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  1. Like
    Grahame reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    Build 136 is on the github and includes a few bug-fixes for Version 1.82.
    Version 1.84 will add optional config-based AI loadout and config-based lists of items to add to loot chests.
    There will be optional blacklists for each category of item.
  2. Like
    Grahame reacted to Sneer in [SOLVED] Major glitch with Enhanced Movement and Epoch   
    I sent you a message about it.
  3. Like
    Grahame reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in IgiLoad / Updated Vehicle Tables / Epoch 1.2.0   
    I have been updating the tables of vehicles, cargo and such for our servers and thought I would share what i've done for those who might like to add or update this script for their servers.
    I take no credit for this script, which was originally written by igi-pl
    and reworked for Epoch here a while ago.
  4. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Sneer in adding items to epoch loot   
    BTW, if you mean actually adding items to Epoch then either in your own custom mod or submit them via a push request from a fork of the experimental branch of the EpochCore github repository for approval: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/EpochCore/tree/experimental
  5. Haha
    Grahame got a reaction from Tarabas in The smoking light is off ladies and gentlemen...   
    I'll find the script I modded from A2 to A3 for visual and animation effects specifically for weed smoking if you'd like. Basically it was the old A2 one with just the player animations changed (since the A2 ones don't exist in A3). Worked pretty well, rolling around on the ground with psychedelic visual effects 
  6. Like
    Grahame reacted to Tarabas in The smoking light is off ladies and gentlemen...   
    Mine is cheap and dirty, but without mod:
    Connect script:
    blaze_it = compileFinal  preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\blazeit.sqf"; Bring the smoke:
    disableUserInput true; closeDialog 0; hint "...that makes me feel alright!"; _smoke = createVehicle ["SmokeShell", position player, [], 0, "NONE"];   _smoke attachTo [player, [-0.03,0,0.7]]; uisleep 40; disableUserInput false; make Action Menu (Press Space) work+connect with Hemp
        class smoke {         condition = "!dyna_inVehicle && InSafeZone";     action = "if !('ItemKiloHemp' in magazines player) exitwith {['Get atleast one kilo of hemp to smoke...who needs less?',5] call Epoch_Message;};[] spawn{ player playMove 'amovpsitmstpsnonwnondnon_smoking';uisleep 2;call blaze_it;['Great stuff ...',5] call Epoch_Message;0.9 call epoch_setDrunk;player removeitem 'ItemKiloHemp';};";     icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\player_inspect.paa";     tooltip = "Smoke Weed"; };  
  7. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Tarabas in The smoking light is off ladies and gentlemen...   
    Okay... it's post-Apocalypse... you really need a cigarette... And they can be rare loot ... worth a lot in a trade, but how do you add them to an A3E server? Easy, follow these easy steps.
    (1) Add the Immersion (I always preferred it when it was Murshun... but... meh) Cigarettes mod to your server
    (2) You need to permission some functions so others can see the smoke from your cigarettes. Add 
    class murshun_cigs_fnc_start_cig { allowedTargets=0; }; class murshun_cigs_fnc_start_cig_your { allowedTargets=0; }; class murshun_cigs_fnc_start_cig_his { allowedTargets=0; }; class murshun_cigs_lighter_01 { allowedTargets=0; }; class murshun_cigs_matches_01 { allowedTargets=0; }; class murshun_cigs_matches_02 { allowedTargets=0; }; class murshun_cigs_fnc_anim { allowedTargets=0; }; class murshun_cigs_fnc_smoke { allowedTargets=0; }; to epoch_config/Configs/CfgRemoteExec.hpp in your mission file.
