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Server Admins we are looking for your feedback for 1.0.4


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My goal for 1.0.4 is to make it easier for you to customize your servers and to create less work and issues with future patches. What I need to know is, what is the most common issue you face when updating and what can we do in the mod to make it easier.


Now i do not intend to add every feature possible but are looking at what epoch files do you spend the most time changing to suit your needs. For example after talking with Tansien from DayZero, I recently added in 1.0.4: 

Provide option to have loot tables loaded from mission file. DZE_MissionLootTable = true will look for loot configs via missionConfigFile.

This can be used to drastically change your servers loot tables and will eliminate the need to modify several core epoch files.


Please keep it short and to the point, thanks for your support and feedback!

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  • Optimize server performance so we can run more than 50 players servers
  • Separate vehicles from objects in the database
  • Fix safes wiping items
  • Remove all the hive writes to the console (doesn't need to show IMO)
  • Better logging to RPT file (vehicle damage would be nice to see)

I'll keep thinking :)

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  • Optimize server performance so we can run more than 50 players servers
  • Separate vehicles from objects in the database
  • Fix safes wiping items
  • Remove all the hive writes to the console (doesn't need to show IMO)
  • Better logging to RPT file (vehicle damage would be nice to see)

I'll keep thinking :)



That is not actually what I am asking for, but most of that is in 1.0.4. 

1. We have added the PVS+PVC improvements from DayZCE 1.8. as 1.8 has seen good server fps gains from this. 

2. https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/CHANGE%20LOG%201.0.4.txt#L1

3. Lowered weapon counts to reduce the chance this can happen since the increase caused more reports. My thought on this is that we are running into memory limits on the client/server. As we have yet to be able to reproduce it.

4. There is an option in the hiveext.ini to change this and we are updating the dll this patch to the latest from rajkosto thanks to Tansien from DayZero.

5. https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/CHANGE%20LOG%201.0.4.txt#L25

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I love the removal of copper, great call on that. The currency system needs to be a single unit anyway. It's far too cumbersome as it is. Gold bars (ought to be coins) should not occupy inventory, it should be an additional HUD icon that tracks the number of coins you have in your 'coinpurse'. Everything should be varying amounts of the same coin.


cen nailed a huge issue with the database. As an admin I spend too much time in my database because things aren't seperated enough. There should be individual DB's for vehicles, buildable items, and then normal inventory. As an owner I need to keep track of where the vehicles are and where the bases are being built (and when both are abandoned).


Lastly, ditch the horrible key system for vehicles or at least make it to where we can recover the key easily. I'd be all for punch key entry like lockboxes while leaving the ability to hotwire.


Add the option to make base building items invulnerable.


Really this stuff is easily researched. Want to know what to add? Sort the popular Epoch servers by players and look at what the most popular ones have in common. And yeah, greatly increase logging or allow the option to 'log all' and let it all write. I'd like to be able to go back and see everything: who killed who, what was bought and sold, what was crafted and placed (and where)...stuff like that but logged very specifically.


Oh, and thank you guys for your work. You don't get that enough. Epoch is a blast to play, you should be very proud.

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I love the removal of copper, great call on that. The currency system needs to be a single unit anyway. It's far too cumbersome as it is. Gold bars (ought to be coins) should not occupy inventory, it should be an additional HUD icon that tracks the number of coins you have in your 'coinpurse'. Everything should be varying amounts of the same coin.


cen nailed a huge issue with the database. As an admin I spend too much time in my database because things aren't seperated enough. There should be individual DB's for vehicles, buildable items, and then normal inventory. As an owner I need to keep track of where the vehicles are and where the bases are being built (and when both are abandoned).


Lastly, ditch the horrible key system for vehicles or at least make it to where we can recover the key easily. I'd be all for punch key entry like lockboxes while leaving the ability to hotwire.


Add the option to make base building items invulnerable.


Really this stuff is easily researched. Want to know what to add? Sort the popular Epoch servers by players and look at what the most popular ones have in common. And yeah, greatly increase logging or allow the option to 'log all' and let it all write. I'd like to be able to go back and see everything: who killed who, what was bought and sold, what was crafted and placed (and where)...stuff like that but logged very specifically.


Oh, and thank you guys for your work. You don't get that enough. Epoch is a blast to play, you should be very proud.

That is not really what I am asking, I want to know what is needed of us to better support the current modding that is already being done. A better question maybe what core epoch files get edited that have to be updated after each patch?

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My biggest concern is that when the copper disappears that we(who have custom prices on everything) will have to update everything manually again.

Copper will still exist just not used as a currency. We have an update sql just for this that should take care of even custom prices: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server%20Files/SQL/1_0_4_updates.sql

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Updating is quite easy to be honest, and i loved the fact that more server side stuff is made server side (no need to overload the MPMission with more than it needs to send).


It might be nice to add all configurable variables in the init by default. From what I have seen on the snapping topic, snapping is something definately worth adding to 1.0.4 (i still wonder why something like this hasn'tbeen added before, since its a modular Must-Have!)


What I personally think is a good thing to consider is making the OwnerID of objects changable more easily, so admins can decide if they use CharacterID, or playerUID as owner more easily.


