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Posts posted by salival

  1. 13 hours ago, Lethal_Jenkins said:


    I rented a server a while ago and the particular problem is that when I/or other players purchased a vehicle at any given trader (not  map related) the vehicle woudnt be spawned in, just after a restart of the server! After testing this and searching for a fix im absolutely sure it hasnt got anything to do with a mod. I had deploy, safezone, and WAI mod. On WAI there is an option to get the key from the mission vehicle. You was able to get the key but the vehicle would just despawn on being entered. Found the last issue also occuring on traders on the internet for others, on which they thought it might be related to the maxVehicle Limit, but it wasnt. Talked to a YT guy (Sicarius) and he suggested it might be the database taking the new bought vehicles into account but wouldnt read back up until server restart.

    Hope someone can help me out, because this breaks the whole experience especially for the new players on my server!

    Best Regards



    You need to make sure you have this function loaded in the database: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server Files/SQL/epoch.sql#L111-L146

    server RPT and HiveExt.log would be helpful to know what's going on, also

  2. 1 minute ago, Stephen said:

    I unfortunately cant send it atm. I forgot I have this installed on a Vanilla server and that works great. I am trying to install this on an Epoch server and both are installed identical. Must be something in my server?

    This works perfect on Epoch, it will be something you are doing incorrect.

    Like I said, without server/client RPT we can't help.

  3. 43 minutes ago, Hux said:

    I'm trying to install this script and it doesn't show up in game.

    In rpt client I get: "Service Points: loading config..."

    Nothing in server rpt.

    I believe I have it set up right as I've checked it several times and looked at the mission pbos of other servers I've joined that use it.

    I'm running Lingor 1.5 and Epoch




    If it's showing up in the rpt, the mod should be working fine. Would need to see your client rpt

  4. @VIPMISTER Here's my version of a safezone relocate script for vehicles, it's significantly more optimized than this version you're trying to get working: https://github.com/oiad/safeZoneRelocate


    This version in this thread is quite good, but it's very slow since it checks every vehicle to see if its in the safezone, my version checks every safezone for vehicles (much quicker)

  5. 28 minutes ago, Schalldampfer said:

    I'm now testing enemy artillery in my server, and got it working (not balanced yet)

    1. Activate artillery module by adding this in dayz_server/WAI/init.sqf

      Hide contents

    //arty logic
    ARTY_LOGIC = createAgent ["BIS_ARTY_Logic",[0,0,0],[],0,"NONE"];
    enableEngineArtillery true; 
    WAI_arty_fire = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\arty_fire.sqf";

    (Because I use this BIS_ARTY_LOGIC for all mortars, we can use only 1 type of mortar in the the server.
    I think I'd better create new BIS_ARTY_LOGIC in spawn_static.sqf and use it in arty_fire.sqf .. but I haven't tried this yet)

    2. To add brain of artillery to each mortar (which you will spawn by using spawn_static function), add this into dayz_server/WAI/complie/spawn_static.sqf 's Line183 or around - where one of the static weapon is prepared for battle.

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    if(_static isKindOf "StaticMortar" || _static isKindOf "StaticCannon") exitWith {
        _static spawn WAI_arty_fire;


    3. Now this is the brain of artillery. Create dayz_server/WAI/complie/arty_fire.sqf with this content

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    private ["_arty","_fmTemplate","_pos","_ammo","_battery","_time","_knowsAbout"];

    ARTY_LOGIC synchronizeObjectsAdd [_arty];
    [_arty] call BIS_ARTY_F_initVehicle;
    [ARTY_LOGIC] call BIS_ARTY_F_Firebase;

    while {alive _arty} do {
        _time = 60 + (random 30);

        //check ammo
        if (needReload _arty == 1) then {
            _arty addMagazine "8Rnd_81mmHE_M252";
            _arty addMagazine "8Rnd_82mmHE_2B14";
            _arty addMagazine "8Rnd_81mmILLUM_M252";
            _arty addMagazine "8Rnd_82mmILLUM_2B14";

        //check players
        _battery = group (gunner _arty);
            //find position
            _pos = getPosASL _x;
            _pos = [(_pos select 0) - 15 + (random 30),(_pos select 1) - 15 + (random 30),_pos select 2];

            //target found or not
            _knowsAbout = _battery knowsAbout _x;
            if (_knowsAbout > 1.5 && !((vehicle _x) isKindOf "Air")) then {
                //ammo selection
                _ammo = "HE";
                if (sunOrMoon != 1 && random 1 < 0.2) then {
                _fmTemplate = ["IMMEDIATE", _ammo, 10.0/_knowsAbout, round(_knowsAbout)];