    (3) Optional: if you enforce the use of a lighter to light fires then change lines 30-38 in epoch_code/compile/interface_event_handlers/EPOCH_handleUIActions.sqf from
    case (_actionName isEqualTo 'FireInflame'): { if!('lighter_epoch' in magazines player) then { _msg = 'You need a lighter'; _blocked = true; }else{ [player,'lighter_epoch',-1] call EPOCH_usedItemRepack; //[_actionObj] remoteExec ['EPOCH_server_addToFireSystem',2]; }; }; to:
    case 'FireInflame': { if (["CfgEpochClient", "ActionFireOnLighter", true] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2) then { // New code to handle Murshun fire sources - lighters and matches if ('murshun_cigs_lighter' in magazines player) then { [player,'murshun_cigs_lighter',-1] call EPOCH_usedItemRepack; //[_actionObj] remoteExec ['EPOCH_server_addToFireSystem',2]; } else { if ('murshun_cigs_matches' in magazines player) then { [player,'murshun_cigs_matches',-1] call EPOCH_usedItemRepack; //[_actionObj] remoteExec ['EPOCH_server_addToFireSystem',2]; } else { _msg = 'You need matches or a lighter'; _blocked = true; }; }; }; }; (4) Now you need to add the addactions every time the player logs in so that they can take a cigarette out and light it, or light someone else's. Create a file called initPlayerLocal.sqf in the root of your mission file that contains the following (if you already have one then just add the four addactions to it):
    if (!isDedicated and hasInterface) then { waitUntil {alive vehicle player}; waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"}; uisleep 15; // Add Murshun Actions to the scrollwheel player addAction [localize "STR_murshun_cigs_start_cig", {params ["_target", "_caller"];[_caller] spawn murshun_cigs_fnc_start_cig_your}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "if (_target != player) exitWith {false}; ((goggles _this) in murshun_cigs_cigsArray) and (!(_this getVariable ['murshun_cigs_cigLitUp', false]))", 5, false]; player addAction [localize "STR_murshun_cigs_stop_cig", {params ["_target", "_caller"];[_caller] spawn murshun_cigs_fnc_stop_cig}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "if (_target != player) exitWith {false}; ((goggles _this) in murshun_cigs_cigsArray) and ((_this getVariable ['murshun_cigs_cigLitUp', false]))", 5, false]; player addAction [localize "STR_murshun_cigs_take_cig_from_pack", {params ["_target", "_caller"];[_caller] spawn murshun_cigs_fnc_take_cig_from_pack}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "if (_target != player) exitWith {false}; 'murshun_cigs_cigpack' in (magazineCargo uniformContainer player)", 5, false]; player addAction [localize "STR_murshun_cigs_start_someones_cig", {params ["_target", "_caller"];[cursorObject, _caller] spawn murshun_cigs_fnc_start_cig_his}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "if !(cursorObject isKindOf 'Man') exitWith {false}; ((goggles cursorObject) in murshun_cigs_cigsArray) && (!(cursorObject getVariable ['murshun_cigs_cigLitUp', false])) && (alive cursorObject)", 5, false]; }; Finally just add the following classes into your trader price lists (and spawn them as rare Epoch and mission loot as you'd like):
    class murshun_cigs_cigpack { price = 100; }; // Beautiful, wonderful Murshun cigarettes, pack of 20 class murshun_cigs_matches { price = 5; }; // Pack of matches class murshun_cigs_lighter { price = 20; }; // Zippo class immersion_pops_poppack { price = 5; }; // Lollipops And remove the Epoch lighter (which won't work with Murshun without a client side preinit function... 
    That's it. RePBO your mission file and upload to your server...
  8. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in A3E Take Clothes   
    ARMA3 Take Clothes Script
    As some of you are aware, one of my pet peeves with ARMA3 is that Bohemia added detachable uniforms but then made it so you could not wear all of them by siding each. Thus, in Epoch, if you are female, you can wear female and NATO uniforms, but not CSAT or AAF. Males have a similar issue being bared from wearing NATO or AAF. While some mods like Tryk's unlock all their uniforms, unfortunately many do not (including CUP). Here is my work-in-progress solution to the problem that allows you to take and wear any uniform that a dead adversary is wearing.
    UPDATE: 2/27/2018 @ 1916EST: Updated the code and installation instructions based on feedback from the community.
    UPDATE: 3/21/2018 @ 0943EST: Updated the code based on feedback from the community and a rewrite by He-Man.
    Create a file in your favourite text editor called TakeClothes.sqf with the following code:
    /* Author: Grahame/He-Man Description: Take and wear any clothes from a dead player or AI Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike */ private ["_target_uniform","_player_uniform"]; params ["_target","_player"]; _nearentities = (((_player nearEntities 7) select {isplayer _x && alive _x && !(_x iskindof "HeadlessClient_F")}) - [_player]); if !(_nearentities isequalto []) exitwith { ["Cannot take clothes when other players are nearby",5] call epoch_message; }; if (uniform _target isequalto "") exitwith { ["Target has no uniform to take",5] call epoch_message; }; _playerloadout = getunitloadout _player; _targetloadout = getunitloadout _target; _player_uniform = _playerloadout param [3,""]; _target_uniform = _targetloadout param [3,""]; _playerloadout set [3,_target_uniform]; _targetloadout set [3,_player_uniform]; _player setunitloadout _playerloadout; _target setunitloadout _targetloadout; Put that file in your mission, for example as custom/TakeClothes.sqf.
