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  1. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Thug in Battleye "Failed to receive from BE Master" "Update attempt failed"   
    Thanks, yes they do show -1, all went back to normal again yesterday afternoon, so out of my control then?
    Weird though as if I joined other servers they were ok as BE updated me when I joined them & I could see server messages, mine was not though, would it affect some servers & not all?
    Appreciate the feedback.
  2. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Thug in Battleye "Failed to receive from BE Master" "Update attempt failed"   
    Hi all,
    recently my server is reporting the following message thru dart.
    "Failed to receive from BE Master" "Update attempt failed"
    It appears to be random recently but today has lasted all day, when this happens my server messages don't display such  as scheduled restart messages etc.
    Any messages I try to send to the server thru dart also don't appear, anyone have any ideas on this?
  3. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from cring0 in Epoch losing support?   
    GTA V PC has dragged me & my buddy's away from our server since it was  released, we have a penthouse apartment with a chopper on the roof, 25 million $ in the bank, hookers, fast cars booze & a bong lol, what more could a crew want ;)
    Gamers are a fickle bunch, the hardcore will stay to the death but keepin kids amused is difficult, maybe not such a bad thing to trim the servers down to just the quality ones, losing player base will be inevitable though.
  4. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Donnovan in [Release] Andre Convoy Patrol   
    Ai default combat status is Blue (Neutral), Change it to Red (Combat), change the type of vehicle to an open pickup truck & Ai in the back will shoot at u as they go past, actually leaving the icons on display/map & Ai in vehicles is better after playing for a while,
    You can increase number of vehicles in each Ai convoy or whatever you please.
    nice script.
  5. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from happysan in An Ex MGT Admin speaks out   
    Grim, your links m8, this is the internet....... Shall I make some too?
  6. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from happysan in An Ex MGT Admin speaks out   
    Dear players,
    just to let you all know that playing on any MGT server is unbalanced & unfair, the main admins, Zarbon especially have buddy's that they allow to glitch & assist in hacking your bases.
    I was banned form being an admin after I caught them doing it & went postal using my admin powers to kill the glitchers, they didn't like it.
    I was then glitched by one of Zarbons buddies,, Slayer, he proceeded to ruin a base we had spent 50+ hours building.
    Best advice, don't play on MGT if u want fairness, if u don't mind then that's cool but be warned.
    Also my day job is as a chartered accountant, I've decided to see what my friends at the Inland revenue think about all this free money MGT has been getting from unsuspecting player donations/purchases, while I was an admin I was copied in to all of the PayPal donations across all servers & the amount is mind boggling!
    You'll notice on the MGT home page that the donation totals received have been removed, they had to because it was getting embarrassing, lets hope Dave & the boys have saved some pennies for all that unpaid tax.
    Playing on MGT?
    Buyer beware.
  7. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Tywin in An Ex MGT Admin speaks out   
    I spent 95% of my time playing as a genuine player, only using admin powers (except one time when I went postal lol) to assist players when needed, always bothered me having that much power, as for the money they are getting for free, others need to know its a lot, we all have to pay taxes, why shouldn't they?
  8. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Tywin in An Ex MGT Admin speaks out   
    Dear players,
    just to let you all know that playing on any MGT server is unbalanced & unfair, the main admins, Zarbon especially have buddy's that they allow to glitch & assist in hacking your bases.
    I was banned form being an admin after I caught them doing it & went postal using my admin powers to kill the glitchers, they didn't like it.
    I was then glitched by one of Zarbons buddies,, Slayer, he proceeded to ruin a base we had spent 50+ hours building.
    Best advice, don't play on MGT if u want fairness, if u don't mind then that's cool but be warned.
    Also my day job is as a chartered accountant, I've decided to see what my friends at the Inland revenue think about all this free money MGT has been getting from unsuspecting player donations/purchases, while I was an admin I was copied in to all of the PayPal donations across all servers & the amount is mind boggling!
    You'll notice on the MGT home page that the donation totals received have been removed, they had to because it was getting embarrassing, lets hope Dave & the boys have saved some pennies for all that unpaid tax.