                //in range
                if ([ARTY_LOGIC, _pos, _fmTemplate select 1] call BIS_ARTY_F_PosInRange && {!isPlayer _x} count (_x nearEntities ["CAManBase", 40]) < 1) then {
                    [ARTY_LOGIC, _pos, _fmTemplate] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;

                    sleep (random _time);
        } forEach playableUnits;

        sleep _time;

    (Most settings are hard-coded here so far, and may be inbalanced)



    To spawn artillery, put this code in the random mission

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        [(_position select 0) - 1, (_position select 1) -27, 0]
    ],"2b14_82mm_GUE","Extreme",_aiType,_aiType,0,2,"Random","Random",_mission] call spawn_static;

    If the mortar's group find a player, they will try to bombard him.
    I think the mortar unit doesn't have good eye, so I'm combining the group to another static weapons or cars like

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        [(_position select 0) - 0.01, (_position select 1) + 41, 0],
        [(_position select 0) + 0.1, (_position select 1) - 25, 0]
    ],"ZU23_CDF","Extreme","CZ_Soldier_SL_DES_EP1_DZ",_aiType,0,2,"Random","Random",_mission] call spawn_static; //This is the group of "another static weapons"
        [(_position select 0) - 1, (_position select 1) -27, 0]
    ],"2b14_82mm_GUE","Extreme","CZ_Soldier_SL_DES_EP1_DZ",_aiType,0,2,"Random","Random",_mission] call spawn_static; //This is artillery
    (units _uG2) joinSilent _uG1;//Now 2 groups are combined




    That's a pretty interesting mod, really like the idea behind it

  6. 13 minutes ago, l1nkrx7 said:

    ok juat got my sever back online all was backed up so didnt touch anything.


    one can store vehicles but when retreiving vehilces the red arrow stays on helipad for 1 minute roughly and nothing spawns but after server restart the vehicle will be there


    server rpt shows nothing relating to this

    Please always link your full server RPT. What you think doesn't matter quite often does

  7. 16 hours ago, Khyron said:

    ok, i give, ive been trying for about an hour now to get the bankers to show up in Tavi, can get it set in cherno.. but cant figure this one out. also, 20rnd Stnag SD isnt available at ammo traders... any help would be appreciated.


    *edit, ive diffmerged everything, settings seem spot on

    As long as you are running the latest version, the bank traders should automatically load providing you have a few things set.

    It's set to auto detect based off the map you are running: https://github.com/oiad/ZSC/blob/master/dayz_server/bankTraders/init.sqf#L44-L53

    Please also make sure you have: https://github.com/oiad/ZSC/blob/master/dayz_code/init/variables.sqf#L1-L3 all set to true

  8. 45 minutes ago, Khyron said:

    it's been awhile, working on a server, it's the latest Epoch, ive only installed admin tools and then this, I log in and get a battle eye kick #70, it's been a long time since i played with this, any help would be great...


    log file says this.



    Depends on what battle eye filters you are using, you will need to create exceptions for what you're getting kicked for.

  9. 6 hours ago, kingpapawawa said:

    somehow there is a dupe going on with this version of VG.. when I sort out how it is being done I will post.   Similar to old dupes where they disconnect storing gear/vehicles 
    logs show a player buy 1 ruby, store vehicle, d/c reconnect get vehicle, rinse and repeat a few times then sell 200 ItemRuby from vehicle

    Salival I know you arent coding much anymore so ill try and determine exactly how it is happening.. 

    The latest VG update *should* fix this: https://github.com/oiad/virtualGarage/commit/83d8bc65d858a3f40dfa157d978fa7a31213aef0

    Previously deletes were client side, so the player could store the vehicle, dc straight away and bypass the delete stuff

  10. 47 minutes ago, Reaper5150 said:

    Hello, I'm having a issue with the vehicles not being found while searching. I did everything the instructions said but cant figure out what maybe causing this? 

    Tried placing the helo pad and parking on top of it and removing the helo pad and trying it that way but nothing works? nothing is also showing up in my logs.


    You might not have set up your database correctly. It's hard to know without you providing your server RPT.

    Please put a fresh clean server RPT onto dropbox or pastebin or something and link it here

  11. 1 hour ago, TheTrickster said:

    Hi, thanks for replying and taking your time to look at this.

    Yeah I know about the other scripts stuff, since I experimented and used another servers files later on to try to get this to work (which solved the dialogue option for the take clothes script, had that one missing too) . Hence why you see virtual garage stuff being all over the place , although I dont even have it installed.  