[And this is just Pure lazyness, but it would be nice to know if files remained untouched, or parts, IE , if no changes has been made to mission.sqm  / traders , then we dont need to reinstall our trader mods and just keep the ones we have installed. I dont think they traders for example get changed that often, but to be safe when modding i reinstall even that part every update]

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I personally see no problem with the way the mod and the file structure is now, server owners can choose to install what they want, for fresh new servers it's good for the owners/admins to learn how to add scripts anyway so when things go wrong they have a reasonable idea how to debug.


I think if mod options are added in to the basic vanilla Epoch server files it runs the risk of becoming "bloatware"


I much prefer to have fresh clean vanilla files to update with my chosen mods.

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Any chance you guys will update to 1.8 base code so that maps that get updated will be able to be used with epoch in the future?


Namalsk 075 is an example, and if the Taviana 3.0 update ever comes that would be another one.


Also, what are the odds of a run-down/tutorial to get the 1.8 GUI/Inventory added since nobody has seemed to do it since it was added in 1.0.3?

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Any chance you guys will update to 1.8 base code so that maps that get updated will be able to be used with epoch in the future?


Namalsk 075 is an example, and if the Taviana 3.0 update ever comes that would be another one.


Also, what are the odds of a run-down/tutorial to get the 1.8 GUI/Inventory added since nobody has seemed to do it since it was added in 1.0.3?

1.8 may come with the 1.0.5 patch but that way of loading epoch is not supported. Your double loading or even over writing our own systems if the load order is off then it makes a mess and you said your self that it is messing with version control. A better way could be for us to change all of our main config classes like dayz_code to dze_code etc. This way I believe we can control exactly what is loading via the mission addons section.


As you know the proper way is by actually using the maps as the where released by the author. The only issue is getting it to the players, PlayWithSix solves this issue pretty well and they are working on a new version with a redesign.

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My most changed files are playeractions, compiles, and variables.

Custom loot tables with a simple switch would rock.

Everything else is just database gripes and thus not what you're looking for I'm guessing.


My most changed files are playeractions, compiles, and variables.

Custom loot tables with a simple switch would rock.

Everything else is just database gripes and thus not what you're looking for I'm guessing.



Agree on that. 

 It would be nice if we could have custom fn_playerAction functions without having to use the latest version all the time (on the other hand it keeps you aware of your mods). 

Weather settings is perhaps something to consider to add MPMission init vars for

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Honestly, the three files I mentioned are the easy part as far as calling custom files goes. What would be most useful for me from an update standpoint is a list of files that changed and what got changed/added in them. Then I could tell at a glance what I need to tweak and what will continue to work as usual without the need to start over with a fresh (newer) file.

And, as randomness suggested, a way to insert code without including a complete copy of the file being added to would be fantastic.

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Personally, I spend the most time adding things to traders, took me about an hour or so to add all the colored chainsaws to the general traders. You should make some sort of thing where if ur logged in as admin you can do some sort of in-game editor or maybe just a tool that lets you import things quicker. Because honestly, to add 4 items to a trader shouldn't take a whole hour of non stop typying and copy and pasting. 

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probably excluding the fn selftactions and compiles too wouldnt be too bad, as well as a option for a custom loading image, but these things are not so hard to do yourself

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1.8 may come with the 1.0.5 patch but that way of loading epoch is not supported. Your double loading or even over writing our own systems if the load order is off then it makes a mess and you said your self that it is messing with version control. A better way could be for us to change all of our main config classes like dayz_code to dze_code etc. This way I believe we can control exactly what is loading via the mission addons section.


As you know the proper way is by actually using the maps as the where released by the author. The only issue is getting it to the players, PlayWithSix solves this issue pretty well and they are working on a new version with a redesign.


There's a right way and there's a lazy DayZ Players way :D


Maybe you can have a chat with DotJosh and have him create a "maps" section in commander that content creators can add their maps too, then have support for launching map+mod added.

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Please add the custom methods from Rajkosto's hiveext.dll so we can use them for additional SQL

Already done we are releasing a new dll with 1.0.4 that is fully up-to date with rajkosto's and adds 500-505 calls for custom sql query.



Agree on that. 

 It would be nice if we could have custom fn_playerAction functions without having to use the latest version all the time (on the other hand it keeps you aware of your mods). 

Weather settings is perhaps something to consider to add MPMission init vars for

We could add a include inside the player actions to allow loading a sqf file from the mission. Also the Weather is initialized via the mission file already so that should be fairly easy to modify.
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There's a right way and there's a lazy DayZ Players way :D


Maybe you can have a chat with DotJosh and have him create a "maps" section in commander that content creators can add their maps too, then have support for launching map+mod added.

I have already talked to Josh and made sure he understands our needs, maybe if more players demanded it we would get it.
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I must admit that for my brief stint as a server admin the most useful thing you could have provided would have been a changelog that described what changed in detail(remember things always make more sense to the person writing them since you know the context and background) and that also told us what files were changed from the previous version. As many have stated, if a file wasn't touched then it would be handy to know we didn't have to replace it for the newer version if we had modified it in anyway.

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