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    Scorpi reacted to bombajack in [Realease] Thirst,Hunger damage script   
    I put before the recent query script that can do it, so that the players get harmed when he was thirsty or hungry. Thanks to the community, one member advised me and wrote skript.I test it and it works!   Original script by user @W4lly   - in init.sqf put a line with  [] execVM "myName.sqf";  - create file with name u want example  myName.sqf and put in mission folder.... - need to be filtered for BE  script.txt line 48 setDamage   add    !="player setDamage _damage;"  !="player setDamage 1;"   myName.sqf while { true } do { _damage = damage player; if(EPOCH_playerHunger < 100) then{ _damage = _damage + 0.1; if(_damage >= 1 )exitWith { player setDamage 1;}; player setDamage _damage; }else{ EPOCH_playerHunger = EPOCH_playerHunger - 50; }; if(EPOCH_playerThirst < 100) then{ _damage = _damage + 0.1; if(_damage >= 1 )exitWith { player setDamage 1;}; player setDamage _damage; }else{ EPOCH_playerThirst = EPOCH_playerThirst - 25; }; sleep 300; }; if u want increase speed reduce sleep....
    if you want increase damage reduce   _damage + 0.1; //10% damage
    if you want modify from what values need you start damage, reduce  -  if(EPOCH_playerHunger < 100) then{  
    @W4lly thanks for help again. ;)
  2. Like
    Scorpi reacted to DirtySanchez in [Realease] Thirst,Hunger damage script   
    Made some more changes

    while { true } do { _hunger = EPOCH_playerHunger; _thirst = EPOCH_playerThirst; _pdamage = damage player; if(_hunger < 100) then{ _damage = _pdamage + 0.1; if(_damage >= 1 )exitWith { player setDamage 1;}; player setDamage _damage; }else{ EPOCH_playerHunger = EPOCH_playerHunger - 50; }; if(_thirst < 100) then{ _damage = _pdamage + 0.1; if(_damage >= 1 )exitWith { player setDamage 1;}; player setDamage _damage; }else{ EPOCH_playerThirst = EPOCH_playerThirst - 25; }; sleep 300; };
  3. Like
    Scorpi reacted to DirtySanchez in [RELEASED] "Quick and Dirty Stats"   
    I named this shit "Quick and Dirty Stats" for a reason.
    Remember all of this shit is a learning experience for me and I like to overcome hurdles as fast as possible.
    Sometimes with working as the admin/owner it takes away from my time to finish stuff but it definitely kills the train of thought when you are deep into something....

    However, on a better note.

    Well so far, Ive got Rank, Kills and Deaths working fine and tracking.
    Ive incorporated a quick and dirty GUI to go with it, but its attached to the statusbar currently.

    Well here we go, the stats at the bottom are true to player stats(was done for testing purposes) and now im into the GUI creation.

    Here is a screen shot to go with all this lovely news.

  4. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from SWAT_BigBear in Bornholm 1.4 released   
    Bornholm Changelog:
    - Make Arma Not War Edition
    - Optimized terrain by removing 39,000 trees. Terrain should be less taxing.
    - Added a few hidden mine shafts near Hasle
    - Fixed jump bug near Oestermarie Airfield
    - Changed satellite colors to give it a more fresh appearance
    - Changed grass textures to match grass objects better
  5. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from Major Khunt in Bornholm 1.4 released   
    Bornholm Changelog:
    - Make Arma Not War Edition
    - Optimized terrain by removing 39,000 trees. Terrain should be less taxing.
    - Added a few hidden mine shafts near Hasle
    - Fixed jump bug near Oestermarie Airfield
    - Changed satellite colors to give it a more fresh appearance
    - Changed grass textures to match grass objects better
  6. Like
    Scorpi reacted to IT07 in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    UPDATE! v0.0370r
    Check the new changelog for changes
  7. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from DirtySanchez in [RELEASE]Perfect Night Time Settings! (Within EPOCH)   
  8. Like
    Scorpi reacted to DirtySanchez in [RELEASE]Perfect Night Time Settings! (Within EPOCH)   
    Now use the Epoch Config to setup a perfect nighttime
    Use this:
    niteLight[] = {1,666,10000};
    The 666 is a very nice and bright night
    420 is moderate nights and should be the goto brightness here
    300 is dark enough to call hardcore but still playable af

    Old Info using color corrections:

