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    TheVampire got a reaction from MrPredatorr in Mission Question General   
    So I'm beginning work on the bulk of the code for VEMF, and since I don't have a dev server to work on, I need to ask some general questions.
    I'll probably have more, but this is it so far.
    1. What side are Antagonists on? (Civ/West/East/Independent) or are they only hostile by a script? (No Relations)
    2. What side are the Soldiers on when they spawn in? (As Above)
    3. Does the player change sides at any point? (On Death, After Spawn, etc)
    4. What side are the traders on? (I'm assuming the same as the player)
    If someone with a server can answer these, it would be awesome. Thanks.
  2. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from dzrealkiller in Arma 3 Red boxes with blue top ID's?   
    Just login as admin and run
    hint (typeof cursorTarget); while you are looking at it.
  3. Like
    TheVampire reacted to axeman in sapper   
    Time to ramp them up I think ;)
  4. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from RIE_JACKTE(new) in Arma 3 Red boxes with blue top ID's?   
    Just login as admin and run
    hint (typeof cursorTarget); while you are looking at it.
  5. Like
    TheVampire reacted to ChronicG in Our 8 weeko base at mgt   
    Hey, "FingersCrossed" here,
    since our base got destroyed over night when we were all offline, by some people who used duped explosiv's in combination with the "flying carpet" i wanted to share some pictures with you,  of our base when it was fine + an overall feedback.




    Week's ago a good friend of mine and myself started to play on mgt, within the first week we figured playing as 2 people is very rough, so we got some allies, wich ended up in having a group of
    15 people, with about 10 people beeing online everyday, just as a reference how such a base can even exist with legitimate methodes.
    Since there is already enough "talk" about explosiv's and base destructions in this forum, i'll leave this out.
    All i really want to say is a big "Thank You"  towards the dev's of this mod, i havent had such a good time in a game for a long time, and of course mgt for providing such an amazing support,
    especially our beloved Daz, Wookie, and even DB the freaking owner himself, helped people of our team out with small issues when he was arround.
    Becaue of that im doing a 25$ donation towards mgt and a 25$ donation towards the arma 3 epoch team, just as an appreciation for the good time we are all having playing this masterpiece.
    Get yourself some icecream you earnd it.
    Before i forget ...
    For all those people i read here on a daily, complaining about how shit everything is ( hi dm ), getting no support and whatnot.
    From the bottom of my heart ... please ... please go and f*** yourself, it's an alpha.
  6. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from unrealPANDA in Mission Question General   
    So I'm beginning work on the bulk of the code for VEMF, and since I don't have a dev server to work on, I need to ask some general questions.
    I'll probably have more, but this is it so far.
    1. What side are Antagonists on? (Civ/West/East/Independent) or are they only hostile by a script? (No Relations)
    2. What side are the Soldiers on when they spawn in? (As Above)
    3. Does the player change sides at any point? (On Death, After Spawn, etc)
    4. What side are the traders on? (I'm assuming the same as the player)
    If someone with a server can answer these, it would be awesome. Thanks.
  7. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Richie in Any way to view your threads that are waiting to be approved?   
    Nobody really reads them anyway, it's players that attract other players.
  8. Like
    TheVampire reacted to PetuniaEpoch in Mission Question General   
    Pretty sure traders are resistance, but I may be wrong...

    Check: \@Epoch\Addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\EPOCH_SpawnTraderMiltia.sqf (_grp = createGroup RESISTANCE)

    Pretty sure that's the trader spawn and that they are resistance.

    Also, for AI form the copter (EPOCH_supportCopter.sqf, in the same folder as above -  _grp = createGroup RESISTANCE)

