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Posts posted by Axle

  1. [Added] Broad Sword Melee weapon that can chop down trees and mine rocks.


    looks like not just cosmetic feature after all! Who wants to carry a hatchet and a sledge when you can have a fricking sword lol. Now if we could attach a scope to it... :D

    It's true, she will do all that. But she's very rare.

  2. I didn't take your feedback as negative. However you are trying to compare a mod that is well past it's 1.0 live launch, to a mod that is still in Alpha.


    At this point Epoch for Arma 3 is still in testing phase. You're more than welcome to help if you want. We push the experimental build to Steam Workshop and have a server that anyone can test on. 

    Server IP:

    Port: 2302

    Just make sure all other Epoch versions are removed or disabled and enable the Experimental build via the default launcher.


    PS: If you thought running in Epoch is bad you should try default Arma without Epochs stamina system.

  3. Epoch is slowly turning into a joke, seriously...

    • Broad Sword
    • Military AI
    • Fantasy based "sappers"
    • Drones
    • Cloak guys based off a doctor who monster
    • high tech bikes

    Its a miss-matched collection of elements that have no connection...

    You guys always say you have more to add but were is it over a year later...

    It Epoch has such a good mod why does/did axles server run custom mods? Surely a dev should "support" his own mod :P

    Wait, what? We make a mod that allows for modding but the devs aren't allowed to have a modded server? Nice to see you're still grasping at straws.

    Mells House started using mods to be able to see how the community is dealing with our structure and maybe find ways to make modding even easier. 

  4. We haven't done it in a long time, but it's back and Orangesherbet "Dan" gets the first setup. We will have a line of Epoch soda shirts going to be sold over time. Starting with Orangesherbet honoring the streamer twitch.tv/orangesherbet. Many have thought he named himself after the soda, but let it be known that the soda was named after him.

    Your choice of female, male, and a hoddie. Get your collectors edition Tee or hoodie before the sale ends!!!


    Link to Teespring deal.



    Link to streamer that it honors.




  5. Well since im banned from mells house teamspeak for some damn reason i have tried with both enabled and disabled it is running like trash with the new i have reverted back to the version with the arma 1.48 updated running and no issues even with the 1.48 update so there is something else wrong awol and tell axle that was very rude of him to do what he did.


    My Wifes TS is not the place for you to come get help. These forums are here for your help. My wifes community isn't. It sucks that my admins banned you for joining her community TS and having your server name advertised as your user name. I've already sent you a msg here with a proper TS to join if you have issue that requires our help.

  6. I'd also like to set the record straight.


    Yes I did play on the server, no I didn't know about their shop. I don't support the server but simply just wanted to check out a random community server. Since it was as you said, the most popular. I then joined it and played a little bit.


    I do not support any server that monetizes our teams work and if I had know, you wouldn't have seen me on that server.

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