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  1. Like
    chi reacted to Leigham in [Release] KeyMaker   
    Fixing a Few issues with it right now, and going to get a quick explaination video, should be up shortly :)
  2. Like
    chi reacted to raymix in Looking for help with adding ppeffects to a script.   
    This page got you covered, including variable ranges, ask if any questions.
    btw I strongly suggest that you keep pps inside handles, makes life so much easier. On top of that wet distortion can only work with handle anyway, so might as well go all out.
  3. Like
    chi reacted to MrShix in [Release] Pick 10 Spawn system   
    Thx And would you be interested in me releasing the second menu as well ?
    and more Thx 
  4. Like
    chi reacted to RipSaw in [Release] Pick 10 Spawn system   
    I'd be very interested in that :)
  5. Like
    chi reacted to Incar in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    "As the guys are building stuff, I can't see their balls..." lol

    This script actually looks pretty damn awesome, was never in a rush to add snap building but I'll be running this by people on my server to see if they want. Great work.
  6. Like
    chi reacted to Incar in [help] Custom loot table with wood walls   
    Np, I didn't fully read your post originally, seems you were on the right track already, lol. But yah, in case you're interested, bit of an understanding of it based on my experience with it.
    {"SingleItem/CfgLoot","CfgLoot/Function",1}, Either slot can be used to make a call from the CfgLoot.hpp, otherwise the first slot can be used for a single item, and the second can be used for an added call or function. If you want to make a single call to the CfgLoot, just place the class name into the second part.
    {"", "trash", 0.30}, Of course when you do it like that, it may call multiple items from that group to spawn since it's assigned to the second part. If you wanted a single trash item to spawn, you'd want to do.
    {"trash", "single", 0.30}, This can also be used for the ability to spawn extra loot on single items too. Example.
    {"CinderBlocks", "trash", 0.30}, That would make it so your when cinder blocks spawn, they may spawn with some random loot from the trash group in your CfgLoot. You can mix in any manner you wish and it should work without an issue.
    Other terms also seem to create additional functions in certain situations. For example...
    {"assaultrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.1}, cfglootweapon seems to provide the chance the weapon will spawn with some ammunition associated to the weapon that gets selected to spawn. Using "object" I believe works in a manner where you can just press enter when looking at an item to have it directly added into your inventory without opening the menu (Like when you see "Pickup Crowbar" or "Pickup Jerrycan"). Aside from that, when you're doing single items like in your example above. For basic inventory items you want "magazine" and weapons or toolbelt items "weapon". Overall you have quite a bit of flexibility to work with how your stuff spawns in order to make loot spawn in greater abundance, or a lot more rare without just playing with the percentage rates. There is probably more to it then that, that's just what I've figured out so far.
  7. Like
    chi reacted to Zupa in How to give the zombie gold?   
    change the study body check to allow Zeds to :) in selfactions.
    Comon guys ^^ some logical thinking!! 
    I won't be always here to aswer these things
  8. Like
    chi reacted to dgx in [Release] Flyby   
    Music is Little Richard - Long Tall Sally ^^
    Car radio script from me, based on a siren script :lol:
    Flyby (only one plane) with Carpackage supply drop as event:
    private["_model","_startpos","_endpos","_rand_player","_spawnchance","_spawnroll","_position","_aircraftpos","_chutePos","_var","_posATL","_CBLBase","_weights","_cntWeights","_num","_lootPos"]; _model = ["MV22","AN2_DZ","C130J_US_EP1"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _startpos = [[1000.0,2.0],[3500.0,2.0],[5000.0,2.0],[7500.0,2.0],[9712.0,663.067],[12304.0,1175.07],[14736.0,2500.0],[16240.0,5000.0],[16240.0,7500.0],[16240.0,10000.0]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _rand_player = playableUnits call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _spawnChance = 50; // Percent chance of spawning a crash number between 0 - 100 _spawnRoll = round(random 100); if (_spawnRoll <= _spawnChance) then { if((isPlayer _rand_player) && (alive _rand_player)) then { _rand_num = ceil(random 1); _playerpos = [_rand_player] call FNC_GetPos; _number = 0; for "_i" from 1 to _rand_num do { _number = (_number + 1); [_number,_model,_startpos,_playerpos] spawn { private["_aircraft","_aigroup","_pilot","_wp1","_wp2","_cor_y","_cor_x"]; _number = _this select 0; _model = _this select 1; _startpos = _this select 2; _playerpos = _this select 3; _endpos = [0,16000,200]; call { if(_number == 1) exitWith { _cor_y = 0; _cor_x = 0; }; }; _aircraft = createVehicle [_model,[((_startpos select 0) + _cor_y),((_startpos select 1) + _cor_x),200],[],0,"FLY"]; _aircraft engineOn true; _aircraft flyInHeight 200; _aigroup = creategroup civilian; _pilot = _aigroup createUnit ["SurvivorW2_DZ",[_aircraft] call FNC_GetPos,[],0,"FORM"]; _pilot setCombatMode "BLUE"; _pilot moveindriver _aircraft; _pilot assignAsDriver _aircraft; _wp1 = _aigroup addWaypoint [[((_playerpos select 0) + _cor_y),((_playerpos select 1) + _cor_x),200],0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 = _aigroup addWaypoint [[(_endpos select 0),(_endpos select 1),200],0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; //MattL's carepackage script (edited by dgx) _position = [((_playerpos select 0) + _cor_y),((_playerpos select 1) + _cor_x),200]; waitUntil { (_aircraft distance _position < 50) }; _aircraftpos = [_aircraft] call FNC_GetPos; _chute = createVehicle ["ParachuteMediumEast", _aircraftpos, [], 0, "FLY"]; _chutePos = getPos _chute; _FlyingSupplyBox = createVehicle ["Supply_Crate_DZE", _chutePos, [], 0, "FLY"]; _FlyingSupplyBox attachTo [_chute, [0,0,3]]; _FlyingSupplyBox setVariable ["permaLoot",true]; _FlyingSupplyBox setVariable ["ObjectID", ""]; _FlyingSupplyBox addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}]; _chute setVariable ["ObjectID", ""]; _smoke = "SmokeShellYellow" createVehicle (getPos _FlyingSupplyBox); _smoke attachTo [_FlyingSupplyBox, [0,0,0]]; _var = floor((random 2) + 1); while {getPos _FlyingSupplyBox select 2 > 4} do { _chute SetVelocity [0,0,-5]; uiSleep 0.1; }; detach _FlyingSupplyBox; while {getPos _FlyingSupplyBox select 2 > 0} do { _FlyingSupplyBox setPos [getPos _FlyingSupplyBox select 0, getPos _FlyingSupplyBox select 1, (getPos _FlyingSupplyBox select 2) - .25] }; deleteVehicle _chute; _posATL = getPosATL _FlyingSupplyBox; deleteVehicle _FlyingSupplyBox; _SupplyBox = "Supply_Crate_DZE" createVehicle _posATL; _SupplyBox setVariable ["permaLoot",true]; _SupplyBox enableSimulation false; //MattL's Carepackages script end //supply_drop.sqf code if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then { dgx_itemTypes = [] + getArray (missionConfigFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "SupplyDrop" >> "lootType"); } else { dgx_itemTypes = [] + getArray (configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "SupplyDrop" >> "lootType"); }; _CBLBase = dayz_CBLBase find (toLower("SupplyDrop")); _weights = dayz_CBLChances select _CBLBase; _cntWeights = count _weights; _num = (round(random 8)) + 4; for "_x" from 1 to _num do { //create loot _maxLootRadius = (random 4) + 4; _lootPos = [_posATL, _maxLootRadius, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _index1 = floor(random _cntWeights); _index2 = _weights select _index1; _itemType = dgx_itemTypes select _index2; [_itemType select 0, _itemType select 1, _lootPos, 5] call spawn_loot; }; // ReammoBox is preferred parent class here, as WeaponHolder wouldn't match MedBox0 && other such items. _nearby = _position nearObjects ["ReammoBox", sizeOf("Supply_Crate_DZE")]; { _x setVariable ["permaLoot",true]; } count _nearBy; //supply_drop.sqf code end waitUntil { (_aircraft distance _endpos < 500) }; deleteVehicle _aircraft; deleteGroup _aigroup; deleteVehicle _pilot; }; }; }; };
  9. Like
    chi reacted to ElDubya in [Release] Flyby   
    I watched that first video 4 times, just for the song :)
    Nice work on the supply drop though man, looks good. 
  10. Like
    chi reacted to dgx in [Release] Flyby   
    I combined this event with the from MattL and the supply_drop event in Epoch  :blink:

  11. Like
    chi reacted to f3cuk in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.0   
    Release 2.2.0

    Decided it was time to fix the last few remaining issues with the 2.2.0 release. Enjoy!
    Native Linux server support Multiple mission support Automatic ammo finder (no need to specify ammo in weaponarray - config.sqf) Option: Locked vehicles with keys randomly on AI Option: Friendly AI Added: Bandit Patrol mission And much more Installation InstructionsDownload the latest release. Extract the downloaded folder to your desktop and open it Go to your server pbo and unpack it. Navigate to the new dayz_server folder and copy the WAI folder into this folder. Navigate to the system folder and open server_monitor.sqf Find this code at the bottom of the file:allowConnection = true;And past the following code above it:[] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf"; Repack your server pbo. Optional Radio messagesNote: These are on by default, change wai_radio_announce in config.sqf to false in order to disable them.
    Go to your mission pbo and unpack it. Open init.sqfFind:

    //[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf";Add below:
    _nil = [] execVM "custom\remote\remote.sqf"; Copy the remote_message folder into your custom folder, if you do not have this one yet simply create it. If you want to be able to switch the radio on or off go to step 5 (note: right click by maca required), else go to step 6 and both remove switch_on_off.sqf and radio.ogg from the remote folder. Open extra_hc.hppFind:

    class ExtraRc {Add below:
    class ItemRadio { class switchOnOff { text = "Switch ON/OFF"; script = "execVM 'custom\remote\switch_on_off.sqf'"; }; }; Open description.extFind:

    class DayZ_loadingScreenAdd above
    class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { Radio_Message_Sound }; class Radio_Message_Sound { name = "Radio_Message_Sound"; sound[] = {custom\remote\radio.ogg,0.4,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; Repack your mission pbo. VersioningFor transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, bootstrap is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines. Sometimes we screw up, but we'll adhere to those rules whenever possible.

    Dev team
    Developer f3cuk Developer Jossy Linux support BangL Helping hand nerdalertdk Download
    Wicked AI 2.2.0
  12. Like
    chi reacted to Havoc302 in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.0   
    The other thing you may want to consider adding in is if a radio is required for players to get the messages about the new mission.
    Something like radiomessages = true; or something along those lines, because realistically (my server is focused on realism) how would they get the info.
  13. Like
    chi reacted to second_coming in [Server Addon] Persistence (v0.1.7)   
    If it were restricted to only being persistent for certain items (like mines,tripwires) and also only in the range of your own jammer then I'd be all for it.
  14. Like
    chi got a reaction from dexxo110 in [Tutorial] How to change (Blood,Hunger,Thirst,Temp) GUI   
    Would you mind sharing this with me? i would love to design my own. Thanks. Awesome work!! ;-)
  15. Like
    chi reacted to Cherry Darling in FEMALE SKINS pretty please :D   
    I think that it's FAB that you "boyz" get to look all snazzy in your "outfits" or "Skins" as you put it(*puffs chest* makes it sound more manly).  :P
    Buttttttt! Girlz just wanna have funnnnn! And that means more girl skins in EPOCH :)
    I mean we can't even wear a Ghillie suit? wtf. While I'm kickin ass in the Zombie world, I'd like to have a bit more options :). Instead of the same what 4 skins? All of which have my head looking like someone licked it with a paste laden tongue.
    Who decided this was a good idea?? And please lets not be lazy about it like origins, using the male form with just a female head. Come one now, making us all look like Greta..."I VILL BRRRREEAAAK YOU!"  
    ok all kidding aside, great job, great mod <3 But more female skins pretty please, or at least put the ability to add them ourselves w/out making client side files. :) Thanks again!
  16. Like
    chi reacted to J3T in Black market trader   
    I laughed at this more than i should  :lol:
  17. Like
    chi reacted to Sequisha in Black market trader   
  18. Like
    chi reacted to Mikeeeyy in [Tutorial] How to change (Blood,Hunger,Thirst,Temp) GUI   
    Here's mine:

    P.S. When a player has broken bones and/or is bleeding the white frame will flash white/red.
  19. Like
    chi reacted to cen in [Tutorial] How to change (Blood,Hunger,Thirst,Temp) GUI   
    Here's mine:

  20. Like
    chi reacted to OtterNas3 in [RELEASE] Vehicle Key Changer - For making Masterkey - V 1.4 (Updated 06/15/2014)   
    Just finished it and thought someone could like it...
    You have many, many (many, ...) Vehicles? You have many, many (many, ...) different Keys? Already need to attach a list with Key = Vehicle to your Monitor to keep track of em? Need 30 minutes to start driving because you dont have such a list? Frustrated? ALL OVER!
    This little script allows you and the Players on your Server to copy Vehicles, that you got the Key for, to another Key that's in your Inventory!
    Car 1: Red Skoda - Red Key (1234)
    Car 2: Green Skoda - Green Key (4321)
    You need a Keymakers Kit!
    Put both keys in your Inventory, look at the Car 1 and select "Change Vehicle Key" from the action menu.
    You get a list with all Keys in your Inventory, to select from a menu. In this case the list would just be one: Green Key (4321)
    Not in the list is the Key for Car 1, so no Red Key (1234)
    Select the new Key you want to put the car on and: voila!
    You can throw away the unneeded Red Key (1234)
    The Old vehicle Key gets added to your Backpack
    Car 1 & Car 2 are both now on the Green Key (4321)
    You can allow players to "Claim" Vehicles that are dynamic spawned on the Map and does not yet need a Key.
    This is a option you can turn On/Off!
    You can set a price for claiming vehicles also.
    Changelog 1.4
    I changed some functions and implemented some small fixes mentioned by other users in this Thread.
    Specially for just bought vehicles and the "get not saved after driving" thing.
    This should also fix the duping for some of you, i never had it yet and cant reproduce. just made the call a bit different now.
    If it doesnt work as it should, gimme a shout.
    And for people that think this Mod is a total mess. Dont use it?
    It works on my Server for a loooooooooooooong time now without any errors!
    Demo Video
     Install Instructions:
    1. Download and unzip VehicleKeyChanger_v1.4.zip
    2. unpbo MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME.pbo
    3. copy the custom folder from the unziped VehicleKeyChanger_v1.4.zip to MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\
    4. open MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\init.sqf
    Find this block:
    if (!isDedicated) then { 0 fadeSound 0; waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"}; dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING"); _id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}]; }; And insert this line above the closing bracket };
    _nil = [] execVM "custom\VehicleKeyChanger\VehicleKeyChanger_init.sqf"; 5.
    Edit custom\VehicleKeyChanger\VehicleKeyChanger_init.sqf
    Edit this block to your likings!

    ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Edit these settings to fit your needs/likes // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Claim Vehicles that does not yet need Key /// ///////// 0 = Not allowed | 1 = Allowed ///////// vkc_claiming = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// Claim Vehicles costs this Item ///////// /// Any Item can be used here, some examples: /// //// ItemTinBar, ItemSilverBar, ItemGoldBar, //// ////// ItemSilverBar10oz, ItemGoldBar10oz, ////// ///// ItemBriefcase20oz, ItemBriefcase100oz ///// //////// set to "0" to disable the costs //////// vkc_claimingPrice = "ItemGoldBar10oz"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// Change Key costs this Item /////////// ////////////// see above examples /////////////// //////// set to "0" to disable the costs //////// vkc_Price = "ItemSilverBar"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// Need KeyKit to use this function //////// ////////// 0 = Not needed | 1 = Needed ////////// vkc_needKeykit = 1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////// DONT EDIT BELOW ! /////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 5. repbo MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\
    - upload it to your server -
    6. unpbo @DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server.pbo
    7 copy server_updateObject.sqf from your unziped VehicleKeyChanger_v1.4.zip to @DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\compile\  and overwrite the existing one. (This just adds a function for this mod nothing else changed)
    If you already have a custom server_updateObjects.sqf you need to compare my file with yours and make the changes yourself!
    8. repbo @DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\
    - upload it to your server -
    9 copy this file to your Servers BattlEye filters folder:
    FYI: INFISTAR AdminCheat, ummm sorry meant AntiCheat, users!
    Cause he uses his own BE filter files should not copy paste this file over your existing one, else you will get kicked for all the cool nice admin functions that comes with your Infistar! You need to do the change yourself if you get kicked for anything regarding this script.
    I dont had and will not have a look at Infistar's BE files to sort things out!
    10. Restart your server
    11. Enjoy it and cleanup your vaults!
    12. DONT LOOSE YOUR MASTERKEY! :rolleyes:
    -- Additional Information ---
    For InfiStar AdminCheat (ummm sorry meant AntiCheat...) users:

    Have fun with it!
    - If you like it - Like it - So I can count Downloads - I like that
    #                      Support my work                      #
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    #                                Donate                           #

