 

I'm no developer, so I may be way off, but I think if they added a line to remove damage handling before setting it's position then turned damage handling back on after it's finished loading everything it might stop it from colliding with things when it's loaded. I guess something like this:


_vehicle call EPOCH_server_setVToken; 

_vehicle addeventhandler [handleDamage "false"];
_vehicle setposATL _location; 
_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp[_vdir,_vup]; 

_vehicle addeventhandler [handleDamage "true"];
_vehicle setDamage EP_damage; 

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It'll be here I'm thinking, in a3_epoch_server.pbo > compile > epoch_vehicle > EPOCH_load_vehicles.sqf



_vehicle call EPOCH_server_setVToken; 
_vehicle setposATL _location; 
_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp[_vdir,_vup]; 
_vehicle setDamage EP_damage; 
_actualHitpoints=_vehicle call EPOCH_getHitpoints; 
if((count _actualHitpoints)==(count EP_hitpoints))then{{_vehicle setHitPointDamage[_x,(EP_hitpoints select _forEachIndex)]; 
}forEach _actualHitpoints; 
_vehicle setFuel EP_fuel; 
_vehicle call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit; 
_config=configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> EP_class >> "availableColors"; 
_textureSelectionIndex=configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> EP_class >> "textureSelectionIndex"; 
_count=(count _colors)-1; 
{_textures=_colors select 0; 
if(_count >=_forEachIndex)then{_textures=_colors select _forEachIndex; 
_vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal[_x,(_textures  select EP_color)]; 
}forEach _selections; 
_vehicle setVariable["VEHICLE_TEXTURE",EP_color]; 
clearWeaponCargoGlobal    _vehicle; 
clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _vehicle; 
clearBackpackCargoGlobal  _vehicle; 
clearItemCargoGlobal      _vehicle; 
_vehicle disableTIEquipment true; 
_vehicle lock true; 
_vehicle setVariable["VEHICLE_SLOT",str(_i),true]; 
diag_log format["FILLING: _vehicle %1 pos: %2",_vehicle,(getPosATL _vehicle)]; 

I'm no developer, so I may be way off, but I think if they added a line to remove damage handling before setting it's position then turned damage handling back on after it's finished loading everything it might stop it from colliding with things when it's loaded. I guess something like this:



_vehicle call EPOCH_server_setVToken; 

_vehicle addeventhandler [handleDamage "false"];

_vehicle setposATL _location; 

_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp[_vdir,_vup]; 

_vehicle addeventhandler [handleDamage "true"];

_vehicle setDamage EP_damage; 


I hope a dev sees this soon...

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Yeah i have a lot of very active admins so we just revive the player and respawn the vehicle, it's a inconvenience but we work around it for now.

yes it's some reimbursement there but it still

- causes loss of energy level

- causes loss of hours live stat (loss of immersion)

- causes loss of cargo in vehicle

- waste of time.

I don't think this game feels like an alpha - it's more of a very playable beta+ in my book but this is the only game ruining issue I experience.

I hope it's gonna be dealt with quickly.

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