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  1. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Stranger in Show us your loadScreen!   
    New loadscreens for us.


  2. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Brockie in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    Project has been discontinued 
    If you still want this mod, it will (and should) work with any beta or Epoch release, however I highly suggest using

    Very simple script that lets you right click ItemEmerald and spawn various interior items, using Epoch building system.
    I will assume you know your way around with scripts and have custom extra_rc, fn_selfActions.sqf and variables.sqf in your mission file, if not, ask below.
    DayZ Epoch Team for player_build.sqf
    Maca for extra_rc
    PetuniaEpoch for modified
    Rythron FIX for playerID tied to plotpole script, replace your http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10665-release-emerald-interior-designer/?p=77638 with his.
    UPDATE LOG v1.1.1:
    *Increased distance of objects to prevent people  from dying, please refer to _offset in spawn.sqf
    *Fixed issue with object height distance while using ALT+PgUP/PgDown
    UPDATE LOG v1.1:
    *Added huge list of external objects
    *Added Toggle-able plotpole requirement for spawn
    *Added Ability to remove items
    *Can't spawn or remove items if not owner or tagged friendly of nearby plotpole
    Download files:
    Or add yourself:
    custom\extra_rc.hpp (Updated V1.1):

    custom\variables.sqf (Updated V1.1): Find 
    dayz_allowedObjects = ["TentStorage"........  Change to: 

    #include "interior\defines.hpp" #include "interior\dialogs.hpp" interior\defines.hpp:

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Do not use with newest Infistar AH):

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Only for people with newest Infistar Antihack):

    interior\items.sqf (Updated V1.1):

    interior\spawn.sqf (Updated v1.1.1):
    _plotReq = true; // can't build without nearby plotpole
    _plotReq = false; //can build without plotpole or near owned plotpole only
    _offset = [0,3.5,0]; //This is distance of object from player XYZ.. increase Y if you want an object to spawn further away from player

    interior\remove.sqf (NEW):

    custom\fn_selfActions.sqf (Updated V1.1.1)
    Add to the very bottom of the file:

  3. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Garett1169 in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    Delete this part in defines.hpp
    class RscText { access = 0; idc = -1; type = CT_STATIC; style = ST_MULTI; linespacing = 1; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {1,1,1,.5}; text = ""; shadow = 2; font = "Bitstream"; SizeEx = 0.02300; fixedWidth = 0; x = 0; y = 0; h = 0; w = 0; };
  4. Like
    raymix got a reaction from axeman in Check if there is a player!   
    _specificArea = [0,0,0]; // area to check _nearest=objNull; //define _nearestdist=5; //define dist check _playerPos = getPosATL player; //position of player relative to terrain { _dist=player _x distance _specificArea; //distance between player and area if (isPlayer _x and _dist<_nearestdist) then { //if distance is less than 5 _nearest=_x; _nearestdist=_dist; }; } forEach playableUnits; //will loop for each player found in the area if (!isNull _nearest) then {player setPosATL [getPosATL _nearest select 0, (getPosATL _nearest select 1) -10, getPosATL _nearest select 2}; //Teleport player 10 meters south from object _nearest is players found within 5 meters of area
    If you want TP to be more specific, refer to getting coordinates from modelToWorld, you can get position in world using getPos or getPosATL, you can TP player or nearest players using setPos or setPosATL.  Use getDir to find where they are looking at. getDir is a variable, just like compass 0 - 360, can be negative
    To refer these to player use:
    player getPos
    to refer to other players, use
    _nearest getPos
    _nearest getDir 
    you can access individual XYZ axis by using
    _this select 0; //X
    _this select 1; //Y
    _this select 2; //Z
    Example: look at Y axis of player
    Y = player getPos select 1;
    TP player 5 meters ahead:
    _world = player modelToWorld [0,5,0];
    tp = player setPosATL _world;
  5. Like
    raymix reacted to CartoonrBOY in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    I have managed to get this working - thanx very much for an awesome addition...my error was due to a typo on my part. My apologies for the grumble post. I can confirm that following your install guide to the letter works. So long as you comment out from your defines.hpp any other defines you already have in yer description.ext. Mine were RscPicture, RscText and RscShortcutButton.
    Once again - thankyou so much - have some beans.
  6. Like
    raymix got a reaction from STENCHOVDETH in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    Project has been discontinued 
    If you still want this mod, it will (and should) work with any beta or Epoch release, however I highly suggest using