    Yes guys this is not too hard to accomplish
    1. Find your moonlit night and time for server start
    2. Play around with some corrections
    3. start your server
    Answers ye all seek:
    1. In your epochconfig.hpp change this line
    StaticDateTime[] = {2035,6,10,21,30}; 2. call this corrections.sqf from your init.sqf
    []execVM "corrections.sqf"; Save this code as corrections.sqf and put it in your mission folder.
    "ColorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true;"ColorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [0.88, 0.88, 0.04, [0.2, 0.29, 0.4, -0.22], [1, 1, 1, 1.3], [0.15, 0.09, 0.09, 0.0]];"ColorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0; 3. FUCKING ENJOY!
    Update: play around with the 0.04 setting for gamma changes. 0.06 is perfect for an all night server. 0.04 was tested on day and night and was not too washed out during the daytime.
  9. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from IT07 in [scarCODE] P.S.R. (Player Support Requester)   
    Thanks for Sharing
  10. Like
    Scorpi reacted to IT07 in [scarCODE] P.S.R. (Player Support Requester)   
    P.S.R. (Player Support Requester)
    by IT07

    Just watch this video and you will see :)

  11. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from KiloSwiss in #SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test   
    In the fn_AIconvoy.sqf   Example:

  12. Like
    Scorpi reacted to maca134 in Support Databases   
    I have been working on a dropin replacement so Epoch can use another db engine, had it workingwith MySQL + Sqlite.
    Currently, the dll is writing all "Epoch Data" to a database, it requires no extra changes to files and uses none of Epoch's current code.
    I have only implemented "SET" so far but it is running side-by-side on a live server. I also added a tool to import a Redis db too ;)

  13. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from Prof.Heini in [Release] HS Blackmarket 1.6 | 'New' Trader System | Special Trader | Blackmarket   
    Versuche es mal so:
    oder so
  14. Like
  15. Like
    Scorpi reacted to Suppe in [Release] HS Blackmarket 1.6 | 'New' Trader System | Special Trader | Blackmarket   
        HS Blackmarket
        by Halv & Suppe

    The HS Blackmarket is a 'new' Trader-system for A3 Epoch, it was created in collaboration with Halv, Halv wrote the main part of the script, he is the true genius.

    - Trader with Custom Dialog (Menu)
    - Trader with unlimited supply
    - You control how many Trader will spawn
    - Trader will spawn random over the Map
    - Trader will spawn in 5 different "Camps"
    - With persistent Vehicles or not persistent Vehicles
    - Easily edit/add Prices, Items, Vehicles, Weapons
    - Easily Blacklist Items, Vehicles, Weapons
    - Easily control about Vehicleammo
    - Vehicleammo count over restart (10 bullets left for the restart = 10 bullets left after restart)
    - Static and Random Traders
    - Work with stock Epoch AH and infistar
    - Work without emod !
    - Work on every Map

    - Copy the "trader" Folder and the Stringtable.xml in your epoch.Mission

    - Add to your init:
      [] execVM "trader\init.sqf"; [] execVM "trader\resetvehicleammo.sqf";   [] execVM "trader\HALV_takegive_crypto_init.sqf";  - Add to your description.ext  ( on the very top and if you use Halv's spawn script as well, you need only 1x the Halv_defines.hpp)
      #include "trader\Halv_defines.hpp" #include "trader\tradedialog.hpp"   #include "trader\HSPricing.hpp" - (optional) Open epoch.Mission/trader/init.sqf to configurate the HS Blackmarket
    - (optional) Open epoch.Mission/trader/settings.sqf and resetvehicleammo.sqf to configurate the Vehicleammo

    - (optional) Open epoch.Mission/trader/HSPricing.hpp to configurate prices, or to add Items, Vehicles, Weapons and so on

    - (optional) Remove 1 Epoch Trader for every Blackmarket Trader you added (remove Epoch Trader: \Arma 3\@epochhive\epochconfig.hpp  ,search for NPCSlotsLimit)
    - (optional) To get all messages of the traders (like the vehicleworldlimit check) you need:
    Edit your BE Filter:

    For infistar Server:

      for Halv                              for Suppe
    Copyright © 2015 Halvhjearne & Suppe

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your    option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
  16. Like
    Scorpi reacted to Richie in Dayz style heli crash sites   
    My first release and i'm sure the code could be better, so don't shoot me :P
    What this does is spawn a fixed number of heli crash sites with random loot round it.
    The script works on all maps (Thank you Andrew_S90) and will spawn the crash sites randomly round the map.
    The loot spawns on both sides of the crash, I did want it spawning 360 degrees but that's over my scripting ability.
    The crash sites and loot stay in game until the next restart.
    What can be changed  :
    Number of crash sites that spawn - default is 5
    Number of loot piles at the crash sites - default is 15
    Loot that spawns - Edit the loot array
    Installation :
    To use simply drop the helicrash.pbo inside @epochhive/addons/ (Same location as a3_epoch_server.pbo and a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo)
    No BE filters to edit :)

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
    You may not charge for installing this script !
    Credits - Richie, TheVampire & xBowBii
    Download link is Here
    Map center points, thank you Aale and San :)
    Chernarus:     [6968.66, 324.481, 8345.91] Altis:               [14939.9, 0.0534991, 15083.3] Bornholm:      [10058.3, 117.542, 9015.85] Stratis:           [4031.66, 110.605, 4222.18] Taviana      [12800,0,12800]
  17. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from skare6801 in WAI: 1.0.0 - Alpha / Arma 3   
    Line 23  
  18. Like
    Scorpi reacted to second_coming in [Release] AutoLockPicker (Unlock script for vehicles and locked doors)   
    Rejoice, AutoLockPicker v1.2 is here!

