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  1. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from MatthewK in The Future of DZMS   
    Some of you are probably wondering what the future of DZMS is, it being designed for Arma 2: DayZ and all. I just did a version change and have released DZMS v1.1 Final. This is the final version of DZMS unless there is some drastic update that breaks everything.
    DZMS v1.1 Final:
    So what does this mean for the future of DZMS?
    DZMS achieved all that I wanted it to be. I wanted a stable, efficient mission system that was easy to use, install, configure, and customize. I wanted to make a system that didn't have all the bugs the other systems did.
    My first release was on the OpenDayZ forums, and after I got the registration issues sorted with the EpochMod forums, I released it here also.
    When I released it, TheFuchs contacted me asking if he could use it as a base for EMS, which I was fine with, but apparently a week after releasing EMS 0.3, his water cooling leaked and fried his computer leading to EMS being very buggy and un-updated, which isn't what I intended. I'm sorry for those who tried to use EMS and were disappointed for it being buggy and glitchy, which was the exact opposite for what I wanted DZMS to be.
    I want to thank all of those who submitted RPT's, bugs, errors, and those who submitted better code to me. Your feedback helped me tremendously in fixing DZMS and making it what it is now. I also want to thank the Epoch staff for giving me this little section of the forum.
    With the coming of Arma 3: Epoch in the short future, DZMS is going to be recoded under a different name, with missions created from scratch for the Arma 3 platform. I don't know exactly what it will look like, but I want it to meet the same standards I had when I decided to create DZMS. When I have a first release, I'm hoping to also have a section of the Epoch Forums to post about it in.
    So here's a thread to the creation of DZMS, and to the future of the DZMS base.
  2. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Mama41 in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    DZMS is a logic and useability rewrite of the DayZChernarus Mission System.
    DZMS should be considered as an "updated" DayZChernarus Mission System.

    Why Use DZMS instead of DayZChernarus MS?
    DZMS has a simple Configuration File, no more digging through code No more junk code! (Anyone who has read add_unit_server will understand) Simple Install! DZMS Requires a single line edit. No more server_cleanup confusion! No more messy mission code! DZMS uses functions for most code. DZMS is rewrote with all maps in mind, not just Chernarus. Hence the Generic Rename. DZMS is completely server sided! No marker files needed in the Mission PBO! No more "Novy Sobor Bug"! Plus, many features have been added!
    Option to save vehicles to the database! If Vehicle Saving is off, Users are warned when entering vehicles! Randomized Crate Loot! No more static crate loot! Adjustable Body Despawn Time! Optional: AI Ran Over have no gear! More!  
    The Current Version is v1.2

    Download Instructions: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem
    Project Tracking: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem/projects
    (Note: I have given The Fuchs permission to use DZMS as the base for EMS.)
  3. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from insertcoins in Creating/modifying new missions!   
    Almost every line in the DZMS Mission files are annotated. Read and put one together.
  4. Like
    TheVampire reacted to meshcarver in Nova ZONA map.   
    Hi guys..!

    I have JUST joined these forums and noticed there was a thread about NOVA ZONA! :)

    To OP, thanks for mentioning it here, it's greatly appreciated to see people are looking forwards to it.

    And to Vampire, indeed mate, I have made a lot of structures but only rigged a few of them to test the in game process. It isn't too difficult or time consuming to rig each one for the engine so that bits not a problem really.
    The time line you mentioned is fair- tbh, it'll be longer than a year from now yes. RL work is a necessity, and that is sadly where ALL my time is going right now.

    I have played a LOT of various scenarios I've set up quickly in the editor with some structures and it can be very atmospheric even at this early stage... I hope to show another update soon... ;)
  5. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Axle in Battlefield 3 is free for a limited time!   
    Get your copy HERE
  6. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Sequisha in Ideas to make bases even more unique!   
    Did you actually play Epoch?
  7. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Mrthuglink in Nova ZONA map.   
    I would love to see a map like this, but he is still in the very early stages. He only has those 3 or 4 structures made, and he just threw them on a pre-existing map in the editor for the video. He doesn't have an island made or anything yet, just a few models.
    It could very easily be a year or more before he has a playable map.
  8. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from CommanderRetra in Epoch release?   
    There are no zombies in A3 Epoch. There are apparently 10 different Antagonists, the only one we have seen is a Monk/Demon in a robe. 10 could mean 10 completely different creatures, or 10 different kinds of monks. Until they release more info, we will not know.
    (The Monk/Demon/Priest is not a Zombie though.)
  9. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from DangerRuss in Feature Request Thread   
    I would say it is more optimized than Arma 2, but still more demanding.
    However the nicest aspect of Arma 3 is a lot more commands, and the addition of the developer console so you can try out code on the fly and refine it without needing a server reboot everytime, or relying on radio triggers to test code. It just allows for tons more fine tuning of all your code.
  10. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Regicyde in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Updated, thanks for the Reply Vampire.  I had an incorrect pathway.  Nothing to do with your Mod.  Thanks again! Works beautifully now.
  11. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from TheReallyBadGuy in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    DZMS is a logic and useability rewrite of the DayZChernarus Mission System.
    DZMS should be considered as an "updated" DayZChernarus Mission System.