    Add the following lines to your mission's init.sqf:
    if(hasInterface) then{ TakeClothes = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\TakeClothes.sqf"; }; In your mission file, edit the epoch_config/Configs/CfgActionMenu/CfgActionMenu_target.hpp, adding the following lines to the end:
    // Take Clothes class take_clothes { condition = "((!alive dyna_cursorTarget) && ((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierWB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierEB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierGB')))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, player] call TakeClothes;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\group_requests_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Take Clothes"; }; Rebuild the mission file and upload to the server.
    Voila! You can now look at any dead player or AI and take and wear their uniform no matter what it is! 
    Though no code was needed from the DayZ/ARMA2/Epoch Take Clothes script, it is the reason I have always been so bugged about not being able to wear uniforms from dead adversaries. Yeah, I'm a bit of a bandit that way for sure 
    Anyway, cheers guys:
  9. Like
    Grahame reacted to He-Man in Epoch 1.2 Release Changelog   
    After some weeks without sun and without healthy food, we come to the next state... EPOCH-Mod 1.2!
    We have spent a lot of time to fix / add and change a lot for you in this release.
    Hopefully we have not added more bugs than new features, so you get to experience our work without issues.
    For the full changelog, visit: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/changelog.md

    - Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/421839251
    - several hosters (check the downloads section on https://epochmod.com/)

    - Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/archive/release.zip
    Radiation Suits to Loot, Pricing and Itemsort @He-Man Reworked Trader Menu @He-Man Secondary Weapon can now be sold directly from hand Attachments from sold weapons from hand will be put back into your Inventory Weapons in hand are now marked in menu as "in Hand" Solar Charger for EnergyPacks - Put an EnergyPack into the Charger and wait... @Helion4, @He-Man 4 Hoverboard Vehicles: @Helion4 "hoverboard_epoch_1" "hoverboard_epoch_bttf" "hoverboard_epoch_a3" "hoverboard_epoch_cargo" Mountainbike "MBK_01_EPOCH" @Helion4 Helicopter UH1H "uh1h_Epoch" @Helion4 BaseCam + BaseCam Terminal @Helion4, @He-Man Build Cams at your Base and watch them through the Terminal Wooden Stairs with lockable Bars on the top (upgradeable from Wooden Stairs) @Helion4 Wood and Metal Garage Doors as upgradeable Baseparts @Helion4, @He-Man 1/3 Plywood wall directly craftable @Helion4, @He-Man You can now wash yourself with a soap in your inventory at water sources (reduce Soiled) @Helion4, @He-Man 2 new masks (Thor Helmet "thor_mask_epoch" and Iron Man Mask "iron_mask_epoch") @Helion4 Fixed
    Mine Rocks / Chop Wood was only possible with Swords after 1.1.0 update. @He-Man Alive Toxic Sapper was not toxic @He-Man Binocular with "B" was not working, if you are using R3F or AdvSlingLoad @He-Man Models for Radiation Suits @Helion4 Hopefully less login issues on BaseSpawn @He-Man Kick by using Jet ejector seats @He-Man Wrong calculated Bullets in Traders @He-Man Locked Vehicles were unlocked after upgrade @He-Man Everybody was able to open Hatch on Windows / Doors on foreign Bases @He-Man Ban for "RscMenuTeam" commandmenu @He-Man Adjusted some SnapPoints for Basebuilding to be more accurate @He-Man Advanced Vehicle Repair was broken after last Arma Update (Tank DLC) @He-Man Added missing ItemWaterPurificationTablets to pricing @G-Dog MultiGun was not working on very large Vehicles (VTOL) @He-Man GoldenSeal will no longer disappear when fully grown in a Garden @He-Man Items in Subcontainers (Items in BackPacks in Containers) were not saved @He-Man Drunk effects were not working correctly @He-Man Model / Graphics fix for Cinder Floors @Helion4 Snapped Walls on Stairs sometimes were not fixed correctly @Helion4 Quadbike handling was a bit too slippery @Helion4 Changed
    Reworked Vehicle Load / Save commands for more precise Vehicle Spawn @He-Man Made Temp-Vehicles tradable (will not be stored in Trader after selling them) @He-Man Wood / Cinder Walls can now snap to each other @He-Man Energy from windsources / solarsources is now calculated by wind / overcast @He-Man Ammo of crafted Mags are calculated by the left ammo of used Mags (example: EnergyPacks) @He-Man Consumed EnergyPacks give only energy calculated by left ammo in the Pack @He-Man Vehicle pricing adjustments "import tariffs" @vbawol Some now Icons for Dynamenu @Forelle Vierkant
  10. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in Making Can Openers and Knives useful in Epoch   
    With all the vanilla ARMA3 objects that have been added to A3E in 1.0 and beyond, there is a lot of new fun stuff you can do to make the experience more immersive and drive your players mad  Here is just one such example, the addition of a requirement for can openers and knives for opening cans of food and gutting animals.