    What is it? I hear you ask.
    It's a lock picking script which can unlock locked doors, lock boxes and locked vehicles.
    What's Changed Since v1.1?
    Now uses cursortarget to be more accurate in selecting the target.
    The option to attach a lock pick should only become available if the door or vehicle you are targeting is locked for you.
    Added more user configurable settings:

    // Which locks can be opened LockpickLandVehicles = true; // All land vehicles (cars, vans, trucks etc)   ::: acceptable values true or false LockpickAir = true; // Helis and jets   ::: acceptable values true or false LockpickShip = true; // Boats, jetskis and submarines   ::: acceptable values true or false LockpickEpochDoors = true; // Epoch build-able doors   ::: acceptable values true or false   // Chance to succeed or be electrocuted SuccessChanceVehicles = 20; // (Between 1-100) % Chance to successfully pick the lock SuccessChanceEpochDoors = 20; // (Between 1-100) % Chance to successfully pick the lock ElectrocuteChance = 10; // (Between 1-100) % Chance of electrocution on if the lock pick fails   // Damage Settings InflictDamage = true; // If true damage is added, if false just stun MinimumDamage = 50; // (Between 1-100) min% of full health Damage to inflict must be less than MaximumDamage MaximumDamage = 90; // (Between 1-100) max% of full health Damage to inflict must be more than MinimumDamage StunTime = 15; // Time in seconds to stun the player on electrocution (if it doesn't kill them)   // Materials Required to Create AutoLockPicker EnergyRequired = 100; // Amount of energy expended operating AutoLockPicker (0 for zero energy required) MaterialRequired1 = 'CircuitParts'; // First material required to create AutoLockPicker (default is 'CircuitParts' or Electronic Component) MaterialRequired1Count = 1; MaterialRequired2 = 'ItemCorrugated'; // Second material required to create AutoLockPicker (default is 'ItemCorrugated' or small metal parts) MaterialRequired2Count = 1;  // Usage Restrictions AllowInSafeZone = false; // (Leave true if you don't use inSafezone) Allow use of AutoLockPicker in safezones  // (using the boolean variable inSafezone set here // http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32555-extended-safezone-script-working/) _MinimumPlayers = 0; // Number of players required online before the option to lock pick becomes available (set to 0 to always allow) AllowLockPicksNear = false; // (Leave true for no restriction) selecting false will make the script check if one has been placed within 5m of the player   How does it work?
    (On default settings) the script has a 20% chance to successfully unlock any locked door or vehicle and a 10% chance to electrocute the player causing between 50% and 90% overall damage and giving some funky sound and visual effects :)
    It uses 1 x Electronic Components and 1 x Small Salvage Metal to be able to activate the AutoLockPicker (which are consumed in the attempt to unlock).
    If you are carrying both items and are next to a door or vehicle you get a scroll wheel action to attach the AutoLockPicker. Then use the mousewheel again to select to activate the AutoLockPicker.

    The starting point for this script was StealthSticks ExplosivestoVehicle script (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21652)
    Electrocution visual after effects are from here http://www.altisliferpg.com/topic/224-effects-on-marijuana-use/

    I have also created a modified version of Leighams ud.pbo () to handle the unlocking of vehicles as it has to be done server side otherwise they just relock within a few seconds.
    (If you already use ud.pbo this will not clash with it)

    I'm sold, how do I Install this badboy?

    Step 1: Add the required Battleye Filters:
    Add the following to publicvariable.txt

    !="AUTOLOCKPICK"Add the following to attachto.txt
    !"Land_PortableLongRangeRadio_F"Add the following to scripts.txt: 
    line 1 (BIS_fnc_)

    !"call BIS_fnc_SetPitchBank"Around line 5 (attachTo)
    7 attachTo !"_autolockpick attachTo [_unit,[0,0,0]," !"_autolockpick attachTo [_nearVehicle, [0,0,0.2]];"Around line 21 (exec)
    7 execVM !"AutoLockPicker.sqf"Around line 19 (playableunits)
    !="if(AllowInSafeZone && count playableUnits >= _MinimumPlayers) then"Around line 47 (setDamage)
    !="player setDamage 1;"If I have missed any filters let me know and I will add them here. 
    Step 2: Mission Installation

