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[RELEASE] VASP - Vehicle and Skin preview on Traders v1.2 (Updated 06/18/2014)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys


Not had this mod working for some time now, just looking into my issue and still nothing.

The preview debug box does not appear. Absolutely nothing.

I broke the vasp script to test if it was being intiated and it is and shows the fault in RPT.

I have tested anti-hack off and still same issue.

There is no logs reporting any issues.


Any ideas ?




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Hey guys


Not had this mod working for some time now, just looking into my issue and still nothing.

The preview debug box does not appear. Absolutely nothing.

I broke the vasp script to test if it was being intiated and it is and shows the fault in RPT.

I have tested anti-hack off and still same issue.

There is no logs reporting any issues.


Any ideas ?





I have the same problem, no errors are shown in the rpt yet nothing works. there is no hint in top right and pushing F5 does nothing.


I cant remember what it was called but Maca's hint message thing needed for this? (if anyone knows what im on about lol)

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have managed to get it to work.


because im using edited trader files (to speed up trading) i needed to edit the paths in player_traderMenuHive.sqf

Hmm cheers for the heads up. I looked a bit more into the issue and went as far as adding the fast trading but still the same issue. Even after changing the directory of trade_items etc...

Any more ideas ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

fix by F507DMT

OFFshowCinemaBorder  + skin fix(all skins in 1 location) + temp low viewdistance:

_rpos1 = (random 2000);
_rpos2 = (random 2000);
_rpos3 =  [(_rpos1),(_rpos2),2500];

/* Create the Preview-Platform - Position depends on amount of PVDZE_SkinPreviewCounter */
_pvp1 = "MetalFloor_DZ" createVehicle _rpos3;
_pvp1 setPosASL _rpos3;

/* Set the unit's Spawnposition - Position depends on amount of PVDZE_SkinPreviewCounter */
_unitSpawnPos = [(_rpos1),(_rpos2),2500.5];

/* Get the Model name for createAgent function */
_model = getText (configFile >> "CfgSurvival" >> "Skins" >> (_item select 0) >> "playerModel");

/* Create the Unit with Model to preview - Hide from other Players view */
previewUnit = createAgent [format["%1",_model], _unitSpawnPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
previewUnit setDir 180;
previewUnit setPosASL _unitSpawnPos;
previewUnit allowDammage false; previewUnit disableAI 'FSM'; previewUnit disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; previewUnit disableAI 'TARGET'; previewUnit forceSpeed 0;

/* playableUnits just holds the player himself when Server runs Infistar, dunno if correct, or why this but... */
/* We check if Infistar is running and if not we can use a way better function to hide the unit from other players
if (!(ServerRunsInfistar)) then {
_initUnit = format["{if ((getPlayerUID _x) != %1) then {%2 hideObject true;};} forEach playableUnits;", (getPlayerUID player), previewUnit];
uiSleep 0.1;
previewUnit setVehicleInit _initUnit;
uiSleep 0.1;
uiSleep 0.1;
clearVehicleInit previewUnit

Create the Cam */
//remember viewdistance
_vd = viewdistance;
setViewDistance 300;
SkinPreview_Camera = "camera" camCreate [(_unitSpawnPos select 0), (_unitSpawnPos select 1) - 10,2502]; 
showCinemaBorder false; 
SkinPreview_Camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"];
camDestroy VehiclePreview_Camera;
setViewDistance _vd;





and i use this:

taskHint ['For preview vehicle press F5 now', [0,0.4,1,1], 'taskNew'];

OtterNas3 big thx!!!

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Changed my keybind to the letter L, that way I don't have to disable infiStar bad keys (for obvious reasons one should leave them on).


Then using find/replace i changed the debug window text from "press F5 now" to press L.


Then I changed my AH file so the debug sleeper is set to 5 (also posted earlier in this topic).


It works perfect for admin, players can get into the view, but they cannot exit it... doh.. any ideas?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great script !


Is there a way to get this working with the gems sell?

Like ["ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZ",2] 83 [1,"ItemRuby",1] [7,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1] 0 479 trade_any_vehicle_old


The other all show up great but the vehicles in the database with " trade_any_vehicle_old " don't show the option to press F5.

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All I did was copy the added parts to the new files and update the paths to point at the single currency files

you changed this part ???

// trader menu code
    if (DZE_ConfigTrader) then {
        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\VASP\player_traderMenuConfig.sqf";
        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\VASP\player_traderMenuHive.sqf";


// trader menu code
    if (DZE_ConfigTrader) then {
        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "gold\player_traderMenu.sqf";
        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "gold\player_traderMenuDB.sqf";

im sorry  I just added  zuppas gold and I know nothing about it or how it works. 

find verry little trader info. I dont know if I can edit my traders through database like normal or what.

I am re-scripting a new server so I have not got that far yet.

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Great script !


Is there a way to get this working with the gems sell?

Like ["ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZ",2] 83 [1,"ItemRuby",1] [7,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1] 0 479 trade_any_vehicle_old


The other all show up great but the vehicles in the database with " trade_any_vehicle_old " don't show the option to press F5.




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Great script !


Is there a way to get this working with the gems sell?

Like ["ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZ",2] 83 [1,"ItemRuby",1] [7,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1] 0 479 trade_any_vehicle_old


The other all show up great but the vehicles in the database with " trade_any_vehicle_old " don't show the option to press F5.




Add the following to your player_traderMenuConfig.sqf and player_traderMenuHive.sqf:



if ((_item select 9) == "YOURFOLDERNAME\trade_any_vehicle_old.sqf") then {


and change this to:

if ((_item select 9) == "YOURFOLDERNAME\trade_any_vehicle.sqf" or (_item select 9) == "YOURFOLDERNAME\trade_any_vehicle_old.sqf") then {


*change YOURFOLDERNAME to the location of the file (ie - custom\)

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