    Okay, but ignoring the virtual garage stuff, even with the normal Fn_selfactions you uploaded in the mod, it wont work. So this probably is an issue regarding that the stringtable isnt installed correctly?

    How exactly would I install it(the stringtable)? I thought I was just supposed to drag and drop it into the mission folder, and the stringtable you linked is the exact same one in the mission folder (I imagine you mean the MPMission folder). 


    The stringtable in your mission pbo is 5kb, and is the default one that comes with ESS, the stringtable in the communitylocalizations github is 160kb.

    Please keep in mind, any error in your files can cause a knock on effect, so the issues you have in your fn_selfActions from other mods being broken can break mods that arent broken if that makes sense

    that's why realistically, you want to shoot for 0 errors (which is extremely easy to do)

  12. 3 hours ago, TheTrickster said:

    Hi @salival , Im having some issues with my ZSC install. So the code executes and I can do things such as take coin from dead bodies, I can access bankers and deposit/take money. But I cant see the actual scroll menu for some reason. The scroll menu option is clearly there, but just invisible. Also the blue screen when you deposit money/take money, doesnt have any text but the blue box is there.

    I have tried to overwrite the code with your ZSC files exactly as they are supposed to be placed in the directory several times. I have even followed Jasons install video with no success on fixing this bug. I overwrote the fn_selfActions with your file also. Nothing works.

    If you could please take a look at this and point me in the right direction id be very very very grateful.

    Im posting a github of my mission pbo, server pbo and the client RPT.



    I had a look at your mission PBO, you haven't installed the mods correctly, ZSC is missing the stringtable.xml from step 6 here: https://github.com/oiad/ZSC#mission-folder-install

    You have the fn_selfActions for virtual garage installed but no virtual garage files

    Lots of client side script errors in your client RPT as well relating to other scripts

  13. You can disable this by overwriting this variable:


    DZE_DisabledChannels = [(localize "str_channel_side"),(localize "str_channel_global"),(localize "str_channel_command")]; //List of disabled voice channels. Other channels are: "str_channel_group","str_channel_direct","str_channel_vehicle"

    If you put 

    DZE_DisabledChannels = [(localize "str_channel_global"),(localize "str_channel_command")]; //List of disabled voice channels. Other channels are: "str_channel_group","str_channel_direct","str_channel_vehicle"

    in your dayz_code\init\variables.sqf it will stop them from being frozen

  14. 10 hours ago, Affraid said:

    Thank You @Waylon194 for posting that.

    Just So people Know , Unfortunately My friend   @Thug Passed away back in November. As of now I can't get access to His GitHub account to make the changes.But will be trying to do so.  Me and him did a lot of work together with TBsGaming.com  servers and building AI cities. I know he also helped a lot of other people out through the years. We still have an Active Arma 2 OverPock Chernarus server up and running in his Honor.  Server Ip: . 


    I'm really sorry to hear that, Thug and I chatted quite a bit, I wondered why I had not heard from him in a while

  15. 59 minutes ago, don2k7 said:


    ok would it be as simple as changing everywhere it mentions cherno to tavi or would there be more work involved than that?

    I would assume it's just using this config file for arma2: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server Files/DZE_Server_Config/13_tavi.cfg

    Note this line: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server Files/DZE_Server_Config/13_tavi.cfg#L36 in particular

    And use this mission file pbo structure: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/tree/master/Server Files/MPMissions/DayZ_Epoch_13.Tavi

    You will have to diff merge the init.sqf and description.ext from the modpack to the mission pbo structure above ^^

    My modpack should work with tavi no problem, most mods (and lots of epoch back end stuff) will auto detect the map (even ZSC coins bank traders will)

  16. 14 hours ago, Pakus said:

    After many hours of trying things, I just found that I was missing this,

    at https://github.com/oiad/ZSC

    "5. Replace your original description.ext with the one provided or merge the contents if you have modified your own version."

    The new description.ext has a line that I needed to put:

    #include "scripts \ zsc \ zsc.hpp"

    But when I add it, error

    rpt says:

    20:47:32 Connected to Steam servers
    ErrorMessage: File mpmissions \ DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus \ scripts \ zsc \ zsc.hpp, line 103: .GivePlayerDialog: Member already defined.
    20:48:49 NetServer :: finishDestroyPlayer (1227662568): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both canceled

    I've reviewed everything several times, tried different things, but I'm still the same.

    I have admintools, is this the problem?

    If it's giving you the "member already defined" error, then you have https://github.com/oiad/ZSC/blob/master/description.ext#L89 twice for some reason

    You could just use my modpack, it comes with all these mods installed and ready to go: https://github.com/oiad/modPack

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