  21. Like
    chi reacted to Bags2247 in Any need for a proper desktop admin tool suite for Epoch?   
    Well, Axe Cop... I'm interested in something like this...
    Somehow I missed reading your OP during my reading here... I'd say people were waiting on you to say that you had a working model for it mate before they started hounding you for details/installation help or somesuch..
    Personally I can't see how any ADMIN wouldn't want access to another tool that will help them admin their server...
  22. Like
    chi reacted to Axe Cop in Any need for a proper desktop admin tool suite for Epoch?   
    Ok I've decided to do the ingame admin tools first, like ToejaM suggested. :)
    I've already got the BattlEye client working, if anyone cares I put the code up on GitHub here: https://github.com/vos/ber4j (BattlEye RCon Library for Java), maybe somebody can use it for his own project, it might not be perfect yet but for me it's working so far.
    So this will be a separate tool, but I don't want to create a new thread in the forums so here it goes:
    Server tool only, maybe just a console application I don't know yet (so no graphics card needed).
    It will connect to your sever via RCon and to the database as well, then process any commands and do the appropiate changes in the database (only if you have permission to run the command of course).
    Features will be (so far):
    permission system based on player GUID and location in the game (so there can be commands bound to specific locations like a player base)! commands can therefore be not only available to admins only, but also selected players (up to the admins to grant access of course) commands are ingame only, they need to be entered in the chat so the server can read your current location (maybe other things too) permission system will be saved in the database, so could be changed with an external web interface or something logs of all actions will also be saved (in the database or text files?) many commands are possible, see below Possible Commands:
    first, I need you for ideas of possible commands! !maintain [<range>] [<type>] (maintain epoch base building parts around you within <range>, the <type> can be specific parts only like doors, walls or ALL of course) !remove <range> [<type>] (remove building parts, vehicles etc.) !count <range> [<type>] (just displays the vehicle/base building count around you, good to see how big a base really is. Also <range> can be max so the whole map!) !code <type> (get the code of the next safe/door near you via private message) - I think that's a nice feature? !plookup <playername> (display player data, also works with a part of the name as long as there is only 1 matching player, if not prnt all matching players (if not to many)) !revive <playername> (revives the player, maybe faster then going to an external database tool to revive a player when he died form a bug or whatever) !humanity <playername> [<value>] (sets the humanity of a player or displays the current humanity) !grant <playername> <command> [<max-range>] [<other restrictions?>] (grants a player command permission for the range etc.) !revoke <playername> <command> (revoke player permission) more ideas? It can be made that some commands need explicit approval, so you don't execute them by mistake or get a confirmation how many parts will be affected first etc.
    What that means is you enter the command in the chat, get a response from the server with a warning and affected items and then have to enter "!yes" again within some time to confirm the command.
    Ok I also need ideas for a name for a tool like this! Somthing like EBEC(S) - Epoch BattlEye Command (System) ?? :D
  23. Like
    chi reacted to Axe Cop in [Release] Multiple Character Support (now compatible with Epoch   
    My new mod may change the way you play DayZ, simply put this mod enables all players on the server to get the choice of using multiple characters (without having to buy multiple copies of ArmA2:CO  :P). I've set up a prototype on my test server with a 3 character selection dialog (see picture below), this may be improved but the base mechanics itself are working great so far.   So when you join a server after the loading screen you see a dialog like this: you have to chose one of 3 character slots every time you log into the server, each character slot is completely independent (different humanity and other stats, like different players). the slot count isn't static but I though 3 is a good start, admins can change the character selection dialog to a different number of slots, if you want you can have 100 slots for each player. :D   This mod can't be archived with a little script, but I've tried to made the installation as easy as possible. For an overview this is what I've done to get this mod working: Database schema: added one extra column "Slot" to the "character_data" table (the database stays fully compatible to the default HiveExt.dll) Custom HiveExt.dll to add a new method for loading all character data of a player (CHILD:100), also a small change to the current load player method to support multiple characters (CHILD:101). I could have made completely new methods for the login process, but this way only a very few modifications are necessary in the Hive code and the script files, but this also means my modified HiveExt.dll is not compatible with servers who don't have the "Slot" column in the "character_data" table one new script for the server and a small change in the server_playerLogin.sqf (to send the slot id to the hive) for the client files I've changed the player monitor to inject the character selection before the login process (see player_monitor.fsm changes below) To visualize the changes made to the login process, take a look at this state machine diagram of the player_monitor.fsm (changes are highlighted in green):

