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Posts posted by BigEgg

  1. Hey everyone,


    I just figured I would drop a line and save everyone some head-aches for a while at least.


    Step 1:

    Remove infistars trash scripts.txt


    Step 2:

    Create a new scripts.txt and add the following to it:

    4 dedicatedServerInterface 
    4 openDSInterface !="a _lbindex;\n};\n\nif (_lbselected == \"DSInterface\") then {openDSInterface;};\nif (isMultiplayer) then {player createDiarySubject [\""
    5 reRunCheck


    This will prevent people from using the server control panel in game, and will block the dankhax injector entirely.


    This variable could obviously be changed by them, so to be even safer, you could also filter for execVM.


    Hope it helps :)

  2. 1 minute ago, juandayz said:

    I know .just think was your own code.. found it ..dont know who is the owner. Anyway Just was a bunch of code to trow an idea.

    We all appreciate you helping people Juan, not what I am saying at all. All I am saying is if you want to help people, use your own code to help them. Not knowing the authors can discredit people who put a lot of time into writing their stuff.

  3. We used these on GG for the longest time. I believe Wicked had them originally and it looks like Gr8 ported them over to Arma 3. I have seen people grab them out of GG's mission file, but I am not going to post them here as they are not my work to release and it isn't anyone else's either. If you want them, shoot a message to the owner of Wicked PVP. If you see something custom on a server, ask the server owner if you can have it, don't post here asking for people to get it for you.

  4. The first step here would be letting us know what the problem is. Pasting your code doesn't help at all. What are the errors in the command window? Is the command window even showing up or is it auto closing? All this is useful information.

  5. Another way would be simply running a loop on the client (better than running one on the server) that checks serverTime (like most debug monitors).



    waitUntil {uiSleep 300; floor(serverTime/60/60) == 1};


    Would wait until an hour into the server restart and then run the code which could be changing your global variable for example.

  6. 42 minutes ago, seelenapparat said:

    from what he wrote, I suspect he needs to use the public variable instead? as a global variable per se is not synchronized between clients/ the server.

    Correct, if he wants to synchronize the variable across all clients on the server instead of the variable being changed based on the time that the client has been in the server, he would need to do a loop server side that sends a public variable to all the clients. However, if he is merely wanting to change the price on a single client say for being logged in for a certain amount of time, then client side would be fine.

  7. 1 minute ago, DuMa said:

    As far as I know the people behind this doesn't have the ability to use the solution I posted. They don't know what they are doing. So I think I did the right thing hehe. And I posted another solution which is to check the distance. Noone is smart enough to fake that unless they wanna get banned by Infistar for 4000+ teleports within 5 seconds.

    Then you know very little because they do have the capability (obviously, as they were using it on this guy's server). Grats though, I look forward to the release of DCloud, as I am sure it will stop it ;)

  8. 3 minutes ago, DuMa said:

    Lol. Actually I have a better solution which DCloud Antihack uses that is to check the position of the Activating player to the position of the object. If its less than X meters depending on the situation the function continues else it logs the Base Wipe into the RPT.

    Okay? You are completely missing the point. You just posted a frame solution on a public forum. Nice job.

  9. There is actually a much easier way to block this from happening.


    In z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_deleteObj.sqf:



    //remove from database


    Place this above it:

    if !(isPlayer _activatingPlayer) exitWith {diag_log format["Attempted hacker attack cancelled! Called by: %1", _activatingPlayer];};


    It will stop that hack from happening :)

  10. 4 hours ago, juandayz said:


    very nice! mate! 

    you can reduce all this line with this: (do not take it as a correction, just another way to do it :smile:)

    _player_amount = count playableunits;
    _amount_value = 10;//player amount
    waitUntil{_player_amount >=_amount_value};
    //execute the code


    I would recommend using this method, but also making sure to add a uiSleep, as a continuous loop will cause some lag. You also cannot define the count of playable units before the waitUntil, as it sets the variable to a number, therefore the value will never be true as the amount will always show as the number of players that were on when the variable was set.


    The correct way would be:

    private "_neededAmount";
    _neededAmount = 10;
    waitUntil {uiSleep 5; count playableUnits > _neededAmount};


  11. Just now, JakeQue said:

    I actually saw it when I use infistar mass message coloured and it shows at the top also when players vote day and night so I thought it would be good to have that same format regardless of whether there's a radio on the person or not...  

    I'll look into it, cheers @BigEgg

    I forgot about infistar. You could actually just use it. 



    fnc_show_colorAdminMsg = ["A mission has spawned!", "#FFFFFF"];
    publicVariable "fnc_show_colorAdminMsg";


    Infistar already has the event handler, so that should work a lot easier. First parameter is the message, second is the color.

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