    Very simple script that lets you right click ItemEmerald and spawn various interior items, using Epoch building system.
    I will assume you know your way around with scripts and have custom extra_rc, fn_selfActions.sqf and variables.sqf in your mission file, if not, ask below.
    DayZ Epoch Team for player_build.sqf
    Maca for extra_rc
    PetuniaEpoch for modified
    Rythron FIX for playerID tied to plotpole script, replace your http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10665-release-emerald-interior-designer/?p=77638 with his.
    UPDATE LOG v1.1.1:
    *Increased distance of objects to prevent people  from dying, please refer to _offset in spawn.sqf
    *Fixed issue with object height distance while using ALT+PgUP/PgDown
    UPDATE LOG v1.1:
    *Added huge list of external objects
    *Added Toggle-able plotpole requirement for spawn
    *Added Ability to remove items
    *Can't spawn or remove items if not owner or tagged friendly of nearby plotpole
    Download files:
    Or add yourself:
    custom\extra_rc.hpp (Updated V1.1):

    custom\variables.sqf (Updated V1.1): Find 
    dayz_allowedObjects = ["TentStorage"........  Change to: 

    #include "interior\defines.hpp" #include "interior\dialogs.hpp" interior\defines.hpp:

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Do not use with newest Infistar AH):

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Only for people with newest Infistar Antihack):

    interior\items.sqf (Updated V1.1):

    interior\spawn.sqf (Updated v1.1.1):
    _plotReq = true; // can't build without nearby plotpole
    _plotReq = false; //can build without plotpole or near owned plotpole only
    _offset = [0,3.5,0]; //This is distance of object from player XYZ.. increase Y if you want an object to spawn further away from player

    interior\remove.sqf (NEW):

    custom\fn_selfActions.sqf (Updated V1.1.1)
    Add to the very bottom of the file:

  7. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Glenn in How to spawn a script from an addaction and then kill it from another (or the same) action item.   
    You can use public booleans to do this:
    if (mytoggleEnabled) then { mytoggleEnabled = false; systemChat ("Toggle Disabled"); } else { mytoggleEnabled = true; systemChat ("Toggle Enabled"); }; spawn.sqf
    mytoggleEnabled = false; if (_certainConditionIsMet) { s_toggle = player addAction [("<t color=""#ffffff"">" + ("Toggle") + "</t>"),"myfolder\doAwesomeStuff.sqf"]; }; player removeAction s_toggle;
  8. Like
    raymix got a reaction from david in [Release] Remote key for locking/unlocking vehicles (0.3)   
    afaik, you don't even need fn_selfActions file, you should be able to integrate inside of your own file, just make sure its under !isDedicated so only players are affected as well as state is checked often.
    if vehicle player == player {  if _vehlocked { player addAction [ ("<t color=""#ffffff"">" + ("Unlock") + "</t>"), "unlock.sqf" ]; } else { player addAction [ ("<t color=""#ffffff"">" + ("Lock") + "</t>"), "lock.sqf" ]; }; }; At first I was thinking of adding this to ui_playerslot file, but then it hit me - that particular file is initiated only when gear menu is opened, so it wouldn't work... hence binding right shift instead. But because right shift fix used external file anway, addaction might be more appropriate way to deal with it if using antihack, I guess.
  9. Like
    raymix reacted to david in [Release] Remote key for locking/unlocking vehicles (0.3)   
    Release v0.2
    Have updated the code and added a feature for remote vehicle engine start (thanks for the suggestion J.Dohja). Also added a check so that the player can't activate the menu from within a vehicle and lock themselves in (thanks for the feedback shaundibble69 & raymix).

