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Joel the Jackle

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Since the recent nerf in zombie loot, getting a full set of documents for vehicle upgrades has become something of a white unicorn hunt. I remember a few releases back it was actually on the list in the change logs to add them to the traders but then was removed from the list just prior to the release. Has there been any consideration of officially adding them to the trader again, or will it be just left up to individual server owners to manually add them as they see fit?

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I'm working on a small mod that will allow you to re-use your documents (they will not be consumed with the required parts. This way, players can borrow each others' docs.

If they added them to traders like they intended at some point of 1.0.4 development it wouldn't be necessary to make a non-consumed script. Besides epoch has more ways to make money than spend it so an additional money sink wouldn't hurt anything.

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