    Playing on MGT?
    Buyer beware.
  9. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from kiwigreen in An Ex MGT Admin speaks out   
    Grim, your links m8, this is the internet....... Shall I make some too?
  10. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from RedBreath in [HOW TO] Watermark on the bottom left of screen   
    Works flawlessly using op instructions, if u cant make a simple script edit like this work you have no business hosting a server, jusayin.... ;)
  11. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Navaeh in [Release] Vehicle Service Point (Refuel, Repair, Rearm) [Script]   
    Outstanding script, works a treat, nice new dimension in paying for repairs, thank you!
  12. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Tricks in Which Server Host to Pick?   
    Vert!  Rented a new server to test out the service, £15 a month for 40 slots, so far been excellent support & performance
    Will not be renewing Vilayer after 2 years at end of this month as the 1 week i've used Vert has been so good. 
  13. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from MGT in bad admins!!   
    3 admins combined age of 142 ;)
    Oh & a new Overpoch Napf server on
  14. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Corper in Which Server Host to Pick?   
    Vert!  Rented a new server to test out the service, £15 a month for 40 slots, so far been excellent support & performance
    Will not be renewing Vilayer after 2 years at end of this month as the 1 week i've used Vert has been so good. 
  15. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Uro in Where can i change the amount of items i can build till it says " You have build to many items, You cant build more 30 things here "   
    Search button above is a wonderful thing 
  16. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Nakama Mind in Adding Skins to Server   
    Use this on my server works great.
  17. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from insertcoins in Too many scripts?   
    Lol, players love bank robbery, thanks for the feedback, guess we'll keep the scripts as they are, server now starting to creep back up the rankings!
  18. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Nakama Mind in [Release] Skin Trader 0.6 (Buy any arma skin)   
    @ Justcametomind, THANK YOU! Job done all sweet.
  19. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Flosstradamus in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    Sub's head just exploded ;)
  20. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from domuk in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    I see it fine on, weird..
  21. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from hambeast in Death of Epoch?   
    My pleasure lol, not all here have one......., ask Hambeast ;)
  22. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from CartoonrBOY in Death of Epoch?   
    Nice Ad CartoonrBoy, g luck keeping a relationship going with daily doses of pc widow at 8hrs a shot, u have a milkman? ;)
  23. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from TayTayTheKiller in DayZ Launcher Not supported.   
    Just got this through from Vilayer, tested & working, may help some of you.
    How about nope.
    Epoch does not support this and will not allow it on this forum. Any and all threads will be removed.
  24. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Tyler in Server Hosting is not easy   
    Dear All,
    having spent many a happy hour here learning how to host, script & operate a server I would like to share some thoughts.
    There is no plug & play easy way to host a server, I see many here asking for answers to questions that have been answered many times before.
    I see people here who seem to think it's easy & want everyone else to do it all for them, pay offers, requests to fix it all.
    We sorry to burst ya bubbles but this shit whilst not rocket science isn't easy.
    Do your time, learn the ropes & invest in some research, that way lies success.
    Don't waste your money on renting servers that you have no clue about operating, a fool & his money are easily parted, you are fodder for the hosting companies & the only winners are them.
    This may rattle the odd cage but it has to be said.
    Good luck.
  25. Like
    Razorman got a reaction from Mr. Snatchit in Server Hosting is not easy   
    Dear All,
    having spent many a happy hour here learning how to host, script & operate a server I would like to share some thoughts.
    There is no plug & play easy way to host a server, I see many here asking for answers to questions that have been answered many times before.
    I see people here who seem to think it's easy & want everyone else to do it all for them, pay offers, requests to fix it all.
    We sorry to burst ya bubbles but this shit whilst not rocket science isn't easy.
    Do your time, learn the ropes & invest in some research, that way lies success.
    Don't waste your money on renting servers that you have no clue about operating, a fool & his money are easily parted, you are fodder for the hosting companies & the only winners are them.
    This may rattle the odd cage but it has to be said.
    Good luck.
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