    Gutting Animals with a Knife or Hatchet
    So, you've just killed an animal in the wild and you want to gut it. At the moment you use your teeth and hands to field dress the animal. The code below adds a little more realism in that it forces you to have a knife or hatchet in order to get the meat and/or pelt from the carcass. 
    Note: @Helion4 have you thought how great a hunting knife model would be (hoverboards are a lot more important though!!!)?  
    Change lines 61 to 73 in epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_lootTrash.sqf from:
    if (!isNull _lootAnimalObj) then { _cfgItemInteractions = (_cfgObjectInteractions >> (typeOf _lootAnimalObj)); _interactAttributes = getArray(_cfgItemInteractions >> "interactAttributes"); _bloodPos = getPosATL _lootAnimalObj; _blood = "BloodSplat" createVehicleLocal _bloodPos; _blood setPosATL _bloodPos; // send [_lootAnimalObj, player, Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_lootAnimal",2]; _return = true; }; to:
    if (!isNull _lootAnimalObj) then { if (("ItemKnife" in magazines player) || ("Hatchet" in weapons player) || ("CrudeHatchet" in weapons player)) then { _cfgItemInteractions = (_cfgObjectInteractions >> (typeOf _lootAnimalObj)); _interactAttributes = getArray(_cfgItemInteractions >> "interactAttributes"); _bloodPos = getPosATL _lootAnimalObj; _blood = "BloodSplat" createVehicleLocal _bloodPos; _blood setPosATL _bloodPos; // send [_lootAnimalObj, player, Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_lootAnimal",2]; } else { ["You need a knife or hatchet to gut an animal", 5] call Epoch_message; }; _return = true; }; A nice easy change that makes the gutting of animals a little more immersive and provides a reason for players to find and carry those items on them.
    To eat from a can you first have to open it
    The following code will add the requirement for a can opener, knife or hatchet (crude or otherwise) in order to open certain canned food items. Depending on which tool you have on you, you will get a different amount of hunger from consuming the can. For example, use a can opener then you get the full benefit, use a knife and you get 80% and if you use a hatchet to open it you just get 50% of the hunger back
    Note: This is also a nice example of how you can add new interactions for objects you add to your server.
    Add the following at line 415 in epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_consumeItem.sqf:
    case 17: { // Eat Canned Food - check for item to open the can with // Reduce attributes based on the type of item, can opener, knife or hatchet _attributesModifier = 1; _itemFound = false; if ('ItemCanOpener' in magazines player) then { _attributesModifier = 1; _itemFound = true; } else { if ('ItemKnife' in magazines player) then { _attributesModifier = 0.8; _itemFound = true; } else { if (('Hatchet' in weapons player) || ('CrudeHatchet' in weapons player)) then { _attributesModifier = 0.5; _itemFound = true; }; }; }; if (_itemFound) then { private _removedCan = _item call _removeItem; if (_removedCan) then { if (_interactReturnOnUse != "") then { _interactReturnOnUse call EPOCH_fnc_addItemOverflow; }; { _x set [1, ((_x select 1) * _attributesModifier)]; _output = _x call EPOCH_giveAttributes; if (_output != "") then { [_output, 5] call Epoch_message_stack; }; } foreach _interactAttributes; }; } else { ["You need a can opener, knife or hatchet to open the can", 5] call Epoch_message; }; Now you have a new interaction that will give you a certain amount of hunger back depending on what tool you use to open the can with. Now you need to make the cans themselves use it. This is done in epoch_config/Configs/CfgItemInteractions.hpp.
    First add a new class for cans that requite something to open them. Add this code at line 59:
    class Food_TinCan_Tool_base : Food_base { interactAction = 17; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemEmptyTin"; }; This gives you a class that cans which will require a can opener, etc. can inherit. So, let's say that a can of meatballs requires a tool to open. To make this so, you would change line 106 from
    class meatballs_epoch : Food_TinCan_base to
    class meatballs_epoch : Food_TinCan_Tool_base It's as simple as that. On my server I leave some cans, like sardines, openable without a tool and others requiring one. For those that do not need a tool you do not need to change anything.