    Edit: Please note that there is a known issue with engine start. For some reason, if the player has not been in the vehicle the engine will start but quickly shut down again. If the player has entered the vehicle, it works and the engine is kept on. Also, I'm unable to shut down the engine - unsure why. Still, the code should be stable as/is.
  10. Like
    raymix reacted to Axle in PsiSyndicate Video.   
    If you missed it on youtube. http://youtu.be/dUGFVz7ROfo
  11. Like
    raymix reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Creating a custom compiles.sqf   
    Frequently I've seen people posting mods and instructing other players to "copy your compiles.sqf to your fixes/custom folder". Well, I've been doing this differently since I first started modding my server so I thought I'd share my knowledge here.
    The problem with copying your compiles.sqf to your custom folder is that with each new release, you have to copy the latest version and go through and edit it again. With this solution, you just have to add a line to init.sqf and copy your custom compiles.sqf into your custom folder with each update.
    Some people call their folder that contains their custom addons/scripts something other than "custom". Many use the name "fixes". In my example, I use "custom".
    1. In your "custom" folder, create a blank file called compiles.sqf. This is the file where anything that is supposed to be added/modified in the compiles.sqf file will go.
    2. In your init.sqf file, find this line:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf"; //Compile trader configs Below it, put this code:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles It should look similar to this:
    //Load in compiled functions call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early) progressLoadingScreen 0.1; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf"; //Initilize the publicVariable event handlers progressLoadingScreen 0.2; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf"; //Functions used by CLIENT for medical progressLoadingScreen 0.4; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; //Compile regular functions progressLoadingScreen 0.5; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf"; //Compile trader configs call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles progressLoadingScreen 1.0; The only change I've had to make in my compiles.sqf is a redirect to a customized fn_selfActions.sqf, so as such, my entire custom compiles.sqf looks like this. Any time an addon/script tells you to "modify" your compiles.sqf, simply add that line to your custom compiles.sqf: fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fn_selfActions.sqf";            // fnc_usec_selfActions - adds custom actions to dayz code
  12. Like
    raymix got a reaction from vbawol in chikin   
    Ingredients for crafting: 10 chickens butchered by melee attacks only, a plywood and a lumber!
    Also it's a reference to an awesome game.

  13. Like
    raymix reacted to epochu in Real Life DayZ Gear - Russian SPETSNAZ Videos   
    I've seen most of the US gear in real life, but not the Russian. So, it was interesting to watch this video. In the beginning of the video I noticed a winter camo VSS Vintorez, a UAZ jeep driving by, and the Spetsnaz parachuting out of what looks like an Mi-17. There are also BTR APCs and the Russian guns like the PKP, AKM, AK-74, etc. Many of the things I've only ever seen in DayZ.
    And this was a surprise, here are the actual metal panels used in DayZ. I didn't know they were based off actual panels. Go to about 5:10 in the video.
  14. Like
    raymix reacted to PetuniaEpoch in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    This looks amazing! I'll be installing it tomorrow! (00:15am for me and I still have a couple of hrs 'IRL' work to do or I'd install now!)
    Hey and, thanks for the credit in the OP! I'd read the whole post and page 1 of this thread then only noticed the credit when I went to bookmark it :D lol.
    Liking what you've done - it goes way above anything I've done and I think it looks super-cool! Can't wait to install it tomorrow!
  15. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Nakama Mind in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    Project has been discontinued 
    If you still want this mod, it will (and should) work with any beta or Epoch release, however I highly suggest using