    Why Use DZMS instead of DayZChernarus MS?
    DZMS has a simple Configuration File, no more digging through code No more junk code! (Anyone who has read add_unit_server will understand) Simple Install! DZMS Requires a single line edit. No more server_cleanup confusion! No more messy mission code! DZMS uses functions for most code. DZMS is rewrote with all maps in mind, not just Chernarus. Hence the Generic Rename. DZMS is completely server sided! No marker files needed in the Mission PBO! No more "Novy Sobor Bug"! Plus, many features have been added!
    Option to save vehicles to the database! If Vehicle Saving is off, Users are warned when entering vehicles! Randomized Crate Loot! No more static crate loot! Adjustable Body Despawn Time! Optional: AI Ran Over have no gear! More!  
    The Current Version is v1.2

    Download Instructions: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem
    Project Tracking: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem/projects
    (Note: I have given The Fuchs permission to use DZMS as the base for EMS.)
  12. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Sequisha in PsiSyndicate Video.   
    We'll be releasing more footage soon.
  13. Like
    TheVampire reacted to vbawol in Gamespy is shutting down the end of May   
    116523+ 1.63 patch has Steam lobby support and 1.0.5 is being testing on the 116523+ builds. Many fixes have already gone into 1.0.5 just for these newer builds.
    Just talked to DotJosh and he is going to update commander to support the new steam lobby as soon as BI fully releases 1.63 and steam lobby. He also mentioned that he has a backup list of server IP:ports just in-case.
    Not to worry, we are looking out for you and DayZ Epoch has support for the foreseeable future.
  14. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    DZMS is a logic and useability rewrite of the DayZChernarus Mission System.
    DZMS should be considered as an "updated" DayZChernarus Mission System.

    Why Use DZMS instead of DayZChernarus MS?
    DZMS has a simple Configuration File, no more digging through code No more junk code! (Anyone who has read add_unit_server will understand) Simple Install! DZMS Requires a single line edit. No more server_cleanup confusion! No more messy mission code! DZMS uses functions for most code. DZMS is rewrote with all maps in mind, not just Chernarus. Hence the Generic Rename. DZMS is completely server sided! No marker files needed in the Mission PBO! No more "Novy Sobor Bug"! Plus, many features have been added!
    Option to save vehicles to the database! If Vehicle Saving is off, Users are warned when entering vehicles! Randomized Crate Loot! No more static crate loot! Adjustable Body Despawn Time! Optional: AI Ran Over have no gear! More!  
    The Current Version is v1.2

    Download Instructions: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem
    Project Tracking: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem/projects
    (Note: I have given The Fuchs permission to use DZMS as the base for EMS.)
  15. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Sequisha in PsiSyndicate Video.   
    Really hoping that the no zombies clause is going to lead off in an awesome direction with multiple different types of entities that you need to defend yourself from.
  16. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Slimdickens in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    DZMS is a logic and useability rewrite of the DayZChernarus Mission System.
    DZMS should be considered as an "updated" DayZChernarus Mission System.

    Why Use DZMS instead of DayZChernarus MS?
    DZMS has a simple Configuration File, no more digging through code No more junk code! (Anyone who has read add_unit_server will understand) Simple Install! DZMS Requires a single line edit. No more server_cleanup confusion! No more messy mission code! DZMS uses functions for most code. DZMS is rewrote with all maps in mind, not just Chernarus. Hence the Generic Rename. DZMS is completely server sided! No marker files needed in the Mission PBO! No more "Novy Sobor Bug"! Plus, many features have been added!
    Option to save vehicles to the database! If Vehicle Saving is off, Users are warned when entering vehicles! Randomized Crate Loot! No more static crate loot! Adjustable Body Despawn Time! Optional: AI Ran Over have no gear! More!  
    The Current Version is v1.2

    Download Instructions: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem
    Project Tracking: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem/projects
    (Note: I have given The Fuchs permission to use DZMS as the base for EMS.)
  17. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from mandy561 in EMS 0.3 and DZAI?   
    I'm not sure its that simple, I believe you would need to setup static markers in your DZAI files for every mission location.
    But yes, EMS 0.3 and DZMS use their own AI.
  18. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Axle in Our new friend.   
    Mad props to Sequisha and AWOL for getting this ready for A3!

  19. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from kooopa in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    DZMS is a logic and useability rewrite of the DayZChernarus Mission System.
    DZMS should be considered as an "updated" DayZChernarus Mission System.