        Download latest version for Epoch 1.0.5 and http://dl.bintray.com/vos/dayz/multichar1.3.3.zip Older versions are available here (for other Epoch version since   Installation instructions I've tried to make the installation as easy as possible and still do it the proper way and change the files like the Epoch devs would do it. Some steps could be changed and the code simply be put in the init.sqf instead of changing the Epoch files, if you have some experience with ArmA script you can do that but if you follow my instructions it is the best way to do it like this in my opinion.   Pre-requirements: a PBO manager and basic knowledge of ArmA script editing.   Note: I've added all changed files to the download package, so you can see how they should look like with the changes applied. If you didn't make any custom changes to those files you can also just use them instead of following my instructions to change the files below.   run the SQL query to add the "Slot" column to the "Character_DATA" table in your Epoch database:
    ALTER TABLE `Character_DATA` ADD COLUMN `Slot` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `PlayerUID`; copy the file HiveExt.dll to the @DayZ_Epoch_Server folder (overwrite the Epoch file) Note: the source code of the HiveExt with my changes can be found here. unpack your dayz_server.pbo and copy the file server_playerCharacters.sqf to the compile sub-folder open the file compile\server_playerLogin.sqf, around line 47 replace
    _key = format["CHILD:101:%1:%2:%3:",_playerID,dayZ_instance,_playerName]; with
    _key = format["CHILD:101:%1:%2:%3:%4:",_playerID,dayZ_instance,_playerName,_this select 2]; open the file init\server_functions.sqf and add the line
    server_playerCharacters = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerCharacters.sqf"; after the line 9
    BIS_Effects_Burn = {}; repack your dayz_server.pbo unpack your mission.pbo (e.g. DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus.pbo) if necessary and copy the file RscDisplayCharacterSelect.hpp into the mission folder, open the file description.ext and add this line at the very bottom:
    #include "RscDisplayCharacterSelect.hpp" unpack your dayz_code.pbo (on your PC @DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code.pbo) and copy the files init\publicEH.sqf and system\player_monitor.sqf to a "custom" folder in your mission folder (if you don't already have custom versions of those files), change the references to those files in your init.sqf to something like "custom\publicEH.sqf" and "custom\player_monitor.sqf" copy my custom file player_monitor.fsm to your "custom" folder (the changes in this file are not easy to reproduce, so it may be best you use my custom file instead of adding the changes yourself) open the file publicEH.sqf and add this line above the line starting with "PVDZE_plr_Login" (around line 54):
    "PVDZE_plr_Characters" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_id = (_this select 1) spawn server_playerCharacters}; open the file player_monitor.sqf and change the path to my custom player_monitor.fsm so that the line looks something like this:
    _id = [] execFSM "custom\player_monitor.fsm"; repack your mission.pbo if necessary   That's it! Yeah I know not the easiest mod to install, but that is DayZ/Epoch.. I Hope I didn't forget anything, but I think that is all.  :P     Restrictions (since version 1.1) I've added two restrictions to minimize the possibilities for players to abuse quick character switching: character switch timeout - how often a player can switch to another living character (in minutes), the last used slot is always available and the player can also spawn fresh if he has a dead character or never used slot minimum distance to dead bodies of the same player - calculates the distance to previously died characters of the player (in meters), this will prevent the player from "stacking" two or more characters at the same place (like a base) and switch to another character if one dies There are global config variables for changing the default settings for the restrictions:
    DZE_CharacterSwitchTimeout = 30; // default 30 minutes timeout (0 to disable) DZE_CharacterMinDistance = 1000; // default 1000 meters min distance (0 to disable) You can add those variables to the config section in the init.sqf.
    Here a screenshot how it may look like with active restrictions:

    Disabled character slots are displayed with a red disabled button (cannot be pressed) with info text on the button.
    If one or more restrictions apply there is also be an info text displayed at the bottom of the screen.
    Note: at the moment there is no automatic timer or anything to count the timeout down, you have to manually press the refresh button to refresh the character data and last login time.
    Suggestions and ideas welcome. Also for the character selection dialog what do you like to see on there?
  24. Like
    chi reacted to Swash in New Helicopters?   
    YAY! Thank You!
    The *NEW* Epoch.. (some assemble required)(classnames not included) *ducks*
  25. Like
    chi reacted to cen in updated files   
    Epoch devs owe you nothing, they put out a hotfix to fix a few bugs from the release. If you really have been in IT for 25 years then you know EXACTLY why they pushed out another update a week after.
    I applaud them for doing it so soon rather than living with the bugs. If you can't take 30min out of your day to update your own server files then you shouldn't be running a server :D
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