    So seems both AI and traders are indeed on RESISTANCE... which... seems odd :S
  9. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Defent in Mission Question General   
    I'm setting relations because I think the preset relations are neutral. I have seen no issues between AI and traders as of yet and yes the traders are spawned in as RESISTANCE. I can't really say much more I suppose. Check the files and see what you can figure out. 
  10. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from PetuniaEpoch in Mission Question General   
    Are you setting hostile relations or do they already exist?
    If the traders are on the hostile side, I would think it would cause issues. If you could double check their side for me I would appreciate it.
  11. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from shaundibble69 in Mission Question General   
    So I'm beginning work on the bulk of the code for VEMF, and since I don't have a dev server to work on, I need to ask some general questions.
    I'll probably have more, but this is it so far.
    1. What side are Antagonists on? (Civ/West/East/Independent) or are they only hostile by a script? (No Relations)
    2. What side are the Soldiers on when they spawn in? (As Above)
    3. Does the player change sides at any point? (On Death, After Spawn, etc)
    4. What side are the traders on? (I'm assuming the same as the player)
    If someone with a server can answer these, it would be awesome. Thanks.
  12. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Richie in Mission Question General   
  13. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Defent in Mission Question General   
    1. I put all AIs on RESISTANCE. Most units use that afaik.
    2. Same as above.
    3. Not to my knowledge. They are kept on one side. 
    4. Traders are resistance too I think.
    Be sure to check out the new unit commands for arma 3, some are really nice. 
    Here is a part of my units:
    _group = createGroup RESISTANCE; _group setBehaviour "AWARE"; _group setCombatMode "RED"; _soldier = _group createUnit ["I_Soldier_EPOCH", [(DMS_Cords select 0) + 10, DMS_Cords select 1, 0], [], 1, "Form"]; removeAllAssignedItems _soldier; removeUniform _soldier; removeHeadgear _soldier; _soldier forceAddUniform "U_ghillie1_uniform";;
  14. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from RRP47 in Mission Question General   
    So I'm beginning work on the bulk of the code for VEMF, and since I don't have a dev server to work on, I need to ask some general questions.
    I'll probably have more, but this is it so far.
    1. What side are Antagonists on? (Civ/West/East/Independent) or are they only hostile by a script? (No Relations)
    2. What side are the Soldiers on when they spawn in? (As Above)
    3. Does the player change sides at any point? (On Death, After Spawn, etc)
    4. What side are the traders on? (I'm assuming the same as the player)
    If someone with a server can answer these, it would be awesome. Thanks.
  15. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Richie in Dayz standalone moving to a new engine   
    Mini Dayz is just more evidence of Bohemia selling us a game that will never be finished.
    "Bohemia: They want DayZ"
    "Dean: DayZ isn't finished yet... We're still rewriting the engine for the second time..."
    "Bohemia: Well make something for them!"
    "Dean: I've got it!"
    *Mini DayZ has been released*
    Mini DayZ: Have all the fun you should be having in our top dollar DayZ game in a game that took us a month to make instead!
  16. Like
    TheVampire reacted to RIE_JACKTE(new) in infi**** continued - Command and control   
    server owners and community cry that they dont want to wait to host files
    awol give's files early way before planned .5 when it would of been stable
    devs now have there uncompleted mod out and still need stable unmodded servers to test on (infistar is a mod)
    so they lock it down so they can test it
    community qq's over not being able to fully mod there servers even though we all know the mod is in early development.
    seriously guys there not black listing your server (which in the future i reckon they put something in place to do that (you can thank ccg zr and other item shop servers)) there just removing your listings from the forum's since your servers will not  be able to give un-modded bug reports . chill out wait a few months and youll be able to add ya ai missions and fuel station re arm's.

    EDIT: tl;dr we are still tester's deal with it
  17. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Sequisha in infi**** continued - Command and control   
    Maybe you should direct some of your anger towards the developer you hired to protect your server....Inshltar.  Did he include his blacklisting of all Epoch Devs(and Dwarden as an extra bonus?) in the changelogs?

    I highly doubt it.  He essentially used YOUR servers as a vehicle for his own vendetta. /shrug.
  18. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from ProtossMaster in AI MISSIONS?   
    DZMS's successor will come when the Epoch devs allow the server files to be open. Battleeye filters are a pain, and I rather see everything I'm working with when I do work on it, instead of trying to write code that nulls out code in other files that I'm not allowed to modify. Missions should be server code, and should be on the server side IMO.
    As for running code on the server side from the client, you can do so without needing to touch any server files. There are isServer/isClient commands for a reason.
    Other than the incompatibilities that DZMS has with Arma3, and the limitations the Epoch Dev's have coded in, you could almost just stick the DZMS launch in the Init and just throw an isServer IF around it and call it a day.
  19. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Defent in AI MISSIONS?   
    DZMS's successor will come when the Epoch devs allow the server files to be open. Battleeye filters are a pain, and I rather see everything I'm working with when I do work on it, instead of trying to write code that nulls out code in other files that I'm not allowed to modify. Missions should be server code, and should be on the server side IMO.
    As for running code on the server side from the client, you can do so without needing to touch any server files. There are isServer/isClient commands for a reason.
    Other than the incompatibilities that DZMS has with Arma3, and the limitations the Epoch Dev's have coded in, you could almost just stick the DZMS launch in the Init and just throw an isServer IF around it and call it a day.
  20. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Defent in AI MISSIONS?   
    Great, then I won't be needing to post my second part that includes ai and patrols :)
  21. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Buck0 in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Newest DayZ may have changed how the humanity is set.
    The code in DZMSAIKilled should be fixed on github now.
  22. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from MatthewK in [REQUEST] M2 Machine Gunner in missions   
    You would have to spawn the M2 in as a vehicle in the mission code, make it unenterable for players (similar to the C130 in EM1) and then get a unit nearby and shove them into it using moveInDriver.
  23. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Proximus in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Just committed a few updates to github.
    A check was added to prevent missions from spawning within 500m of a player.
    I fixed the timer loop exits that @ekroamer mentioned before.
    I also added a fix for the actionSet Undefined error for people who have RPG's and DZMSRunGear both on.
  24. Like
    TheVampire reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Despawning mission vehicles   
    Forget this topic. I'm an idiot. If the mission is completed, the vehicles don't get saved to the database. That is default behavior. :)
  25. Like
    TheVampire reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Vehicles disappearing   
    Ok, I'm an idiot. :)
    I based this mission off of a mission without vehicles so I was missing this section:
    //DZMSSetupVehicle prevents the vehicle from disappearing and sets fuel and such [_vehicle] call DZMSSetupVehicle; [_vehicle2] call DZMSSetupVehicle; Add that and it now works fine. 
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