    Just a little fun and all done mission side.
  11. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in A3E Take Clothes   
    New version of the script provided by @He-Man (cheers buddy!):
    private ["_target_uniform","_player_uniform"]; params ["_target","_player"]; _nearentities = (((_player nearEntities 7) select {isplayer _x && alive _x && !(_x iskindof "HeadlessClient_F")}) - [_player]); if !(_nearentities isequalto []) exitwith { ["Cannot take clothes when other players are nearby",5] call epoch_message; }; if (uniform _target isequalto "") exitwith { ["Target has no uniform to take",5] call epoch_message; }; _playerloadout = getunitloadout _player; _targetloadout = getunitloadout _target; _player_uniform = _playerloadout param [3,""]; _target_uniform = _targetloadout param [3,""]; _playerloadout set [3,_target_uniform]; _targetloadout set [3,_player_uniform]; _player setunitloadout _playerloadout; _target setunitloadout _targetloadout; Tested on my server this afternoon. If others can check it out and confirm no issues then I will update the thread's first post.
  12. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from BlackhatEspeed in DayZ-Style Portable Generators for A3E   
    I got certain configs updated in the EpochCore client files allowing a few extra nice features to be deployed in A3/Epoch, and I'll start off by posting the information to set up portable generators to allow fuel pumps to be used for refueling vehicles if auto-refueling is turned off on your server. 
    Installation Instructions
    (1) Add the portable generator "kit" to your loot tables and trader price lists. The class name is KitGenerator
    (2) Add the files in this downloadable archive to a folder in your mission called, for example, sounds:
    The license file is required! It is a Creative Commons Attribution Only license for the sound file.
    (3) Add the following lines to your mission file's custom description.ext (replacing the path for the generator1.ogg sound with the location in which you put it):
    // Portable Generator Sounds class CfgSFX { class Generator { sounds[] = {"Generator"}; name = "Generator"; Generator[] = {"sounds\generator1.ogg","db+10",1,200,1,0,0,0}; Empty[] = {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; }; }; class CfgVehicles // NOTE: CfgVehicles definitions are only permitted in description.ext for sound sources. It cannot be used for CfgVehicles customizations { class PortableGenerator { sound = "Generator"; }; }; (4) Create a file in the folder of your mission file where you store your own scripts, e.g. custom called PortableGenerator.sqf and paste the following code into it:
    (5) Add the following lines to your mission's init.sqf (replacing the path with whatever you used in step (4)):
    if(hasInterface) then{ PortableGenerator = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\PortableGenerator.sqf"; }; (6) Add the following to epoch_config/Configs/CfgItemInteractions.hpp:
    class KitGenerator : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Generator_EPOCH"; }; (7) Add the following to epoch_config/Configs/CfgBaseBuilding.hpp:
    class Generator_EPOCH : Default { removeParts[] = {{"KitGenerator",1}}; GhostPreview = "Generator_Ghost_EPOCH"; staticClass = "Generator_EPOCH"; simulClass = "Generator_SIM_EPOCH"; limitNearby = 2; bypassJammer = 1; }; class Generator_SIM_EPOCH : Generator_EPOCH { removeParts[] = {}; }; class Generator_Ghost_EPOCH : Generator_SIM_EPOCH {}; (8) Add the following code to epoch_config/Configs/CfgActionMenu/cfgActionMenu_target.hpp:
    // Portable Generators class generator_refill { condition = "((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'Generator_EPOCH') && !(dyna_cursorTarget getVariable [""GeneratorFueled"",false]) && !(dyna_cursorTarget getVariable [""GeneratorRunning"",false]))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, 2] call PortableGenerator;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\vehicle_refuel.paa"; tooltip = "Refuel generator"; }; class generator_start { condition = "((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'Generator_EPOCH') && (dyna_cursorTarget getVariable [""GeneratorFueled"",false]) && !(dyna_cursorTarget getVariable [""GeneratorRunning"",false]))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, 1] call PortableGenerator;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Replace_Engine.paa"; tooltip = "Start generator"; }; class generator_stop { condition = "((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'Generator_EPOCH') && (dyna_cursorTarget getVariable [""GeneratorRunning"",false]))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, 0] call PortableGenerator;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Remove_Engine.paa"; tooltip = "Stop generator"; }; RePBO your mission file and upload it to the server. That should be it.
