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[TUTORIAL] Remove/Change Trading Animations (for faster trading)


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Modified code, works with cars, items, weapons

//### BEGIN MODIFIED CODE: fast trading
    if(isNil "_oldPosition") then { _oldPosition = position player;};
    _finished = false;
    sleep 2;
    if (player distance _oldPosition <= 1) then {
        _finished = true;
    if (!_finished) exitWith {
        DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
        r_autoTrade = false;
        cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_106") , "PLAIN DOWN"];
    //### END MODIFIED CODE: fast trading
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Where was that code supposed to go Gr8Boi? I just put this mod in with gestureYes as the action and it works perfectly. Looks like your guy is simply saying yes to selling or buying. And I didn't put in that last bit of code you posted, do I need it? Thanks.

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Where was that code supposed to go Gr8Boi? I just put this mod in with gestureYes as the action and it works perfectly. Looks like your guy is simply saying yes to selling or buying. And I didn't put in that last bit of code you posted, do I need it? Thanks.


The last bit is config. Its only for server admins want to configure more. What step # are you talking about?

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Just a quick thank you for this. Guys on the server really love the "almost" instant trading. I'll be working on adding a counter that shows a message like "Sold item X, _itemsleft remaining", will share when done.

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if you have my files.


To Remove the animation of trading


Open every file inside the fixes/trade folder



player playActionNow "PutDown";

Remove the line whole line, to simple get rid of the animation.

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To Remove/change crafting animation

Find this in your custom compiles:

player_craftItem =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_craftItem.sqf";

Replace it with:

player_craftItem =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\player_craftItem.sqf";

Now make a new file in your fixes folder called player_craftItem.sqf

Paste this in your player_craftItem.sqf


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Love this, works a treat on the normal trading, I also had it working on the old trading as well by copying out the _old files into the same directory but now for some reason when trading anything _old he does the action then the trade doesn't end, it doesn't take the stuff and I simply have to move to cancel it, any ideas? Need me to post up any files?

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Great tutorial, thanks for this. One small caveat I believe you should add for this step:


call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_traderMenuHive.sqf";

Should note that if you are using config based traders, to use this file instead: player_traderMenuConfig.sqf


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What does not work exactly when you use missionfile configurated traders with this?
I use this and it works pretty much, the only problem I have is that vehicles disappear if people buy them at them occasionally. They appear upon next restart at the trader though.
But I think that problem is unrelated since I dont use fast trade for vehicle buy and sell, only items and weapons.

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What does not work exactly when you use missionfile configurated traders with this?

I use this and it works pretty much, the only problem I have is that vehicles disappear if people buy them at them occasionally. They appear upon next restart at the trader though.

But I think that problem is unrelated since I dont use fast trade for vehicle buy and sell, only items and weapons.

*bump* an answer would be great o_o

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