    Why Use DZMS instead of DayZChernarus MS?
    DZMS has a simple Configuration File, no more digging through code No more junk code! (Anyone who has read add_unit_server will understand) Simple Install! DZMS Requires a single line edit. No more server_cleanup confusion! No more messy mission code! DZMS uses functions for most code. DZMS is rewrote with all maps in mind, not just Chernarus. Hence the Generic Rename. DZMS is completely server sided! No marker files needed in the Mission PBO! No more "Novy Sobor Bug"! Plus, many features have been added!
    Option to save vehicles to the database! If Vehicle Saving is off, Users are warned when entering vehicles! Randomized Crate Loot! No more static crate loot! Adjustable Body Despawn Time! Optional: AI Ran Over have no gear! More!  
    The Current Version is v1.2

    Download Instructions: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem
    Project Tracking: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem/projects
    (Note: I have given The Fuchs permission to use DZMS as the base for EMS.)
  20. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from AFlatteedgekly in The Static Locations Thread   
    Post your static locations array and what map they are for.
    I'll add them to this post for other people to use.
    Make sure the coordinates you post avoid castles, or places people like to build their homes in.
  21. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Danlalzxdf in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    DZMS is a logic and useability rewrite of the DayZChernarus Mission System.
    DZMS should be considered as an "updated" DayZChernarus Mission System.

    Why Use DZMS instead of DayZChernarus MS?
    DZMS has a simple Configuration File, no more digging through code No more junk code! (Anyone who has read add_unit_server will understand) Simple Install! DZMS Requires a single line edit. No more server_cleanup confusion! No more messy mission code! DZMS uses functions for most code. DZMS is rewrote with all maps in mind, not just Chernarus. Hence the Generic Rename. DZMS is completely server sided! No marker files needed in the Mission PBO! No more "Novy Sobor Bug"! Plus, many features have been added!
    Option to save vehicles to the database! If Vehicle Saving is off, Users are warned when entering vehicles! Randomized Crate Loot! No more static crate loot! Adjustable Body Despawn Time! Optional: AI Ran Over have no gear! More!  
    The Current Version is v1.2

    Download Instructions: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem
    Project Tracking: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem/projects
    (Note: I have given The Fuchs permission to use DZMS as the base for EMS.)
  22. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from stonXer in Remove Wepons script Issue   
    /* Remove Weapon SiothieGaming german Youtubechannel: http://www.youtube.com/user/SiothieGaming Lines underneath are just a small tutorial the Number in the Bracket is Important, -1 means Pilot seat Try getting up with these numbers when you want to remove from another seat (e.g. gunner, front gunner, rear gunner etc. pp) For every seat you have to do something like i did _object magazinesTurret [-1]; _object removeMagazinesTurret ["14Rnd_FFAR",[-1]]; If you want to remove something from another seat at the same time you need to do something like this: _object magazinesTurret [1]; _object removeMagazinesTurret ["14Rnd_FFAR",[1]]; I'm not completly sure now which number is which seat. I only know that -1 is pilot seat. */ if (_object isKindOf "AN2_DZ") then { _object addWeapon "TwinVickers"; _object addMagazine "500Rnd_TwinVickers"; }; if (_object isKindOf "AH6J_EP1") then { _object removeWeapon "TwinM134"; _object removeWeapon "FFARLauncher_14"; _object removeWeapon "M134_2"; _object addWeapon "PKT_veh"; _object addMagazine "2000Rnd_762x54_PKT"; };
  23. Like
    TheVampire reacted to joe_candy in WAI - search a good vehicle "run over" solution   
    The anti-vehicle of WAI last time doesn't work.... I've addet also MAAWS and M107 to the AI... First week it works fine.... after a time some guys begin to run over the AI and could loot the high weapons (i use custom loottable, so they can't find this weapons somewhere else).
    I'm also no friend of such a extreme Player kill Trigger. I'm just looking for a solution for the probem.
    First time i try a Trigger with "vehicle setdamage 1" but this also doesn't work.
    Today i try to import the "DZMS run over" configuration to WAI... but until now it isn't work.....
    ok... find my mistake. Now the "run over" Configuration works fine and i don't need so a extreme trigger... ^^
    This Thread could be deletet.
  24. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Halvhjearne in WAI - search a good vehicle "run over" solution   
    For one, you are over-complicating this by using triggers when you already have a while do loop in the mission script you can modify.
    Two, WAI doesn't check if all the units are dead, it only checks for player distance. This means a player would have to run up to the mission on foot to trigger it complete, and then drive up.
    Three, you only have the mission triggers being deleted when the mission times out, not when its completed, so with the current code even after a player completes a mission, they would still blow up, and the triggers would still be there until the server restarts.
    And finally four, WAI already has anti-vehicle. It's called RPGs and two M2 .50BMG turrets.
    Most people consider anything that kills the player to be pretty extreme as far as punishment goes, especially for something that doesn't make logical sense since there is already anti-vehicle measures they would have to deal with, so I don't think very many people will be willing to help you with this. Even if your server has tanks, two RPGs to the same side will disable the tracks and prevent the tank from going anywhere, and a disabled tank to me is not worth a breifcase or two.
  25. Like
    TheVampire reacted to cayote in Exploding vehicles   
    That did it.  Thanks much!
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