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    TheVampire got a reaction from Mama41 in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    DZMS is a logic and useability rewrite of the DayZChernarus Mission System.
    DZMS should be considered as an "updated" DayZChernarus Mission System.

    Why Use DZMS instead of DayZChernarus MS?
    DZMS has a simple Configuration File, no more digging through code No more junk code! (Anyone who has read add_unit_server will understand) Simple Install! DZMS Requires a single line edit. No more server_cleanup confusion! No more messy mission code! DZMS uses functions for most code. DZMS is rewrote with all maps in mind, not just Chernarus. Hence the Generic Rename. DZMS is completely server sided! No marker files needed in the Mission PBO! No more "Novy Sobor Bug"! Plus, many features have been added!
    Option to save vehicles to the database! If Vehicle Saving is off, Users are warned when entering vehicles! Randomized Crate Loot! No more static crate loot! Adjustable Body Despawn Time! Optional: AI Ran Over have no gear! More!  
    The Current Version is v1.2

    Download Instructions: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem
    Project Tracking: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem/projects
    (Note: I have given The Fuchs permission to use DZMS as the base for EMS.)
  2. Like
    TheVampire reacted to RipSaw in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    All maps have numbers, that's how the game knows where to spawn stuff :)
  3. Like
    TheVampire reacted to RipSaw in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Ah I thought you meant the coords the database gives lol. Yes there are some maps which have ingame grids with text, but none of those are supported by any DayZ mod yet.
  4. Like
    TheVampire reacted to WEB11 in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Please add a way to give the AI RPGs. I have tanks on my server and these AI are very squishy :D
  5. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from NorthyPark in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Does anyone know of a DayZ map that the grid coordinates aren't all numbers?
    If not I have a good update coming.
  6. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Mercules in Money making issues, need feedback/advice   
    Bikes? I thought that was what Mozzies were for. :) I find a few helicopter locations then buy a Mozzie and fly them out to the location. I then crash land it and fly the helicopter back, buy new mozzie, repeat.  That way I am not cluttering up the server with mozzies I'll never find again. 

    Fuel Trucks work well too. 3 10oz gold for one. 
  7. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from gopostal in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Major Mission Revamps are now live. All the Major Missions have now been changed to versions built in the editor.
    The first In-Depth Mission has been added which is an AN2 Supply Drop. The mission will spawn AI waiting for the AN2 to fly in from 0,0. If the pilot makes it there safely it will drop the cargo there. If the pilot doesn't make it, it will drop nearby instead. The mission is completed by securing the cargo drop.
    - There may be issues with this if the package drifts away from the mission and lands over water.
    The first prototype Epoch Specific Mission has been added. This one has supply crates at it. It is the C130 mission redone to use an actual C130 with code added to make its ramp open. The C130 is untowable or liftable by R3F and BTK, and will lock players out if they get in it. It also does not save to the database.
    If there are any mission issues, let me know.
    Get out there and enjoy the new missions!
  8. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Sandbird in Custom SQL Calls   
    If the fear of 999 calls is things such as DROP TABLE, can't you add some custom tables?
    custom_table1, custom_table2, etc. One column autoincrementing and the rest being just numbered so we can use it for what we want.
  9. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from RipSaw in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    To add the Epoch Specific Mission to your lineup, open your DZMSConfig and find this array:
    DZMSMajorArray = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6"]; and add EM1.
    DZMSMajorArray = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6","EM1"];
  10. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from WEB11 in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Major Mission Revamps are now live. All the Major Missions have now been changed to versions built in the editor.
    The first In-Depth Mission has been added which is an AN2 Supply Drop. The mission will spawn AI waiting for the AN2 to fly in from 0,0. If the pilot makes it there safely it will drop the cargo there. If the pilot doesn't make it, it will drop nearby instead. The mission is completed by securing the cargo drop.
    - There may be issues with this if the package drifts away from the mission and lands over water.
    The first prototype Epoch Specific Mission has been added. This one has supply crates at it. It is the C130 mission redone to use an actual C130 with code added to make its ramp open. The C130 is untowable or liftable by R3F and BTK, and will lock players out if they get in it. It also does not save to the database.
    If there are any mission issues, let me know.
    Get out there and enjoy the new missions!
  11. Like
    TheVampire reacted to gopostal in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    I've been quietly following this and we use your mission system extensively. Just so you know it's dearly loved and people very much enjoy your work, this is the replies I got from mentioning this today to my players:
    [2014-02-18 | 06:30:27]  (Side) Oliver: sweet!
    [2014-02-18 | 06:31:00]  (Side) Ragepriest: Epic
    [2014-02-18 | 06:31:26]  (Side) Ragepriest: Lovin' the idea
    with lines and lines of more of the same from the other regs. Thanks for your time and effort Vamp!
  12. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from gopostal in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Looking back at your error, for spawn_mineviens to be undefined would be an error in your server_functions.sqf unrelated to DZMS. You have DZMS installed correctly.
    Also everyone, the revamps to the Major Missions will be coming out today.
  13. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from RipSaw in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Looking back at your error, for spawn_mineviens to be undefined would be an error in your server_functions.sqf unrelated to DZMS. You have DZMS installed correctly.
    Also everyone, the revamps to the Major Missions will be coming out today.
  14. Like
    TheVampire reacted to WEB11 in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Does this mission system use the DZAI AI like EMS? I will ditch EMS for this if it does. Also you got a typo on your install instructions: Open up your server_moniter.SQF
  15. Like
    TheVampire reacted to -shadow- in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    He is referring to the spelling mistake in the github install instructions.
    It says on install instruction 5. server_moniter.sqf when it should be server_monitor.sqf
  16. Like
    TheVampire reacted to GhostTown in unlootable ai?   
    There is also a line to delete the gear if they are run over by a vehicle.
  17. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Richie in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    I'll work on this tonight.
  18. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Turtle in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    I'll work on this tonight.
  19. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Axle in Axles Trip through model making.   
    So I've decided to learn how to model stuff and wanted to make a thread sharing the things I'm doing..
    NOTE: These are not items for Epoch but just things I'm making to learn how to get it done.
                However, you never know.
    My very first model Free form with no templates.