    Very simple script that lets you right click ItemEmerald and spawn various interior items, using Epoch building system.
    I will assume you know your way around with scripts and have custom extra_rc, fn_selfActions.sqf and variables.sqf in your mission file, if not, ask below.
    DayZ Epoch Team for player_build.sqf
    Maca for extra_rc
    PetuniaEpoch for modified
    Rythron FIX for playerID tied to plotpole script, replace your http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10665-release-emerald-interior-designer/?p=77638 with his.
    UPDATE LOG v1.1.1:
    *Increased distance of objects to prevent people  from dying, please refer to _offset in spawn.sqf
    *Fixed issue with object height distance while using ALT+PgUP/PgDown
    UPDATE LOG v1.1:
    *Added huge list of external objects
    *Added Toggle-able plotpole requirement for spawn
    *Added Ability to remove items
    *Can't spawn or remove items if not owner or tagged friendly of nearby plotpole
    Download files:
    Or add yourself:
    custom\extra_rc.hpp (Updated V1.1):

    custom\variables.sqf (Updated V1.1): Find 
    dayz_allowedObjects = ["TentStorage"........  Change to: 

    #include "interior\defines.hpp" #include "interior\dialogs.hpp" interior\defines.hpp:

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Do not use with newest Infistar AH):

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Only for people with newest Infistar Antihack):

    interior\items.sqf (Updated V1.1):

    interior\spawn.sqf (Updated v1.1.1):
    _plotReq = true; // can't build without nearby plotpole
    _plotReq = false; //can build without plotpole or near owned plotpole only
    _offset = [0,3.5,0]; //This is distance of object from player XYZ.. increase Y if you want an object to spawn further away from player

    interior\remove.sqf (NEW):

    custom\fn_selfActions.sqf (Updated V1.1.1)
    Add to the very bottom of the file:

  16. Like
    raymix got a reaction from TNT in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    Project has been discontinued 
    If you still want this mod, it will (and should) work with any beta or Epoch release, however I highly suggest using

    Very simple script that lets you right click ItemEmerald and spawn various interior items, using Epoch building system.
    I will assume you know your way around with scripts and have custom extra_rc, fn_selfActions.sqf and variables.sqf in your mission file, if not, ask below.
    DayZ Epoch Team for player_build.sqf
    Maca for extra_rc
    PetuniaEpoch for modified
    Rythron FIX for playerID tied to plotpole script, replace your http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10665-release-emerald-interior-designer/?p=77638 with his.
    UPDATE LOG v1.1.1:
    *Increased distance of objects to prevent people  from dying, please refer to _offset in spawn.sqf
    *Fixed issue with object height distance while using ALT+PgUP/PgDown
    UPDATE LOG v1.1:
    *Added huge list of external objects
    *Added Toggle-able plotpole requirement for spawn
    *Added Ability to remove items
    *Can't spawn or remove items if not owner or tagged friendly of nearby plotpole
    Download files:
    Or add yourself:
    custom\extra_rc.hpp (Updated V1.1):

    custom\variables.sqf (Updated V1.1): Find 
    dayz_allowedObjects = ["TentStorage"........  Change to: 

    #include "interior\defines.hpp" #include "interior\dialogs.hpp" interior\defines.hpp:

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Do not use with newest Infistar AH):

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Only for people with newest Infistar Antihack):

    interior\items.sqf (Updated V1.1):

    interior\spawn.sqf (Updated v1.1.1):
    _plotReq = true; // can't build without nearby plotpole
    _plotReq = false; //can build without plotpole or near owned plotpole only
    _offset = [0,3.5,0]; //This is distance of object from player XYZ.. increase Y if you want an object to spawn further away from player

    interior\remove.sqf (NEW):

    custom\fn_selfActions.sqf (Updated V1.1.1)
    Add to the very bottom of the file:

  17. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Bambit in [Release] Deploy Bike Extendet   
    or this
    _toolbox = "ItemToolbox" in weapons player; if (!_toolbox) then { cutText [format["Missing Toolbox"], "PLAIN DOWN"]; } else { if ([["PartGeneric",2], ["PartGlass",2], "PartVRotor","PartEngine","PartFueltank","ItemFuelBarrel"] call player_checkAndRemoveItems) then { //spawn bird }; }; This is original epoch way to check for items, it will actually notify players which parts are missing so they don't have to guess
  18. Like
    raymix reacted to Defent in [EMS] 0.3.1 Defents Edit   
    These new changes a include:
    * [FIXED] Clearing missions now de-spawn the AI and scenery better. * [FIXED] Almost all missions have been fixed now and should work perfectly. * [UPDATED] Base code and framework. * [UPDATED] Loot Tables * [UPDATED] AI skins * [UPDATED] AI skills * [UPDATED] Box loot settings * [ADDED] Box loot configs * [ADDED] Remove mission vehicle ammo * [ADDED] Spawn rate items in boxes * [ADDED] God Missions * [ADDED] IKEA missions * [ADDED] Functions from the latest DZMS version * [REMOVED] Uneccesary code and many other things * [MISC] Other things, a lot to mention. These changes have a lot of new things, fixes and stuff. You will have to check the files out yourself!
  19. Like
    raymix got a reaction from STENCHOVDETH in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    ok I get it now. You can override offset with functions used in spawn.sqf
    fnc_Pos_fired1 = { disableSerialization; _indexPic = lbCurSel 2667; _returnTextPic = lbText [2667, _indexPic]; hint format["BAR : [%1] \n [%2]",_indexPic,_returnTextPic]; classnameChange = _returnTextPic; customOffset = [0,3.5,0]; // add this }; _offset = customOffset; This way you can have different offsets for different menus. 
    For example pictures could use 1 meter offset, while exterior objects could have 3 meters
  20. Like
    raymix reacted to MatthewK in Best way to find world space co ords.   
    If you're using a Debug monitor in-game. Add this to your values:

    _worldspace = getPosASL player;

    Like this:

    while {custom_monitor} do { _kills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0]; _killsH = player getVariable["humanKills",0]; _killsB = player getVariable["banditKills",0]; _humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0]; _headShots = player getVariable["headShots",0]; _worldspace = getPosASL player; hintSilent parseText format [" <t size='2'font='Bitstream'align='center'>%1</t><br/> <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Blood:</t><t size='1' font='Bitstream'align='right'>%2</t><br/> <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Humanity:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%3</t><br/> <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Murders:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%4</t><br/> <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Bandits Killed:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%5</t><br/> <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Zombies Killed:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%6</t><br/> <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Headshots:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%7</t><br/> <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>WorldSpace:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%8</t><br/> ", dayz_playerName, r_player_blood, round _humanity, _killsH, _killsB, _kills, _headShots, _worldspace ]; sleep 1; };
  21. Like
    raymix got a reaction from oOSmokyOo in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    Project has been discontinued 
    If you still want this mod, it will (and should) work with any beta or Epoch release, however I highly suggest using

    Very simple script that lets you right click ItemEmerald and spawn various interior items, using Epoch building system.
    I will assume you know your way around with scripts and have custom extra_rc, fn_selfActions.sqf and variables.sqf in your mission file, if not, ask below.
    DayZ Epoch Team for player_build.sqf
    Maca for extra_rc
    PetuniaEpoch for modified
    Rythron FIX for playerID tied to plotpole script, replace your http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10665-release-emerald-interior-designer/?p=77638 with his.
    UPDATE LOG v1.1.1:
    *Increased distance of objects to prevent people  from dying, please refer to _offset in spawn.sqf
    *Fixed issue with object height distance while using ALT+PgUP/PgDown
    UPDATE LOG v1.1:
    *Added huge list of external objects
    *Added Toggle-able plotpole requirement for spawn
    *Added Ability to remove items
    *Can't spawn or remove items if not owner or tagged friendly of nearby plotpole
    Download files:
    Or add yourself:
    custom\extra_rc.hpp (Updated V1.1):

    custom\variables.sqf (Updated V1.1): Find 
    dayz_allowedObjects = ["TentStorage"........  Change to: 