    Place AutoLockPicker.sqf in your mission file and add a call for it to your mission file (I initialise it from onPlayerRespawn.sqf):
    Here is the onPlayerRespawn.sqf I use: (if you don't already have an onPlayerRespawn.sqf just copy the one supplied in the download into your mission folder)

    if (!isDedicated and hasInterface) then { waitUntil {alive vehicle player}; waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"}; // Activate AutoLockPicker [] execVM "AutoLockPicker.sqf"; systemchat("AutoLockPicker activated..."); }; Edit your description.ext and add the following:
    class CfgSounds { class shocker { name = "electrocute"; // filename, volume, pitch sound[] = {"sounds\electrocute.ogg", 1, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; Then create a folder called sounds in your mission folder and copy electrocute.ogg inside it (from the download) 
    Step 3: Install the Server side addon
    Place a3_epoch_autolockpicker.pbo in @epochhive/addons

    Step 4: All done! YAY!

  19. Like
    Scorpi reacted to vbawol in What you can expect from future major milestone updates   
    There have many bugfixes since the initial release of the 0.3.x client files and we will have more fixes to come soon. A Client side hotfix build will likely be released in about 2 weeks to roll up any client side fixes.   Now for the best part, A small taste of what you can expect from future major milestone updates (0.4,0.5,...): Advanced crafting with total UI overhaul fully extensible and customizable. [Released] Refined P2P and NPC trade systems. More Custom Base building objects and base building refinements. More server and user configurable options. [Released] Documentation on backend DLL calls and usage. [Released] More antagonists and AI refinements. CRC check and server file obfuscation removed. [Released] Custom Vehicles, Weapons, Uniforms and apparel. Custom map based in America. Linux server support. [Released] Bugfixes and much more. Download server files here: http://epochmod.com/download_server.php
  20. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from RC_Robio in THX 4 Release   
  21. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from Axle in THX 4 Release   
  22. Like
    Scorpi reacted to Zupa in [Release] ZHB - Zupa's Hud & Builder. V1.2   
    ZHB - Zupa's Hud & Builder. V1.2 Hotfix

    This is a selfbooting addon inside your mission pbo with easy installation. 
    It will add a hud and hud builder on your server. Default pressing 8 for hud builder and 9 to toggle on and of.
    Future plans
    Opacity on images. More options. Saving to redis. Config to allow hud builder or to disable it Define your own keybinds.  
    Fixed a wrongly named variable Infistar should work now correctly.  
    KeyUp Handlers.  

    Feel free to push fixes/addition to the git.
    Battleye Filters in Scripts.txt
    Edit the following exceptions to the 7 xxx , only copy the part that starts with !
    Search for the tag word and place the rest behind it.

    7 displayAddEventHandler !"ZupaKeyUpWorking = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyUp', '_this call ZHB_fnc_handleKey'];" 7 displayRemoveEventHandler !"(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ['KeyUp',ZupaKeyUpWorking];" 7 createDialog !="createDialog \"Z_HUD_Builder\";" 7 playableUnits  !",count playableUnits ,_align,_valign" Edit your filters as stated above. Place the ZHB folder in your mission pbo. Place the folowing on the bottom of your description.ext If you already have a RscTiles or CfgFunctions, place the includes in there ofcourse.

    #include "ZHB\ZHudBuilder.hpp" class RscTitles { #include "ZHB\ZHud.hpp" }; class CfgFunctions { #include "ZHB\ZHB_Functions.hpp" }; 4. Add the following in your antihack as exception.
    Z_HUD_Builder 5001, -3 5. DONE - Change the fn_initVariables to your likings.
    You can edit the default hud in the initVariables.sqf
    // Starting positions Z_HUD_pos = [ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // Bottom SIde -> left to right 0,0,3,4,5,6,0,0, // Right Side -> bottom to top 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // Top side -> right to left 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 // Left side -> top to bottom ];  
    Numbers are as following:
    // 0 = Nothing/ Blank // 1 fps // 2 players // 3 damage // 4 crypto // 5 hunger // 6 thirst // 7 grid // 8 fatique // 9 Restart // 10 Toxicity // 11 Stamina // 12 Energy Extra
    Restart timer is default disabled to be picked ( change in initVariables.sqf) icons are 6 kb paa's, CAN U BELIEVE IT? SO SMALL  


  23. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from Nic in Will there be Taviana Map for Epoch A3?   

    Anyway you and GZA did a nice job with the last Mapupdate :rolleyes:
  24. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from Major Khunt in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    _townArr = nearestLocations [_cntr, ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"], 30000];
  25. Like
    Scorpi got a reaction from BLTZ71 in Dedicated Server Tool   
    nice, I would have interest.

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