  13. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in DayZ-Style Portable Generators for A3E   
    Just thought of one more thing that should be added - not a big thing but you should be not able to remove the generator and get the kit back if it is still running. Not a big thing cause the pumps do get zeroed at restart with autorefueling disabled but it would be important immersion wise
    Will test code and update when I can (soon)
  14. Like
    Grahame reacted to Giggles in WAI: 1.0.0 - Alpha / Arma 3   
    Figured it was just mission specific issues, Ill just take those ones out, yesterday was a seperate issue from this it seems. So thanks for the help, i appreciate it.
  15. Like
    Grahame reacted to He-Man in New server like to hire a person for help   
    Start with a simple server install, then Pick up some custom you like and follow the instructions. If you have problems, just ask. Believe me, the best is trying by yourself, asking and learning. No question is stupid. We all had to learn from Scratch. But now I have to sleep...
  16. Like
    Grahame reacted to natoed in EpochZ - A dynamic spawner for Ryan's Zombies on Epoch servers   
    Only if settings to allow this are enabled
    line 62 to 71 (settings are here to throw vehicles)
    hope this helps
  17. Like
    Grahame reacted to natoed in EpochZ - A dynamic spawner for Ryan's Zombies on Epoch servers   
    lol this is an easy fix and yes i have done this as well so don't worry....
    As the error message is telling you that 'Ryanzombies' is required.
    things that you have to change
    first of rename this mod folder from @Zombies and Demons to @Zombies_and_Demons
    second change server line command to the below
    -mod=@Epoch;@Zombies_and_Demons; -serverMod=@EpochHive;@Epoch;@Zombies_and_Demons; the mod have to run on the server and the client also please check the below also
    example: mission file, i use epoch.ChernarusRedux
    please make a backup first
    open with notepad++ and add the four lines shown below to the addons section in your mission.sqm.
    save and repbo your mission file now enjoy being eaten by zombies
    hope it helps
  18. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from mgm in The Epoch Mod Hoverboard is here.   
    Where's @mgmfor this? 
  19. Like
    Grahame reacted to TheVampire in Traders Overhaul Discussion   
    For example a military weapons trader.
    - Would likely only exist in one trader city on the map.
    - Would offer the cheapest prices for purchasing military weapons (compared to other traders) and the highest value for selling military weapons.
    - Will purchase anything, but if it isn't a military weapon he will want it much cheaper than a dedicated trader for that item. If I tried to go to a computer store and sell them a bunch of cans of beans, they might be interested if I sell it cheap enough, but otherwise they'd tell me to get lost.
    - Occasionally gets new military weapons supplied to his inventory. Possibly daily real time (configurable) which would be a few randomly selected military weapons. He would still be selling anything he has been sold.
    I imagine that there would be a military weapons trader, a building supply trader, and a vehicle trader that all act above in their respective category. However they'd all be at separate trader cities, which would make travelling to different trader cities and base location more important.
    It mainly would encourage people to travel to the trader cities for the best prices on items.
    I imagine that non-city traders would act as they already do, but with maybe some randomly generated common loot added occasionally. They are traders of opportunity, like survivors who are willing to trade if they see a deal. It's like a friend of mine says, "Everything you see is for sale if you name the right price."
  20. Like
    Grahame reacted to Helion4 in The Epoch Mod Hoverboard is here.   
    Better late than never.

  21. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from elmaster in epoch+infistar nitrado   
    Probably an issue to take up with Nitrado. Could be an old version of infiSTAR? 
    epoch_code\compile\functions\EPOCH_pushCustomVar.sqf was removed in Epoch 1.0 iirc
    Many of us use infiSTAR without issues (well, this one anyway) with Epoch
  22. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from He-Man in Goggles/Headgear ETC Saving   
    Any relevance to this: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/197298-facewear-not-working/
    Related to this: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126866
  23. Thanks
    Grahame reacted to He-Man in Tanks DLC causing issue with vehicle maintenance   
    Yes, it is based on this change:
    I thought it was a good idea, but our Players also reported, that it is annoying.
    We could switch back and remove it?!
  24. Haha
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    What's Exile? 
  25. Like
    Grahame reacted to He-Man in Multigun Vehicle Repair   
    I think it is Related to this line in the code
    if ((player distance _cursorTarget) <= 6) then {
    The VTOL is too big to get near enough 
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