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  1. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from Drokz in Dead body marker   
    Currently testing one of my silly "quick n dirty" scripts for this.
    DP Death Markers will release soon with BE filters.
    @Drokz should be testing it sometime soon as I just got the info over to him
  2. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from vbawol in Dead body marker   
    Currently testing one of my silly "quick n dirty" scripts for this.
    DP Death Markers will release soon with BE filters.
    @Drokz should be testing it sometime soon as I just got the info over to him
  3. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to natoed in Server Start issue   
    Need some more info if you want help
    pastebin your complete server rpt log
  4. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from Richie in SHHH Don't tell AWOL its a Spoiler!   
    So lets take EPOCH assets and make some upgrades!
    Credit for the model work goes to @Helion4
    Credit for the original CinderWall config goes to @Sequisha
  5. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from vbawol in SHHH Don't tell AWOL its a Spoiler!   
    So lets take EPOCH assets and make some upgrades!
    Credit for the model work goes to @Helion4
    Credit for the original CinderWall config goes to @Sequisha
  6. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from natoed in SHHH Don't tell AWOL its a Spoiler!   
    So lets take EPOCH assets and make some upgrades!
    Credit for the model work goes to @Helion4
    Credit for the original CinderWall config goes to @Sequisha
  7. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from Grahame in SHHH Don't tell AWOL its a Spoiler!   
    So lets take EPOCH assets and make some upgrades!
    Credit for the model work goes to @Helion4
    Credit for the original CinderWall config goes to @Sequisha
  8. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from baal_jayjay in SHHH Don't tell AWOL its a Spoiler!   
    So lets take EPOCH assets and make some upgrades!
    Credit for the model work goes to @Helion4
    Credit for the original CinderWall config goes to @Sequisha
  9. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from Drokz in SHHH Don't tell AWOL its a Spoiler!   
    So lets take EPOCH assets and make some upgrades!
    Credit for the model work goes to @Helion4
    Credit for the original CinderWall config goes to @Sequisha
  10. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from salival in SHHH Don't tell AWOL its a Spoiler!   
    So lets take EPOCH assets and make some upgrades!
    Credit for the model work goes to @Helion4
    Credit for the original CinderWall config goes to @Sequisha
  11. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from natoed in [WIP] My Personal Leveling System   
    There is as @Drokz mentioned a new system we added recently called community stats.
    No database work involved, just add your new stat name and a starting number to the epochclient config.
    Add your necessary code for the stat changes. For example to the mpkilled for an AI unit.
    Epoch will handle all the data in and from the db to the player.
    None of this change an INI, add in net messaging crap, along with trying to solve for the meaning of life to get one stat to track!!!!
    Speaking of humanity, when I coded in the community stats system I did in fact make humanity stat and changes on PvP kills. Expect to test this humanity on my experimental server soon!
  12. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from vbawol in [WIP] My Personal Leveling System   
    There is as @Drokz mentioned a new system we added recently called community stats.
    No database work involved, just add your new stat name and a starting number to the epochclient config.
    Add your necessary code for the stat changes. For example to the mpkilled for an AI unit.
    Epoch will handle all the data in and from the db to the player.
    None of this change an INI, add in net messaging crap, along with trying to solve for the meaning of life to get one stat to track!!!!
    Speaking of humanity, when I coded in the community stats system I did in fact make humanity stat and changes on PvP kills. Expect to test this humanity on my experimental server soon!
  13. Haha
    DirtySanchez reacted to Drokz in [WIP] My Personal Leveling System   
    Epoch 1.0 will have a new built in stats counter for killing AIs and players thats saved to redis. Take a look into experimental to see how it works if its already in there. Pretty sure you can use those stats for a leveling system ;)
  14. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from Drokz in [Update AUG 2017] DonkeyPunch.INFO Temp Groups System   
    A little refresh to the GUI

  15. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from natoed in [Update AUG 2017] DonkeyPunch.INFO Temp Groups System   
    This has been included in Epoch Experimental.
    All of my original intentions have been met during development upgrades.
    Thank you to all that helped test it out on DPCG eXperimental server.

  16. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from natoed in [Update AUG 2017] DonkeyPunch.INFO Temp Groups System   
    A little refresh to the GUI

  17. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from natoed in [Update AUG 2017] DonkeyPunch.INFO Temp Groups System   
    After a long hiatus from Epoch and a very nice welcome back, some peeps are hitting me up about old scripts.
    Please dont expect a full rework / remake unless I am going to be adding the feature directly into Epoch.