    #include "interior\defines.hpp" #include "interior\dialogs.hpp" interior\defines.hpp:

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Do not use with newest Infistar AH):

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Only for people with newest Infistar Antihack):

    interior\items.sqf (Updated V1.1):

    interior\spawn.sqf (Updated v1.1.1):
    _plotReq = true; // can't build without nearby plotpole
    _plotReq = false; //can build without plotpole or near owned plotpole only
    _offset = [0,3.5,0]; //This is distance of object from player XYZ.. increase Y if you want an object to spawn further away from player

    interior\remove.sqf (NEW):

    custom\fn_selfActions.sqf (Updated V1.1.1)
    Add to the very bottom of the file:

  22. Like
    raymix reacted to ZeroK00L in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    I showed him how to remove the extra dialog and defines and gave him my team speak if he has any other issues.
  23. Like
    raymix got a reaction from lmapper in Multiple Cursor Target Options?   
    isKindOf works for vehicles mainly in "cars" and "landvehicle" category, use typeOf for objects instead
  24. Like
    raymix got a reaction from HisShadow in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    Project has been discontinued 
    If you still want this mod, it will (and should) work with any beta or Epoch release, however I highly suggest using

    Very simple script that lets you right click ItemEmerald and spawn various interior items, using Epoch building system.
    I will assume you know your way around with scripts and have custom extra_rc, fn_selfActions.sqf and variables.sqf in your mission file, if not, ask below.
    DayZ Epoch Team for player_build.sqf
    Maca for extra_rc
    PetuniaEpoch for modified
    Rythron FIX for playerID tied to plotpole script, replace your http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10665-release-emerald-interior-designer/?p=77638 with his.
    UPDATE LOG v1.1.1:
    *Increased distance of objects to prevent people  from dying, please refer to _offset in spawn.sqf
    *Fixed issue with object height distance while using ALT+PgUP/PgDown
    UPDATE LOG v1.1:
    *Added huge list of external objects
    *Added Toggle-able plotpole requirement for spawn
    *Added Ability to remove items
    *Can't spawn or remove items if not owner or tagged friendly of nearby plotpole
    Download files:
    Or add yourself:
    custom\extra_rc.hpp (Updated V1.1):

    custom\variables.sqf (Updated V1.1): Find 
    dayz_allowedObjects = ["TentStorage"........  Change to: 

    #include "interior\defines.hpp" #include "interior\dialogs.hpp" interior\defines.hpp:

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Do not use with newest Infistar AH):

    interior\dialogs.hpp (Only for people with newest Infistar Antihack):

    interior\items.sqf (Updated V1.1):

    interior\spawn.sqf (Updated v1.1.1):
    _plotReq = true; // can't build without nearby plotpole
    _plotReq = false; //can build without plotpole or near owned plotpole only
    _offset = [0,3.5,0]; //This is distance of object from player XYZ.. increase Y if you want an object to spawn further away from player

    interior\remove.sqf (NEW):

    custom\fn_selfActions.sqf (Updated V1.1.1)
    Add to the very bottom of the file:

  25. Like
    raymix got a reaction from david in [Release] Remote key for locking/unlocking vehicles (0.3)   
    ok, here's a temporary fix that uses [right Shift] to lock/unlock vehicles, if people lock themselves in (due to inaccessible gear while inside locked car)
    *It does not check if owner
    *It does not check if car has a key
    *It is spammable
    I'll stop here for now, since I've got bigger fish to fry now. But if anybody still interested, here's the code:
    Inside of if (!isDedicated) then { somewhere at bottom after //Lights
    [] ExecVM "custom\remote\shiftlock.sqf"; shiftlock.sqf

    EDIT: doesn't cooperate with infistar, works for admins only. Not sure how to whitelist a function
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