    My second model: Atlantean Sword from the Conan movie.
    The sword on the left is one I textured for Skyrim. The model is not mine but I always loved the sword.

    More to come!
  20. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from RabidDiabetic in Money making issues, need feedback/advice   
    Its possible the server has custom loot tables which would effect to police zombies.
    But, I pretty much loot farmed things that sold for a good amount, or I went vehicle hunting. Something most server owners know, planes like to build up right along North debug on Chernarus. A Good place to look for vehicles is the Black Forest, or around Rogovo to Kozlovka, and around Dolina to Tulga. Unless its a super hot PVP server, most people don't visit those areas and instead stick to either the Zelenogorsk > Vybor > NWAF, the Cherno/Elektro > Vyshnoye > Starry, or the Kamyshovo > Berezino > Klen.
    If you are going to loot farm on a PVP server, don't do it somewhere where other people do it. NWAF and NEAF are pretty much deathtraps. Balota is decent, but then you get hatcheted when your back is turned. I'd suggest farming Industrial or maybe even farm loot, but if you need to farm military, i'd suggest stopping by Green Mountain periodicly of its not someones base to grab the 3 military spawns there. The military zombies can have grenades, MRE's, and other good stuff on them too. Most people avoid looting Green Mountain because the Zed to loot ratio, but it works.
  21. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from insertcoins in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    I was thinking of using the loot tables to fill the crates, but im not sure how much code it would take. Its on my list of things to look into.
  22. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Sandbird in Particles spawned on some objects.   
    I would use nearestObjects with a sleep timer before deleteing the particles and re-adding them, maybe within 1200 meters? Anything outside of that they wont see fast enough. It won't be a system hog that way.
    Something like this.
    while {Alive player} do { { [_x] ExecVM "particles.sqf"; } forEach NearestObjects ["tents", 1200]; sleep 300; }; I know thats not exactly right, but you get the idea.
    Make sure you get the tent to spawn the particles on in particles.sqf as _tent = _this select 0;
  23. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from RRP47 in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Open DZMSAISpawn.sqf and find
    _unit addWeapon _weapon; add below
    _unit addWeapon "NVGoggles"; and then open DZMSAIKilled.sqf and find
    //Dead body timer and cleanup add below
    _unit removeWeapon "NVGoggles"; I'll work on adding a temp NVG's option to the config later.
  24. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from BetterDeadThanZed in Dayz Mission System with other AI systems   
    Relations are how the 4 sides see eachother. There is West, East, Civilian, and Resistance. In DayZ, the survivors are always West, and the Zombies are always Civilians. The Civilians are made to be hostile to the West. The AI of course to be hostile to other players have to be put on the East or Resistance side, and that side set to be hostile to West. Each AI System sets relations, and the DZMS line is just giving you the notice of which it is using.
    DZAI and WAI both set relations, but if I remember right, they set the same relations and shouldn't conflict. However if you installed DZAI and SargeAI, then things like all your Sarge Hero AI attacking everyone can happen.
    The warning from DZMS is simply a warning that if you see weird AI behavior, it may be due to your two AI Systems, it can be ignored otherwise.
  25. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Sandbird in Particles spawned on some objects.   
    Just include the script in the mision pbo, use if (isClient) and then make the code check for tents, and then add the particles above them.
    You would use a foreach checking for the variable, and execute the script on the ones it finds.
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