    @Drokz mentioned there were a few issues but he was really wanting to use the feature.
    The issue was with the KeyDown and the AntiHack, he just wanted it to be able to be opened, didnt care about anything else.
    After a day or so of chat and some time invested, I have made some upgrades and updated the repo.

    Add DynaMenu self and target actions.
    Add new temp group icon
    Remove keyDown EH
    Remove DonkeyPunch Logo picture
    Remove old a2 character classnames
    Add the currentInvites variable which was added to the DonkeyMenu but not this repo

  18. Thanks
    DirtySanchez reacted to Grahame in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    One of the reasons I first started using LootSpawner was the fact that I could tailor loot to a specific type of building (e.g. military loot predominantly in military buildings, medical in hospitals, etc.) but one failing has been its reliance on building positions being set up by map developers for each of the buildings used on the map. Recently, for example, I know of someone who really wanted to use Napf for an Epoch server but was really unable to do so because the buildings have not been defined for standard Epoch loot (the beds, tables, chairs, etc.) and the map's new buildings did not have building positions defined, so LootSpawner would not create ground loot.
    Well, that got me thinking (as did the fact that I'm using @DirtySanchez's Open Chernarus Project to add additional new buildings to Chernarus. Of course the new buildings do not have positions defined that LootSpawner can use.... but Exile does... 
    Here I present some code fixes to allow you to use the Exile Loot Position files for any map with the old LootSpawner system. Credit for LootSpawner goes to the original developers and @Suppe(who produced so much good software for Epoch back in the old days).
    So, in order to get this working you need to download the original LootSpawner files and make the following changes:
    Replace LootSpawner.sqf with:
    If, like me you have altered the chances of loot spawning or added additional loot building classes do not forget to change that in this file.
    Replace fn_LSgetBuildingstospawnLoot.sqf with:
    Now, find an Exile CfgBuildings.h for the map you are using. You need to create a new file in your mission file in epoch_config/Configs called CfgLootPositions.hpp. Copy the code from the CfgBuildings.h into this and wrap the whole thing in:
    class CfgLootPositions { ... the original file contents ... }; UPDATE: I did, of course, forget to mention that this new file must be loaded along with the standard Epoch config files in the mission's epoch_config/sandbox_config.hpp. Just add this line to that file:
    #include "Configs\CfgLootPositions.hpp" Now just make sure that all the buildings are listed in the LootSpawner LSlootBuildings.sqf file.
    Rebuild the loot_spawner and mission PBOs and upload to your server. Now you have loot spawning on the ground, on bunks, under them, on tables and shelves, depending on what the original author of the loot position config provides.
    If you want to change a building's loot positions or add a new building not covered in the CfgLootPositions then simply download the Exilemod Loot Position Creator which does not require that other mod to run and is pretty easy to use and set things up how you would like them.
    TODO: Tidy up the code and add error checking on whether the buildings defined in LSlootBuildings.sqf are defined in the new CfgLootPositions.hpp
  19. Thanks
    DirtySanchez reacted to Grahame in Factions / Groups   
    What @DirtySanchez said re: siding in Epoch... you would need to use factions from INDEPENDENT (or GUER) side (or move all Epoch players into BLUFOR...)
    I would add though that 1.98 is not a new version of EOS... it is the same old one that's been available for years. While a great script and very handy for those who want to do something smaller than that which would require ALiVE, it will have an enormous adverse effect on server FPS - that's the main reason I stopped using it for safe zone "guards" quite some time ago.
    There has been talk of remediating the issues on the BIS forum thread, but no one ever came through with a full fix (and 1.98 does not have the fixes that were posted).
  20. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to Sneer in Watch out for those sapper heads!   
  21. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to vbawol in Error in new Vehicle Simulatiion system?   
    Got the first issue sorted: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/commit/292108715b2ffd32f2ba0eecc15c6af6a541ecc5

    Also, Not sure what you mean by "Lines 3-3 - 316" can you elaborate?
  22. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to He-Man in Group hex's bugged in experimental   
    If I remember right, it was never different. But I could be wrong.
    Or do the hexes also stay, when Player logs out after died?
    We could add an "ungroup" to the Killed EH.
  23. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to 82ndAB_Bravo17 in UAV "Spotted noise" missing?   
    Much better!
    Thanks again ..
  24. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from Helion4 in UAV "Spotted noise" missing?   
    The above video for UAV's updated sounds has been approved.
    Video for round 2 of updates
  25. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from natoed in UAV "Spotted noise" missing?   
    The above video for UAV's updated sounds has been approved.
    Video for round 2 of updates
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